Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Al Capones' Gang vs. CIA

Disclaimer: I don't own Deadliest Warrior; but I wish I did.

Deadliest Warrior, Chapter 12: Al Capones' Gang vs. CIA

Al Capone, the ruthless gangster whose criminal empire bloodied the streets of depression-era Chicago.
(We see Al's mobsters shooting down a rival gang).

The CIA; America's elite core of espionage artists. Fighting an undercover war around the globe.
(We see a CIA agent shoot an enemy agent with his Briefcase Gun).

                                                        WHO IS DEADLIEST?
To find out, our world class fighters are testing histories most lethal weapons. Using 21st century science, we'll see what happens when the two warriors go toe to toe. No rules. No safety. No mercy. It's a duel to the death, to decide who is....THE DEADLIEST WARRIOR!

Al Capone Gang
Reign of Terror: 1922 - 1931
Members :10 - 20
Crimes: Bootlegging & Murder

Years Active: 1947 - Present
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 180 LBS
Missions: Covert & Paramilitary OPS

Narrator: Here at the fight club, we'll pit four weapons used by ruthless crime boss Al Capone:

Stiletto Knife
Submachine Gun
Pineapple Grenade
Brass Knuckles

Narrator: And pit them against the weapons used by America's elite secret agents:

Garrote Wire
Exploding Cigar
Briefcase Gun

Narrator: First, our two fighters will test out their sinister close range weapons: Al Capone Stiletto Knife, and the CIA's Garrote Wire.

Bob faced his dummy, knife in hand. With a flick the retractable blade popped out, ready for action. He stepped up to the dummy and gutted it with the blade. But he wasn't finished just yet. He slit the dummies throat, then reached in grabbed the tongue and pulled out the cut; a Sicilian necktie.

Fred stood behind a dummy holding a thin wire. When he got the signal he looped the wire around the neck of the dummy and pulled back with all his might. The wire cut deep into the skin when, suddenly, the wire cut through and decapitated the dummy.

Dr. Dorian: Well, both of these weapons do the job just fine, but I think that since the garrote really needs more stealth to be used effectively, I'm giving the edge to the Stiletto Knife.

Edge: Al Capone

Narrator: Next, our two teams will break out the big guns as the fire at each other with their long range weapons: CIA's Mac-10 against Al Capone Submachine Gun.

Fred stood looking at the special moving target dummies. When he got the signal he opened fire, hitting the first dummy in the head from the get go. With deadly accuracy, the dummies were quickly destroyed in about nineteen seconds.

Bob took the fully loaded Tommy Gun and looked out over the course. On receiving the signal he let out a spray of bullets that soon had destroyed the course. The time was just about twenty seconds.

Dr. Dorian: The times are real close, and both seem equally deadly, but I think I'm going to give this one to the Mac-10.

Edge: CIA

Narrator: Now our two deadly teams will test out their deadly explosive weapons: Al Capone Pineapple Grenade and CIA Exploding Cigar.

Bob walked out toward his target. In the middle of a demolition site they had built a fake room with several dummies inside. Bob pulled the pin on the grenade and tossed it through the window of the building, then ran away. The grenade went off, knocking over some of the walls. Dr. Dorian came and examined the bodies. Some had been killed by the explosion, while some by the shockwave, while others (while injured) were left alive.

Fred carefully stuck a special CIA cigar in the mouth of a dummy. The dummy was sitting at a desk, wearing an expensive suit. Fred lit the cigar, then ran back behind the blast shield. After a few moments, the cigar went off, blowing the dummy's face off in an impressive shower of gore.

Dr. Dorian: While both weapons are impressive, and the CIA cigar is certainly sneaky, I have to say I like the Grenade better. It can hit multiple targets, and unlike the Cigar, which needs to be near the victim in order to do damage, the Grenade does not. My edge goes to the Pineapple Grenade.

Edge: Al Capone

Narrator: For our final test, the two teams will test a unique special weapon: The CIA Briefcase Gun, and Al Capone Brass Knuckles.

Fred readied himself for the test: he was to walk toward three dummies, all dressed in business suits. He was to shoot the one in the middle (preferably a kill shot). As he moved toward them, they came at him. When he judged himself close enough, he twitched his hand and fired. The shot hit the center dummy in the chest as a kill shot.

Bob was next, flexing his hand in a set of brass knuckles. He was supposed to punch a skull as many times as it took for the "victim" to "die". The fist punch actually caused a small dent in the skull, the next punch made it bigger, with multiple fractures radiating from the center.

Dr. Dorian: These two weapons are very different: one direct, one sneaky. The Brass Knuckles are effective, but it takes more then one hit, and it requires the user to be very close. The Briefcase Gun is the exact opposite. It can't be used effectively at close range, but one well aimed shot could be all it takes to bring someone down. Using that weapon takes real skill, since your firing from the knee or lower. The Brass Knuckles don't really take any real skill, and anyone can use them. So for those reasons, my vote goes to the Briefcase Gun.

Edge: CIA

Narrator: With all the testing complete, Max Geiger uploads the data gathered from the tests into the battle simulation, developed by Slitherine Studio, to simulate a battle to the death between these two warriors. To make sure that victory isn't snatched by a single lucky blow, the battle will be simulated 1000 times. Who will win in this squad on squad battle of opposites? The Creme of the Crop of Crime: Al Capone? Or America's most secret and effective assassins: the CIA? It's time to find out which team is deadliest!

Close Range Edge: Al Capone Gang Stiletto Knife

Long Range Edge: CIA Mac-10

Explosive Weapon Edge: Al Capone Gang Pineapple Grenade

Special Weapon Edge: CIA Briefcase Gun

It's time to find out which warrior is truly the deadliest. Max hits the button on the computer, and suddenly the screen goes "Matrix" on us.

The fight opens with Al Capone and two bodyguards walking into a hotel. Two of his men were already in the hotel, scouting the floor where he would be staying, as well as the floor below and above, to make sure nobody was spying on them. Al merely glanced at the frightened doorman as he made his way inside. He glanced around, there were only two people in the lobby, neither one of them looked like a threat. On his left, a middle aged man reading a newspaper. On his right was a bar, the lady bartender cleaning the counter. Capone and his two men went up in the elevator.

The CIA agent saw his target leaving his hotel room, accompanied by his two armed bodyguards. It was a testament to how much power Capone had that he could walk around wherever he wanted, armed to the teeth. But that was going to end today, him and four others were here to end the Capone empire.
A business man walks toward Capone and his men as they head to the elevator. The CIA prepares himself and fires his Briefcase Gun at Capone . . . but one of his bodyguards stumbles in front of him, and takes the shot to the chest. The man makes a startled gasp, and falls over dead. Before the agent could get off a second shot, Capone's second bodyguard raises his Tommy Gun and blasts him in the chest. Capone's still living bodyguard pulled out a walkie-talkie and called for back-up. He then led Capone to a set of emergency stairs that would take them back to the lobby.

Al Capone: 4                                CIA: 4

The floor above, a CIA agent ducked into dark corner as she saw one of Capone's goons running down the hall. He had just gotten the word from the boss to meet him in the lobby. As he walked past, a CIA agent appeared behind him and rapped a Garrote Wire around his neck. The man gasped for air as the wire bit into his neck. Deciding to take a more direct approach, he pulled out a Stiletto Knife and tried to stab behind him, managing to cut her in the side, though she did not let go. He couldn't stab anymore though, because by then he had started to black out. It was only when his body stopped twitching, that the CIA agent let his body fall lifelessly to the floor.

Al Capone: 3                                CIA: 4

After she let the dead man drop, she went and pressed the call button for the elevator. She was going to head down to the lobby, where her leader had informed her Capone was heading. As she waited, she heard a shout, turned and saw another Capone gangster. He looked down at the dead body, then up at her. Just as the elevator door opened, he leveled his Tommy Gun at her and started to fire. She jumped back into the elevator and ducked down, pulling out her Mac-10. A quick burst of fire to his legs brought him to his knees, a look of pain written across his face. Another burst knocked the gun from his hand and peppered his chest. Seeing the doors close in the elevator, and realizing he is about to die anyway, the Gangster reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out a Pineapple Grenade. He throws the bomb, where it bounces twice before it lands in the elevator just as it closes. With his strength spent, and knowing he'd see his killer in hell soon enough, the Gangster fell over dead.

Inside the elevator the woman was relieved when the elevator doors shut. That was until she heard the Grenade bounce into the enclosed space, just as the doors closed. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in a silent scream just as the bomb went off, killing her and plunging the elevator into the abyss.

Al Capone: 2                                CIA: 3

Capone and his bodyguard emerge into the lobby, just as the elevator crashes onto the ground floor. Al's bodyguard looks across the room and sees the businessman from earlier stand and pull a Mac-10 from beneath his coat. The bodyguard pushes his boss behind the bar counter, knocking over the bartender, just as the CIA operative fires a hail of bullets.

As Al was taking cover he looked over at the bartender, who was, trying to pull something out from her jacket. Al's eyes widened as he saw that it was a Mac-10, just like the other CIA agents had. Al's eyes narrowed in anger. So she was in on it too, huh? She thought she could kill him? That was when Al remembered that during the run down to the lobby, he'd slipped on his brass knuckles, just in case. With that thought, his fist flew out and struck her in the face, making her drop the gun. A slight kick sent it out of reach. He grabbed her around the neck, but she kicked him in the stomach. Al punched her face again and again, and her kicks got weaker and weaker. Until with one final punch, they stopped. The woman was dead.

Al Capone: 2                                CIA: 2

After a while all was quiet. Al's bodyguard, thinking that the agent had run out of ammo, decided to shoot him before he could reload. He stood up Tommy Gun in hand . . . and got shot through the forehead. His dead body dropped to the ground, leaving Al alone.

Al Capone: 1                                CIA: 2

Deciding he wasn't going to go out like this, Al grabbed his bodyguards gun and slid to the side of the bar and immediately started firing. The CIA agent hadn't expected that and got shot in the legs because of it. The man fell to the ground, Al Capone running at him. He raised his gun to fire, but a second burst from the Tommy Gun almost took his hand clean off. When Al got to him, he kicked him in the teeth, knocking the guy back. Then Al picked him up and slammed him into the wall, pinning his arms. That was when Al decided to end this. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his favorite Stiletto Knife. Enjoying the look in the other man's eyes, Al quickly slit his throat, grinning madly as the life blood drained from his enemy.

Al Capone: 1                                CIA: 1

Before Al dropped his dead body, he saw a small box sticking out slightly from the man's front pocket. Al raised an eyebrow as he saw that it was a small box of cigars. Well Al figured that it wasn't like the guy would be using them, so he'd just take them off his hands. Al opened the box, Cuban by the look of it as he headed outside. Al had to give it to the guy, he'd had good taste. Al lit the cigar as he left the building, and ordered the shaking doorman to bring his car around. Al figured he'd have to kill the man once he did, after all, he'd probably heard all the noise. As the man turned around the corner, Al took a big puff on his cigar . . . BOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! The Cigar Exploded, and Al Capone's head was reduced to a pink mist.

Around the corner, the doorman let out a sigh. While not going quite according to plan, Al Capone was dead. He hopped into Al Capone's car, figuring that since Al wasn't going to be needing it, he'd just take it off his hands.

Al Capone: 0                                CIA: 1

Winner: CIA

CIA: 547

Mac-10: 410

Briefcase Gun: 95

Exploding Cigar: 41

Garrote Wire: 1

Al Capone: 453

Submachine Gun: 335

Pineapple Grenade: 115

Stiletto Knife: 2

Brass Knuckles: 1

Narrator: In this deadly battle of Cops vs. Robbers, it was the deadly CIA that took home the Gold. With their Mac-10 scoring in the 400s their victory was well won.

Dr. Dorian: Well, I guess it makes sense, the CIA are highly skilled, and can handle the weapons equally well. Al Capone's team was impressive, but not enough to overcome the skill of their opponent.

The End.