* I own nothing seen
below. Credit
goes to owners Epic Games and Microsoft and the equally awesome people
who did the rest of the pictures. I would also like to thank the Gears of War wiki, without which much of this would not be possible. If
I forgot about someone
then credit goes to you. 
INTRO: "Frankly, other than the fact that they want to kill every man, woman and child out there, we know nothing about them. We've tagged them Locusts since this degree of death has only been seen in times of plague. They're subterranean in nature. That's obvious. Aside from that, I'm afraid..."
— An unidentified human scientist dubbing the name of the Locust Horde
The Locust Horde was a race of reptilian humanoids that until Emergence Day, have lived in and established their civilization in the subterranean regions of Sera, known as the Hollow. It is unknown for how long the Locust Horde have lived in the Hollow, but it has come to be understood that their creation was after the research project led by Niles Samson that oversaw the research on several Lambent-infected Imulsion miners at the New Hope Research Facility, the eventual shutdown of the facility, and Niles Samson's trip with a group of scientists and Sires to inside Mount Kadar. At some point, the Locust Horde decided that its secondary goal was the extermination of the human race down to every man, woman, and child. The Locust Horde's primary goal was to populate the surface of Sera. The Locust waged a tactically beneficial war of genocide against the Humans due to the existence of a civil war between the Locust Horde and the Lambent Locust. This civil war was going on for an undetermined amount of time, but was gradually forcing the Locust out of the Hollow and into a war with humanity over who controls the surface world. All known attempts of the Humans negotiating with the Locust Horde ended in violence, although Adam Fenix believed he could end the war peacefully.
The Locust Horde consisted of a common race of drones and all manner of other animals that were indigenous to the underground tunnels known as the Hollow, which is a common name used to describe the hollow portions of the underground of Sera which was mainly controlled by the Locust Horde. Located under Mount Kadar was the Locust capital known as Nexus.
The majority of the Horde's technology was stolen or salvaged from what the Humans dumped, or reverse engineered from their enemies' technology. However, the Locust Horde was able to develop some of their own technology, including small-arms, large weapons and armor placed on their tamed beasts, munitions, architecture and a considerable grasp of computer technology. The Locusts' small-arms appeared to be at around the same level as that of humans with similar small-arms, although the Locusts' arsenal seemed to be more biologically based with the use of Tickers, Nemacysts, Brumaks etc. Locust troops will use nearly any weapon, whether it is one of their own design, reverse-engineered Human technology or human-made.
The Locust are able to use their various units to tunnel underground, allowing them to access places the enemy cannot. They can even burrow right up under their foes! Scouts can be sent underground to survey what's going on above, giving the Locust some idea of what they're dealing with. They may also send out scouts on the flying barges. If there is any native wildlife, the Locust will work to capture it and make it part of their army.
Another favorite tactic of the Locust is torture. They'll capture anyone they can get their hands on and brutally extract the information from them. It doesn't matter if the person they capture is an enemy or a native, nor does age, gender, or if the person is a soldier or a civilian. The Locust will torture them regardless until they either find out what they want to know or the person dies. Even after they are satisfied they have extracted the information, they will lobotomize their victim and make them a slave.
Flame Boomer (Boomer)
Weapon Type: Fire
Armor Type: Body Armor
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: 10 meters
Preferred Range: 10 meters and closer
Classification: Flamethrower Unit
A member of the Boomer class of Locust Horde, these soldiers are loaded with body armor and equipped with a powerful flamethrower. They take great pleasure in watching their enemies reduced to charred meat… especially if they're human.
Ranged: Scorcher
-The Scorcher was a lightweight, man-portable, dry chemical-fuel flamethrower. The Scorcher propels a stream of flame that damages and sets enemies on fire, dealing major damage over several seconds. The Scorcher was designed specifically to excel in short-range combat, possessing a maximum range of approximately 10 meters.
Melee: Enhanced Strength
-Flame Boomers are stronger then human beings. They will also try and bash enemies with the Scorcher if they get close enough.
Defense: Body Armor & Helmet
-The Flame Boomer wears slightly more armor then normal Boomers. This allows them to take more damage from assault weapons. However, their Scorcher's fuel tank is an obvious weak spot.
Additional Factors:
-Flame Boomers will will charge and fire the Scorcher (even when ridiculously out of range) meaning they tend to use up their ammo quickly. That said, doing so appears to be a screening tactic, as it obscures the Boomer from view if seen from the front, and hampers sniping attempts.
-Flame Boomers love to flank their enemies.
-Despite having more armor then other Boomers, the Flame Boomer is actually considerably faster.
Grinder (Boomer)
Weapon Type: Machine Gun
Armor Type:
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Shotgun
Classification: Suppressive Support Fire
The Grinder (aka Bucket Head) is a Boomer variant recently fielded by the Locust Horde. They are equipped with a Mulcher machine gun, which they can use to lay down thunderous suppressive fire on enemy troops.
Ranged: Mulcher
-The Mulcher was a heavy, hand-cranked, rotary gatling gun developed by the Coalition of Ordered Governments. However, like most COG weapons, it soon found it's way into the hands of the Locust. It has an ammo capacity of 500 per cartridge, and can fire at a rate of 1200 per minute. Trying to fire while on the move will lower the weapons accuracy. The accuracy can be increased tremendously by either deploying the Mulcher's base or resting it on some kind of cover. While an individual shell may not do much damage, the rate of fire makes this a moot point.
The Mulcher has a tendency to overheat, and will lock up if it does. Fortunately, the Mulcher has a built-in water-cooling system that can flush the weapon with coolant in order to bring it down to safe levels.
Melee: Enhanced Strength
-It should be noted that while Mulchers are stronger then normal humans, they require both hands to operate their weapons.
Defense: Body Armor w/ Modified Neck
-They wear standard armor with the exception that their chest-plate has a high collar to protect their neck from both enemy fire and possibly from being hit and burned by the shells expelled from their own gun. To protect their heads, they sport a high, flat-topped, cylindrical helmet with the Locust symbol shining in the center. Their helmets make them less vulnerable to headshots than other Boomers.
Don't make fun of his Dragonborn cosplay. Trust me, you'll regret it. |
Mauler (Boomer)
Weapon Type: Flail
Armor Type: Body-armor and Shield
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Melee Assassins?
Another Locust of the Boomer class, the Mauler is a sight to behold, with it's horned helmet, shield, and deadly flail. Don't be fooled by its choice of weapon! A blow from that weapon is enough to turn some men into a red stain, armor and all!
Melee: Explosive Flail
-The Mauler's flail causes an explosion whenever it hits something. If it hits the ground it can cause an area of effect explosion that can knock a man to his knees. If it strikes a person, it's the same as if a grenade exploded right against them: Unless they're wearing really good armor they're probably gonna die.
Defense: Heavy Body Armor & Boomshield
-The Body armor is heavier then a normal Boomer, allowing them to withstand grenade level explosions even at close range, repeatedly.
-Their boomshield can also tank explosions, but can also soak up assault weapon fire. However, the weapon only covers the body, leaving the feet and head exposed. The Boomer does wear a large helmet to try and cover for this weakness, and their helmet, allowing them to take two headshots from sniper rifles before dying.
-Mauler Elite (Boomer)
A Mauler Elite is similar to a Mauler in many aspects, however they are better trained and much more deadly with their flails. Their shields are also modified to bounce bullets back at their attackers.
Additional Factors:
-Maulers will put on a burst of speed as they approach the target.
You want me to put the hammer down? Alright! |
Tremor (Boomer)
Weapon Type: Hammer
Armor Type: Body Armor
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Melee-Centric Summoner
A special variant of the Boomer class, the Tremor is easily recognizable by his large hammer. As though that weren't bad enough, the Tremor possess a special ability that makes him an even greater threat to his enemies.
Melee: The Tremor has a large war hammer that it carries about at all times. As the head of a hammer is larger then a man's head, a direct blow from this could easily kill a man (unless he's got some damn fine personal defenses). Hitting the ground with it will cause a small, you guessed it, tremor that can knock enemies off balance.
Defense: The Tremor has a large chest plate on over its chest and groin area, as well as a helmet that only exposes the face and sides of the head. The arms are lightly protected by what appears to be some sort of leather or other light body armor (this applies to the legs as well).
Special: Seeder Summoning
-The Tremor will carry with him several 'Tremor Spikes' that he can hammer into the ground. These special nails emit a signal that the Seeders (See Armor) can home onto.
Additional Factors:
-Tremors are often accompanied into battle by other Locust forces. In the past these have either been Mauler Elites or Theron Elites.
Did he just fire five bullets... or six? |
Bolter (Drone)
Weapon Type: Pistol
Armor Type: Body Armor
Mobility: 5
Training: 4.5
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Pistol
Classification: Pistol Experts
A rather odd class of Drone, the Bolter is a Locust that exclusively uses a pistol in combat. They are masters of its use, and exceedingly deadly in combat.
Ranged: Boltok Pistol
-It is a high-caliber, double-action revolver with a 6-round capacity, a side swing chamber and an enclosed hammer. It is heavier, slower to fire, and holds half as much ammunition as the COG-issue Snub Pistol, but does unequivocally more damage per shot and has exceptional stopping power. A single shot is capable of decapitating a target.
Melee: Enhanced Strength
Defense: Their armor is thicker, and they are easily distinguished from regular Drones by their improved armor, which includes a full helmet and shoulder plates.
Additional Factors:
-Their name is also a comment on their speed, as they are prone to darting around its enemies, hiding and then popping up again.
-Unlike most Locust the Bolter seems to prefer staying out of melee range.
Cleaver Theron (Drone)
Weapon Type: Cleaver
Armor Type: Body Armor
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Melee-Centric Hack 'N Slashers
A melee centric Locust, the Cleaver Theron charges forward without fear of death
Melee: They are armed with a large Butcher Cleaver (that looks like a large sword) with which they will use to slice their enemies into bits.
Defense: Standard Body Armor and a helmet. They will also use their Cleavers like shields. They are strong enough to stop chainsaws.
Additional Factors:
-The Cleaver Therons will charge with absolutely no hesitation. They will run right past cover and won't stop swinging until everything is dead. This can mean though that they take a lot of damage before even getting into combat.
Flame Grenadier (Drone)
Weapon Type: Flamethrower
Armor Type: Minimal
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: 10 meters
Preferred Range: Closer then that
Classification: Drone version of Flame Boomer
A Flame Grenadier is a Locust Grenadier armed exclusively with the Scorcher Flamethrower, and, like all grenadier classes, specialized in CQC.
Ranged: Scorcher
-The Scorcher was a lightweight, man-portable, dry chemical-fuel flamethrower. The Scorcher propels a stream of flame that damages and sets enemies on fire, dealing major damage over several seconds. The Scorcher was designed specifically to excel in short-range combat, possessing a maximum range of approximately 10 meters.
They may also be equipped with a backpack fuel tank to significantly increase the fuel capacity of the Scorcher.
Melee: Enhanced Strength
Defense: Helmet, and armor on the arms and legs. Much of its chest is left exposed.
Additional Info:
-Is basically just like the Flame Boomer.
Grenadier (Drone)
Weapon Type: Assorted
Armor Type: Body Armor
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Shotgun
Classification: Locust Shock Troops
The Locust Shock Troop, the Grenadiers were present at several important battles for the Locust. Using a variety of weapons the Grenadier is great at sieges, ransacking, and wholesale slaughter. They are thus an important part of any Locust attack.
-Mark II Lancer Assault Rifle: A major improvement on the original, the Mark II came with a chainsaw bayonet, increased accuracy, lower recoil, and larger ammunition carrying capacity. It has a magazine size between 50 and 60 rounds, and a total maximum ammunition capacity of 660 rounds.
-Gnasher Shotgun: The Gnasher Shotgun was a short-barreled, lever-action military shotgun that is commonly deployed by the Coalition of Ordered Governments' Gears. It was comparatively small and easy to aim, making it exceptionally useful for close quarters combat, and was an extremely reliable and rugged weapon. Like most weapons made by the COGs, it was stolen and re-purposed by the Locust for use and their war against the surface dwellers. As a shotgun, the Gnasher fired 12-gauge buckshot rounds, with nine pellets per shell - this resulted in a spray of shot over a cone-shaped trajectory; because of this, the Gnasher was not particularly difficult to aim and was often capable of taking down man-sized targets in a single shot. The Gnasher also has long, lethal range for a shotgun, capable of inflicting (albeit minimal) harm to targets up to 8 meters away, but the shot will go further. It's magazine size was 8 shells, and it's maximum ammunition was 46 shells.
-Boltok Pistol
-Bolo Grenade: The Bolo Grenade is substantially different from any other previous fragmentation grenade, both in damage and as throwing method. The grenade's structure consists of an explosive attached to a chain-like extension that is swung around and released when enough momentum is gained to throw it. Its targeting system is also quite different, since it actually maps out a predicted trajectory. In addition, the grenade's blast radius is quite large.
Melee: Increased Strength, and the Chainsaw on the end of their assault rifles
Defense: A thick hide like other Drones, but the Grenadier doesn't really seem to wear much armor.
-Grenadier Elite: The Grenadier Elite was a higher rank of the standard Grenadier and can take and deal more damage. They wear studded shoulder armor and a chest strap, and appear to be much more seasoned combat operatives. Their barbaric armor suggests that they are rather brutal fighters, and up-close they prefer to go for a one-shot-kill with the Gnasher Shotgun. Grenadier Elites are very skilled with Bolo Grenades, being especially skilled at flushing out or even killing enemies who think they're safe behind cover.
Weapon Type: Body
Armor Type: Minimal
Mobility: 5
Training: 3
Max Range: Leaping
Preferred Range: Biting
Classification: Cannon Fodder
The Wretch was a Hollow creature that the Locust Horde used as cannon fodder. They were small, wiry, hunched creatures that excelled in swarm and ambush tactics. They were relatively intelligent, able to set traps and manipulate unsuspecting soldiers and civilians into their traps.
Melee: Claws & Teeth
-Wretch's attacked with claws and teeth, looking tear as much flesh from their victims as possible, targeting soft flesh, eyes, throats, etc. On it's own, a Wretch is strong enough to overpower the average adult human. However, they are not strong enough to deal with a trained human marine or equivalent. Thus, Wretch's will usually try to avoid entering a fight one-on-one.
Defense: Wretch's seem to have some arm guards up to the elbow, and the harness on their back offers minimal protection. Really though, Wretch's don't take gunfire as well as most Locust creatures. To compensate, they try to overcome this weakness with pure numbers.
Special: Screech: The Scream of a Wretch is both very loud and very disturbing. A closer ranges, the Scream can cause enemies to become stunned, locking up for a few moments.
Additional Factors:
-Wretch's are very agile and very quick. They are able to crawl and cling to most surfaces.
-When not fighting, Wretch's will seek out abandoned buildings or similar structures to inhabit.
-Wretch's are much smarter then their appearance would suggest. They will flank enemies, or use one of their own as bait to lure victims into a ambush or other trap.
Cyclops (Drone)
Weapon Type: Assault Rifles
Armor Type: Body Armor & Helmet
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
CLASSIFICATION: Highly Trained Drone Solider
The Cyclops was a Locust Drone, named for the monocular targeting helmet they wear. The Cyclops' most infamous trait is their habit of looting human weaponry, particularly Mark II Lancers, from fallen Gears and using them to deadly effect against their former owners.
Ranged Weapons:
-Hammerburst: The standard issue Locust Assault Rifle, the Hammerburst has a 6-round burst fire mode and a 78-round magazine. The Hammerburst features a relatively short barrel and compact size, and excels in medium to long-range combat, as the burst fire can be fired from distances close enough to hit and far enough to not be seen, while tracking targets before they get to cover. However, the Hammerburst is not as effective in close quarters combat.
-Mk.2 Lancer Assault Rifle
-Snub Pistol: Packing twelve rounds per magazine, the Snub Pistol was much more accurate then other pistols, however it did lack some of the penetrating power of its contemporaries.
Melee: Like all Locust, the Cyclops had greater strength then a human marine.
Defense: Body armor, and a special helmet/faceguard.
Grappler (Drone)
Weapon Type: Assault Rifles
Armor Type: Body Armor
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Prefered Range:Assault Rifle
Mobility: 6
Training : 5
CLASSIFICATION: Shock Trooper & Snipers
The Grappler Drone was the Locust shock trooper used in boarding actions during the Assault on Landown and the Siege of Jacinto. They appear to be like normal Drones with the exception of a unique helmet and grappling hook.
Ranged Weapons: The Grappler would have one or two of the following, depending on the mission.
Lancer Assault Rifle
Gnasher Shotgun
One-Shot: The One-Shot was a lever action, heavy-class recoilless sniper rifle manufactured by the Coalition of Ordered Governments. It was known for its prominent laser sight, massive stopping power and armor-piercing capability. It is actually capable of piercing through five targets before it looses power.
Melee: Enhanced Strength
Defense: Body armor, Goggles (used to help the Grappler adjust to the rapid change of light from their home in the Hollow to the surface).
Special: Grappling Hook: Grapplers carry grappling hooks with which they can quickly scale vertical surfaces. They are extremely fast climbers, able to scale great distances quickly.
Additional Factors:
-Grapplers are deployed in small strike teams and often used for quick insertions on enemy positions or ambushes.
-They are very effective snipers, as their grappling hooks allow them to quickly scale vertical surfaces and get to the highest points on the battlefield.
-It is possible, though not confirmed, that their helmet possess distance measuring equipment, needed to judge how far to throw their grappling hooks.
Weapon Type: Varied
Armor Type: Minimal Body Armor
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Shotgun
Mobility: 4
Training: 5-6
CLASSIFICATION: Hunters / Assassins
The Hunter is a class of Grenadier given the task of hunting down and killing certain humans. When not actively hunting a target, they acted as standard Grenadiers.
Ranged Weapons: (Will typically carry at least one of the following)
-Lancer Assault Rifle
-Ghnaser Shotgun
-Boltok Pistol
-Bolo Grenade: The Hunter will always carry several grenades.
Melee: Enhanced Strength
Defense: Minimal body armor concentrated on the extremities, but little on the actual torso.
Special :
-Hunter Elite (Drone): The Locust Hunter Elites are more aggressive and deadly than standard hunters. Oddly, they have even less armor then a standard Hunter or Grenadier, having only a shoulder plate.
Palace Guards (Drone)
Weapon Type: Bow & Varied
Armor Type: Heavy Royal Armor
Max Range: Sniper Range
Preferred Range: Whatever range their Queen desires
Mobility: 4-5
Training: 7
CLASSIFICATION: Guards for the Queen, but can act as the most elite of troops if necessary.
The Palace Guards are made up of the most decorated and accomplished Drones in the Horde's army. They are charged with the defense of the Queen, and carrying out her will to the best of their ability.
Ranged Weapons:
-Torque Bow (Most common): The Torque Bow fires an Imulsion-fueled, explosive-tipped, armor-piercing projectile that resembles a large arrow (or rather, a crossbow bolt). The projectile has a timed fuse which is designed to explode a half-second after penetrating a target, blasting it apart from the inside — almost invariably causing critical injury for the unfortunate target (if not instantaneous death).
When the trigger on the Torque Bow is pulled, an electric motor inside begins revving up and providing power, while said motor also applies rotational force. Onlookers will see a brightening glow from inside the weapon as the magnetic coils warm up. Whilst the Torque Bow can fire at any time, in order to achieve the desired "lethal" penetration level and long effective range, the user must charge the weapon as appropriate; too little power, and the Torque Bow's bolt will fail to penetrate. It may even kill the shooter if the bolt lands close enough.
In order to protect the coilgun system from explosive overloads, keep the weapon's size down, and keep heat build-up from being an issue, the Torque Bow has a fail-safe system whereby it will automatically fire a bolt at maximum power if it charges too long.
In the hands of the Palace Guards, it can be fired with pinpoint accuracy over staggering distances.
The Palace Guards may carry one of the following in addition to the Torque Bow, varying depending on the situation they are in:
-Boltok Pistol
-Longshot Sniper Rifle: A high-caliber, single-shot, bolt-action sniper rifle.
-Under Rare Circumstances, the Guards may operate a Mortar: A long tube which fires an explosive shell with a maximum range of 150 meters (492 feet). When the shell reaches the height of it's ascent, it scatters a series of explosive bomblets that proceed to rain down along the Mortar's firing line. The result is a blanket of devastation, covering a huge range; and can deal critical damage to even large units. The effect this weapon has on enemy morale is dramatic; enemies will flee for cover rather than be caught in the blast radius (and if they don't, they are likely to be killed outright if not seriously wounded). Even better, as an indirect-fire weapon, the Mortar can be safely fired from a relatively secure position. In times of emergency, it can also be fired directly, as a conventional projectile weapon, though if fired this way the shell is rather inaccurate, does not scatter, and rarely kills. The weapon does have some key weaknesses though: It is both tricky to aim and extremely loud and obvious: the firing of a mortar is a dead give-away to all in the area, and a Mortar operator immediately becomes a priority target. Secondly, the weapon is functionally useless if an object (such as a building or other structure) is in the way of the Mortar shell's trajectory: the shell will hit the structure and scatter into smaller bombs before falling back down at the user, usually killing them.
Melee: Enhanced Strength - And being part of the highly trained guard, they are better melee fighters then most Locust Drones.
Defense: The Guards are covered head to toe in heavy armor.
Additional Factors:
-Highly Disciplined: Even where other Locust may go savage, the Palace Guard will not, showing a high degree of dedication to their Queen and personal control not common among the Locust. If they were to encounter an enemy that used psychic suggestion or equivalent (Magic, Indoctrination, etc.) while they wouldn't be totally immune, they would have a much higher resistance then anyone else (save their charges, perhaps).
-No Regrets: The Palace Guards will throw themselves at hopeless odds, willingly giving their lives to protect their Queen.
Sniper (Drone)
Weapon Type: What do you think?
Armor Type: Body Armor / Goggles
Max Range: Sniper
Preferred Range: Sniper
Mobility: 5
Training: 5
CLASSIFICATION: Expert Marksmen / Long-Range Combatant
Expert marksmen of the Horde, the Sniper is greatly feared among Cog Soldiers. For while it may not be as ruthless as drones, it is no less bloodthirsty, sniping their way through any Gear that gets in it's line of sight.
Ranged Weapons:
-Longshot Sniper Rifle
Melee: Enhanced Strength (though they rarely fight CQC, preferring to move to a better vantage point if an enemy gets close).
Defense: Little armor, so as to not impede it's maneuverability.
-The Sniper can, occasionally, be called on to operate a Mortar (see above).
-Infrared/Thermal Goggles: Used to help locate enemies.
Additional Factors:
-They strongly resemble basic drones, meaning the threat they pose may not be obvious until it's to late.
Theron Elite
Weapon Type: Varied
Armor Type: Body Armor
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Mobility: 5
Training: 7
Also known as the Onyx Theron or Black Theron, these Locust were specifically trained and worked under General RAAM himself. They were some of the most deadly Locust alive, in some ways matching the Queen's Palace Guards. The Theron Elite sometimes acted as RAAM's loyal lieutenants, carrying out his will, or even personal champions if necessary.
Ranged Weapons:
-A Torque Bow
One of the following:
-Gorgon SMG: A pistol capable of fully-automatic and burst fire, boasting phenomenal close-range punch. It features dual magazines and a hydraulic burst limiter system designed to prevent the weapon from jamming due to its high rate of fire; with one burst, the Gorgon spits out 8 rounds in under half a second. Designed primarily for close-combat situations, the Gorgon maintains its lethality even out to medium ranges and was extremely deadly in capable hands.
-Elite Sawed-Off Shotgun: Functionally just like any sawed-off, but with two bayonets protruding from the bottom of the gun.
Melee: Enhanced Strength (The Theron Elite are trained by RAAM himself, and are very good at CQC, though they rarely need to use it).
Defense: Thick body armor
Special: Kryll Grenade (See RAAM in Heroes)
Additional Factors:
-Some, or supposedly all, Theron Elites could manipulate Kryll to some extent like General RAAM.
-RAAM is apparently close to his Theron Lieutenants, as witnessing the death of one at the hands of Zeta-Six caused him to swear vengeance against them.
Theron Guard
Weapon Type: Varied
Armor Type: Thick Body Armor
Max Range: Sniper
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
CLASSIFICATION: Commandos & Field Commanders
The Theron Guard was an organization of the Locust Hordes' military which represents the elite of the Locust, the head-and-shoulders above the lowly Drones in terms of equipment, intelligence, and training. They are elite Locust troops, assigned to commando-style raids against high-profile targets and high-level defensive missions that require the sort of precision the Therons possess and can handle. Some members of the Theron also act as field officers, leading the lesser Locust troops into battle. If the Drones and Boomers represent the Locust military's hammer and anvil, then the Theron Guard is most decidedly its scalpel.
Ranged Weapons:
The Theron will carry either a Boltok Pistol or a Gnasher Shotgun as a sidearm.
As a primary weapon, they will tend to use a Torque Bow by choice. They may also make use of Hammerburst and Lancer, Mark 2 Assault Rifles. They will loot dead bodies for weapons if necessary (Locust or enemy).
Melee: Enhanced Strength (stronger then standard Drones), and they'd be better at CQC then drones.
Defense: Therons are easily recognized from other Locust - they wear heavy body armor that covers more of the upper body than drone armor and a long, leather-like strips of material hanging from the back of the waist that trails behind them as they move and gives the impression of a trench coat combined with armor. Many wear distinctive-looking helmets as well, often heavily embellished.
Special: Mounts
-Some Theron Guards will lead a squad from atop a Bloodmount or Reaver (see Calvary and Aircraft, respectively).
Variant: Theron Sentinel
-Sentinels lead and operate small strike force cells of Theron.
Additional Factors:
-They are much smarter then the lesser Locust, and this applies to military tactics as well. They will retreat rather then die if they can. They will also send hordes of lesser Locust to either draw enemies out of cover, or force them to expend all their bullets.
-They love a good ambush, and will often feign retreat in order to lure enemies closer or into ambush zones.
-Because of their high position, Theron elites will decorate their armor to show they are better then their fellow Locust. This makes them easier to spot.
-Many, but not all, tend to be a bit arrogant.
Weapon Type: Varied / Screams
Armor Type: Robes
Max Range: Machine Gun
Preferred Range: Machine Gun or farther
Mobility: 5
Training: 5-6
CLASSIFICATION: Priests / Religious Officials
The Kantus are one of the Locusts' three primary species (The other two being Drones and Theron), and make up the religious sect of the Horde. They are known for their powerful screams, and tend to provide battlefield support.
Ranged Weapons:
-Gorgon SMG
-Hammberburst Assault Rifle
-Ink Grenade (See High Priest Skorge in Heroes)
Melee: Will typically avoid melee if possible, but they are somewhat stronger then a normal human, and their hands have claws.
Defense: Very little. They have a ceremonial helmet, and some robes, but very little otherwise.
Special: Screams
-The Kantus possess the unique ability to use their screams and chants in order to achieve supernatural effects. They can reinvigorate their fellow Locust, healing them even from near death (though they don't seem to be able to heal themselves in this fashion). They can also summon and manipulate animals with their chants/screams, such as tickers, rockworms, etc.
Variant: Armored Kantus:
-The Armored Kantus wore black colored, razor-sharp spiked armor; this armor made them highly resistant to bullet-based weaponry and allowed them to do offensive-based rolls which could slice and tear a downed enemy apart.
Additional Factors:
-For some reason, when a Kantus dies, 9 times out of ten, their body will explode in a cloud of ink.
Queen Myrrah
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Age: ???
Type of Hero Bonus: Leader / Morale
Classification: Queen of the Locust
Myrrah was the Queen of the Locust Horde during both the Locust Civil War and Locust War simultaneously, and then continued in the Lambent Pandemic with the remaining loyal Locust Horde forces. She led her people in an effort hoping to colonize the surface and to destroy the Lambent threat in the Hollow. To accomplish this, Myrrah demands the genocide of the Human race after Professor Adam Fenix failed to find a way to destroy the Lambent. Due to her status over her subjects as the Queen, the Locust treat her with the utmost respect, dying for her if necessary. Despite the fact that she isn't actually a Locust, but rather a human, Myrrah hates humanity as much as her subjects, and condones the genocide of all non-Locust people.
I'll go more into her backstory later in the Leader Section.
Loadout: The Queen does not personally wield any particular weapon, instead having legions of Locust fight for her. When forced to engage personally she usually does so from the back of her mount Tempest, using it's unique abilities as weapons.
Defense: She seems to wear a ceremonial suit of armor with a headdress. She is shown to survive a long fall on the back of her mount, and even when Tempest is destroyed by the Hammer of Dawn, she survives, albeit badly burned and nearly dead. Ultimately, her best defense is just being far away from actual combat as often as possible.
-Can ride on a Reaver as a mount if Tempest is for some reason not available.
Tempest: A large flying Locust creature and the personal mount of Queen Myrrah. Tempest possessed the unique ability to generate vast amounts of heat from it's mouth, which it used to set a barge alight in flames. It also had the ability to summon Shriekers to it's location. It could also use it's body as a weapon. It was capable of flying at such speeds that it was difficult to target. The Tempest was suited up within a set of golden armor. It survived intense gunfire, having a massive weight dropped them, and ultimately had to be killed with multiple blasts from the Hammer of Dawn, basically an orbital death beam satellite.
Additional Factors:
-Myrrah hates humanity and wants them all dead. She genuinely believes the Locust are a superior race, and that the planet rightfully belongs to them.
-If even a single Locust is around her, they will happily take a bullet for her.
General RAAM
Height: 9ft
Weight: ????
Age: ????
Type of Hero Bonus: Strategy / Leadership
Classification: General
General RAAM was a quiet but nonetheless ruthless Locust. RAAM was once a Drone soldier, then a member of the Theron Guard, before his skill, intellect, strength, and his loyalty to the Horde and Queen Myrrah earned him the title of head of the military leadership of the Locust Horde. RAAM had a passion to wipe out all of the Lambent and Humanity, and with his intelligence and willpower, he almost succeeded.
-Boltok Pistol
-A Hand-held Troika (See Defense section)
Melee: A large serrated sword, and is strong enough to casually throw a car out of his way. He also carries a smaller knife in case of emergencies.
Defense: Body armor thick enough to protect him from a chainsaw bayonet.
-Kryll Shield: RAAM can cause Kryll to swarm around him without hurting him, forming a living shield that can soak up bullets in his stead.
-Kryll Grenade: It functioned similar to an Ink Grenade, but instead of toxic ink, it attracted a swarm of Kryll to rip apart any humans unfortunate enough to be caught in it. It is unknown how the Grenade actually attracts the Kryll but it seems that since the Evacuation of Ilima took place during daylight the Grenade might obscure the area so that the Kryll can attack the victim. It could also be something in the Ink helps the Kryll detect its prey. RAAM is very found of using these.
-RAAM is capable of summoning a personal Reaver to his location, and he can ride on top of it into and during battle.
Additional Factors:
-Cares about his men: RAAM cares deeply about the soldiers under his command. After watching one of his Theron get killed, he swore vengeance on their killers.
-Creative Killer: As brutal as he is powerful RAAM chooses particularly unpleasant ways of killing humans unfortunate enough to meet him personally, such as lifting them up by their skulls and then beheading them with his serrated sword.
-Totally Fearless: Fear was not part of RAAM's vocabulary. Even when Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago cleared the Tyro Pillar of his forces, RAAM alone stood his ground and fought to the bitter end. However, this sometimes keeps him from retreating when he really should.
General Karn
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Age: N/A
Type of Hero Bonus: Strategic
Classification: General
"Imagine a man turned inside out and then snapped into pieces. Then stitch that guy back together with alternating strands of barbed wire and dental floss. Top things of with the head of a beady-eyed, fang-baring sea serpent. And if you really want to get it right, imagine that little amalgamation sporting a piece of headgear that's half showgirl, half bombardier." — Damon Baird describing Karn in his journal
Karn was born as a malformed Theron Guard and was considered an outcast. Young and feeble, he explored the Hollow and eventually came upon an injured creature he named Shibboleth, which had suffered a broken leg. Karn saw the creature was just as alone and forgotten as he was and decided to fashion it a new leg, forming a relationship with the beast. Karn later began climbing ranks using intelligence instead of physical strength, becoming a master strategist for the Horde who would later plan Emergence Day, the Locust's initial assault against humanity.
In battle, General Karn was a vicious Locust commander who worked alongside General RAAM to lead the Locust campaign against humanity on Sera's surface. He was considered the most dangerous Locust the Coalition of Ordered Governments had ever faced by Damon Baird.
Ranged: Boltok Pistol
Melee: Enhanced Strength
Defense: Body armor and helmet. While not the heaviest armor, it was better then most Locust would get.
Special: Shibboleth
*High Pitch Girly Scream* |
This massive monster was General Karn's personal mount, with whom he had an almost symbiotic relationships with. It resembles a monstrously-huge spider-like creature. Shibboleth was unique in that it had claws very close to that of a Corpser (one of which is a mechanical prosthetic) and with the ability to launch nemacyst. Shibboleth was extremely unique in that it appeared to serve the Locust (or at least Karn) of its own free will, rather then being broken and forced into servitude like some other animals.
Aside from its sheer size, Shibboleth had many weapons mounted on it with which to savage the armies of men. It had large claws and teeth to start. It also had a digger launcher (A grenade launcher type weapon that fires diggers (see Calvary)), an Incendiary Grenade launcher, mounted Troikas (see Defense), the ability to shoot Nemacysts (See Misc.Air) from its prosthetic leg, and fire bolts of Imulsion (a highly volatile fluid that also has some mutagenic effects).
The creature is covered in heavy plate armor over each leg and around its body. This leaves only its underbelly and parts of its face exposed. However, the creature is so massive and its body so thick that most guns don't seem to do more then annoy it.
Additional Factors:
-Karn was supposedly one of the most powerful members of the Locust hierarchy but was one of the few who didn't focus on personal combat. Instead, he was considered a master planner and a superb commander when it came to leading the charge on the battlefield.
High Priest Skorge
Height: 7 Feet
Weight: ???
Age: ???
Type of Hero Bonus: Morale/ Mass Destruction/ Tactics
Classification: High Priest and General
Skorge was the High Priest of the Kantus caste. As the leader of the Kantus monks, Skorge preached the religion of the Locust. Skorge, being the leader of the Kantus, was the only one able or allowed to communicate with and lead the Rift Worm. He used this ability to lead the Rift Worm to destroy entire human cities in a matter of moments. He is fanatically religious and equally devoted to both the Queen and the Locust cause, caring nothing for the lives of non-Locust creatures.
-Gorgon SMG
-Ink Grenades: The Ink Grenade is an infant Nemacyst Inker housed inside a Bolo Grenade casing. When triggered, the Ink Grenade releases a thick, black and green poisonous smoke for a short amount of time. The smoke damages enemies and obscures their vision. Prolonged exposure (5 seconds or more) to the smoke will down or kill most enemies.
Melee: Dual Chainsaw Staff: This long staff with a chainsaw on each end, it was strong enough to slice through a tank with seemingly no effort.
Defense: Being the leader of the Kantus, Skorge wore a different helmet and armor than his subordinates. His helmet was more of a headdress, with reddish-brown leather straps (giving him the appearance of dreadlocks), rather than the crown-like helmets the Kantus wear. His armor did not entail the twin bands of cloth of the regular Kantus, but instead consisted of spiked armor plates on his forearms and thighs, giving him a more menacing and monstrous look.
Chants: See Kantus (but much more powerful, as befitting his status as High Priest). Skorge can also use his chants to communicate with and direct the Rift Worm (see next entry).
-Skorge has also been known to use a Hydra as a flying mount.
Additional Factors:
-When compared to the other Kantus, his chants are more scream-like, while the other Kantus sound more like they're roaring. However, this could just be because the other Kantus used their "speech" to issue orders to, and revive, Drones, while Skorge used his to lead the Rift Worm.
-Skorge is more brutal in his approach to dealing with humans then any of the other Locust generals, thinking nothing of torturing both soldiers and civilians for the slightest information, and has even personally tortured people himself.
The Riftworm
Length: 8-10 Miles Long
Width: Half a mile across
Age: ???
Type of Hero Bonus: Incredible Mass Destruction / Morale
Classification: Weapon of Mass Destruction / Locust Deity
These massive worms are a sight to behold, and are capable of causing destruction on an unprecedented scale. Semi-Intelligent, these creatures created the Hollow by burrowing though the crust of Sera and leaving behind their waste that enriched the soil and created life inside the Hollows. Thus, the Riftworm is viewed as a God by the Locust for being a life giver.
When the Locust people are at their darkest, the Riftworm gives them hope, and allows them to turn the tide of war. With their god on their side, how can they possibly loose?
Melee: Due to it's large size, the Riftworm can swallow most things it comes across whole, where it's powerful stomach acids would quickly break it down. Anything that managed to survive (likely by standing atop bits of slow melting floating debris inside the Riftworm) would still have to deal with the choking poisonous intestinal gases, or avoid being crushed by the movement of debris inside it.
The Riftworm also has teeth befitting its body size, letting it take large bits out of whatever it pleases.
The Riftworm is so large that it can destroy entire cities by itself, by burrowing under the city and circling it, it would destroy the city's foundations, causing it to collapse.
Defense: The Riftworm is so large, and it's skin so thick, that it's basically invulnerable from the outside. While it MAY be possible to damage it from the outside, it would take a weapon of ludicrous power, such that is never demonstrated in the Gears series.
The only time we've seen a Riftworm die is when all three of its hearts were destroyed.
Nemacytes: The Nemacyte was a bipedal enemy only found within the Rift Worm. The Nemacyte is the Rift Worm's secondary means of destroying living organisms within its stomach area, the primary force being its digestive teeth. They are medium sized, about the size of a Gear soldier, being 6 feet from head to tail. Their bodies consist of a rounded trunk, with two large, pincer-like legs used for movement. For stability, the Nemacytes have a tail that extends from their body and trails behind them as they crawl along on their legs.
The Nemacyte is spawned from small holes inside the Rift Worms stomach and usually travel in small groups, consisting of only three or four at a time. They move quickly and once they begin attacking they are hard to remove as they attempt to eat their prey. Nemacytes, however, are incredibly weak health-wise. A small burst from the Lancer Assault Rifle is enough to kill them.
They seem to live just under the surface of the worm's stomach, emerging from holes that open up in the ground.
Additional Factors:
-While it's implied that more then one Riftworm exists, the Locust will only be getting one for this battle.
Beast Rider
Type of Armor: Body armor
Weapon Type: Hammerburst / Boltok Pistol
Speed: As fast as their mount
Calvary Purpose: Widespread destruction, kill civilians
The Beast Rider was a Locust Drone that rode on a Bloodmount, Reaver or even the Brumak. From atop these beasts they would guide them into battle, turning mindless animals into nearly unstoppable machines of destruction. They became a dreaded enemy that inflicted heavy casualties on the Gears.
-Boltok Pistol
Defense: Body armor, and being atop a mount usually makes it harder to hit.
Special: Mounts
-The Beast Riders road into battle either Bloodmount, Reaver, or a Brumak.
Type of Armor: None
Weapon Type: Claws
Speed: Sprint
Calvary Purpose: Berserkers
The Rager was a Locust that appeared during the Locust War, and were known for their ability to metamorphose into monstrous forms. Due to their reckless abandon, large amounts of Ragers died off early in the war, becoming virtually extinct.
LOADOUT: Breechshot: The Breechshot is a straight-pull bolt-action rifle that saw action during the early days of the Locust War. The pommel of the gun has a large blade attached, allowing it to be swung like an axe if an enemy gets to close.
Melee: Ragers had claws to use in melee combat
Defense: Little to no body armor. However, when they went into a rage, they became much harder to kill (see special), as only headshots and heavy weapons can affect them.
Special: Metamorphosis
-The rather lithe and unassuming Ragers were known to carry the Breechshot rifle, but they were far more dangerous when enraged. When angered they would go into a state of metamorphosis, a Rager's skin would shift to a bloody-red color, would double in muscle mass, sprout blood-red spikes and move with almost animalistic fury, essentially becoming a mini Berserker (see Armor) for a short amount of time, however they cannot withstand the same amount of fire that the Berserker can.
Unfortunately, they cannot stay in their enraged state for prolonged periods of time. Because of this, such moments pass by quickly and the Rager is returned back to its normal form after a short amount of time.
Additional Factors:
-This is going to be rare, and those that are around won't live long, as they tend to get themselves killed.
Type of Armor: Harness
Weapon Type: Claws & Tusks, Teeth
Speed: 20 mph?
Calvary Purpose: Locust Mount
The Bloodmount was a Hollow creature that the Locust Horde soldiers rode atop. They are large, bulky creatures that remain low to the ground. They have a unique physiology in that they use their large muscular arms as legs, essentially walking on their hands. Their true legs dangle beneath their bodies and end in razor sharp talons, which they use as their primary form of attack.
LOADOUT: The Bloodmount has razor sharp tusks and claws, which can flay a man in seconds. With their muzzle mask removed, they also have a mouth full of large teeth.
Defense: They have a harness on their back where a Locust would sit. Their skin is rather thick and leathery, which adds a bit of extra defense.
Type of Armor: None
Weapon Type: Teeth & Explosion
Speed: Slower then a grown man sprinting
Calvary Purpose: Anti-Cover
CLASSIFICATION: Exploding Living Ammo
Diggers were small burrowing creatures enslaved by the Savage Locust for use as explosive projectiles that are fired from the Digger Launcher. When fired they burrow under the ground behind cover, then pop up and explode in the air, killing the enemies in that cover. They can burrow through dirt, rock and wood.
LOADOUT: Diggers would get as close to a target as possible, then explode. If they could, they would chew their way into a target's chest, before exploding inside the victim.
Defense: None
Additional Factors:
-Diggers can burrow through dirt, rock, wood, and other forms of light cover. This makes hiding from them extremely difficult.
Type of Armor: Minimal
Weapon Type: Mounted Machine Gun
Speed: Very fast
Calvary Purpose: Patrol / Skirmishes
The Locust gunboat is a naval vehicle designed and used by the Locust Horde. The gunboats are used to traverse the underground lakes of the Hollow, as well as to patrol the "shorelines" and engage enemies in these areas.
LOADOUT: One mounted Troika (see Defense) on the bow, and whatever weapons the crew happen to carry.
Defense: The boat itself is basically a large metal raft with a small one-man (grub) helm and floodlight at the stern and an open cargo area leaving little cover for the crew.
Additional Factors:
-Gunboats have no engine, rather they are pulled by creatures called Manglers. Because of this, the boats make little to no noise. They can also pull off moves that normal boats cannot, such as sideways or diagonal motion.
Type of Armor: Armor plating
Weapon Type: SMG
Speed: Not faster then a human can run
Calvary Purpose: Ambushers / Escort larger creatures
CLASSIFICATION: Modified Hollo Creatures
A Shrieker was a type of Hollow creature that appeared during the Locust-Human War and the Lambent Invasion. As the name suggests, they make a very harsh shrieking noise. They were small creatures that floated in mid-air, had a reddish-pink glow, and were equipped with modified Gorgon SMGs.
LOADOUT: Gorgon SMG: The Gorgon SMG was a pistol capable of fully-automatic and burst fire, boasting phenomenal close-range punch. It features dual magazines and a hydraulic burst limiter system designed to prevent the weapon from jamming due to its high rate of fire; with one burst, the Gorgon spits out 8 rounds in under half a second. Designed primarily for close-combat situations, the Gorgon maintains its lethality even out to medium ranges and was extremely deadly in capable hands.
As the Shriekers don't have hands, their guns are modified to be attached to them. Despite this, they are surprisingly accurate.
Defense: The front of the Shrieker has some armored plating on it, especially around the face and 'shoulders'. However, the back half is exposed (likely to avoid weighing the creature down) and thus vulnerable. It should be noted that Shriekers are highly flammable.
Additional Factors:
-Shriekers aren't very big, and thus travel in swarms. This makes them much deadlier.
-While they can't fly very fast, the Shriekers are extremely agile, making them difficult to hit.
-Shriekers were bio-luminescent and had the ability to float above the ground flawlessly; it's possible that they use methane to stay afloat, explaining their flammability.
Weapon Type: Fists
Armor Type: Obscenely thick skin
Speed: They are fast enough to catch a speeding train
Classification: Large Deadly Females
The Berserkers are the female Locust Drones. Mostly blind, they have incredibly strong hearing and a well developed sense of smell. Their level of aggression is matched only by the durability of their bodies.
Armament: A punch from a Berserker can cave a man's chest in, or knock his head clean off. They can charge a target, and trample them with ease. It can slam it's fists into the ground to create a small shockwave.
Defense: Berserkers have such incredibly thick skin that most bullets, even larger caliber rounds, fail to penetrate their hide. This allows them to soak up truly staggering amounts of ammo, sometimes killing soldiers simply because they've run out of bullets. However, they do possess a rather important weakness: If their skin is heated or set on fire, it softens considerably making it easier to kill.
Special: Highly developed senses: While blind, the Berserker can use their hearing and sense of smell to track a target over miles, through nearly any terrain and through complete darkness.
Additional Info:
-Berserkers are extremely aggressive, to the point where even other Locust are leery of being closer to one then they need to. In many cases, Berserkers will be sent charging towards the enemy first, with other Locust following at a safe distance.
Weapon Type: Large Guns / Body
Armor Type: Body Armor / Sheer size
Speed: Slow
Classification: Sentient Tanks
The Brumak were one of the largest species of Hollow creature, believed by COG scientists to be the apex predator of the Hollow. COG research indicated that they were bred from apes by the Locust, often growing to about 15 meters in height (49 feet) and weighing around 15,000 kilograms (33,069 lbs). These huge monsters had extraordinarily thick hides, even without their heavy armor. The giant reptilian-like creatures were enslaved by the Locust and used in battle as massive, sentient tanks.
-They were equipped with wrist-mounted chain guns and a back mounted rocket launcher (making them deadly at both close and long range). They also possessed incredibly strength, capable of pushing over a heavily armed derrick with a single shoulder shove.
Defense: First of all, Brumaks are incredibly durable just because of their size alone. In additional, Locust have placed armor over parts of its body (the head, the wrists, the legs, etc). Usually it takes quite a bit of effort to kill a Brumak, or something extraordinary (such as detonating the rocket on its back inside the chamber, or collapsing a canyon on it, or entangling it in transformer power lines and electrocuting it). If an opponent manages to get through the armor and deal significant damage to the Brumak, it will become infuriated and will focus on the one that hurt it with psychotic determination.
Special: Occasionally Locust would ride on the backs of the Brumak.
Additional Info:
-There were rumors of Brumaks carrying energy beam cannons instead of the chainguns, but this was never confirmed.
-The Brumaks' rockets can be used to target enemy aircraft.
-The role the Brumak played in the Locust army was a tactical one, being deployed to act as a walking arsenal, laying waste to any and all human forces in its path. It used its weapons to devastate Human military forces and level infrastructure. When the Locust Horde invaded a city, the Brumak was used to cause heavy casualties and large amounts of destruction. Besides offensive purposes, Brumaks have been seen in and around Nexus, being used for defensive purposes; in this case, protecting the city.
*High Pitch Girly Scream, Take 2!* |
Weapon Type: Claws
Armor Type: Hard Shell and some armor plates
Speed: Quick, thanks to all the legs
Classification: War mounts / Tunnelers
Corpsers were huge spider-like creatures that lived in the Hollow. Like many of the Hollow's creatures, Corpsers were harnessed by the Locust as beasts of war; they were often used to dig tunnels so that Locust forces could emerge to the surface.
Armament: The Corpser's claws were sharp enough to allow them to burrow through the ground at a rapid base. Against enemies, they could do some serious damage. They are also large enough that they could just step on something, or ram into them.
Defense: A Corpser's body is coated in a very thick shell. Assault weapons barely register to it, as only heavy ordinance can do any damage by the time it's an adult. It should be noted that their eyes are a somewhat vulnerable point. They seem to be able to regain some of their health by burrowing into the ground.
-Hatchling: When Corpsers are born, they're actually quite small and frail by adult standards, roughly coming up to the size of a large dog in comparison. They were also quite pale and most likely blind at this stage of development; however, they seemed to possess acute hearing or smell out of the shell.
-Adolescent: As they get older, they grow in size, and their shell thickens to the point where they can take a chainsaw to the face and live. At this point their claws also gain serrated edges.
Mangler (Aquatic Unit)
Weapon Type: Jaws
Armor Type: Fish Scales
Speed: Very Fast (In Water)
Classification: Large Fish that move Locust Boats
Manglers, are an aquatic species of the Hollows. They live in the underground lakes surrounding Nexus and are used by the Locust Horde. Manglers swim in large shoals, and are very aggressive. Like most Hollow creatures, the Locust Horde enslaved them for use in the war machine, and they were used to power their gunboats.
Armament: Large maws filled with large pointy teeth
Defense: Fish scales, and a durability appropriate for their size.
Weapon Type: Spores
Armor Type: Thick Hide
Speed: Slow
Classification: Artillery Beast
Seeders are large, eight-legged beasts that fired Nemacyst spores out of a second mouth on their rear end. When the Locust Horde deploy Seeders onto the battlefield, they use these creatures as artillery and anti-air weapon emplacements.
Armament: Nemacyst Spores
-Seeders are perhaps the most bizarre creatures of the Locust Horde. Each of these living cannons are literally fed its own ammunition. The mouth on its front is the creature's anus. A Locust Drone will shove Nemacyst Spores into the creature's mouth, where it goes through the body immediately out of its anus (No snickering this is serious!). Interestingly enough, the Seeder does not need to aim, as Nemacyst can seek out their targets once in the air.
Defense: When not firing, the Seeder will keep it's vulnerable front end underground, leaving only its heavily armored rear exposed. This armor is so strong that they usually have to be killed with an orbital space laser. So it's gonna take A LOT of damage to bring these suckers down.
Special: The Nemacysts released by the Seeder are able to jam radio transmissions with their very presence.
Additional Info:
-Seeders remain immobile when in their roll as living mortars.
-If a Seeder is injured or panicked, it will pull itself out of the ground.
Weapon Type: Acid & Electricity
Armor Type: Bulletproof Shell
Speed: Quick (est.20mph?)
Classification: Giant Centipede
A 15 foot long creature, the Serapde are described as being "unlike any other creature on the planet". They were notable for their steel-like carapaces, their ability to shoot globs of acidic poison from their mouths and most notably, they had ability to "shoot lightning" from their pincers.
Armament: Their most common attack is to shoot globs of acidic poison from their mouth, which would dissolve whatever it hit.
A slightly stranger attack was that the Serapede could shoot lightning from it's pincers. A single bolt could do major damage even to a tough COG soldier, and the longer they charged the attack, the stronger it would become.
It can also kill by biting with its pincers or stabbing with its legs.
Defense: Their metallic shell is powerful enough that it's basically bullet proof. Even when shot in the underbelly, all of its segments must be destroyed in order to exterminate it.
Weapon Type: Flaming Rocks
Armor Type: Size
Speed: Slow
Classification: Living Catapult
The Siegebeast was a large creature that has been enslaved by the Locust Horde, and turned into a catapult-like machine. They were known to be used by the Locust during their pre-industrial era. To operate as a catapult, the creature is forcibly strapped into a war machine, with its legs continually bent back so projectiles can be launched at enemy positions.
Armament: It appears to be a totally self-sufficient weapon. To prepare it for firing, the large appendages at the front are wound back and held in position, then a canister on its back opens and deposits a large ball of explosive, organic matter into the cup on the end of the legs. When released, this explosive can be flung over massive distances. They are hurled and explode with enough force that even well armored ships are blown out of the sky. It is usually placed behind other Locust troops, near the back, and fires over them.
Melee: The creature's mouth is still exposed, and it will bite anything that comes close to it (even other Locust).
Defense: Minimal. There is some armor on the creature overall, but less then other war beasts. The best defense the Seigebeast has is that it is usually far away from the action.
Additional Info:
-The Siegebeast is incredibly accurate when it comes to the destruction of targets. They can even knock enemy aircraft out of the sky.
-Rare: While common in the Locust's pre-industrial era, they have somewhat diminished in presence in favor of other war beasts.
Gas Barge
Type of Aircraft: Monster
Fighter or Bomber?: Both
Weapon Type: Turrets
Armor Type: None
Classification: Fire Support / Transport
Gas Barges are able to fly by use of a large floating creature, the top half of which holds gas lighter than air. It is crudely maneuvered by a navigation system connected to a pair of razor sharp spikes thrusting into the creatures sides, causing the creature to move in whatever direction the Locust desired (very similar to horse spurs, only scaled up).
Loadout: The Gas Barge supports a large platform underneath it. It carries 4 Boomshot Grenade Launchers or Mk1 Lancer Assault Rifle Turrets. It also has two dorsal turrets on it's 'belly' on the port and starboard sides. These can be used for attacking other craft, or can be aimed at targets on the ground.
Defense: None. The crew are exposed to the elements, and the creatures don't seem to be wearing any armor. That said, the beasts are rather large, and it's doubtful it could be taken out with small arms fire.
Special: Troop Transport: The Gas Barges can be used to drop in Locust Troops.
Additional Factors:
-The Gas Barge is both slow and large, meaning it is very easy to hit.
-If a large enough hole is punched in the creature's side, it will allow the gas to escape, and the Barge will crash.
-While they don't seem very durable, the Locust have a lot of them.
Type of Aircraft: Monster
Fighter or Bomber? : Fighter
Weapon Type: Body / Missiles
Armor Type: Armored Plates
Classification: Massive Flying Mount
A rare flying Locust creature similar to the Reaver, the Hydra acts as the personal mount to only incredibly important Locust personal. It's massive size allows it to be loaded with weapons, and is guaranteed to cause a great deal of destruction wherever it goes (to the pleasure of it's Locust masters).
-Body: The Hydra's massive tentacles end in large claws for grabbing a target, either bringing them up to a mouth full of razor sharp teeth or crushing it into paste.
-Missile Launcher: A large missile launcher is mounted onto the Hyrda's back.
-Troika: This machine gun turret is also mounted on the creature's back.
Defense: Size and Thick Skin allow the Hydra to tank multiple blows from heavy caliber machine guns and explosions. It's most sensitive spots are inside it's mouth, which lack the creature's usual thick skin.
Type of Aircraft: Monster
Fighter or Bomber? : Swarmer
Weapon Type: Teeth
Armor Type: Chitin
Classification: Carnivorous swarmers
The Kryll were highly aggressive carnivores, but only measure two to three inches in length. Fliers by nature, these individually meek creatures often swarmed together, becoming a near-unstoppable force that could shred people down to the bone in the blink of an eye.
Loadout: Mouths full of sharp teeth. Kryll are prone to swarming prey, devouring it piece by piece, little by little multiplied a hundred fold, utterly consuming it until not even bone remains.
Defense: None, save a bit of chitinous armor.
Special: Kryllstorms: A congregation of Kryll in extremely high numbers (sometimes even the millions). Such gatherings are considered extremely dangerous, akin to natural disasters. The Coalition of Ordered Governments would evacuate entire cities if one was ever seen over the horizon.
Additional Factors:
-Kryll are photosensitive, owing to their subterranean nature. Bright light blinds them to the point of physical pain. If exposed to ultraviolet light they will burst into flame.
-Kryll are nocturnal, sleeping in underground tunnels during the day, and but during twilight will venture forth to eat anything they can find.
-Kryll are individually meek, only really being dangerous in swarms.
-Kryll find human meat the tastiest and will usually ignore other food sources if humans are available.
Type of Aircraft: Monster
Fighter or Bomber? : Both
Weapon Type: Machine Guns
Armor Type: Thick Skin and Metal Plates
Classification: Aerial Transport and Combat Air Support
A large flying creature utilized by the Horde. They can carry one driver and one additional passenger, and be armed with a variety of weapons. They were used to suppress air support and dominate on the ground.
-Gunner (either Drone with Hammerburst or Theron Guard with Torgue Bow)
-Missile Launcher
-Machine Gun
Defense: Aside from sheer size and the gunner on it's back, the Reaver possess extremely tough skin allowing it withstand machine gun fire for extended periods. It can also have metal plates bolted to it to add protection. Some may have Kryll surround it to soak up extra bullets. Missiles have proven enough to take them out, and continuous concentrated fire can kill them.
Additional Factors:
-The Locust have enough Reavers that at one point they were able to completely cover the sky of Halvo Bay.
-A Reaver is 20 times the size of a drone, which is already bigger then an adult man.
Type of Aircraft: Organic
Purpose of Aircraft: Harassment / Seeder Defense / Anti-Air
Classification: Organic Mortars
Nemacyst are flying organic mortars that are released by Seeder's secondary 'mouth'. Once released, they tend to head towards the nearest enemy unit, destroying them.
Loadout: The Nemacyst is the loadout, acting as a living mortar shell.
Defense: The Nemacyst has minimal armor, easily being taken out by even small arms fire.
Special: Hovering in mid-air, the Nemacyst can disperse a noxious ink into the air, which scrambles radio transmissions, deny air-space, and hampers targeting data for satellites.
Additional Factors:
-Nemacysts can hone in on radio frequencies.
Butcher (Boomer)
Armor Type: Standard Boomer Armor
Type of Support: Food Preparation
Classification: Chef
What Bonus do they give?: Prepare food
Butchers are the lowest rank of all Boomers in the Locust army. They don't serve in any battle capacity, relegated to chopping up Rockworms for food.
Loadout: A massive meat cleaver. They also have meat hooks attached to their armor, which they could use in an emergency.
Defense: Basic Boomer body armor worn under a dirty apron, and a helmet.
Special/Detailed Purpose: Butchers use their large meat cleaver for cutting up Rockworm meat to feed Locust soldiers. Kantus summon the Rockworms, the soldiers kill it, and the Butcher chops it up.
Additional Factors:
-Butchers have little combat training, and are rather easy to kill
-As the lowest ranking Boomer, they are not exactly well respected.
Miner (Drone)
Armor Type: Body Armor
Type of Support: Miners
Classification: Drone Laborers
What Bonus do they give?: Tunnelers
Miners are a type of Drone who's job it is to mine ore and other resources. They are also responsible for creating and maintaining new tunnels.
Loadout: Miners may carry into battle any one of the following:
-Lancer Assault Rifle
-Gnasher Shotgun
-Boltok Pistol
-Gorgon SMG
-Bolo Grenade
Defense: Miners have basic Locust body armor.
Special/Detailed Purpose: See description.
Spotter (Drone)
Armor Type: Body Armor
Type of Support: Look Out
Classification: Look Out
What Bonus do they give?: Aid to Troika Gunners
Spotters are drones who look out for other drones manning heavy weaponry.
Loadout: A Spotter is usually equipped with any one of the following:
-Mk1 & Mk2 Lancer Assault Rifle
-Gnasher Shotgun
-Boltok Pistol
-Bolo Grenades
-They may also operate a large spotlight that blinds people and lets a gunner see it's target easier.
Defense: Fairly light body armor, aside from that, not much.
Special/Detailed Purpose: They act as lookouts, and help spot enemies that may be trying to sneak up on heavy weapon operators. They can use spotlights to reveal hiding enemies.
Rock Worm
Armor Type: Shell
Type of Support: Food
Classification: Alien Worm Creature
What Bonus do they give?: Food
These creatures burrow through the ground, normally not bothering anyone. However, they can be summoned by the Kantus from underground, and the Locust use them as a food source.
Loadout: The Rockworm has a powerful jaw that can deliver a painful bite, and its body is covered with spikes.
Defense: The Rockworm has a semi-hard shell, though it's tail is vulnerable.
Special/Detailed Purpose: Locust tend to use them as a food source and they may aid in tunnel making.
Additional Factors: The Kantus can summon and control them through their chanting.
Torture Barge
Armor Type: Armor Plating
Type of Support: Prison and Interrogation
Classification: Mobile Prison
What Bonus do they give?: Holding facility
The Torture Barge (also called Beast Barge) is a creature the Locust have tuned into a mobile prison. They would use it to hold captured soldiers and civilians for processing. It requires one driver, and one gunner, but other than that can hold an unknown amount of prisoners and passengers.
Loadout: Troika Machine Gun
Defense: Armor plating across its body and on it's legs.
Special/Detailed Purpose: Acting as a mobile prison for the Locust, moving captives for processing. It is also the site where Locust may enact horrendous tortures on their victims, either to retrieve information, or just for fun. It's not clear what sort of tortures are done there, but one survivor committed suicide soon after being found.
Additional Factors:
-The Barge is capable of moving like a spider, even crawling upside down (though Locust on board need time to prepare for this first, for obvious reasons).
Processed Slaves
Armor Type: None
Type of Support: Manuel Labor
Classification: Prisoners
What Bonus do they give?: Slave Labor
Processing is a Locust torture tactic used on anyone unfortunate enough to be captured. The purpose of this torture is to break their prisoners, ultimately lobotomizing them. The process involved being hung up by metal hooks, and whipped by metal chains that had spikes on them. Other techniques are slowly dipping prisoners in a vat of Imulsion as the flesh melts off, starvation, and decapitating heads and limbs for Bloodmounts.
Defense: None
Special/Detailed Purpose: These mindless slaves perform slave labor for the Locust Horde, most notably manual labor. Anything the Locust don't feel like doing themselves, they'll make their slaves do.
Additional Factors:
-The Locust have no pity in regards to their choice of slaves. Men, women, children, soldier or civilian, it makes no difference.
-While it's only been seen done to humans, it should be possible for the Locust to Process aliens.
Heart Leech Nest
Type: Animal Guard / Anti-Personnel
Heart Leeches were native creatures that live in the Hollows. While not part of the Locust Horde proper, they were used by the Horde as a sort of natural guard. Heart Leeches kill by embedding themselves into their victims chest and slowly tear open the rib-cage. The heart is then devoured inside the chest cavity as the leech then exits the deceased victim which is why they are called heart leeches.
Heart Leeches have no true loyalty to the Locust, and will devour them too if they get the chance.
Type: Living Landmines
Tickers were creatures found in the Hollow that the Locust used as a mobile land mine by strapping Imulsion tanks to them. They were named after the ticking sound they make while scurrying across the battlefield. They are small creatures that somewhat resemble a cross between a rodent and a reptile. Tickers are always seen in large numbers, and are used mainly as mines against COG vehicles. However, the Locust use them against COG ground troops as well; an example of this being the Kantus, which summon them two at a time and use them as a last defense when under direct threat by COG units. They are quick moving and relatively difficult to detect despite the sounds they emit, making them dangerous and unpredictable adversaries, especially in large groups. Due to the gas released by tickers when about to explode, and the tanks mounted on their backs, it would seem that Imulsion is used to cause the explosions.
Type: Turret
A Locust Turret, the Troika is a mounted, double barreled heavy machine gun. Acting as a standard turret, the Troika has a seemingly unlimited ammo capacity and is capable of reducing a COG soldier to chunks of hamburger meat in moments. The Gunner operating it will usually be equipped with a Hammberburst Assault rifle if his Troika runs out of ammo.
Queen Myrrah
-History: During the early Pendulum Wars, almost a century before the Lambent Pandemic, the COG established the New Hope Research Facility to study the possible toxicity of Imulsion. Because of the discoveries made there, the facility was shut down and the scientists as well as a large number of test subjects (who would later become the Locusts) were forced to relocate to Mount Kadar. Myrrah is a descendant of these scientists and, unlike the New Hope subjects, is completely human.
Myrrah's title of Queen is self-given and does not have power related to royalty or genealogy. Nonetheless, the Locust Horde is ardently devoted to their Queen. Myrrah resents humanity for forcing the Locust underground after New Hope was shut down. Where the COG saw mutated, poisoned humans Myrrah saw an evolved, stronger race. Through both fear and respect she pushes her Locust to take their rightful place as the dominant species on Sera.
Though the COG covered up the existence of the Sires, the mutagenic effects of imulsion continued to affect the Locust. Over the course of the next century, increasing numbers of Locust began to turn Lambent, despite continuing the New Hope research in their best attempts to find a solution.
With the Lambent infection taking its toll on the Locust Horde, Myrrah started to become desperate. Myrrah devised a plan to invade and colonize the surface, exterminate humanity, and devastate the Lambent by flooding them in the Hollow - leaving the Locust as the undisputed apex race on Sera. Five years before Emergence Day, four years after Elain Fenix was killed, Queen Myrrah was met by Adam Fenix, husband of Elain, who traced her tracks from her journals that led him to the Locust. Fearing the radical designs conceived by Myrrah, Adam, with the scientific knowledge and resources at disposal, made a pact with Queen Myrrah to try and find a way to cure the Lambent infection as long as Myrrah postponed her invasion of the surface.
However, since Adam worked so heavily on the Hammer of Dawn and other weapons at the end of the Pendulum Wars, and when all solutions to solve the Lambency problem would also cause the extinction of the Locust Horde as well, Myrrah became fearful of her race's fate and ordered the Locust to invade the surface to try and find safety from the infection.
"The Humans of Sera built a glorious civilization, but Humans are not destined to create. They ultimately did what they do best. Destroy. But this was nothing, compared to a new threat, from below. An enemy that will force Humanity to take their last, inevitable steps, toward extinction."
-Personality: Myrrah holds cynical and xenophobic views, which drive her ruthless war tactics. She sees the human race as savages that only destroy, and that no matter how hard they may try, they will always be destined to destroy. Believing that, she ordered the genocidal assault on the surface of Sera beginning on Emergence Day after the Lambent threat arose in the Hollow, rather than seeking diplomacy, and saw the human's penchant for destruction fulfilled when the humans countered the Locust's near victory with the Hammer of Dawn counterattack. During Operation: Hollow Storm, she was willing to sacrifice the Hollows so her race could colonize the surface. Much can be learned of her nature during her exchange with Marcus Fenix during the Second Battle of Azura. Here, she repeatedly lambasts the human race for seeing the Locust as beneath them, despite the fact she views humanity in exactly the same way.
Queen Myrrah's view on the Lambent is that of an infection. Her hatred for the Lambent is described as an "infection" that afflicts the Locust Horde. On a propaganda broadcast to her troops, she explains, "We cannot allow the Lambent to pollute the surface. We must bury their infection here."
She refuses to surrender either to the humans or the Lambent and wishes for the Locust Horde to reign not only supreme over the others, but to exterminate all other threats to the Horde as well.
--Style of Leadership: While Myrrah is the direct ruler of all Locust, she often delegates the movement of troops to her generals (such as Karn and RAAM) or even her High Priest. Usually she gives her generals a goal she wants accomplished and lets them work out how to get there. That said, she can lead of her troops if she so desires, and often keeps a healthy amount nearby for personal use and protection.
--Adaptive creativity: 55: While her generals may employ various tactics, she never seems to evolve beyond 'send hordes of Locust at problem'.
--Tactics: 50: Pretty bog standard tactics, which may explain why she usually farms these out to her generals.
--Strategy: 60: Slightly better, but overall not very impressive
--Intuition: 50
--Audacity: 90: Her army burst out of the ground and declared war on all humanity. She regularly sends monsters and troops to exterminate as many as possible. She is not really a subtle person.
--Psychological Warfare: 68: She'll have her Locusts attack population centers for maximum civilian casualties, or target specific squads of soldiers to weaken the morale of others, but that's about as far as it goes.
--Intelligence: 59: Is descend from scientists and seems to have some knowledge herself, at least in relation to mutations and the Locust; but overall doesn't seem to exhibit great intellect.
--Experience: 40: Very little. She managed to become Queen of the Locusts. The actual war with humanity may count as experience, but since the Locust didn't exactly excel in that war, I wouldn't call it a very good learning experience.
--Discipline: 50: Rather then even attempt diplomacy with mankind she opted to have her army burst from the ground and start killing every living thing from the daises on upwards. Before that she did try to get a cure for the Lambent, but after the invasion started she didn't hold back much.
--Leadership: 55: Usually delegates leadership duties to others.
--Corruption: 95: Is willing to slaughter every last man woman and child on the planet to prove the superiority of her people, and is willing to expend the lives of countless soldiers (hers and the humans) to reach that goal. While she cares slightly more for the Locust she's still pretty evil.
--Morale: 80: Remarkably high all things considered. The Locust firmly believe that they are the master race and that they are totally superior to humans. This faith has not diminished considerably, despite all the things humanity has done to them in their wars. It is doubtful that anything can be done to lower it significantly.
--Logistics: 82: It is very hard to deprive the Locust of resources. As they will use whatever the land has to offer, either enslaving it or eating it. Because they can tunnel beneath the ground they can reach materials below the earth that others cannot. They are capable of summoning their food source directly to them at any time. So yeah, they score pretty well here.
--Espionage: 50: Fairly limited here. While they can burrow beneath the enemy, they're quick to burst up and engage the enemy with guns and monsters. Still, they can be sneaky sometimes, and do lay the occasional trap. Just not often enough to have a higher score.
--Discipline: 65?: This one is hard to decide. While the Locust do show many times that they have strategy and coordinate attacks on points of interest, other times they just burst from the ground and start killing everything around them. I'm willing to err somewhere in the middle.
--Army intimidation: 80: They burst out of the ground, they bring horrifying monsters with them, they kill any humans they come across, and they freely torture, kill, and consume all they can.
Reinforcement rate: Medium: While the monsters and beasts fielded by the Locust have a very high reinforcement rate, the Locust themselves have significantly less. They have a planet's worth of their culture (as it seems to be almost wholly militaristic), but some castes will be replenished quicker then others. Drones and Boomers will show up more then Therons.
-Society & Culture: The Locust Horde is a matriarchal society divided into multiple castes. The Locust Hordes' hierarchy, society and social class system is very similar to and can be compared with a bee hive. The Queen was the head of the entire Locust Horde, and led it in advancement, improvement and steadily increasing its size and power.
-Religion: The Locust Horde's religion revolved around the worship of worms. The Riftworms and Rockworms were viewed as highly significant creatures in the Locust's religious texts. The Trinity of Worms was the symbol and title of the Locust Horde's religion, symbolizing and revering the Riftworms as Gods. The Kantus monks were the religious priests of the Locust, and were a caste level. The scrolls of the Kantus contained verses and mantras explaining how to communicate with rockworms, with the Rulers of Nexus Plates tablet being the Locust's main religious tome, which tells the history of the Hollows, explaining how the Riftworms burrowed underground and created the vast underground network, and left behind their waste which fertilized the soil of the surface of Sera. The leader of the Locust Horde's religious caste was High Priest Skorge.
-The Locust Horde used many creatures as vehicles, machines, and weapons of war. The origins of these indigenous creatures mostly come from the Hollow, or have been genetically engineered by the Locust, such as the Brumak. Interestingly, all Locust creatures, with the exceptions of the Brumak and Wretches, seem to be similar to arthropods in some ways; they seem to have jointed crustacean or spiderlike legs and sometimes insectile claws.
-Physiology: A typical Locust is a hulking brute of a creature, almost seven feet tall, although many are larger. They are bipedal, muscular creatures with tough skin. They are considerably more bulky than a normal human and notably stronger. Their bones are heavier and show signs of extensive thickening. Grenadiers show further toughening and occasionally scarification, which appears to further toughen the Grenadiers' flesh.
Locust blood is a deep reddish-orange in coloration. A Locust has multiple internal organs, as hinted by hearing multiple heartbeats from a given Locust when they run or are at critical health. Locust require oxygen like any other species, though they seem somewhat more resistant to environmental hazards, most likely due to their harsh native environment.
Locust have large eyes with good depth perception in spite of the fact that they are a subterranean race. They have a noted vulnerability to flash overcompensation response (flash-blindness), a weakness many offset with polarized goggles or blinders. Some subspecies have particularly strong eyesight; it is strongly hinted that Locust can see perfectly in total darkness, and most seem to possess superior senses of smell.
Berserkers are the only known female Locust. The only known method of Locust reproduction is the mating of a Berserker and a Drone; this is accomplished by tying the female down (to prevent the blind beast from killing her mate) and having the male rape her.
-Emergence Holes: Ground-level openings into subterranean tunnels dug by Locust Seeders or Corpsers to allow smaller military units to reach the planet's surface. Locust appear to be capable of digging into most substrata, including both natural and artificial stone formations. The only area of Sera generally immune to these tunnels is the stone-impregnated Jacinto Plateau because of its solid granite base. However, it was breached roughly ten years after E-Day. E-Holes, in addition to quickly delivering forces, had a heavy psychological affect on enemies since they allowed the Locust to attack nearly anywhere at any time without warning.
-Despite the Drone's tendency to blindly charge into battle, the Locust were far from mindless in battle, employing cunning and resourcefulness to win just as much as sheer brutality and mercilessness. The COG's efforts suffered greatly during the early stages of the Locust War, due to their inability to see the Locust as more then savage beasts, as opposed to the intelligence adversaries they are until later in the war.
-Auxiliaries: None: The Locust are not friendly, and are not going to ally with anyone if they can help it. It is simply not in their nature.
-Technology: High: They are, however, prolific looters, and will steel whatever they can get their hands on. If it can kill, or make killing easier, they will take it.
-Biological: Limited: If the enemy has some sort of beast, the Locust may attempt to capture some they can use as their own. They may also capture people to use as slaves, if they feel the need to.
You know, I was hoping to do a Planetary Profile for Sera, but I realized I wouldn't be able to do that without making a giant profile about the Locust Horde, and thus abandoned it.
ReplyDeleteI think this just restarted my interest in that profile.
As a sign of gratitude, I will in return make a profile for an opponent for the Locust Horde- HYDRA, perhaps (from the MCU)?
Yeah, I've been working on this off and on for a while. It was this or the Demons from Doom; which now that I've finished this, will likely be next in line (along with another side project involving a compilation of all the Doctor Who Villains).
DeleteI don't know much about HYRDA; would they be a suitable opponent?
HYDRA is a technologically advanced division of Nazi's, with alien technology (basic infantry has jetpacks and one-shot vaporize weapons), helicarriers that can level cities in minutes, basic aircraft that are essentially nuclear bombs and all that jazz.
DeleteWhile the Locust is more comfortable with overwhelming numbers, HYDRA is more comfortable with overwhelming firepower. It could honestly go either way.