* I own nothing seen
below. Credit
goes to owners of Games Workshop and the equally awesome people
who did the rest of the pictures. I would also like to thank the makers of the Nippon Army book, without which much of this would not be possible. If
I forgot about someone
then credit goes to you.

INTRO - The Land of the Rising Sun
To the east of the Old World lies the Land of Nippon, the Land of the Rising Sun. With a radically different culture and set of values, Nippon is the land governed by the Celestial Order and the Code of Bushido. This way of the warrior is personified in the icon of Nippon: The Samurai. With strength, honor, and courage, they serve their lord, clan, and Emperor faithfully and unyieldingly.
The Nipponese army is quite a sight, full of valiant warriors ready to do their ancestors proud. The bulk are the mighty Samurai and the lowly Ashigaru, boosted by the powerful Warrior Monks. They are backed by mysterious Kabuku Dolls and enigmatic Ninjas. Powerful Shugenja call upon the might of the Kami to smite their enemies and empower their allies, while summoned Oni release their demonic wrath on their unfortunate opponents. Lead by the Daimyo, sworn to the Shogun, the army of Nippon is a force to be reckoned with, as you will soon find out...
A branch of magic unique to the land of Nippon, the Lore of the Kami works via Invocation. If the Kami is appeased by the Shugenja through prayer or sacrifice, they might take to heart and heed her wishes. If the prayer is too weak however, the Kami might hurt the Shugenja for her weak display of affection.
Spells of the Kami:
-Light of the Sun Goddess: The most common spell of this Lore, the Shugenja summons the power of Amateratsu, scorching her enemies with divine light. Those struck are burnt so deeply not even ashes remain, while those closest who survive will instead be blinded, their sight replaced with a stunning white shine. Functions as a magic missile attack with a range of 300 meters (984 feet), but with greater focus, prayer, and magical strain, the range can be increased to 1 Kilometer (3280 feet). At that point the spell could even burn larger monsters.
-Be The Mountain: The caster calls upon the Earth Kami to give their determination and unwavering loyalty to the troops in battle, sometimes going so far as to cover their skin in stone to withstand stronger blows. Can be cast on a single unit within 50 meters (164 feet) or all units in that range, with increased effort.
-Strike of the Flowering Waters: The Shugenja empowers her allies with the might of the Water Kami, giving them power and suppleness of a swiftly flowing river. Can be cast on a single unit within 50 meters (164 feet) or all units in that range, with increased effort.
-Fiery Wrath: The caster conjures mighty flames with a prayer to the Fire Kami, causing a burning inferno all around her to incinerate her foes to a crisp. With the Shugenja at the center, willpower and magic determine the diameter of the inferno.
-Borne On the Wind: The Shugenja lifts her allies high up in the air, allowing them to run across the clouds for a brief period of time before setting them down behind the unsuspecting enemy. Can be cast on all units within 50 meters (164 feet) or, with greater effort and sacrifice to the Kami, within 300 meters (984 feet). This allows for quick tactical redeployment, or allows the armies of the Rising Sun to surprise their foes by descending from they sky.
-Void of Emptiness: The caster shreds the mind of her enemies, rendering them helpless and unable to either move or think. Basically the Shugenja pits her will against her enemies (they must be within her sight), and if her will is stronger, their mind is destroyed. If their will is stronger, the spell can backlash and injure the Shugenja.
-Call of the War God: The Shugenja calls upon the might of Bishamonten, the war god of Nippon, to invigorate her allies with supernatural strength. Can be cast on a single unit within 50 meters (164 feet) or all units in that range, with increased effort.
There are a variety of ways the Nippon may gain information on their foe. They may send scouts (typically Ashigaru) that ride ahead of the main force and report back to their Lords. Squads of ninja may also move ahead of an army: harassing the enemy, assassinating important targets, and reporting their findings back to the general. Shinobi can do the same, but are even more skilled. Shugenja and Yamabushi can pray to the Kami for aid, and those Kami might provide them with visions of the future or what the enemy is doing at that moment. Shugenja can also commune with the spirits of the dead, gaining their wisdom in exchange for helping them find peace. Kitsune can scout and spy, and commune with nature spirits and animals for aid in order to find information.
Several clans also have skilled diplomats that will go out and negotiate with any third parties that might be swayed into working with Nippon.
Samurai Warriors
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: Sword
The Samurai represent the highest rank in the Nipponese social system, as well as the height of human martial prowess. Fighting with a strict code of honor, the Samurai display unwavering bravery and loyalty. Professional warriors, Samurai are born into a life that trains them for a life of warfare and service to a master.
Offensive: A Samurai can carry many different types of weapons into battle, depending on the situation at hand or what his master decides. Usually, they won't carry more then two of the following:
-The Katana: The most iconic weapon of the Samurai, the Katana is his most precious material possession. The Samurai will devote great lengths of time to mastering the blade, and an experienced Samurai can take down scores of lesser opponents with only his trusty sword. The Katana is so important in fact, that if lost the Samurai will often consider it an unforgivable dishonor upon himself.
-Wakizashi: A Nippon short sword, this is often carried as a secondary blade attached to a belt. It can be used in conjunction with the Katana if necessary, but is usually used when there is not enough space to swing a Katana properly.
-Yumi: A large bow, those Samurai trained in its use can shoot an arrow from a great distance with surprising accuracy.
-Polearms and Spears: The Samurai may take various polearms into battle with him. If you are unaware, these are blades set on the ends of poles. Some are designed for slashing like the Naginata, while others are designed for stabbing, like the Yari.
-Tanto: A singled edged dagger. While potentially used in battle, it will also be used if the Samurai feels he has committed a grave dishonor. He will use this blade to disembowel himself.
-Clubs: A bit rarer then the others, a Samurai may take a clubbed weapon into battle. These are excellent at hammering an enemies' defenses, but tend to be a bit slower then a blade. The most common among these types of weapons are the Kanabo (a large stick with banded iron and studs wrapped around it) and the Chui (which consists of a large metal ball on the end of a medium length handle, similar in design to the western mace).
Defense: Tends to be a combination of steel and studded leather, usually with a Kabuto helmet designed to deflect blows to the head.
Additional Factors:
-Bushido: Samurai always fight in accordance to this code of honor. To a Samurai, loss of honor is worse then death. More information about Bushido can be found in the Additional Info section of the profile.
-Samurai, unlike other types of nobles, have little interest in material wealth. Instead, they place great value on honor and pride.
-Samurai are expected to not only be excellent warriors, but also tend to be better educated. Many samurai have at least a slightly above average knowledge in such things as mathematics, as well as knowledge relating to arts such as calligraphy, song, and dance. That said, active service to their lords means that many Samurai don't actively pursue such interests.
-A samurai that looses his master (either due to dishonor or the fall of said master) can either take his own life, or become a Ronin.
Mobility: 4
Training: 3
Max Range: Rifle
Preferred Range:Varied
The absolute lowest rung of the Nipponese military, the Ashigaru is also the most common troop type. While technically peasants, and having far less skill then a Samurai, they have much more training then your average farmer or baker. Many Ashigaru have families that have served their lords for generations, and carry themselves with the same pride as their samurai counterparts.
Offense: The armament the Ashigaru carries varies depending on his role in the army. Unlike other low ranking members in other armies though, the Ashigaru are always given high quality weapons.
-Ashigaru Spearmen: Armed with a long Yari spear, these Ashigaru lead charges into battle, or else execute pincer maneuvers on the enemy, forming a wall of spikes that impale enemy soldiers on foot or horseback. They can also come together to form a block, making maneuvering for the enemy difficult.
-Bowmen: While some might think that the availability of guns would make Bowmen obsolete, they've actually done quite well. While gunners reload, they can continue to fire arrows. While perhaps not as skilled as Samurai archers, Ashigaru can make up for that with numbers, darkening the sky with the number of arrows they fire.
-Matchlock: The role of the Matchlock Ashigaru is to unleash massed gun volleys, weakening the enemy enough for a front line charge. While not known for their quick reload times, they do have incredible stopping power.
Defense: Plated leather, possibly supported with thin bits of wood.
Additional Factors:
-Despite the important role they play, most samurai and higher Nippon officials look down on them, seeing them merely as tools.
Onna Bushi
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Polearm
In Nippon, a woman's caste, rather than her gender, constitutes her position in the Celestial Order. This means that, if she so desires, it's entirely possible for a woman to become a Samurai, and earn all the rights and respect as their male counterparts. While uncommon for them to take part in open warfare, those that do tend to be some of the best fighters in their force.
-As opposed to the Samurai Katana, the Onna Bushi favor the Naginata (a long polearm with sword-blade on the end in case you didn't know). The Onna Bushi are experts at not only using the blade defensively, but also using their enemy's charges against them. If necessary, they can also keep their opponent at bay until reinforcements arrive when dealing with more challenging opponents.
-The Onna Bushi may take any other Samurai weapon as their secondary weapon. The most common is the Katana or a short sword, with clubs almost never being used.
Defense:See Samurai, though Onna Bushi tend to have their refitted so as to allow for greater freedom of movement.
Additional Factors:
-The exact nature of how the Onna Bushi is treated varies from clan to clan (some expect the Onna Bushi to still behave in a somewhat feminine manner, while others are completely matriarchal, and everything in between).
-Onna Bushi usually (though not always) change their name to Hitomi (a famous Onna Bushi who took up her brother's armor to avenge his murder popularized by a Nipponese poet) upon completing the Samurai right of passage.
-Onna Bushi take vows of celibacy during their initiation rights. If they are discovered to have broken this vow, they must resign from their position and join a monastery. The key word here is 'discovered'.
-See Samurai Additional Factors
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
Whether it is because their master died without an heir or because they have been cast our for some dishonor, sometimes a Samurai ends up without a master. When this happens, they become a Ronin, existing outside the Celestial Order and answering to no higher power. When this happens, the Ronin becomes a wandering mercenary.
Offense: See Samurai
Defense: See Samurai
Additional Factors:
-Sometimes, Ronin will form groups with other Ronin and offer their services during times of war.
-Since there is no reason for a Samurai to exist without his honor, they want nothing more than to fall in battle, and thus relieve themselves of their shame by finding a worthy death. Most commanders are happy to allow them to join the armies of Nippon, as they fight for practically noting, and hopefully will die in battle, resulting in a few less Ronin in the world.
-Ronin will never back down for a challenge, and are quick to issue challenges themselves. It is hoped that they will either meet a worthy death, or get to test their skills against a worthy opponent.
Mobility: 7
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Tengu are mysterious, and often reclusive, mountain and forest spirits of Nippon. Many are content to live in near-solitude in distant places; it is not unusual to find Tengu watching over small mountain shrines. Younger Tengu, who are more impulsive, are more likely to be drawn to adventure. Tengu adventurers tend to be motivated by a search for lost knowledge or by the opportunity to hone their skills with a blade, rather than by material wealth - although they are also very curious, and they have an appreciation for beautiful and well-crafted objects, especially swords.
Offense: Blades, typically Katana or No-Dachi (large two-handed swords), with the rare spear thrown into the mix.
Defense: While they may wear some light leather armor under their robes, most Tengu don't wear armor, preferring to dodge or fly out of harms way.
-Flight: All Tengu are capable of non-magical flight.
-There are legends of Tengu with limited magical abilities, typically related to changing their physical appearance. This ability is not well documented, so expect it to be a very very rare trait.
Additional Factors:
-Tengu bones are hollow, making them lighter then humans. However, that also means their bones are more fragile.
-Tengu leadership is decided with age as much as experience. Younger Tengu will almost always defer to their elders. An older Tengu is distinguished from younger ones by their graying or white hair.
-Once gained, a Tengu's loyalty is unbreakable.
-Tengu are very prideful, and easily persuaded with flattery.
Sumo Warriors
Mobility: 3
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Once employed as bodyguards for the Emperor and other High-Ranking officials, Sumo Warriors now operate as shock troops. Utilizing a regimen of force-feeding and high endurance training, Sumo's have a layer of fat that wraps around muscles of iron.
Offense: Sumo Warriors wield No-Dachi swords, large heavy blades easily capable of cutting a knight and his horse in half with a single swing.
Defense: Typical Samurai Armor, but beneath that they have a thick layer of fat, and an even thicker layer of muscle, making injuring a Sumo Warrior extremely difficult, even if you can get through their armor.
Additional Factors:
-See Samurai Additional Factors
-When a Sumo Warrior Charges, they are an unstoppable force of mass and muscle that can tear through a regiment with ease.
-Sumo Warriors undergo much of the same training that Samurai warriors do.
-When not competing, Sumo Warriors engage in wrestling matches for the entertainment of nobles.
Great Guard
Mobility: 4 (On foot) 7 (On Kirin)
Training: 7
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
These greatest of Samurai are usually recruited from Hatamoto or aspiring captains whom have proven themselves worthy in battle by protecting their liege above all else. They are then selected through a great tournament held in the Imperial Courtyard once a year to determine which ones are deemed most fit to protect the Emperor. At least half of the potential recruits usually perish during this tournament, and as such only a few dozen Great Guards exists at any time.
Great Guards and their trusty Kirin steeds take to the field in times of need, riding upon the wind, and descending upon their enemies with unrelenting fury and determination to their cause.
Offense: The Great Guard are given the finest weapons crafted by the greatest weaponsmiths in all of Nippon. Their Katanas are given a sharpness unmatched by other weapons, allowing them to cut through steel with ease.
Defense: Their lacquered steel armor covers their entire person, and offer significantly more protection than the normal armor worn by samurai.
Special: Mount: Kirin: According to the legends of Nippon, the Kirin were born of a union of Air and Earth when the world was young. The story is typical of Nippon, and hence manifestly fanciful, but does reflect accurately the potency of these creatures. Kirin are creatures of wholly unnatural composition, although appearing not unlike normal flesh and blood. They live amongst the devastating forces of lightning, storms and thunder. Kirins are aerial creatures who ride the roaring winds and storm clouds, bellowing like thunder and screaming great cracks of lightning through the electric-charged air. Kirins have horse-like bodies with long, flowing manes spun with sparks and slivers of lightning. In the center of the creature's forehead sprouts a long silver horn used to impale its foes. They are truly celestial beings of great intelligence and wisdom, and a symbol of swiftness and good fortune.
Kirins are noble creatures that roam the sky in search of good deeds to reward or malefactors to punish. A kirin superficially resembles a unicorn; it has the body of a stag, covered with luminous golden scales, a thick mane and tail of darker gold colour, deep violet eyes, and a pinkish horn and hooves. Kirins sometimes establish lairs on high mountains or plateaus, simple on the outside but with luxuriant interiors. More often, however, they simply fly with the wind, never settling in any place for long.
Additional Factors:
-See Samurai Additional Factors
-When not engaging the enemy, the Great Guard protect the Emperor and their family.
-Very rare.
Samurai Cavalry
Mobility: 6
Training: 7
Max Range: Bow and Arrow
Preferred Range: Melee
Cavalry warfare is traditionally the preserve of the samurai. Only they have the skill to wield a sword while steering a horse into battle. Being a mounted warrior requires wealth and position to sustain the expense of horses, armor and servants. Despite the fact that most Samurai go about their business mounted, generally merely as a sign of their station, only a very few have truly perfected the art of war from horseback.
Offense: Any traditional Samurai weapon can be used from horseback. While some weapons, like the Katana or Naginata are usually used with two hands, they can still be deadly when used single-handed. A katana swung downwards onto an enemy foot-soldier is still capable of cutting a man's head from his shoulders.
If a Samurai is wealthy enough, they will have an assistant that hands him his weapons as needed.
Samurai Cavalry armed with spears can deliver a devastating punch to the enemy lines. Samurai cavalry are extremely well trained and the weight of their steeds adds to the power of their charge. After a charge, they remain mounted and can engage the enemy with their katana keeping a height advantage over foot soldiers.
Defense: They eschew the heavy plate armor favored by the knights of the Old World for armor that offers increased speed and flexibility.
Additional Factors:
-See Samurai Additional Factors
-Samurai Cavalry demoralize, harass, and cut down the enemy ahead of the foot soldiers. Units of specially trained mounted samurai are also famous for running daring night time raids on enemy camps and fortifications, using their lightly armored horses to cross rivers and move quickly through woods and mountains, before striking at the flanks of an unprepared enemy.
Mobility: 6
Training: 6
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: Bow & Arrow
The Yabusame are a special caste of Samurai that excel in the art of Kyudo archery. They train tirelessly daily to improve their skills while firing from galloping horseback, and hold great tournaments to find the best amongst themselves. This is done by riding past three targets and shooting at them at high speed. They wear traditional hunting attires while doing so, both in tournaments and in battle, as a way of signifying their station as masters of the bow.
Offense: The Nipponese bow is asymmetric; far longer above the grip than below, to make it easy to use on horseback while retaining power. The bow can be swung from side to side without getting tangled up in saddle furniture. It has a composite of a wooden core, covered in layers of lacquered bamboo, making it strong yet flexible, capable of shooting a wide variety of arrows. Its beautiful simplicity disguise the fact that this is a weapon that requires tremendous skill, strength and grace to use effectively.
-A Katana, if the enemy gets up close.
Defense:Yabusame wear hunting clothes as opposed to traditional Samurai armor, so they tend to be less armored. However, the true defense of the Yabusame is being far away from anything that could hurt them, and peppering it with arrows long before it gets close. If it does, they are master horse riders, and can simply ride out of range.
Additional Factors:
-See Samurai Additional Factors
-Kyudo: The mind and sight of any archer must be trained, as surely as his muscles: a distant target must be recognized before it can be killed. The Yabusame are trained to find the weak spot in their opponent's armor with their arrows, all while moving at full speed around the battlefield.
Red Devils
Mobility: 6
Training: 7
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
The Red Devils are a special order of Samurai, focusing only on the aspect of war and death, completely neglecting the other parts of the Way of the Warrior. They wear blood-red armors and banners, often decorated with skulls and bones of their fallen enemies as well as smearing their blood on their armor. They wear helmets with closed masks, each with the face of an Oni. They top their helmets with two large horns, from which they have gotten their name.
Offense: See Samurai, but the Red Devils focus exclusively on melee weapons.
Defense: See Samurai, with some armor given to the horse as well.
Additional Factors:
-See Samurai Additional Factors, save that Red Devils don't care anything about the sciences or art, only about combat.
-The Red Devils are very particular about who may join their ranks. Only samurai with years of service and outstanding martial skills are accepted, and on top of those requirements, all successful candidates must demonstrate truly exceptional piety, as determined by the sensei of the Red Devil dojo. That said, they draw in recruits from all over Nippon, eager to gain honor in battle.
-The Red Devils have no care for their own safety, happily charging into impossible situations, eager to die in combat.
-The Red Devil's gruesome appearance (demon masks, horns, armor coated with blood and the skulls and bones of former opponents draped on their bodies and horses) can make weaker men flee when they start to charge.
Wako Pirates
Mobility: 4
Training: 3-4
Max Range: Rifle
Preferred Range: Varied
Pirates have long plagued the coast of Nippon, striking quickly against lone ships or coastal villages before retreating back out to sea and their hidden bases. Wako are men who have forsaken the code of bushido for a life of plunder and piracy, or peasants who find themselves tired of the treatment of their lords.
The Wako patrol the coast and inland waterways, occasionally venturing out to sea in the hope of waylaying a Cathayan or Old World ship. Sometimes they even conduct raids on the mainland, carrying off valuables and people to ransom. They sail in black junks and are ruthless and fearless fighters, expert in combat at sea and the boarding of other vessels.
However, with the reinstatement of a new Shogun, the Wako threat has been diminished somewhat. By forbidding peasants from owning weapons, fewer are able to become Wako, and thus the threat has lowered, if not disappeared. While Samurai generally hate the Wako with a passion, some Clans have seen the advantages of hiring them as mercenaries in their armies. With the promise of an Imperial pardon and a share of the enemy loot, plenty of Wako take up these offers, knowing most Samurai are too bound by their honor to break their promises.
Offense: Swords, bows and arrows are most common, but other weapons such as spears, nets, clubs, and even the rare matchlock rifle have found their way into pirate hands.
Defense: Little to no armor. If they do have armor, it's what they've stolen or scavenged off dead bodies.
Additional Factors:
-Whether on land or sea, the Wako Pirates will usually attacks the flanks of the enemy, the idea being that an unsuspecting target is an easy target.
-After a battle is over, the Wako will comb over the dead (enemies mostly, but possibly allies if they think no one is watching) for loot (weapons, armor, money, etc), before disappearing back to their ships.
-It may seem obvious, but the Wako Pirates are much deadlier on Sea then they are on land.
-Pirates and Samurai don't get along, even when working together. Both are constantly on the look out for backstabbings and betrayals.
-Due to recent Nippon laws, Wakos' presence has diminished. As such, they will have a fairly low appearance in the overall army, and a low reinforcement rate.
Mobility: 2 (Very slowly pushed into place)
Training: 3 (Usually operated by Ashigaru)
Max Range: Artillery
Preferred Range: Artillery
The most common of Nipponese siege weapons. The Mangonel works by propelling missiles long distances by way of a counterweight, resulting in an arcing shot. The Mangonel lacks the power of other artillery such as cannons due to its small size and limited throwing ability. So, instead of trying to destroy the walls of a castle, it simply ignores them, opting to hit whatever is on the other side.
Offense:The projectiles are small bombs, filled with gunpowder and placed in the bucket at the end of the device. The fuse is lit, and the then the bomb is hurled away over the wall/obstacle/etc. When the bomb hits the ground (or group of soldiers or large monster), it explodes and spreads flames everywhere around it, usually panicking anyone nearby. This is very useful when used on cities, as the flames tend to cause surrounding buildings to burn as well.
Defense: Minimal. It tends to be made of wood with a few steel parts.
Additional Factors:
-If, for some reason, they run out of bombs, rocks may be used instead.
Flaming Arrows
Mobility: 3
Training: 3 (Operated by Ashigaru)
Max Range: Artillery
Preferred Range: Artillery
The Flaming Arrow is exactly what it says on the tin. Using an Estalian Cannon (as the Nipponese have not yet developed effective artillery of their own), a large barbed projectile is fired. Each 'arrow' is wrapped in a flammable covering and ignited, ripping straight through a regiment with ease, wreaking havoc on enemy units. Flaming arrows are slow to fire and relatively inaccurate, but anyone unfortunate enough to be hit by one will find himself skewered with immense force and set ablaze.
Offensive: See Description
Defense: It's a metal cannon on a wood platform
Additional Factors:
-Best used against large, slow moving or stationary targets; or dense clusters of enemies. Anything to help minimize the poor accuracy of the device.
Mobility: Varies
Training: 3
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Oni are ferocious daemons that use their awesome strength and magical abilities to dominate and terrorize the regions they inhabit. Most common Oni are bloodthirsty and cruel. Not only do they attack for food (for they delight in eating humanoid flesh), but also for the sheer pleasure of hurting and bullying other creatures.
While the Oni more often than not acts as enemies to the warriors of Nippon, the Shugenja have unlocked the secrets of summoning them for their own agendas. Oni are brought to battle as beasts of war obeying their summoner's will, which usually involve crushing her foes into a bloody pulp. Oni strike terror in all who lay eyes upon them. They attack mainly with great sweeps of their massive, clawed hands, and a solid strike by an Oni can crush a man's bones to powder. While they lack skill and strategic cunning, their strength and stamina are great, and it may take a dozen or more men to bring it down by normal means.
Offense: While the appearance of an Oni may vary wildly, they most common features are razor sharp claws or talons, long teeth, and horns on their heads. Oni also possess incredibly physical strength. If an Oni does have a weapon, it will be proportioned to fit their size, resulting in massive Katanas, Bows the size of men, and Kanabo the size of trees. Also, due to their magical nature, all of their attacks count as magical ones.
Defense: Varies. Some Oni wear thick armor, others have nothing but a loincloth. But even without armor, an Oni's muscles are so thick, and their stamina so great, they can take an extreme amount of damage compared to humans.
Additional Factors:
-Summoning Ritual: The Shugenja must first draw a circle of powdered bones on the ground. At the center of the circle, the summoner must then put a scroll with a name of a living human being on it. While the summoner spills blood all over the name scroll, the ritual described on the summoning scroll will proceed, destroying the scroll at the end of the ritual. At this moment a gate to Jigoku will open to let loose one of the spirits inside. The Shugenja must then name the spirit, declare power over the oni and make her demand. There is no way to know which form will take an Oni before it is summoned. The Oni will then obey, argue the demand or even rebel against the Shugenja. If its will is weaker than that of the summoner, the Oni is compelled by the summon to carry out the demand of the Shugenja. If its will is stronger, the Oni can escape. A newly-freed Oni generally expresses its joy through wanton destruction before going back to Jigoku.
-A summoned Oni becomes more and more like its summoner the longer the two co-exist.
-If the summoner of the Oni is killed, the bond is broken, and the Oni is freed.
Mobility: 7
Training: 8
Max Range: Several Miles
Preferred Range: Varied
Like their counterparts in the west, the Ryujin are ancient and wise creatures and revered by the Nipponese. At some point in history the two races befriended each other and have become allied in protecting the Island Realm from invaders.
The Ryujin control the tidal flows, the seas and the waves, and anyone passing into their domain would do well to respect them lest their ship be capsized and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. For this reason, it is customary for many Nipponese, especially sailors and fishermen, to give offerings of food to the Ryujin to please them and keep the seas clam. More than once have the Ryujin thwarted invading ships from Cathay, Wako Pirates, and Dark Elf raiders.
Offense: Aside from the standard claws and teeth most dragons have, the Ryujin can conjure storms and have total control over water, allowing them to capsize boats or cause tidal waves with nothing more than their will and a gesture. Instead of fire, the Ryujin breath bolts of lightning.
Defense: Incredibly thick dragon scales, flight to dodge, and if they are submerged in water they not only heal faster but become harder to hurt.
Additional Factors:
-While Ryujin can aid Nipponese armies away from the water (as they can fly they can go basically anywhere), they don't often do so. For them to go somewhere without a body of water for them to inhabit, the need of the Nipponse must be great. Usually, the Daimyo will give the Ryujin a great offering to thank it for its service.
-While most Nipponse associate the Ryujin with oceans, they are also fond of deep rivers.
-An enemy sailing against a Ryujin will need either heavy weapons or powerful magic, because otherwise they're hosed.
Commanders / Daimyo
Mobility: 4 (5 on horseback)
Training: 5
Max Range: Bow and Arrow
Preferred Range: Off the battlefield. On it, Varies.
Although the Emperor/Empress owns all land within the borders of the Empire, he/she has granted members of the samurai class the honor of protecting and overseeing his/her affairs, acting as his/her stewards over the vast majority of land in the Empire. Samurai that have oversight of a particular area are granted the title "Daimyo" and given permission to swear other samurai into their service. Rather than serving the Emperor directly, a Daimyo of this sort is usually appointed by and subordinate to the reigning Daimyo of the family or clan that controls the province within which his land falls.
The biggest clans have the most powerful Daimyo, who act as generals for the armies of Nippon. They answer only to the Emperor/Empress, and the Shogun. They have a lot of political and military power, overseeing large armies that fight for their cause.
Offense: It's rare for a Daimyo to go into battle directly, as they have responsibilities that require they stay alive as long as possible. They direct others to do the fighting for them. That said, they can have whatever they want. As they usually come from Samurai, they typically have those weapons, but a Daimyo will take whatever he wants into battle.
Defense: If they are in battle they'll have the best armor the available. In or out of battle they'll surrounded by warriors to help protect them. Of course, they aren't helpless, as they were trained as Samurai before they got this position.
Additional Factors:
-Though bound by the Way of the Warrior like all Samurai, Daimyo tend to be more pragmatic about its application as they involve themselves in the politics of the Empire.
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Wherever her Kami need her.
Shugenja do more than simply cast spells. They are the priests of the Kami, their very power a testament to the wisdom and truth of their beliefs. As a force, magic represents a tool and a blessing as a genuine gift from the Heavens. With the power of magic, a Shugenja can purify foul water, tell truth from fiction, hurl fire into their enemies, and convene with the wisdom of the Celestial Heavens. This immense power commands respect both for the Shugenja who wields it, and for the Kami who provide such strength.
Offense: Shugenja may use spells from the Lore of Kami, Fire, Heavens, Life, or Shadow. She may also carry a small knife or short sword for defense, if there is not enough time to cast spells.
Defense: Most Shugenja are usually accompanied by elite troops to protect her from any enemies that might attempt to kill her. She may also conjure various magical or elemental shields, or call on the Kami to protect her from harm.
Special: Candle of the Void: Initiates of the Shugenja Schools learn to craft these items as part of their regular training. They take the form of candles, imbued with faint but very practical elemental magic. Although they outwardly appear to hold only the power of Fire, each Candle of the Void actually incorporates all of the Elements. These magical candles are made of black wax. They are extremely thick and usually about one foot long when newly created. It can greatly aid the Shugenja in casting. A Shugenja using a Candle of the Void finds her spells easier to cast, but can only cast within line of sight in terms of range. She must also be at least within sight of the candle in order to use it.
Additional Factors:
-Shugenja are actually very peaceful women. Their lives of communing with the Kami and the Heavens has given each of them a deep respect for life, no matter what form it takes. However, they realize that the rest of the world does not necessarily feel that way, or that sometimes they will be forced to take a life in the course of their duties. Thus, after every battle they participate in, a Shugenja will take steps to purify themselves and others of the taint of blood and death.
-Shugenja stand out as the one exception to the samurai's usual aversion to surrender. As servants of the Kami, they are always treated with respect and offered the option of being taken prisoner when possible. Most Shugenja realize how rare and precious their gift is, and how wrong it would be to deny the clan their gifts, and accept the offer even if the idea of being held hostage is otherwise intolerable.
-Other day to day tasks of a Shugenja include: Blessing villages to help bring in better crop harvests and healthier livestock; protecting villages against mortal and supernatural threats; communing with the spirits of the dead (creating a link between the living and their ancestors), and helping the restless dead find peace by helping it with whatever unfinished business it had.
-All Shugenja are highly educated, and very intelligent.
Mobility: 4
Training: 7-8
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: Right by his client or lord's side.
Those Samurai that distinguish themselves on the battlefield become part of the Clan's inner circle in the form of Hatamoto. A Hatamoto, or honored retainer, is the official representative of the family name. It is the chief aid and adviser to a daimyo. The main duty of the Hatamoto on the battlefield is to protect important members or allies, such as couriers or Shugenja; but above all else they protect the Daimyo.
Offense: See Samurai, but always of the highest quality.
Defense: The best armor their lord can offer.
Additional Factors:
-See Samurai Additional Factors
-If the person the Hatamoto is protecting dies, the Hatamoto will immediately commit seppuku, rather then live with their disgrace.
-Sometimes, the Hatamoto is given the honor of carrying his lord's banner into battle. This marks him as his lord's personal champion, and the Hatamoto takes this honor very seriously, and would rather die than see the banner fall.
Mobility: 5
Training: 8
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
The Kensai is a duelist who over many years of practice and dedication has reached spiritual perfection through use of the sword. The Kensai spends many hours in meditation and has reached the point where he is almost considered a saint and only kills when absolutely necessary, without resentment or pain.
The Kensai have devoted their lives to perfecting the skill of the quick draw, known as Iaijutsu. They focus their training and meditation into a rapturous perfection of the use of the katana, channeling his arcane might through it in a dizzying and deadly dance beyond the abilities of even the greatest of mundane warriors. The Kensai are the best of the best, skilled duelists who epitomize the Way of the Sword. To be a Kensai is to be one of the fastest blades in Nippon. The Kensal's speed, skill and dedication to the tenets of bushido are known throughout Nippon, and even their enemies must grudgingly accept the strength of the Kensai.
Offense: The Katana, and they are truly the greatest swordsmen in the land. The Kensai are known throughout Nippon for having an almost supernatural connection with their katana. They are masters of the duel, earned with hours and hours of practice. Such is their speed that they can draw their sword, deliver a fatal cut to their opponent, and sheathe it before the enemy knows he's been killed.
Defense: Normal Samurai armor, but the Kensai are known for being so skilled that they can take on multiple opponents at the same time, and come out without a scratch.
Additional Factors:
-A Kensai will always issue a challenge when he can, and will always accept a challenge offered.
-Kensai are not leaders, despite the great amount of respect others have for them. They are wanderers, joining in battles and leaving as they see fit, always looking for greater wisdom or a true challenge for their skills.
Warrior Monks
Mobility: 5
Training: 6
Max Range: Varies
Preferred Range: Hand to Hand
Deep in the inaccessible areas of Nippon lie the many mountain retreats of religious warrior monks. In these martial monasteries, monks not only study religious and academic texts, but also a variety of martial arts. Warrior monks are the de facto private armies of the secluded monasteries, and are fundamentally similar in many respects to the religious templars of the Old World. Warrior Monks defend their monastery against attacks and advance its political claims in the outside world.
Offense: The Monks are highly skilled combatants, and they study their martial arts daily, making them exceptionally deadly close quarters combatants. A Monk may carry a sword or a spear, but his deadliest weapons are his fists and feet, which are deadly enough that groups of monks are capable of hunting down and killing Oni.
Defense: Unlike normal monks, who restrict themselves to robes, Warrior Monks wear light metal armor beneath. In addition, they have honed their bodies to take a punch, so even if they get hit they can usually keep going.
Special: The Power of Faith: The Warrior monks can channel divine power through their faith, granting them the ability to heighten their senses, their strength, their speed, and to protect their mind and body from harm. The most experienced monks (known as Shohei) can shrug off physical damage and ignore spells entirely.
Additional Factors:
-Monks come from all walks of life, be it peasantry, samurai, or noble. As monks though, they are all equal, and have left their past lives behind. As such, they make some samurai uncomfortable, as they can't always tell what caste the monk came from, and thus how much respect to give them. This forces the samurai to treat all monks with respect and admiration.
-If they are not needed at their temple and they are not training, the Monks will go to the nearest village and aid the villagers however they can. In Nippon, this had lead to them being revered by the peasantry.
-A Warrior Monk welcomes all challengers, as it lets them test their skills and their faith.
Mobility: 5
Training: 7
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: Hand to Hand
Nippon is inhabited by a people who feel bound to their land by a sacred ancient duty. The structure of society is rigid; and so too are Nipponese religious observances. In monasteries scattered across Nippon, shaven-headed acolytes toll brazen bells over silent courtyards. A life of study and ritual under gingko trees and behind paper panels has gone unchanged for many, many long years.
Up in the mountains of Nippon various warrior sects known as Yamabushi train more rigorously and more violently, slaying oni in the blackest depths of the forests. Their rituals include walking across beds of red-hot coals, chanting while sitting under ice-cold waterfalls and hanging from their feet from the edges of cliffs. The peasantry and even the monks regard these men with a certain respect, and fear their supposedly magical abilities.
Offense: Yamabushi are masters of hand to hand combat, their skills in martial arts allowing them to defeat even heavily armed opponents, and even the large demons known as Oni. They supplement their skills with a variety of weapons. There are the spears and yari, simple wooden staves, throwing daggers, emei piercers, hook swords, whips, short swords, bows and arrows, etc. etc. A Yamabushi is highly disciplined, and will dedicate a lot of time to mastering a particular weapon along with his martial arts. So while a Yamabushi will certainly not bring ALL of those weapons into battle, the one or two he does bring he will be an expert in worthy of or perhaps surpassing a Samurai.
Defense: Most Yamabushi do not wear armor, instead going to battle only in their robes. However, rarely a general or other leader working with the Yamabushi may persuade them to wear at least some form of leather armor underneath. This is rare though, as most Yamabushi believe the only armor they need, is their skills, and their faith. Now, what's interesting there is that their faith does act as a shield of sorts. Yamabushi possess a higher magical resistance then normal humans, and this is often attributed to their strong faith in the Kami.
-Prayer Beads: These seemingly simple objects of prayer are actually quite useful in battle. As they are imbue with the Yamabushi faith, and the faith of his brothers, they act as a holy magic weapon. Unholy enemies (Oni, Demons, Undead, or the truly black of heart and soul) who come into contact with them burn as though the beads had just come from a blacksmiths forge. Yamabushi typically slip them around their fists, giving their blows added power against any Oni they may be facing.
-Incense: Some Yamabushi carry a small pot or bowl on their hip that contains incense from the temple where they are from. When burned, this incense creates an aroma that is soothing to men of faith, but utterly vile to oni.
-Prayers of the Kami: Yamabushi may pray to the Kami to influence the world around them. All Yamabushi know these three prayers:
Prayer of Invigoration: This prayer can cause a unit within 50 meters (164 feet) (or multiple units for increased effort) of the Yamabushi to be healed of all non-fatal wounds. The longer the Yamabushi prays, the longer the effect lasts.
Prayer of Protection: This prayer gives a unit a powerful resistance to magic based attacks for a short time period. It has a range of 50 meters (164 feet), and can effect more units with more effort.
Prayer of Potency: This prayer gives a unit increased strength and dexterity. It has a range of 50 meters (164 feet), and can effect more units with more effort. Of all the prayers, this one lasts the longest.
Additional Factors:
-Yamabushi have powerful wills, and are highly resistant to all but the most powerful mind attacks.
-The ultimate goal of any Yamabushi is to achieve Enlightenment.
-Yamabushi are highly stubborn when it comes to their faith, and they will suffer no insult to it.
Kabuki Dolls
Mobility: 6
Training: 7
Max Range: Varies
Preferred Range: Varies
Most performers of Kabuki theatre are professional dancers and actors; however a small and secretive cult of masked assassins also trains its members in Kabuki, treating the intricate gestures and extreme posturing of the dance as the basis for a martial art form. These Kabuki Dolls, as they are called, receive lifelong training in diverse arts, from assassination, protection, and diplomacy, to proficiency with exotic and traditional weapons like the battle-fan and poisoned hair needles, as well as skill with a musical instrument, rhetorical excellence, and of course Kabuki dance.
Offense: The Kabuki dolls are trained in a variety of weapons, both exotic and traditional. What weapon they carry into battle depends on the performance they need to give. Even without weapons, they are highly skilled in martial arts.
The most common weapon a Kabuki doll will have would be a war fan. The fan hides a razor sharp blade, while the ends are weighted for blunt force attacks. In close quarters combat, it can also act as a form of shield. The second most common weapon that the Kabuki dolls have will be poisoned needles in their hair. These needles can be thrown, or stabbed if they get close enough. The needles are coated in a deadly poison that kills in seconds.
Defense: Depends on the costume they are wearing. They may have on samurai-like armor, or they may be wearing robes. It all depends on who's paying for them, and what is expected of them. If they're going into battle, armor is a must. But if they're expected to entertain a noble, they likely will be wearing something less defensive.
Special: Kabuki Dance: There are two types of Kabuki dances, and all the Dolls will be experts in both, able to switch from one to the other with astounding grace. These two dances represent different styles of fighting.
Jidaimono ("Rough Stuff Style"): Yelling and braying their often nonsensical lines, the Kabuki Dolls throw themselves at the foe in a flurry of death. This is an offense heavy style, focused on speed and dealing as many blows as quickly as possible.
Sewawono ("Talk of the town"): Moving gracefully and without pause, the Kabuki Dolls dodge strike after strike. This is a very defensive heavy style, focused on using the Kabuki's natural grace and agility to dodge the enemies attacks, then counterattacking.
Additional Factors:
-Though the battlefield is not their ideal environment, units of Kabuki Dolls make very effective combat troops.
-Kabuki Dolls are very expensive. Whether it's protecting someone or killing them, a Kabuki Dolls' services don't come cheaply. That said, you get what you pay for, and the Kabuki Dolls didn't get their reputation by being sloppy when it comes to their work.
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Thrown weaponry
Preferred Range: Unseen
When the wealthy and the powerful need an enemy eliminated quietly and without fail, they call upon the ninja. When a general needs to sabotage the siege engines of his foes before they can reach the castle walls, he calls upon the ninja. And when fools dare to move against a ninja or her companions, they will find the ninja waiting for them while they sleep, ready to strike. These shadowy killers are masters of infiltration, sabotage, and assassination, using a wide variety of weapons, practiced skills, and mystical powers to achieve their goals.
Though generally distrusted and loathed by the Samurai, some commanders see past the Ninja's lack of honor and see their uses on the battlefield. The ability to move about largely unseen on the battlefield means they appear from nowhere, launch an assault on an enemy general and then vanish before they are caught or killed.
-Throwing Stars
-A short sword
Defense: Almost none, as ninja don't want to risk it weighing them down. Their best defense is simply never being seen, or moving so quickly that they are never caught.
Special: Ninjutsu: A disgraceful practice, ninjutsu is the art of using specialized weapons created specifically for use by the deadly assassins and shadow warriors known as ninja. No honorable warrior would ever humiliate himself and his ancestors by demonstrating knowledge of such a shameful nature, and indeed many samurai, when confronted with the bizarre implements of the ninja, have difficulty fathoming their use altogether, other than as crude and relatively ineffective weapons. The tools and weapons most commonly associated with Ninjutsu are
-Smoke Bombs: Either filled with a blinding agent or a substance that reacts with air to produce a thick smoke, either are used when the Ninja need to make a quick getaway without their enemy seeing them.
-Blowguns which fire poison darts
-Caltrops: An antipersonnel weapon that targets the feet and makes pursuing the ninja difficult.
-Grappling Hook: Used to scale buildings or walls
-Poisons: A ninja may coat his weapons with poison to make even the smallest wound dealt a fatal one. They may also infiltrate an enemy base and sneak poison into the food or water. There are a variety of poisons, which can be found in the Additional Info section of the profile.
Additional Factors:
-Ninjas are extremely secretive. Who they are, and what clan they originate from are closely guarded secrets.
Mobility: 6
Training: 8 (All their Samurai training, and then the additional Shinobi training)
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: Unseen
The Shinobi are the most secretive school in the most secretive Clan in Nippon, and for good reason. The Shinobi are spies and assassins. When diplomacy, strength of arms, and magic fail, it falls to the Shinobi to protect the Shinzei's interests. Optimally, a Shinobi has a full life and duties aside from those he learns in school. When his Clan calls upon him, his skills are ready, but until then these deadly samurai hide in plain sight.A Shinobi is trained to move silently, kill efficiently, and blend effortlessly into the shadows.
The Shinobi are the highest ranking of Ninja in Nippon. They are employed to eliminate enemy commanders, small units and war machines, and are a match for anyone in combat.
-Short Sword or Katana
-Throwing Daggers or Shuriken
-Kusarigama / Sickle and Chain: A scythe on the end of a chain with a weighted ball on the end. An unusual weapon to be sure, but Shinobi are masters in its use. It can be used to disarm an opponent by pulling a weapon out of their hand. It can keep opponents at a distance, and distract them via twirling and spinning of the chain, allowing the Shinobi to think of his next move or allow his allies to attack.
-If a Shinobi is hiding among a group of other units, they will have whatever those units have.
Defense: None, save some protection around the face and major organs, hidden beneath dark clothing. If the Shinobi is hiding among a group of other units (such as Ashigaru), they will wear what those units are wearing. If they are on official Shinobi business, they will wear a mask to protect their identity.
-All Items a Ninja might have
-Poisons (though a Shinobi's are of a much higher quality).
Additional Factors:
-Samurai HATE Ninja, and don't think much better of Shinobi. A Samurai would never risk dishonor by fighting with them, nor would Onna Bushi, Sumo Warriors, Great Guards, Samurai Cavalry, Yabusame, Red Devils, or Hatamoto.
-Shinobi are masters of stealth, able to stay hidden even in plain sight. They can move across a chaotic battlefield unseen, right up until the moment they strike!
-While most Shinobi don't consider themselves ninja, they realize that not everyone will make that distinction, and acknowledge that they do share many tactics with ninja. Any differences between the two matter little to the enemy.
-Shinobi prize their secret identity above all material goods. They will never reveal their true identity to someone outside the clan unless that person has their utmost trust. If, for some reason, they are exposed, they must claim they are acting without knowledge of the Shinzei Clan. They will reveal nothing about their training or what their mission is. If escape is not possible, a Shinobi will take his own life, rather then risk revealing secrets during torture.
Mobility: Varies (Carried into battle by others, then left stationary unless threatened)
Training: 0
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Battlefield
A shrine is a structure whose main purpose is to house the spirit of one or more Kami. A shrine is usually characterized by the presence of a sanctuary, where the Kami is enshrined. The sanctuary may however be completely absent, as for example when the shrine stands on a sacred mountain to which it is dedicated, or when there are nearby altars that can serve as a more direct bond to a Kami. Smaller, more portable shrines are called Mikoshi.
Shrines dedicated to the Kami can be found everywhere in Nippon, scattered across the land. The blessing of the Kami is an important aspect to the Nipponese, and as such, it has become an increasing sight to see on the battlefield. Mikoshis are carried into battle by Warrior Monks who fight to the death to protect it. The presence of these shrines is not just a boost of the morale to the soldiers, but a potent weapon as well. Warriors true of heart may benefit from its blessings, giving them strength and purpose for the task at hand. However, those that spoil their gifts and are weak hearted should beware, for no sooner than they have received their blessing may it turn upon them.
Offense: Blessings of the Kami: The Shrines bestow their blessings to all faithful within range. Each Shrine only bestows one type of blessing, and only one blessing may be given at a time. While there are a wide variety of blessings, the four most common ones are:
-The Blessing of Strength: Warriors are imbue with the greater strength, and melee attacks become much more powerful.
-The Blessing of Persistence: Warriors are imbue with the endurance of ages, and become much harder to fell in combat.
-The Blessing of Swiftness: The Blessed become twice as fast, their movements a blur to their enemy.
-The Blessing of Courage: The strength of the Kami fills the hearts of the Blessed, allowing them to better resist fear and panic.
However, it should be noted that if one who has been blessed by the Kami flees from the battlefield for any reason, they will immediately lose the Blessing, and the Kami will punish them; either with great pain or potentially even striking them dead.
Defense: The actual shrines are made of wood or other decorative materials, and aren't actually very durable. However, they are always guarded by several Warrior Monks, who will give up their lives before they see the Shrines damaged.
Sadly, pokemon don't exist in the Warhammer universe...although that would make for a very strange crossover. |
Mobility: 7
Training: 8-9 (Depending on the age of the Kitsune)
Max Range: Several hundred meters (magic)
Preferred Range: Out of the enemies reach
The Kitsune are fox spirits, perhaps the most famous denizens of Chikushudo, the Realm of Animals. Though they are often mischievous and overly bold, they are generally good-natured with an insatiable curiosity about the ways of mortals. They often visit Nippon, sometimes joining samurai in their travels to study their strange ways.
When subtlety and guile are required, these shape shifters take on a human form and blend into human society. In battle, however, they take on their war aspect - that of a giant, ferocious fox. The Kitsune are also powerful magic-users and many fear the spells and charms that a Kitsune can visit upon them. It is with much caution and respect that the people of Nippon treat the Kistune. That is, if they know who or what they are dealing with in the first place.
Offense: In their war form the Kitsune have large teeth and claws. The older a Kitsune is, the larger their war form is. The oldest Kitsune have forms that could crush squads of men beneath their feet, but these Kitsune are in the minority, and rarely leave their forest dwellings. In their human form they can use any human weapon close to hand. They are also powerful magic users, using magic to confuse and distract foes when possible. This may indicate they are capable of using the Lore of Shadows, as this is the magic most associated with illusions.
Defense: In human form they may wear armor. In their fox forms (both Natural and War) they are spirit creatures, able to turn intangible at will. While intangible, they can neither be attacked, nor attack themselves, though magic and magic weapons can still hurt them. In their fox forms, they also have a natural grace and agility to dodge attacks. War Form is slightly more cumbersome, but does have thick muscles to make up for it.
Additional Factors:
-A Kitsune has three forms: A single human form (which can be spotted by their golden, amber or brilliant blue eyes); their true form (that of a fox), and their war fox form.
-Ironically as much as kitsune deceive and trick they try to be logical and real with themselves. If they see someone who is more skilled than they, they will admit it. If a fight goes awry they will not hesitate to run if their abilities are not up to par.
-Kitsune commune with the spirits of nature, and have a strong connection with many animals. This can be used for spying, as animals often see things people cannot, or get into and out places they never could. The Kitsune will then take this information to the general or Daiymo.
-It should be noted though that Kitsune won't always help. The Kitsune serve as Taichiro's (the Fox God all Kitsune worship) eyes and ears both abroad as well as within the Isles of Nippon. They bring precious information to the Lords of Nippon, endeavoring to further their patron kami's goals through them. The capricious nature of these spirits, however, calls for careful handling of the information they provide, for they care not how their master's wishes are fulfilled, only that they are.
-As lovers of nature, Kitsune are more likely to aid a force defending their forests, and potentially the forests of others.
Yoritomo Ieyasu- Shogun of Nippon
Mobility: 4
Training: 7
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Role: Shogun of Nippon
The position of 'shogun' (approximated in Old Worlder as 'General against barbarians') is the title granted to Nippon's top military commander by the emperor. For the last three or four centuries it has become the most powerful position in the country so much so that it has taken over the Imperial court and, as a result, government.
The shogunate is highly coveted, as one can imagine, and there have been many a war over its succession. The title is usually hereditary, passed on from father to son, but sometimes, as the past has amply shown, there have been endless disagreements over the succession. Sometimes the Shogun's family would become weak and a rebel leader would seize power from them, after which he would be named shogun and would start a new ruling family.
When Yoritomo Ieyasu, the son of a powerful Daimyo warlord, was born, Nippon was in the midst of a decades-long civil war. With no ruling Emperor and the Shogunate weak, rival clans battled for dominance and the whole land suffered. As Yoritomo came to manhood, he formed an alliance with the neighboring clan and began a long campaign of unification. When his closest ally died in battle, Yoritomo not only avenged him, but also incorporated his lands into his own, securing his power base further. Eventually, after many wars, Yoritomo's power was unmatched, and he finally defeated the last of his enemies in the Battle of the Sundered Realm. The Emperor named Yoritomo Shogun following his final victory, and he has reigned unopposed ever since. Yoritomo was instrumental in opening up Nippon to trade with the Old World and embracing the military advances of the distant western lands.
Yoritomo Ieyasu is a ruthless military dictator and a harsh disciplinarian. As Shogun, he controls the combined might of Nippon's armies. All the Clan Daimyo are subject to him, and he answer to no one other than the Emperor. Known as the greatest warrior of his time, he has all but put an end to the civil war between the Clans, and Nippon has grown stronger than ever during his reign, where he rules with both charisma and an iron fist.
Offense: Blade of the Silver Moon: "The Blade of the Silver Moon is one of the most powerful weapons in Nippon, a blade of dull but deadly power. The moon can be seen constantly reflected in its blade, destroying everything its wake." While the blade itself may be dull, the magic in the blade allows it to cut through just about anything, seeming to ignore armor.
Defense: Armor of Iron Resolve: "Created specifically for the protection of the Shogun, this armor surrounds the wearer with a faint aura of light that can reflect any blow." Basically this is incredibly durable armor, with a potent magical field around it that makes it difficult to damage Yoritomo. It can be bypassed, but will take effort.
Additional Factors:
-See Samurai Addition Factors
-Yoritomo is the second highest authority in the Nippon army, answering only to the Emperor/Empress. All Daimyo answer to him, and he tells them what to do with their troops. Though brutal, he can force the clans to put aside their differences and work together.
Adaptive Creativity: 45: Nippon armies in general, and Yoritomo aren't known for their out of the box thinking, typically fighting with the same strategies and code of conduct as they have for millennium. Yoritomo is slightly different in that he was more willing to ally with other clans, and utilized Shinobi, but rarely came up with anything to ground breaking.
Tactics: 80
Strategy: 75: Despite having to fight a brutal war against various factions, which resulted in him loosing his closet ally, he ultimately beat everyone, and became the Shogun.
Intuition: NA
Psychological Warfare: 20: Yoritomo almost never utilized such tactics, as they would be dishonorable. Rarely, he might utilize Shinobi sabotage, but he preferred not to. After he became shogun, he was able to quash a lot of fights by reputation; but overall he prefers to let his martial prowess do the talking.
Experience: 79: Fought in a decades long civil war, and then commanded the combined might of Nippon after that.
Discipline: 75: He is a highly disciplined warrior, and he must make sure that he projects a calm outside to those beneath him. To show weakness would lower the morale of his men, and might give his enemies the impression that he was weakening, which could be devastating further down the line.
Audacity: 65
Inspiration: 80: He is the Shogun for all Nippon, commanding the loyalties of the clans and the Daiymos, and has the ear of the Emperor. Few men would want to disappoint him, both out of obligation to him as their lord, and out of fear of what he might do to them if he found out.
Corruption: 50: Not evil, but he understands the necessities of war. He won't go out of his way to be cruel, but he won't weep for those that must die for the mission to be carried out or a battle to be won.
Empress Jungi
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: With her Samurai
Role: Empress of Nippon, Massive Magic and Morale Support
The Empress Jungi is the only sole female ruler throughout Nippon's history, but that is far from the reason she is still remembered today. She was the most powerful Shugenja of her time, being blessed by the Sun Goddess Amaterasu herself. Her magical powers, once discovered at a young age, were unrivaled after only a few years of proper schooling by the court magicians.
At the age of twenty her father died from illness, and Jungi, having no male siblings, became Empress of Nippon. She was a wise and benevolent ruler despite her youthfulness and inexperience, and Nippon saw a great influx in prosperity during her time, with abundant harvest and little civil conflict.
That's not saying all was well during her reign, as the Hung tribes, believing Nippon to be weak during the reign of a woman, invaded with a large fleet in 1745. However, they soon felt the power of her magic, as she single-handedly sunk most of their ships off the coast of Nippon, summoning massive tidal waves to bring the Hung vessels to the bottom of the sea.
Unlike most of Nippon's Imperial family, Empress Jungi could often be seen on the battlefield, where she would personally lead her bodyguard of samurai against her foes. She managed to unite Nippon under Imperial rule for the first time since Emperor Yamayakyuki, defeating the Mirumoto shogunate that had held the power for several hundred years. Peace would then follow during the remainder of her reign.
Under mysterious circumstance, Empress Jungi disappeared some ten years later, and details on how or why are still scarce. The people say she was uplifted to the Heavens by the Kami themselves, where she now watches over her subjects for eternity. She is celebrated as one of the most glorious of all Nippon's leaders throughout the ages, and many people still give their prayer's to her in many of Nippon's shrines.
For the purposes of this profile, however, we will assume that the Empress has descended from heaven once more to aid her people against the trials ahead.
Offense: Empress Jungi is the most powerful Shugenja in Nippon, and is capable of using all the spells in the Lore of the Kami, as well as magic from the Lore of the Heavens, Fire, Life, or Shadow. Such is her skill that she may even attempt to dispel the magic cast by other magic-users (so long as her will and magic are stronger then the one she is trying to stop), and one of her more impressive feats was summoning a tidal wave to sink a fleet of invading ships.
Defense: Empress Jungi would be guarded by many of the greatest warriors of Nippon, and most would lay down their lives before they allowed an enemy anywhere near her. Jungi herself also has several magical barriers around her that gives her defense against magical attacks. Under all that though, just robes, no physical armor.
Special: Headdress of the Imperial Family: This headdress has been used by the Empress of Nippon for as long as anyone can remember. It radiates a faint aura around Jungi, and blinds enemies that get to close to her. It also grants the Empress a greater resistance to magical attacks.
Additional Factors:
-Empress of Nippon: As the Empress, all the warriors of Nippon are sworn to protect her, or die trying. Those near her gain a massive morale boost, and will not break in the face of an enemies psychological attack.
Adaptive Creativity: NA: We simply don't know enough about the few times the Empress lead her troops into battle to know this score.
Tactics: NA: We simply don't know enough about the few times the Empress lead her troops into battle to know this score.
Strategy: NA: The Empress doesnnot direct the whole of the military (That's the Shogun's job). She may have a goal in mind, but its up to others to get the army there.
Intuition: 65: Slightly higher then average, mostly because she's been raised in court, where she was trained to intuit what her opponents might do, and because the Kami sometimes grant her a hint of what's to come.
Psychological Warfare: NA
Experience: 50: While she's been leading people for a while, she is still a young woman.
Discipline: 80: As both the most powerful Shugenja of her country, the Empress, and riding out to battle, she has become incredibly disciplined. She has faced large invading forces and spoken to the Kami themselves, and has remained calm in the face of it.
Audacity: 50: She was known to ride into battle with her troops whenever she could.
Inspiration: 95: Jungi is one of the most beloved people in Nippon, and even after she disappeared people prayed to her, making her on par to a living saint or god. Those in the Nippon army would do anything for her, and her presence in this battle will give them great joy.
Corruption: 35: During her reign she united the kingdom and brought in a new era of prosperity. She was never cruel or uncaring towards even the lowest of the peasants. While she fought in wars, it was only against invaders or to unite the fractured Nippon empire. Overall: Basically good.
Hitomi Gozen - The First Onna Bushi
Mobility: 5
Training: 6
Max Range: Bow and Arrow
Preferred Range: Naginata
Role: Commander, Soldier, and Major Morale Booster (Onna Bushi)
The tale of Hitomi Gozen is one of the most famous in all of Nippon, for she would become the first Onna Bushi, the first female samurai. Hitomi proved that she was special when but a small child, for were normal girls were playing with dolls in the gardens, Hitomi wanted to fight with the boys. This was naturally not approved by her father, a stern Daimyo with conservative views who spent his time trying to teach his son, and Hitomi's older brother, to be a true warrior.
While Hitomi was overlooked by her father who refused her wishes of becoming a warrior, her brother was more inclined to help her. Every day, he would train her in secret in the same way he had been taught himself, and Hitomi proved to have a natural ability for quickly picking up his lessons. As the years went by, she would almost become as good a warrior as he was, all without her father knowing.
However, one day shortly after Hitomi's eighteenth birthday, the Gozen lands were invaded by another clan under the command of a captain of rarely seen ruthlessness. Hitomi's brother and father gathered their troops and set out to meet this foe on the battlefield. Unbeknownst to them Hitomi followed, hidden in a weapons cart.
Here Hitomi's brother challenged the rival captain to a duel to the death to determine the victor rather than spend the lives of his men. The rival captain mockingly accepted. He was a giant of a man, clad in steel armor from top to toe, and wielding a massive no-dachi sword. The duel was fast paced, but despite his efforts, Hitomi's brother could not best the other man, and was struck down with a blow that cut right through his shoulder, killing him instantly.
Hitomoi's father cried out and rushed to his son. The victorious captain laughed as he withdrew his sword from the body, only to throw it straight through the chest of Daimyo Gozen. With their lord dead, the Gozen army began to waver. At this point, Hitomi rushed from her hiding place and screamed in fury towards the man who murdered her family. He simply tried to swat her aside with his massive armored arm. But Hitomi was faster and dodged his blow by rolling under him. She picked up her brother's Naginata from where he had fallen, and before the he could react and turn, she had pushed the weapon with all her might through the back of her foe, the shimmering blade protruding from his ribcage. The man grasped at the blade in shock as he fell to his knees and died. With that, Hitomi called her army, invigorated by the sight of the last Gozen defeating the enemy leader, and they crushed the rival demoralized clan in a bloody battle.
After this, Hitomi would become leader of her house, and her father's samurai would loyally fight for her. News of her victory spread throughout Nippon, and inspired by her deeds, many women sought to join her army, to the point where most part of her forces consisted of female samurai who called themselves Onna Bushi.
Though Hitomi eventually perished in battle against an army of Oni, her legacy would live on. The Onna Bushi are still a significant force today, with many young women seeking to honor, and possibly become, the next Hitomi Gozen...
Of course, she couldn't very well participate in battle if she was dead though, could she? That's why, for the purpose of this profile, we shall assume that the Portal Master (or some other cosmic entity?) has brought her back (either through timey-wimey shenanigans or parallel dimensions, whatever) to fight along side her people once more. The Onna Bushi, especially will be pleased to be fighting along side this legend.
The Thundering Blade: An ancestral Naginata of the Gozen family, once belonging to Hitomi's brother. She now wields this weapon herself, each strike a reminder of her love for her brother. It has a magic on it that allows it to pierce any armor.
Daikyu of Commanding Presence: This asymmetric longbow is made of laminated bamboo, wood, and leather with a grip from the hide of an imperial dragon. It is a magical weapon capable of enchanting the arrows fired from it. An enchanted arrow that hits its target will turn that target into a sort of projectile magnet that draws in other ranged attacks, making them more likely to be struck by projectiles. This cannot be spammed though, and the bow requires an hour+ to recharge the enchantment. Therefore, Hitomi rarely uses it more then once per battle, so she has to make the shot count.
Defense: See Onna Bushi
Additional Factors:
-See Samurai Additional Factors
-As the inspiration for the Onna Bushi, any Onna Bushi near her will receive a massive morale boost.
The Red Ronin
Mobility: 4
Training: 7
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Role: The Ultimate Wandering Mercenary
The real name of the Red Ronin is no longer known, for he cast it off as he become honorless, no more the same man as he was before. He was already a captain at the age of seventeen, and showed a huge amount of promise for his future. His promising future was destroyed when he was manipulated into killing his master.
His downfall began when his master sent him to deal with a band of ronin bandits that were plaguing the locals. Although the leader of the bandits was easy to dispatch, one of the bandits' followers battled with unnatural speed and power, and proved a challenge to destroy. When the bandit leader died, the strange follower turned to the Red Ronin and swore that he would get revenge, upon which he melted into black smoke. The Red Ronin reported the incident to his master and was commended for his actions.
Unknown to him, the strange follower was a shape-shifter, and posed as the Red Ronin's master to present him with a new sword, a sword that he stated was the true sword of the Red Ronin's father. This was the bloodsword Revenge. After taking up his new sword, the Red Ronin's master began to act out of character, insulting the sensei of the dojo and disrespecting his ancestors. Soon after this he ordered the Red Ronin to attack a samurai outpost.
Before the Red Ronin followed the orders, he realized that the bandit's follower must have been a changeling and replaced his master. The Red Ronin challenged his master and in the struggle slew him with Revenge. His master did however not melt into shadow though, but lay bleeding at the Red Ronin's feet. The shape-shifter had been impersonating the Red Ronin's second in command, goading him into action against his master, and revealed his actions upon the master's death before vanishing into smoke. The Red Ronin swore he would find the true killer of his master, and he would know that man by his eyes.
Since that day, the Red Ronin has been traveling the lands of Nippon as an honor-less Ronin, searching for his master's killer to exact his revenge and restore his honor. He is a menace to all whom he faces on the battlefield, filled with hate and equipped with Revenge, he slays anyone that comes within range of his blade.
Offense: Revenge: The bloodsword Revenge was forged by Asahina Yajinden in 508 on the Anvil of Despair. It was the first of four bloodswords forged by Yajinden. It grants the wielder great power, but threatens to destroy his mind from within with its sinister force.
This greatly increases the Red Ronin's physical strength, allowing him to cleave foes in two with ease. However, it can also send him into a blood-crazed frenzy, which requires extreme mental effort to pull out of. When the RR takes damage, the sword drives him to take revenge on whatever hurt him, which requires even more focus to snap out of.
Defense: Armor of the Cursed: The Red Ronin took this blood red armor from an Oni while venturing to the north of Haikido. Sensing its dread powers, he donned it himself, thinking its constant whispering voices a fitting punishment for his failure until he could prove himself worthy again. However, its fell powers almost drove him insane, and he must always try to muster his all his willpower to control himself.
This is a heavy set of armor with a light magical protection. Those near the Red Ronin are likely to feel afraid due to its magical aura. Wearing the armor though eats at the RR's willpower, occasionally sending him into a murder frenzy, which requires a lot of willpower to snap out of.
Additional Factors:
-Due to the combination of cursed armor and sword he wields, the Red Ronin spends a lot of time in a bloody frenzy, and requires massive mental strain to regain lucidity.
-The Red Ronin HATES Shapeshifters worst of all, and will destroy everything in his path to get to them. He will not stop until they are dead, or he is.
-The Red Ronin does not work well with others. His presence makes others uncomfortable and his tendency to fall into blood frenzy means he usually works alone.
Sarutori Hanzo - Shinobi Assassin
Mobility: 6
Training: 8
Max Range: Thrown weaponry
Preferred Range: Unseen
Role: Head assassin to the Shogun
Sarutori Hanzo is the greatest Shinobi in entire Nippon, his skills putting the rest of his brothers to shame. During the Clan War, he assisted Shogun Yoritomo Ieyasu in claiming the seat of power from his adversaries by assassinating his rivals.
Hanzo was born a member of the Sarutori family in the city of Kiroshima, and was trained in the arts of the ninja like all his family members before him. He soon gained fame as a talented spy and imaginative assassin, and was eventually recruited into the Shinobi.
Slimly built and of below average stature, Hanzo is hardly impressive physically. An attentive observer, however, might notice an unusual, almost inhuman agility in his every move. When in the vicinity of others, Hanzo is always sharp and attentive. He tends, however, to alternate between moments of lucidity and periods of melancholy. During these latter periods, he embraces seclusion as a form of defense, and can hide away from the world for weeks.
Now an agent of the Shogun, Hanzo follows his master's will, eliminating anyone who might seek to overthrow the current ruler. As long as Hanzo is on the Shugon's side, few would even consider rising against the Shogunate and risk of finding themselves with a blade across their throat.
Appearing as nothing but a quick shadow in battle, Hanzo quickly moves between his foes, swinging his chain sickle in lethal arcs before moving in for the kill. Few can match him in battle, and fewer still who have tried have survived to tell the tale.
Offense: See Shinobi
-He always takes his chain sickle (or Kusarigama) into battle. It is a magical weapon, it sweeps through the air, cutting at anyone within its reach. Those unfortunate enough to feel the sting of its blade find their strength to fight quickly diminished. That's because the enchanted blade actually saps their strength from them, leaving even the strongest warriors who, moments earlier were ready for battle, collapsing on the ground in exhaustion.
Hanzo also tends to coat everything he has in poison.
Defense: Light metal armor, designed to protect, but not impede his speed or agility.
-Poisons, especially Fauntei Shi and Night Milk (See Additional Info)
-Shadow Magic: Hanzo can bend the shadows around him to aid in his stealth. He can also cast the spell 'Steed of Shadows' from the Lore of Shadows: This spell conjures a single flying shadow drake that can pick up a beleaguered friendly character or the wizard himself and extends their movement to have flight characteristics. He is extremely skilled with this spell, to the point he can even cast it while engaged in close combat with someone.
-Kage Mask: On Hanzo, the mask's natural state causes those who look apron him to feel afraid, projecting a powerful fear into their minds. It's secondary power is that it can change his appearance, letting him appear as someone else. He can only change his appearance to other humanlike beings, and cannot make himself taller or smaller then he really is.
Additional Factors:
-Hanzo feels the best way to win a fight is to beat your opponent before the fight really begins. So he will always try to strike first, if possible.
-Hanzo is a master of stealth, able to blend in even on a crowded battlefield. He has used this stealth on assassinations, to spy on enemies in their strongholds, and scout ahead of the Shogun's army.
-Hanzo does not lead, and prefers to work alone.
O-Sayumi - Legendary Geisha
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Melee
Role: Nippon's greatest Geisha
O-Sayumi, made an orphan while but a babe, was given to be brought up by other Geishas in a tea house in Makudo, an elegant building with shiny brass gutters in the entertainment district. Here she learned to play the samisen and began training to become a geisha.
O-Sayumi is a master of traditional geisha skills, including song, classical music, dance, and the tea ceremony. O-Sayumi is a virtuoso performer on the samisen, and is also an accomplished practitioner of the geisha fan dance, which she has modified into her personal fighting style. Her weapons are two folding fighting fans that she normally carries in her sash. O- Sayumi loathes violence, however, and fights only in self-defence.
A beautiful young woman in her early twenties, O- Sayumi bears a striking resemblance to her mother. With her noble features, jet-black hair, and slender body, O-Sayumi cuts a stunning figure. An epitome of the geisha spirit, O-Sayumi believes in peace and goodness, and is exquisitely mannered and gentle, at least to outsiders.
While appearing as but a frail girl, O-Sayumi's training as a Geisha means more than just being able to perform tea ceremonies or play the samisen for entertainment. She is well-versed in combat with her two war fans, being able to quickly strike down unsuspecting foes with her poisoned hair pins or razor sharp fan edges.
For this reason, she sometimes appears in Nippon's armies, where her skills as a Geisha can both be a boon to her allies, and a distraught to her enemies.
O-Sayumi's main weapons are her two war fans which she keeps in her sash. The edge of the fans are razor sharp, easily able to slit a man's throat or remove a limb. The ends of the fan are weighted, and with enough force can crack a skull like an egg. The fan can also be used as an unorthodox shield
In her hair are hair pins which are coated with a highly potent neurotoxin that kills in seconds. These can be thrown or, in an emergency, used as a melee weapon (should something happen to her fans).
*It is possible that her fans could be coated with the same poison, though she has not been seen to do so yet.
O-Sayumi is a master of combat with her rather unorthodox weapons. As she dislikes being in combat, she always aims to finish a battle quickly, and will aim for the most likely killing spot on her opponent.
Defense: Geisha robes, and nothing else. O-Sayumi rarely enters combat, and only does so when absolutely necessary, or in defense of herself. She relies on her agility and training to keep her from getting hurt.
-Karyukai Tea Set: This tea set includes an array of utensils, painted with pictures of willows and flowers, used in traditional tea ceremonies: a small teapot, three bowls of various sizes and shapes, six cups, bamboo utensils (a ladle, a scoop, and a whisk), and several smaller containers, all stored in a wooden box.
This may look like an normal tea set, but it is actually enchanted. Before a battle takes place, O-Sayumi will conduct a special tea ceremony using this set. Those who participate in the ceremony (O-Sayumi included) will be placed in a calm, almost dreamlike state. In battle they will not be effected by fear, and are immune to all but the most powerful of mind-altering effects.
-Samisen of Oracular Vision: This elegant, long-necked samisen is crafted of cat skin stretched over a wooden fram. The samisen's three silken strings are magically keyed to the past, present, and future.
This is a magical instrument O-Sayumi may play in battle. It grants those friendly units that hear it superior vision, reflexes, and strength. This effect only lasts as long as O-Sayumi keeps playing the samisen.
Additional Factors:
-Her skills as a Geisha are legendary, and her very presence makes people feel at ease, even in battle.
-Due to her general dislike for violence, O-Sayumi will not often be directly on the battlefield, instead using her talents off it. That said, if called into battle, she will serve, and she will always fight in defense of herself and those cares for.
Morale: 80: The armies of Nippon will fight long and hard, no matter what they face. Death is expected in battle after all, and honor awaits those who fight valiantly and impress their ancestors. The armies of Nippon have the Kami on their side, so why would they flee? It would take some truly devastating casualties before the Nippon buckled.
Logistics: 50
Espionage: 20: While some clans excel in this, the majority of the Nippon army find such tactics distasteful at best and dishonorable at worst. The Shogun has utilized these in the past, but rarely, so there is not a great deal of emphasis placed on these.
Discipline: 75: This is a nation very familiar with war, and a lot of their culture is built around it. They have trained for battle and their troops will march to their commanders' will. They will not dishonor themselves and their ancestors by breaking and fleeing, save in the face of brutal defeat or truly eldritch horrors.
Army Intimidation: 50: Mostly the armies of Nippon look like normal people. While they do have magic, and some intimidating units like dragons or summoned Oni, for the most part they would appear as a standard non-magical army.
Reinforcement Rate: Average for most troop types, low for magic users, Great Guard, and Wako Pirates.
-Clans of Nippon: There are 8 great clans of Nippon. While each of them may possess similar units in terms of their armies, each has something they specialize in.
The Ashiwara Clan: Our archers are admired by all. No arrow flies truer than the Ashiwara shaft. They will cover the sky, our enemies will fear death from afar, and with it we shall be victorious!
The Ashiwara have a long and proud history, claiming descent from the first Cathayan Emperor Chung I- Hsien, whose family travelled to Nippon long ago. Ashiwara Kunichika, the daimyo, is certainly bold and brave enough to have imperial blood in his veins: he once jumped off a castle wall on a dare!
Regardless if whether or not their heritage is true, they certainly know how to act like nobility. The Ashiwara diplomats are among the most prominent at the Imperial Court, and have won many of their battles in the courtrooms rather than the battlefield.
They are a mostly peaceful clan, and have made few open transgressions in the past, instead preferring to solve conflicts through diplomacy rather than open battle - their favorite method being of forging alliances with other clans to fight their battles for them! That said, the Ashiwara do not shy away from a fight when faced with one. Opting for defense over offense, they have perfected their skill with the bow over many years, becoming the best in Nippon.
The Ashiwara generally have a good standing with the other clans, if only due to their wise choice of words in meeting with them. Some would perhaps consider them cowardly due to their non-warlike manners and dislike for close combat, though this is hardly the case. The way the Ashiwara see it, mind wins over matter, and theirs is the strongest by far.
The Uruchi Clan: We do not walk the same path as other clans. We are revered and strong, independent, and brave in battle. Our warriors are feared, our skills with the no-dachi unrivalled. In battle, we terrify the foe!
The Uruchi clan was founded by Uruchi Tomomune when he was given control of Okakama by the first Shogun Mirumoto Nobunaga at the end of the 12th Century. The clan steadily gained influence until recently, when fighting broke out within the clan over the issue of a marriage alliance with the Horumi clan. Uruchi Harumune quarreled violently with his own father, Tanemune, over plans to marry off his younger brother: a large number of the Uruchi retainers and warriors agreed with Harumune and the old man was removed.
The Uruchi are known for their aggressive behavior, both towards other clans and members of their own. They respect only strength and bravery in battle, and look down upon the other clans whom they consider weaker. The Uruchi have often been at the forefront of many conflicts, and have probably been the catalyst for more conflicts in Nippon than any other clan. Other clans consider the Uruchi rather barbaric in their ways and mostly stay away from them if possible.
Uruchi warriors have fierce and unforgiving natures. Their foes learn this on the battlefield, shortly before they die. They favor the no-dachi sword which they swing with reckless abandon, barely being slowed down despite the length of the blade. They are famous for their Sumo Warriors, and have the largest Sumai dojo in all of Nippon.
The Shinzei Clan: All clans fight, but not all clans fight by the same rules. We embrace the darkness. We embrace the shadows. The Shinzei are silent. Deadly. We will strike unseen, sowing dissension and falling upon our foe before they can even blink.
The Shinzei reside in Haikido in the north of Nippon, a place where few men dare travel. Despite the large amount of daemons, Beastmen and undead dwelling there, the Shinzei have kept their old realm for themselves. Residing high up in the mountains, their fortresses are virtually impenetrable to attack, and thus they have been able to survive any serious attacks from the island's inhabitants.
Indeed, Haikido's foul reputation is even beneficial to the Shinzei, who have their secrets to keep. They developed a school of martial arts, the ninjutsu, which combined martial arts, assassination techniques and unconventional warfare tactics. They used their ninjutsu to keep their independence, and then to make themselves wealthy as swords-for-hire to the other clans, for there are no greater Ninja than those of the Shinzei clan. The tradition of independence, however, has remained strong among the Shinzei. Ninjutsu remains a dark art, passed down through families and jealously guarded from outsiders eyes. It is not surprising, then, that their ninja also have more expertise, both on and off the battlefield. The exception to this has been their ancient trade agreement with the Skaven, whom they taught the art of ninjutsu in return for refined warpstone they could use to increase the potency of their poisons.
The Shinzei are generally distrusted by the other clans, both due to their residence and their reputation for assassinating those who would seek to oppose them.
The Batake Clan: Our castles are strong, the envy of Nippon. We are rightly admired as master builders. Strong walls, strong souls. Our siege engines are equally mighty, nothing stands before them! The enemy's walls shall crumble before their eyes!
The Batake began their rise to power modestly enough on the Kanto plain, taking advantage of civil war and the troubles of others to establish themselves. Takamura Shinkuro, a powerful official in the shogunate, founded the clan, but it was his son who adopted the name Batake.
The Batake control the coast north of Tokaguchi, where they often battle against the Wako Pirates who pursue their raids against the region. Their fortresses are the steadiest in Nippon, and one of the reasons so few has ever tried to invade their lands. Some say the Batake castles protecting their borders the only reason the Uruchi clan has not tried to invade anyone during the past ten years.
The Batake are considered rather haughty and arrogant by the other clans, for they consider themselves the future of the Nippon whose technology will outlast the traditions of old. They spend most of their time researching new technology, developing their engines of war and iron industry, and have access to far more gunpowder than any other clan.
The Batake are the greatest builders in Nippon and produce better siege weapons than any other clan. On the battlefield, they use their war machines to rain death on their foes from afar before engaging them in combat to mop up the remaining forces. Though this might seem dishonorable, the Batake have garnered great successes using this tactic, and are confident it will one day win them the Shogunate of Nippon.
The Mushagi Clan: Others may covet titles, but Ashigaru, common spearmen, are the bedrock of Mushagi might. All know us, the commanders of a thousand spears. It is an honor to lead such men. Our generals are battle-scarred veterans of righteous strength! Do not look down upon your common man; but embrace him, and together our foes stand no chance!
From his castle in Hydo, Mushagi Nobuhide commands a clan with a formidable reputation. The Mushagi are rightly respected for their skills as inspiring battlefield commanders of Ashigaru.
Originally retainers of the Hita clan, the Mushagi grew as the Hita faded, but this only led to decades of strife within the family for supremacy. Eventually, a branch of the family came to prominence and eventually changed the clan name to Mushagi, a respectful acknowledgement of their ancestor of the same name.
The Mushagi are looked favorably upon by the common people, for their samurai almost treat the lowborn as equals. Well, at least as equal as they could be without lowering their standards in the Celestial Order anyway!
The other clans can certainly respect the forces at the Mushagi's command, for theirs is the largest armies in Nippon, though some also consider them "peasant-lovers" behind their backs, thinking they let the simple Ashigaru bask in the same glory as the samurai on the field on battle. That said, the Mushagi Ashigaru are the most well drilled in Nippon, who fight on against great odds out of devotion for their commanders.
The Daimatzu Clan: We trace a line back to the first Shogun. Loyalty runs deep in among the Daimatzu. It is in our blood, our traditions, and in battle our swordsmen are the envy of Nippon. No blade is swifter or more feared than ours!
The Daimatzu are a proud clan, with a long history worthy of their pride. To the Daimatzu, loyalty is everything, and their generals are less likely to develop ambitions of their own. Failure to adhere to the bushido code is much more strongly looked down upon than by any other clan, and for this reason, more Ronin can be found originating from Daimatzu lands than anywhere else.
The clan can trace its ancestry back to Mirumoto Nobunaga, the founder and first shogun of Nippon. In 1187, Nobunaga appointed his son, Tadahisa, as military governor of northern Koshu. The young man took the name of Daimatzu in Sumata province, his seat of government, as his own. Thanks to a well- organized army and administration, abundant local resources, and a certain distance between Nagashige and the Imperial court, the Daimatzu clan became rich and powerful.
The Daimatzu considers themselves the most honorable of the clans, and they adhere to the strict traditions of old more than anyone else. They have a strong dislike for trade outside Nippon, and generally shun the use of gunpowder and missile weapons, instead favoring the use of the katana above any other weapon. Their samurai are among the most skilled in Nippon, and they are great duelers and wielders of the blade. The best swords in Nippon are made by Daimatzu sword smiths, for which the clan are famous for and earn much of their income from.
Other clans usually respect the Daimatzu for their dedication to the way of the sword, though their behavior border on being arrogant towards those who think Nippon needs to advance technologically to survive in the future.
The Taneka Clan: To be Taneka, is to be born in the saddle. We are master horsemen, our cavalry astound all. Let others march, we ride. We fly, like storms in the mountains. We thunder in battle! We will ride down our foes and bring us glorious victory!
Taneka warlords have ruled from their home province since the 12th Century, but they have known little peace. Clan infighting, a long series of struggles against repeated invasions and wars against the Batake and Mushagi clans saw to that. They have however, mastered diplomacy as well as horses, and have achieved peace on occasions.
The Taneka Clans reside on the many fertile plains of the region, where their many horses can wander freely and graze to their hearts content. The Taneka take great pride in their horses, which is their most valuable possession. Originally imported from the steppe nomads of Cathay long ago, the Taneka horses are the finest steeds in Nippon, able to outpace any others when pressed.
It is hardly surprising then, that the Taneka have built most of their armies around cavalry, of which they are widely famous for. No other clan can match them in speed and ferocity, and the Taneka's ambitious nature has resulted in many attempted expansions into other clan territories.
The other clans respect the Taneka's strength and courage, but do consider them rather too impetuous for their own good. Still, the Taneka possesses a fair number of skilled diplomats which has helped in quelling open conflict on more than one occasion, for the benefit of all.
The Horumi Clan: We are indomitable in our faith, for without it we are nothing. Faith is our strength, our wellspring. Let others be corrupted, we have the guidance of heaven. Our monks pray, but they also fight - and fight well!
The Horumi are proud of their faith. Despite this religious solidarity, the history of the Horumi is not tranquil. The current Horumi leaders were originally the Nagado clan, and were vassals to the Horumi clan, who fought against themselves in a bitter dispute. Weakened by a war with the Mushagi, the Horumi were forced to seek help from the Nagado lord, Kagetora. His help included adopting the name of Horumi, and taking control of the whole Horumi clan! He was an adherent follower the war god, and took religious vows that his descendants have followed ever since.
The Horumi are known for their piety and religious devotion, and have far more Warrior Monks in their armies than any other clan. Hardly surprising though, since their lands are high up in the Kanto Sanchi Mountains, home to many monasteries and wandering Yamabushi. Their faith is reflected in their magic as well, for their Shugenja are the most adept wielders of the five elemental magics in Nippon.
While the other clans have no official qualms about the Horumi, many see them as zealots who are best avoided if possible, while others admire their strong dedication to their religion. To the Horumi, all others are basically heathens, who should all bow down to the might of the Kami and their heavenly guidance.
Those of the Shinzei's Sarutori Family are the undisputed masters of poison lore, and in their gardens bloom a variety of beautiful and deadly herbs. Naturally their interest in the matter is purely academic, at least as far as the rest of Nippon is concerned.
While the number of poisons is many, the most common ones are:
Fauntei Shi: The deadliest poison in the arsenal of the Shinobi, a trace of Fauntei Shi can kill even the most robust victim. The poison is a secret held dearly by the Shinobi, and few know the methods by which it is crafted. Fauntei Shi is employed only when the Shinobi need to be absolutely certain their target will die. With it, the smallest scratch is fatal.
Spider Venom: Not as deadly as snake's toxin, a spider's bite can nonetheless create significant problems if left untreated. Most spiders are so small that their bites are harmless, but some larger or deadlier varieties are able to kill children and even grown men. A unit poisoned by this will grow rapidly weaker as the battle rages on. While it may not kill them directly, it will certainly make it easier.
Snake Venom: Snake venom may be inflicted by a serpent's bite, gathered and administered internally, or synthesized by crafting a poison with similar effects. The venom attacks the victim's motor skills, lowering his agility and reflexes.
Night Milk: One of the first poisons developed by the Shinzei Clan, Night Milk forgoes devious and disabling effects for sheer brutality. A unit that gets hit with this will suffer an almost immediate and PAINFUL death. However, it's quite clear that the death was caused by poison, so it's rarely used for stealth, as there is no way to disguise Night Milk as a natural death.
Dripping Poison: A staple of an assassin's arsenal, dripping poison must be swallowed. It is usually administered by hanging a thread over a sleeping victim's mouth and dripping the poison down the thread from a hidden place in the ceiling. Dripping poison is especially deadly because it is administered at night, and usually allowed to go untreated for hours while the victim sleeps.
-The Celestial Order: The Nipponese believe all living beings, indeed all of existence, are organized into a hierarchy set in place by the will of the Celestial Heavens. This hierarchy - known as the Celestial Order - was revealed to the Nipponese by the Kami at the founding of the Empire, and they regard it as the sacred and unquestioned expression of divine will. To ignore or violate the Order is to blaspheme against the cosmos itself. Thus, the citizens of the Land of the Rising Sun are organized into three distinct castes, each of which is divided into several smaller ranks and sub-castes. Typically, a person is born into a caste and remains within that caste for their entire life, although exceptions are possible.
At the top are the Samurai, who are the only ones considered to be 'real people', and have have full rights and power above everyone below their station. Below them are the commoners, who compose the bulk of Nippon's population (this is also where Ashigaru fit in, and they are the only members of this level that are allowed to own weapons without breaking the law as the Wako Pirates do). And at the lowest rung are the Hinin. Hinin are those born to do tasks considered spiritually impure (morticians, leatherworkers, and refuse collectors for example, but also torturers). The Hinin are utterly ignored at best, and abused at worst. But according to the Celestial Order, they must accept their standing, and hope that in the next life they will be born into a higher caste.
Monks occupy a peculiar position within the social order. They are not samurai, and by strict interpretation of the Nipponese social system they cannot be considered anything other than peasants. However, their role as upholders of the Empire's religious traditions affords them a respect which other commoners do not enjoy. Most samurai treat monks with a certain deference, and prominent members of the monks are sometimes invited to court to provide counsel and guidance to daimyo.
-Religion: The official religion of Nippon is called Jinto and has been so for thousands of years. During Nippon's history it has existed as an amorphous mix of nature worship, fertility cults, divination techniques, hero worship, and shamanism and unusually it has no recognized founder. It is a religion of nature and spirituality and the belief that human nature is inherently good, and evil is thought to stem from the individual's contact with external forces or agents that pollute their pure nature and cause them to act in ways which are disruptive. Jinto worship is centered on the reverence of the gods or kami. Kami may be anything that is extraordinary and that inspires awe or reverence. Consequently, a wide variety of kami exist in Jinto: there are kami related to natural objects and creatures -- the spirits of mountains, seas, rivers, rocks, trees, animals, and the like; there are guardian kami of particular locales and clans; also considered kami are exceptional human beings, including many emperors. Evil spirits are also known in Jinto, but few seem irredeemably so. While a god may first call attention to its presence through a display of rowdy or even destructive behavior, generally speaking, the kami are benign. Their role is to sustain and protect. Although some gods are more popular than others, such as the Sun Goddess Amateratsu for example, it is highly unusual for anyone to take on a monotheistic perspective.
-Tenets of Bushido: All samurai are supposed to live according to a strict and demanding set of ethical principles known as Bushido (literally, the "way of the warrior"). They quickly came to be accepted by all the clans in Nippon, and as the roles of samurai evolved to include courtiers and artisans, the Code of Bushido evolved into a complete philosophical view of the role and duty of the samurai. In modern Nippon, Bushido is integral to almost every aspect of a Samurai's life, and the proper way to uphold the Code is a subject of continual discussion and debate among all samurai.
Bushido is comprised of seven Virtues: Courage, Compassion, Courtesy, Duty, Honesty, Honour, and Sincerity. These virtues are held to represent the proper way in which samurai should live and serve their lords. In its ideal form, Bushido values each of these virtues equally, and a samurai is expected to adhere to all of them with equal vehemence. In practice, however, few samurai can live such spotless lives. Moreover, every clan in Nippon views Bushido in a slightly different way, according to their respective views of duty, honour, and life. The true nature of Bushido is constantly debated within the courts of Nippon, and the true way to uphold its Virtues is seldom fully agreed upon even within the same clan. Every clan, has its idealists who try to uphold every Virtue no matter the cost, just as every clan contains a few dark souls who laugh at Bushido and flout its principles.
-Maintaining Face: Face is a vitally important aspect of samurai culture. It is intrinsic to the belief that samurai are exceptional persons, chosen by birth to serve the Empire in ways that mere peasants cannot. A samurai is expected to maintain self-discipline at all times, to control himself and to never show the sort of open emotions and out- of-control behavior that characterizes "lower people". A samurai who cannot control his emotions is a samurai who cannot serve his lord with honor and trust, for his emotions will override his judgment and loyalty. Thus, maintaining dignity and self-control is vital to a samurai's life. Maintaining this self control is referred to as maintaining one's "face". A samurai who maintains face is a samurai who cannot be manipulated, a samurai who can deceive his enemies, a samurai who serves his clan without fail. By contrast, a samurai who loses face, who loses self-control, shames both himself and, worse, his family and clan. Face is a purely samurai concept, one that is not expected of peasants and other common folk.
-Shame and Disgrace: A samurai who is shamed by dishonorable actions or loss of face will be expected, at the very least, to offer deep and sincere apologies for such actions. Typically, if the disgrace was fairly modest, the samurai will be punished in a non-permanent way - assignment to less prestigious duties, for example, or expulsion from the castle, court, or city where he misbehaved. Although such punishments are not lethal, they nevertheless represent a deep and profound shame for the samurai involved, who may well spend the rest of his life trying to redeem himself for his failure.
More extreme failures, such as a violent outburst, an attack or serious insult against someone of higher station, or a breach of duty or loyalty, are punished much more severely. A samurai who commits such acts is quite likely to be ordered to commit seppuku (if he does not offer seppuku himself out of shame). On other occasions, such disgraced samurai may be expelled from family and clan, and thus made ronin. A samurai may also forsake his fealty and become ronin by his own choice rather than face the prospect of punishment or seppuku, particularly if he feels he is not actually guilty.
-War in Nippon: When armies go into battle, regardless of their strength, it is the smaller units - legions and companies - which form the primary units of tactical maneuver. They usually deploy in rectangular blocks, wider than they are deep. However, the Nipponese generally do not have concepts like phalanx fighting or maintaining a "shield wall". It is expected that once two enemy units collide on the battlefield, the soldiers on each side will engage each other in personal combat. Consequently, the Nipponese march and advance in a more dispersed and open formation than Old World armies, and once contact is made with the enemy, any formation will quickly break down into a sprawl of hundreds of small melees. Thus, battlefield tactics tend to focus more on pre-contact maneuvering, bringing more troops to bear on the decisive point through effective scouting and skillful march and deployment, and wearing down the enemy with archery and magical attack prior to engagement, as well as on successfully withdrawing and rallying units after combat.
-Foreign Relation: Basically-speaking Nippon is not a very open society and distrusts all foreigners, save those from Cathay perhaps, and all Old Worlders are viewed as hairy savages. When Shogun Yoritomo Ieyasu rose to power, and re-united the warring states of Nippon, he imposed certain restrictions on foreigners as well as restricting his own people from leaving the island. Most foreigners are confined to sealed off areas in whichever city they are occupying and dealings with them is often conducted by lower class characters, such as merchants.
If the native land has mercenaries, it's possible some of the generals will hire them, or the Ronin will invite them into their bands. Wako pirates may kidnap people to either try and ransom off or sell into slavery.
Material wealth may be taken back to the Daimyos or used to pay for the war effort. Books, especially books of knowledge will be taken, and will likely make their way into the hands of priests, monks, and nobles.
If the enemy or natives have any technology that can be incorporated into the Nippon army, it may be taken, though Nippon is not quick to adapt new weapons into their arsenal (they've had access to firearms for several decades, and those still aren't widespread).
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