Not long ago, the universe came under vicious attack. A mad robot scientist named Doctor Nefarious rose to power, claiming the age of the organic 'squishies' was over, and that the age of the Robot had begun! With an army of machines, he laid waste to several planets of the universe, and began a war on all things organic. Using terrifying war machines and vicious scare tactics, the universe was practically his for the taking.
For reconnaissance, the mad Doctor and his forces have plenty to choose from. Larger ships and bases are equipped with planetary scanners that can tell them the basic layout of the planet: temperature, weather, terrain, large population centers. For a more detailed look, legions of cheap and easily made Scoutbots and Mini-Ninjabots can scour the planet. Scoutbots, as well as all higher class robots (meaning some Elites, Heroes and Armor class) have special cameras in their optical relays that will record everything they see and send it back to a base. This technique can be implemented in lower class robots if the need is felt. That said, while this allows for lots of information to be sent directly to Nefarious' base, the footage must be scanned in order to see if it contains anything worth wild.
Clunk & Nefarious are capable of making robotic duplicates that can replace/impersonate a robotic unit on either the enemies or native faction's side in order to perform espionage and sabotage tactics for them. Clunk also has access to limited mind control technology. By slipping a special control band onto an organic, he can control their actions, making them say or do whatever he wants. These actions are forgotten by the controlled the moment Clunk releases control. As long as the band is in place he can toggle control over them on or off, effectively making them a form of sleeper agent.
One-Eyed Tyhrranoids
Weapon Type: Teeth
Armor Type: None
Mobility: 4 (Higher with teleporting)
Training: 5 (instinct)
Max Range: Biting
Preferred Range: Biting
The smallest and weakest of the Tyhrranoid race, One-Eyes are no less determined then their larger cousins. With mouths full of sharp teeth and a hunger for battle, they charge into battle, ready to take a bite out of the enemy.
Melee Weaponry: Teeth, Roll
-The One-Eye can open it's mouth very wide and will lunge forward with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Assuming this doesn't kill the target, One-Eyes typically will leap back reflexively in order to avoid retaliation.
-One-Eyes can also curl up into a ball and, spinning in place for a moment, roll themselves like bowling balls at their opponent. With enough speed they can generate quite a bit of force and easily knock their opponent to the ground. However, in order to see or change direction, they must uncurl their bodies.
Defense: None
-V2: Identified by their tiger stripes, these One-Eyes are slightly larger, stronger, faster, and more ferocious.
-Robot: One-Eyes that have been subjected to the Bioblitorator, these One-Eyes are slightly more durable, stronger, faster, and most frighteningly of all: More intelligent.
Additional Factors:
-Teleporting: In a strange twist of evolution, the One-Eye is capable of some form of teleportation; the only Tyhrranoids to be able to do so. Appearing in a flash of green, often they will teleport in groups, already in some semblance of a formation before charging the opponent. However, due to Tyhrranoid stupidity, the One-Eyes never use this ability for anything other then teleporting to a fight. It is never used once a battle has already begun, unless it's a fresh batch of One-Eyes teleporting in.
-Despite being one of the smallest creatures in game (averaging around 2-2.5 ft tall) they are utterly fearless, charging towards their adversary and relentlessly pursuing them.
Two-Eyed Tyhrranoids
Weapon Type: Blaster
Armor Type: Muscle
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Pistol
A rarer breed of Tyhrranoid, the Two-Eyed is slightly taller then the One, but much shorter then the Three-Eyed. It's most unique trait is that it's probably the smartest of the Tyhrranoids, often trusted to operate their battle mechs and pilot their crafts. While their lack of size and lower number of eyeballs (a mark of status in Tyhhranoid society) means they can't take commander positions, it does usually keep them off the front line... unless it's in one of their battle mechs.
Ranged Weaponry: Plasma Blaster
-The Two-Eyed Tyhrranoids come armed with a Plasma blaster. This large handgun fires at around one plasma bolt a second.
Melee Weaponry: Bite
-Like the One-Eyed, the Two-Eyed can attack with a mouth full of teeth. Due to being larger, their mouths are bigger, as are their teeth.
-Two-Eyed don't have any armor, but their muscle is thick, and allows minor protection.
-V2: Identified by their tiger pattern, these Two-Eyed are stronger, faster, and more ferocious.
-Robot: Two-Eyes subjected to the Bioblitorator, these Two-Eyes are slightly more durable, stronger, faster, and most frighteningly of all: More intelligent.
Additional Factors:
-It's actually pretty rare to see a Two-Eye on foot like this.
-Two-Eyes are arguably among the smartest Tyhrranoids. They operate nearly all the mechs, planes, and other war machines. This intelligence is what keeps them off the front lines most of the time. Commanders don't want to waste good pilots as ground troops unless they absolutely half to.
Weapon Type: Laser
Armor Type: Metal Suit
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Pistol
A robotic walker piloted by a Two-Eye, Dr.Nefarious built these walkers with advanced robotic technology. While they would eventually become outdated, they were still a menace to ground forces, easily decimating Galactic Rangers that stood against them.
Ranged Weaponry: Duel Energy Cannon
-The arms of the walker fired green beams of energy that moved along the ground towards their target. These beams were capable of damaging even powerful suits of armor.
Defense: Metal Suit
-The Two-Eyed is protected by the metal battlesuit that makes up his mech. They are durable enough to withstand small bursts of assault rifle fire, or a grenade to the face.
Additional Factors:
-No close range counters: The way the suits are designed, they had no counters for units that got in close to them.
-Can't attack flying units: The energy beams always travel across the ground. As such, they cannot hit flying units.
-Outdated: These units were later replaced by the Ultra Mech. While some surely still exist, they are much rarer, and those destroyed will not be replaced.
Ultra Mecha-Tyhrranoids
Weapon Type: Lasers
Armor Type: Metal Suit
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Between & Assault
A more powerful version of the Mech-Tyhrranoid. The lasers were more accurate, the metal was more durable, and they were able to shoot down Galactic ships before they could drop new troops onto the battlefield. Often deployed on the front lines, Nefarious made use of these quite often because of their usefulness in battle.
Ranged Weaponry: Upgraded Laser Cannons
-Nefarious upgraded these cannons to fire much faster, around two shots a second (one from each arm), making dodging them every tricky. In addition, the lasers were moor powerful, and could be aimed with pinpoint accuracy due to new aiming software.
Defense: Upgraded Metal Suit
-The mech suit has been upgraded to withstand even more damage.
Additional Factors:
-Pinpoint Accuracy: Thanks to new aiming software, these Mechs can hit foes on the ground, or blow ships out of the sky.
-These suits have a vastly increased rate of fire.
-The suits are strong enough that they can leap out of Dropships to the ground below.
Three-Eyed Tyhrranoids
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: Battlesuit
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Beside the Mech walkers, these are the most common Tyhrranoids in battle. Their three eyes allowing them to see in multiple directions, they eagerly fire into the field of battle with their plasma carbine.
Ranged Weaponry: Plasma Carbine
-A large weapon with a heavy kickback, this carbine is fired in an arch, sending a multitude of star-like projectiles in multiple directions. Typically fired from a low angle to a high one, it can hit low flying targets as well as ground troops.
Melee Weaponry:
-While they carry no melee weapon, the Three-Eyed size grants them enhanced strength, and they are not above punching or hitting foes with their heavy gun.
-None, but their muscles are so thick that a Three-Eye can take bomb to the face and only fall down, before getting up pissed off and ready for retribution.
-V2: These are slightly larger, are more experienced and better trained. They are also faster, more durable, and their carbines are modified to do more damage.
Robot: Even more aggressive, the Robot Three eyes have more precise aim, and were exponentially more intelligent. Squads of them can make real-time adjustments in battle, reacting to their targeted position on the field, in order to get the best shot possible. They also wear Gravity Boots, which allows them to walk up metal surfaces.
Weapon Type: Sniper
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Sniper
Preferred Range: Sniper
Typically hanging back during engagements, the Sharpshooter is a specially made robotic sniper that supports the Soldier Bots in combat, made to target foes hanging back, or problem opponents giving the Soldiers trouble. Thanks to its programming, it is a deadly shot that rarely misses.
Ranged Weaponry: Sniper Rifle
-The Sharpshooter carries a large sniper rifle that can do massive damage to unsuspecting enemies. Just before a shot is fired, a red line often appears between the rifle and the target, but rarely do the targets have time to enact upon this final warning before its too late.
Melee Weaponry: Grenades / Gun-Attack
-If a Sharpshooter sees an enemy start to get close to it, it will chuck a cluster grenade at it, hoping to destroy it before it can engage the Sharpshooter.
-If all else fails, and the Sharpshooter is forced into melee, it will typically attack with its larger gun, but other then that, has no real CQC training.
Defense: Metal Body / Gas Mask
-Like every other robot in Nefarious' army, the Sharpshooter is made of quality metal. For whatever reason, it also wears a Gas Mask.
Additional Factors:
-No CQC training
-Gas Mask: For whatever reason, the Sharpshooter wears a gas mask on it's face. It's not clear why it does so, though, as it is confirmed as a robot, and has no need of one…
-Tactical position: Sharpshooters will always seek out and climb to the top of the most advantageous positions they can find. These are usually behind the troops they are supporting, and higher up.
-Sharpshooters never come by themselves. Small groups of them usually accompany squads of Soldier Bots.
Drone Bots
Weapon Type: Blasters
Armor Type: Light metal body
Mobility: 5
Training: 5
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Varied
Drones that often appeared in swarms, the Drone Bots acted as guards and spammable infantry. Teleporting into battle, they strafed in formation and fired relentlessly.
Ranged Weaponry: Blaster
-The Drone Bot's right arm was replaced with a plasma blaster which fired searing balls of red plasma. They shot at a pace of one a second.
Defense: Light Metal Body
-Drone Bots have rather fragile bodies, being made of lighter metals then the other robots. One solid melee blow from Ratchet's omni-wrench could destroy them.
Additional Factors:
-Drone Bots always appear in large groups, making up for their fragile state with pure numbers. This also lets them target a foe from multiple angles as they try to surround their foe and pepper them on all sides.
-Drone Bots are apparently immune to friendly fire.
-Drone Bots can be teleported in, their appearance heralded by a light red flash.
-Drone Bots hover, never touching the ground, due to having a jetpack in place of legs. While they can't fly, they can reach higher areas and are not put off by long falls.
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: None
Mobility: 6
Training: 5
Max Range: A dozen feet
Preferred Range: A dozen feet
One of the first robotic creations made by Nefarious, these creatures may be small, but their strength grows exponentially when in groups.
Ranged Weaponry: Energy Ray
-Individually, the Insectoids have no ranged power. However, when six of them fly in formation, they generate a ring of power that not only bolsters their weak defenses, but can also be channeled in an beam like attack. The beam is slow and doesn't travel very far, but is none-the-less, quite powerful. Before each blast, the Insectoids increase speed and fly in a circle, becoming a blur. After each shot, the Insectoids slow down again for around five seconds to regain their energy.
Melee: Insectoids rarely engage in close combat, as they seem to be aware of their fragility. Still, they do have metal mandibles, and a swarm has been observed bringing down a hover-bus just by crawling over it and taking chunks out with their teeth.
Defense: None*
*The only exception being when they are coated in the energy from their ranged attack, which allows them to take at least two grenade style explosions without dying (though the force of the explosion will push the formation backwards (but does not break it)).
Additional Factors:
-Swarms: Insectoids are pretty much useless by themselves, only causing any real damage when in large swarms.
-Rare: One of his earliest creations, the Insectoid is all but obsolete by now, with only a few small swarms left.
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 3
Training: 5
Max Range: Missile
Preferred Range: Pistol
Originally built as patrol guards, these bulky machines are large and durable, but slow and not very bright. One of the Doctor's earliest creations, they hold only a limited number of programs. Thankfully though, most of them involve killing anything they see.
Ranged Weaponry: Missile Launcher
-The sheer size of the Henchmen allows him to use a missile launcher as though it was a pistol. Thanks to nanotechnology, seemingly unlimited missiles can be stored in a single launcher, ensuring the Henchmen never has to reload. It should be noted that the missiles travel a bit slower then normal missiles.
Melee: Pistol Whip
-If someone closes the distance on them, they can always bash the assailant with the Missile Launcher. Usually though, they'll just keep shooting.
Defense: Metal Body
-Henchmen feel no pain, no exhaustion, etc thanks to their metal bodies. However, these bulky automatons, can only withstand limited fire before exploding.
Additional Factors:
-Rare: Like the insectoids, the Henchmen are a relic of an early age for Nefarious. A few still remain, but this will certainly be a rare unit.
-Security Guards: The henchmen's original position was that of security guard, set to endlessly patrol a given area. It's likely that they'll be assigned to areas of less importance.
Weapon Type: Electricity
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Small robots that could be deployed en masse and made cheaply, the Microdrones were only about 2-2.5 feet tall. However, they packed a few surprises that could prove fatal if under estimated.
Melee Weaponry: Electricity
-The top of the Microdrone crackled with electricity, which it channeled through it's arms. While only having a short range, it was both painful and quickly drained health due to how many Drones are usually in one place.
Defense: Metal Body
-Microdrones are made of cheap metal, meaning that they could usually only take one, maybe two hits before being destroyed. They tried to make up for this by traveling in groups.
Additional Factors:
-3 Make Big One: One surprise feature of the Microdrones was that if three of them got close enough to each other, they could combine together to form a larger Nefarious Trooper (Including: Splitterbots, Protogaurds, Arc Strikers, Cyclobombers, and Protomantises).
-Swarms: Being cheap to make, Microdrones always travel in groups. This helps them attack from all sides with their electricity, cuts down on their low defensive power, and allows them to take advantage of their combining ability if things get hairy.
Weapon Type: Flamethrower
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
These robots used flamethrowers, spinning like tops and ringing themselves in flame.
Melee Weaponry: Flamethrower
The Pyrospinner could emit a stream of fire from each of its arms, which it then spun around itself to make a ring of fire. It would then move towards enemies, slamming into them and burning them at the same time.
Defense: Metal Body
Made of flame resistant metal, the Pyrospinner had medium amounts of health, able to take several hits before dying.
Additional Factors:
-Anti - Melee: The Pyrospinner could be considered a dedicated Anti-Melee or anti CQC unit, as attempting to fight it in such a fashion results in more damage for the enemy then the Spinner.
-Despite having flamethrower armies, the fire from the Pyrospinner only reaches out a few feet, meant more to encircle the robot then act as a regular flamethrower.
Ninja Bot
Weapon Type: Lightsabers, Shuriken
Armor Type: Metal Bodies
Mobility: 6
Training: 6
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Elite Assassins
Standing slightly taller then a normal man, the Ninja Bots are exactly what they sound like. Skilled in both stealth and combat, Ninja Bots have proven capable of infiltrating secure Galactic Ships, then devastating the crew and inner workings.
Ranged Weaponry: Shuriken
-In the tradition of the Ninja, the Ninja bot throw razor sharp Shuriken, made from specialized steel capable of cutting even through relatively dense armor. The Ninja Bots accuracy does not decrease over distance.
Melee Weaponry: Duel-Lightsaber, Martial Arts
-Yes, you read that right. Just like what Darth Maul used, the Ninja Bots are all equipped with double bladed Lightsabers. They are programed and built to be masters of the blade.
-Ninja Bots are also fairly accomplished martial artists, capable of flips and kicks in combat. They tend to avoid using their hands, as those are used to hold their blade or throw shuriken.
Defense: Metal Body, Agility
-A Ninja Bot is made of quality metal armor that allows it to withstand shotgun blasts, assault rifle fire, and limited explosions (though, preferably, not all at the same time). To limit the strain put on it's body, Ninja Bots are almost constantly in motion, ducking and weaving, jumping and flipping around their opponents, making hitting them with any weapon difficult.
Special (such as Variants)
-Mini-Ninja: These Ninjas are barely a foot tall. Typically they are placed as hidden guards, or act as infiltrators where normal sized ninja could not reach. They lack the energy sword of their larger sized brethren, instead using a simple metal staff.
-Giant Ninja (Rare): Truly a bizarre variant, the Giant Ninja is a Ninja Bot blown up to 30 feet. While they loose all pretense of stealth, they are still incredibly agile (they're shown to be capable of backflips), and have weapons that match their size (giant lightsabers and giant shuriken!). They specialize in fighting other giant enemies. These are very very rare though, less then 50 overall.
Additional Factors:
-Normal Ninja Bots are capable of scaling steep surfaces, leaping to high ground, and surviving jumps/falls of 2 stories.
-Thanks to nanotechnology, the Ninja Bots are able to keep a near infinite supply of shuriken on hand, growing them to size when they need them at a moment's notice.
-A damaged Ninja Bot will have trouble retaining stealth, as they tend to shoot off sparks.
Soldier Bot
Weapon Type: Plasma Rifle
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 5-7 (see special)
Training: 6
Max Range: Rifle
Preferred Range: Pistol
Classification: Elite Footsoldier
Likely the most common elite found in Nefarious' forces, these machines are programed to enforce the Doctor's will, whether that be by guarding a factory, or marching fearlessly into the heart of battle.
Ranged Weaponry: Plasma Rifle
-The Plasma Rifle is a long barrel rifle that resembles a sci-fi version of a flintlock rifle. However, instead of a slow gun that shoots metal balls, the Plasma Rifle fires balls of heated plasma at a fairly decent pace.
Melee Weaponry: Bayonet, Kick
-The end of the Plasma Rifle is fitted with a bayonet that the Soldier can swipe at enemies with. Their metal legs are also capable of delivering a powerful kick to knock enemies back and away from them to give them some breathing room (metaphorically speaking).
Defense: Metal Body
-A Soldier Bot is made of quality metal and steel.
Special (such as Variants)
-Some Soldiers are equipped with Jet Packs, allowing them to hover above the their enemies and fire down on them.
Additional Factors:
-Soldier Bots, both regular and flying variants, can be teleported directly into battle. Usually this is done with small squads of 5-10 at a time.
-Soldier Bots are one of the most common units, and are likely to be present at the majority of battles.
-Thanks to extensive programing, Soldier Bots know to use cover, use existing positioning, etc. However, they lack fear or any sense of self preservation. Even if they just watched their entire squadron get blown to bits they will continue to fight on regardless.
Elite Sharpshooter
Weapon Type: Rifle
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 6
Training: 6
Max Range: Sniper
Preferred Range: Shotgun
Classification: Jetpack Gunner
A later model of the Sharpshooter, the Elite version is taller, more muscular, and packs a deadly shock rifle. Oddly enough the only thing it doesn't do… is snipe?
Ranged Weaponry: Shock Rifles
-A two-handed shotgun like weapon, the Shock Rifles send out electric bolo projectiles. These are unique in that they are able to pass right through energy shielding.
Melee Weaponry: Grenades
-If a target got to close, the Elite would toss a grenade its way to make it think twice.
Defense: Metal Body
-The Elite had stronger armor, allowing it to take more damage then before.
Special (such as Variants)
-Jetpacks: The elites were equipped with jetpacks, allowing them to fly around and get a better shot.
Four-Eyed Tyhrranoid Commanders
Weapon Type: Plasma
Armor Type: None
Mobility: 6
Training: 6
Max Range: Sniper
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Classification: Battlefield Commander
Large, muscular, and typically very aggressive Tyhrranoids that lead other Tyhrranoids on the battlefield.
Ranged Weaponry: Plasma Gun
-This massive gun can be wielded by the Four-Eye single handed. It fires powerful, highly damaging blasts of plasma that can travel absurd distances at incredible speeds. Eve if it misses it's primary target, it leaves behind a temporary hazard zone that will damage those near it. It can fire five times before needing a reload.
Melee Weaponry: Pistol-Whip
-If an enemy gets to close, the Four-Eye can either pistol whip them with it's massive gun, or just punch them.
Defense: Muscle
-These creatures are all densely packed muscle. These things can take energy based sniper rounds to the face at least twice before dying.
Special (such as Variants)
-Jetpack: Some commanders can fly around with jetpacks mounted onto their backs. These make them tricker targets, and let them get a better shot. However, if the jetpack is destroyed, they will plummet to earth.
-Robot: This version of the Four-Eye was the same in just about every way, but lead other Robo-noids instead of organics, and had metal skin that made it more resistant to damage.
-Robot v.2: This version of the Four-Eye has no jetpack, has increased intelligence, and greater physical strength. Other then that, it's not that different from the other two.
Additional Factors:
Weapon Type: Mini-Gun
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Classification: Elite Trooper
An advanced class of Nefarious Trooper, these bots served as minions to Dr.Nefarious and Lord Veroselon. While of a similar make to other Nefarious Troopers, these Troopers are also the ones that most often make up Nefarious' personal bodyguards.
Ranged Weaponry: Twin Mini-Gun
-The Protomantis would open fire with its twin mini-guns, and was exceptionally good at tracking targets.
Melee Weaponry: Pistol Whip
-Those that got to close got a Mini-Gun whapped upside their head.
Defense: Metal Body
-The Protomantis is made from quality steel, allowing it to soak up medium amounts of damage before being destroyed.
Additional Factors:
-It is supported by four small legs, a design different from most Troopers.
-The Protomantis, unlike the other robots, never talks.
Weapon Type: Buzz Saw
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Elite Melee
A Nefarious Trooper more focused on melee then anything else, the Splitterbot charges the enemy ready to reduce them to paste.
Melee Weaponry: Twin Buzz Saw
-The Splitter's main weapon is a pair of twin saw blades that rotate faster then any human chainsaw, and could damage the player even through the thickest armor.
Defense: Metal Body
-The Splitterbot is made from quality steel, it's oval shaped head protecting a mechanical 'brain', it is able to take medium amounts of damage.
Additional Factors:
-Splitterbots often are the first to engage, as they always charge ahead of other units.
Arc Striker
Weapon Type: Electric
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 5
Training: 6
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Pistol
Classification: Long Range Support
Another of the Nefarious Troopers, the Arc Striker tends to stay back, lending (lethal) support to it's allies.
Ranged Weaponry: Lightning
-The Arc Striker can fire small electrical beams from it's claws, or release floating electrical orbs that float across the floor towards enemies.
Melee Weaponry: Claws
-In CQC the Arc will turn to it's razor sharp claws to do the dirty work.
Defense: Metal Body
-The Arc Striker has a quality metal body that allows it to sustain medium amounts of damage. Due to it's electrical power, it is presumed (though not tested) to be somewhat resistant to electrical attacks.
Additional Factors:
-The Arc Striker tended to stay back to provide support fire
Weapon Type: Lasers
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
Max Range: Artillery
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Classification: Elite Grenadier
Somewhat like a mobile laser artillery bot, the Cyclobomber attacks it's targets at a range, picking them off with lasers that rain from the sky.
Ranged Weaponry: Laser Strike
-Staying at a distance from their target, the Cyclobomber attacks by shooting lasers upward towards the sky, which would then land wherever their target was standing.
Melee Weaponry: CQC
-In melee, they they can punch with their cannon arms.
Defense: Metal Body
-The Cyclobomber has a quality metal body that allows it to sustain medium amounts of damage.
Additional Factors:
Weapon Type: Lasers
Armor Type: Metal Body
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Classification: Elite Trooper
The last of the Nefarious Troopers, shares much in common with it's fellow Troopers, but swaps in a laser gatling gun as it's weapon of choice.
Ranged Weaponry: Twin Laser Gatling Gun
-These guns, which were also the Protoguard's arms, acted much like regular mini guns, but fired off lasers. They could either be fired together, or one could be fired while the other reloaded.
Melee Weaponry: CQC
-It could also smack you with them if you got close.
Defense: Metal Body
-Quality metal body can take medium amounts of damage.
Additional Factors:
Momma Tyhrranoid
Height: As big as a star cruiser
Weight: ????
Age: ????
Type of Hero Bonus: Mass Destruction
Classification: Tyhrranoid Mother
One of the biggest and most revered Tyhhranoids on the their native planet (likely due to size and eye number rather then any real leadership abilities). The Momma is a massive monster of a being, capable of leaving a trail of destruction in her wake
Ranged: Blaster
Strapped to the Momma's back is a large duel turret system piloted by two Two-Eyes. It fires large bolts of energy in rapid succession capable of reducing large pillars to dust.
Melee: Tentacles / Teeth
-The sheer size of the Momma is a weapon all it's own. The Momma can kill just by swinging it's tentacles in front of it. It also has a large mouth filled with razor sharp eager to chop anything in front of it.
Defense: Sheer Size
-The Momma is so large, and it's body so densely packed with muscles and fat that nothing short of absurd levels of violence will kill it. Energy blasts, missiles, and the like just seem to make it madder and madder.
Additional Factors:
-Scale: It's difficult to tell exactly how big Momma is, but the best guess is around 50 feet.
-2 Eyed on Back: These guys are the ones who operate her turret.
-Gives Birth: Presumably she is the one who gives birth to large batches of Tyhrranoids, though she shows little motherly instinct to them.
-Fairly Mindless: The Momma is an animal, a beast that is driven by fury and hunger. It doesn't do complicated strategies, it just destroys.
-Spider Like: Oddly enough, the Mother can scale walls and stick to ceilings like a spider.
Courtney Gears
Height: 6 ft (more or less)
Weight: ????
Age: ????
Type of Hero Bonus: Propaganda
Classification: Heavily Armed Pop Star
The hottest pop star in the galaxy, Gears starred in music videos and gave out awards to participants who won Annihilation Nation challenges. However, despite her vapid pop star exterior, Gears was actually a big supporter of the 'Destroying the Squishies' movement. Working with Nefarious she used her music to spread an anti-organic pro-robot message for the revolution. Manipulative and cruel to her organic fans, Gears seems to have a genuine affection to Nefarious, despite the fact that he shows little interest (sort of like Harley Quinn to the Joker).
Ranged: Energy Manipulation
-Energy Blast: Putting hands together, Courtney releases a bolt of energy.
-Energy Wave: Courtney fires an electric shockwave that spreads out over an area.
-Energy Boomerang: A spinning disk made of energy that acts like a boomerang.
-Static: Gears can emit a powerful static shock through touch. This shock is strong enough to temporarily leave people unconscious.
-Twirl: Courtney's preferred melee move is the spinning kick. She can also twirl around like a top, slamming into those that don't get out of her way.
Defense: Surprisingly Durable
Despite her appearance, Gears was able to battle Ratchet and his arsenal of weapons and still proved to be quite the challenge. A combination of high quality metal in her body and the ability to teleport out of the way of most serious attacks makes her hard to put down.
-Teleportation: Courtney could teleport apparently at will.
-Backup Dancers: Courtney could summon her Backup Dancers (see Support) to her no matter where she was to assist her.
Additional Factors:
-Propaganda: Gears will, if she can, put out videos and messages that are Pro-Nefarious, and attempt to bring both organics and robots to his side.
-Nefarious Girlfriend?: While Gears is very affectionate to Nefarious and would do anything to please him, he doesn't seem to return her affections. Still, that hasn't dulled her passion for him yet.
-Hates Organics: While capable of faking it for her fans, Gears hates organic life as much as Nefarious, and given the choice between an organic fan and a robotic one, would always rather spend time with the later.
Height: 2 ft (Giant Clunk 30 ft)
Weight: variable
Age: Hard to say; between 4-8
Type of Hero Bonus: Espionage
Classification: Evil Robot Duplicate
An evil counterpart to Clank, Clunk was created by Nefarious to act as a spy impersonating Clank. Physically he is the same to Clank in every way (so as to not tip off Ratchet), though his eyes glow red when he's thinking evil thoughts (though he can turn them green again).
When Clank refused to side with Nefarious during the events of R&C: Up Your Arsenal, he was kidnapped and Clunk took his place for most of the game. Only once Nefarious revealed the Bioblitorator and the deception did Clunk reveal his true colors. Assuming the form of Giant Clunk, he tried to assassinate Ratchet and the newly freed Clank aboard the Hover Trains over Metropolis. However, he was defeated, and thought killed.
Clunk survived though, and decided it was time to mastermind a plan of his own. Using mech suits, mind control, and thievery, he stole a rare gem called the Eye of Infinity, framed Ratchet by using said mind control, and created a laser posed to use the refraction of the beam to destroy every planet in the galaxy in a single shot (hey, go big or go home, right?). As a backup, he planned to kill Clank and take his place, dismantling the laser and becoming a galactic savor.
Ultimately, Klunk is as evil and conniving as his creator, and the only saving grace for the universe is that his plans have been just as successful as the doctor's.
Ranged: None (in base form)
Melee: Martial Arts
-Klunk is a master of stealth, as well as martial arts. Despite being only two feet tall, he can easily handle opponents many times his size.
Defense: Light Armor (in base form)
-Due to being an exact replica of Clank, Clunk has little in the way of personal protection, save a light armored body that can only withstand a few blows. This has made Clunk weary of entering personal combat unless he is sure he can win.
-Heli, Thruster, & Hydro Packs: In base for Clunk has an internal helicopter & jet thruster to move around with juice bursts of speed or increase his jumping hight. The Hydro pack lets him move around nearly effortlessly underwater, even against the strongest currents.
-Giant Clunk: Unlike Clank, who needs an Ultra-Mech pad, Clunk can apparently shift into Giant form without one. At 30 feet tall, Clunk is vastly stronger, and covered in thick metal plates. He can fire a near endless stream of missiles from his wrists, and create energy shockwaves with energy bombs. He can also hover with the use of jet boosters in his large feet. However, it seems his intelligence takes a bit of a hit when in this form, as he'll mindless use the same attacks again and again with little regard for strategy. This is probably why Clunk doesn't use it all the time (he values his brains to much).
-Robot Battlesuits: In order to increase his fighting prowess without resorting to Giant Clunk, Clunk designed three Mech Suits that he could summon to him at will. These suits were:
*The Kingpin: A crime lord persona Clunk created to infiltrate organized crime in the galaxy, eventually taking it over. The Kingpin suit can shoot energy from it's cane, and could create gale force winds to push enemies around.
*The Nefarious: Based on his creator (apparently Clunk found it therapeutic to order a version of Nefarious around), the Nefarious suit could fire blue energy from its palms, and electrical spheres that made the ground they hit electric and damaged those that walked on them.
-The Ratchet: Based off Clank's close friend Ratchet, this suit had a Deadeye Mine (a sniper like weapon that looks like a crossbow, the bolts it fired exploded when they hit), an Acid Detonator (a glove that threw acidic bombs), and the Agents of Dread (a glove that threw a canister which released tiny robots armed with tiny missile launchers, jet packs, and self destructed in a powerful explosion when they ran out of ammo).
-Mind control: Clunk designed a special device that allows him to control the mind of whoever wears it. While activated, he controls their thoughts, actions, etc. When deactivated, the person has no memory of the actions they've done.
Additional Factors:
-Hyper Intelligent: Clunk is incredibly intelligent, capable of designing high tech mech suits, lasers, organizing a galaxy crime ring, and making up devious plans for global domination
-No regard for life: Clunk care little for the lives of his subordinates and allies. To him, they are all pawns to be used then disposed of when they no longer serve their purpose.
-Enjoys being in charge: While he must obey Dr.Nefarious as one of his creations, Clunk relishes having command over others, and will likely take the opportunities to command where he can take them.
-Can't drive stick: Clunk prefers the ships he drives to be automatic, as he never learned to drive a stick.
Height: 10'5
Weight: ????
Age: ????
Type of Hero Bonus: Leadership / Morale / Science
Classification: Robotic Commander / A SUPER-Villain
The leader and head of the Nefarious army, Doctor Nefarious is a psychotic super-villain genius hell bent on the destruction of organic life, and the concept of good as a whole. As he is the leader, I will more fully address his profile in the Leader section. For now, know that while Nefarious prefers to leave the fighting to the underlings, when his patiences has reached it's limit, or there are no other options to secure his goal, Nefarious has no problem unleashing his full arsenal against any hero foolish enough to challenge him.
Ranged: Blasters / Energy Manipulation / Missile Salvo
-The doctor willed duel dark light blasters and fires in a sweeping motion. Powerful, but they don't have great range (less then that of a normal pistol).
-Nefarious will throw a purple ball of energy that, when it hits the ground, releases a shockwave with the sound like a thunderbolt.
-Nefarious can fire orange energy bursts either in rapid succession or a concentrated beam.
-Hovering in the air, Nefarious will fire a purple laser down on his enemy.
-Nefarious can hurl rods made from pure energy to act like spears
-Nefarious can fire a red beam into the air. This acts as a sort of beacon for a missile carpet bombing that is guaranteed to harm everything but Nefarious and those quick on their feet.
Melee: Razor Claws
-Nefarious' claws are razor sharp and made of the same metal as the rest of his body. They can easily flay fleshy skin from bone.
Defense: Armor / Forcefield / Flight / Teleportation
-Nefarious has the highest quality armor bolts can by; designed by him and built by Lawrence, Nefarious' body can take staggering amounts of punishment, suffering blows that would normally disintegrate an average robot. Even when he is damaged, he's never down for long. Being reduced to only a head or the total destruction of his body is more of a speed bump then a stopping point for the doctor (see: Lawrence).
-Nefarious can conjure a forcefield around himself to block attacks. It is electrified and will shock those that touch it. The only attack Nefarious can use while protected like this is his energy beam attack.
-Nefarious can also fly away if the odds aren't in his favor.
-Alternately, Nefarious will have Lawrence teleport him to a safer location as a last resort.
-Hardlight: Nefarious can project a physical hologram of himself at his opponents. The first version of this is just a hologram that does a basic charge and slash attack. The second creates holograms that appear all around Nefarious and attack from all angles (though Nefarious must remain motionless while this happens).
-Nefarious can teleport other robot soldiers to his location.
-Cloaking Device: Nefarious can cloak himself, making him invisible to the naked eye, as well as robotic ones. However, if he attacks, he will become visible again. There is also some distortion in the air when he moves quickly, and the cloak doesn't remove physical phenomena like footprints.
-Jetpack & Wings: Nefarious can fly quickly and with great agility through the air with wings on his back, a jet pack, or jet thrusters in his feet (sometimes using a combination). He can also use this to hover above an enemy and attack from above.
Additional Factors:
-Insane: There is no doubt that Nefarious is completely and totally insane. His plans, while grand, are often horrifyingly ludicrous, and he often doesn't seem to grasp (or just doesn't care) about the ramification of his actions on the rest of the galaxy and life in it.
-Arrogant: Nefarious is quite proud of his genius, and is often overly arrogant to anyone he feels is beneath him (which is everyone and thing). As such, he may underestimate the true threat a foe posses (as he did initially with Qwark and Ratchet). Once he learns though, his fury will drive him to prove his superiority over them, utterly humiliating them in the most public way possible.
-Overheating: Due to once having an organic brain, Nefarious' emotions sometimes outpace his circuitry. When suffering a violent mood swing or an especially powerful fit of emotion (usually anger) his brain overheats and he freezes up. During this time, his brain picks up local radio waves and broadcasts those instead. To get him out of this, usually someone gives him a good sold smack to the back of the head, and he's back like nothing happened. It should be noted though that this has NEVER happened in a combat situation.
-Super Intelligent: Nefarious has created a horde of robotic designs, the Bioblitorator, and even created organic life before. Nefarious is every bit the genius mad scientist he claims to be.
-Charismatic: Despite evidence to the contrary, Nefarious can be quite charismatic and persuasive when he wants to be. He has convinced alien races to work with him (the Tyhrranoids and the Valkyrie), enticed people with their greatest desires or used their affection for him (Vorselon, Gears, Cassiopeia), or just outright lied to them (The Zoni). While he may not ever care for those he makes alliances with, he has shown he can do it with surprising regularity.
Height: ????
Weight: ????
Age: ????
Type of Hero Bonus: Support
Classification: Beleaguered Butler
Lawrence is Nefarious' oldest robot companion/servant/family(?) and has known him since before he became a robot. Lawrence often plays the straight man to Nefarious' raving mad scientist, making snarky remarks and subtly (and sometimes less subtly) mocking the doctor. Basically he's a very british butler in robot form. While at times it seems he's exasperated by Nefarious' ideas and schemes, he always returns to his master in his greatest times of need.
Defense: Lawrence has never engaged in a personal battle (though he has provided support), so it's not clear what sort of personal defenses he has. However, he does have long range teleporters that can carry others (usually Nefarious) to safety.
Holograms: Lawrence can project a hologram of himself (and others if needed) over vast distances.
-The Grenade of Gratuitous Immobility: Meant for taking an enemy alive, the GGI releases a small pulse of energy that causes everyone in the immediate area to freeze in place. Given that this was made while Nefarious was working with the Zoni, it is likely that time manipulation technology is involved in it's design.
-Lawrence's Ship: A ship created and given to Lawrence by Dr.Nefarious. The ship was a saucer with a green cockpit like other Nefarious' Ships but could rotate, was armed with a powerful beam cannon and could detach from the rest of the ship if need be. The ship was much bigger than a Nefarious Dropship but much smaller than a Nefarious Carrier. Not only could it carry Lawrence and Nefarious, it also contained dozens of Microdrones that could aid their master.
Additional Factors:
-Lawrence rarely gets involved in a fight if he or Nefarious can help it. He is always meant to stay safe, and for good reason. If Nefarious gets himself into a jam he can't solve, Lawrence is supposed to be the one to save him, either by teleporting him out or providing additional troops to save him. However, should the worst happen and Nefarious is destroyed, Lawrence has the incredibly important task of rebuilding his master.
Whenever Nefarious is badly damaged or reduced to scrap, Lawrence either rebuilds and improves the body (if it's only damaged) or makes a whole new one (if the old one was destroyed), downloading Nefarious' memories and mind into the new body so the doctor may continue to live and fight on. In this way Lawrence may be just as, if not more, important then Nefarious (but don't let the doctor here you say that, he'd never want to admit it). Because as long as Lawrence lives to put Nefarious back together again, Nefarious is functionally immortal.
-On a lighter note, Lawrence does seem to enjoy messing with Nefarious. He regularly snarks at the doctor's plans, and takes pleasure in 'rebooting' Nefarious when he overheats. And while he will always save Nefarious, he will occasionally take a few seconds, just to make Nefarious sweat it out.
Libra, Carina, Cassiopeia
Type of Hero Bonus: Commanders / Pilots
Classification: Valkyrie Leaders
Each of the three sisters are leaders of the Valkyries, female robot warriors. Each is an accomplished pilot and leader in their own right. They are only helping Nefarious because he promised to revive the Valkyries killed in a long ago super-nova using the power of the Great Clock if they helped him in return.
-The sisters likely use weapons similar to other Valkyries (hammers, spears, wings). Cassiopeia was shown flying with a personal hover platform that could rain missiles down on her opponents.
Each Sister also had a fighter that could be customized to their standards, including energy shields, missiles, or energy weapons. While each had skill, they did seem to prefer brute force and trying to tank attacks rather then dodging.
Additional Factors:
-Cassiopeia began a relationship with Nefarious, but saw herself as more his equal whereas Courtney Gears was more of a subordinate. Once again, Nefarious shows little regard for her emotions or well being, only tolerating her for her Valkyrie soldiers.
Lord Flint Vorselon
Height: 9ft
Weight: ????
Age: ????
Type of Hero Bonus: Commander
Classification: Cyborg Mercenary
"Pitiful creature. You've meddled in Dr. Nefarious' plans for the last time. Prepare to be killed by... wait for it... Lord Vorselon!"
Lord Flint Vorselon was a powerful Terraklon assassin and mercenary. After a battle on planet Zaurik, he lost his organic body and was forced to adopt a new cyborg body. Vorselon went on to become a feared tyrant in the Breegus System of the Polaris Galaxy, selling his services to the highest bidder and traveling in his personal warship. At some point, Dr. Nefarious recruited him to be field enforcer of his army, promising to restore his original body with the power of the Great Clock, and the warlord became fanatically loyal to the mad scientist.
Loadout: Lord Vorselon, being a cyborg, had many weapons and gadgets installed into his robotic suit. Among them was plasma bolts fired from his hands, electro beams circling around the floor, cover the area with a electric field, heat seeking plasma rays snaking on the floor and orbs that fire electricity. He could also fire simple electricity from his hands. He also has superhuman strenght, agility and his suit is very durable. He can also encase individuals inside small bubbles that carries the victim to the prison cells of his ship.
Defense: Super durable cyber suit: This suit could take ridiculous amounts of damage, tanking some of the more powerful weapons in the game.
-Emergency Escape Rocket: In the rare event his suit is destroyed, the water tank that holds his head has a set of emergency rockets at their base to fly his head to safety
-Teleportation Device: A device in his suit let Vorselon teleport long distances.
-Cloaking Device: This acted like the Predator's cloak, bending light around him to make him invisible and let him attack people from behind. There's a slight shift in light when he uses it, and the trained eye might be able to spot him when he moves.
Additional Factors:
-Overly Dramatic: Vorselon loves being overly dramatic, sometimes referring to himself in the third person, making dramatic proclamations, the whole nine yards.
-Fanatically Loyal: Vorselon is desperate to have his old body back, and he sees Nefarious as the best way to get it. As such, he is fanatically devoted to Nefarious and his goals.
-Sore Loser: If he is beaten, you can be sure that Vorselon will try and take out as many of his enemies with him when he goes.
-Head in a Jar: Despite his power-suit, Vorselon is a head in a jar. Thus, it is the most fragile part of him, and the only thing that couldn't be destroyed and replaced. While it has been seen that his head can survive outside the jar for long periods, he is incredibly vulnerable, and just about anything can kill him in that state.
Tyhrranoid Dropships
Type of Armor: Ship Armor
Weapon Type: Blaster Cannons
Speed: Not as fast as Fighters, but faster then the average dropship
Calvary Purpose: Troop Transport
Classification: Dropship
The Tyhrranoid Dropship is a combination fight and transport ship. These ships swoop into the middle of the action, let their payload hit the dirt, then either swoop away to get more troops, or turn and open fire with their Tyhrranoid brethren.
Armament: This dropship has two front mounted rapid fire blaster cannons. These have surprising range, being able to hit fighter craft hovering much higher then they are.
Defense: These are made of layered steel, and can tank a few direct missile attacks with only a few shakes.
Special: v2
-These are larger and improved versions of the dropship. They attack with orange laser beams, and are able to take more damage. However, they are much rarer.
Additional Factors:
-They are Tyhrranoid dropships, and won't likely be used by any other race. They often deploy Three Eyed or Mech-Tyhrranoids.
Type of Armor: Metal Bodies
Weapon Type: Spears & Hammers
Speed: Around 20 mph (in air), peak running speed (on ground)
Calvary Purpose: Skirmishes
Classification: All female robot league
An organization of female robots that worked for Dr.Nefarious, the Valkyries were trained to be both powerful warriors on the ground and in the air. Their leaders are Carina, Cassiopeia, and Libra.
Armament: Valkyries come in two flavors: Bashers and Archers
Bashers: Ground bound, the Bashers lug around massive war hammers, capable of smashing most things flat. However, the weight of the hammer makes them slow, and most attacks (while powerful) have a wind up time.
Archers: Faster, and typically given wings, the Archer hurls spears . Due to nanotechnology, they can hold a large number of spears on their person, unshrinking them when they are needed, making it seem like they never run out.
Defense: They're made of metal, but they're made for quicker attacks rather then prolonged combat. As such, they can only take a handful of blows.
Special: Winged Valkyrie
-Some Valkyries have wings, which act like most units jetpacks. They can move around quickly and with great agility.
Additional Factors:
-They kill any male of their species, and tend to view men as inferior. Only by proving himself worthy will a man be able to secure a Valkyrie's services.
Tank Bots
Weapon Type: Missile
Armor Type: Heavy
Speed: Slow
Classification: Autonomous Tank
A fully automated hover tank, these machines of war have no crew, only sophisticated machinery protected by thick armor, a large arsenal, and precision targeting.
-Rocket Launcher: The Tank could fire large missiles at a fast pace. The missiles could easily cover large distances, and could corse correct slightly to help them reach their intended target.
-Flamethrower: For closer targets, the Tank could release a stream of fire from it's cannons to try and drive them back.
Defense: Heavy Metal Armor
-The Tank has very strong armor, with crucial systems protected behind layers and layers of steel plating.
Additional Info:
-There is no crew inside, the entire thing is robot.
-Slow to turn: Getting under or around the tank seems to make it harder for it to hit anything, and the cannon on top is slow to turn.
-It hovers, meaning it passes over ground bound things like potholes or buried land mines.
-Relatively rare
Guard Bots
Weapon Type: Metal Body
Armor Type: Metal Body
Speed: Slow
Classification: Elite Guard
Elite guards created to patrol Nefarious' weapons facilities, secret bases, or other areas of importances. Immensely strong and well armed, an area guarded by one of these guys is well protected indeed.
Armament: Giant Dual Mini-guns
-Just what it says on the tin. The Guard has a pair of mini-guns for hands that fire flaming plasma balls larger then a fist instead of bullets. They can hit a target a massive distance away, almost at a sniper rifles distance (though the Guard can still only hit what it can see).
-The Guard bot is large and made of metal. It can take a lot of rifle fire, and even a sniper round. However, explosives have been shown to rattle it.
-The Guard Bot hovers and has limited, slow moving flight to aid it in it's patrols.
Additional Info:
-The Guard Bot must stop firing his guns every ten seconds to let his nanobots replenish his ammo.
-The Guard Bot can be a bit single minded, focusing on one target, even when that target is safe behind cover and will continue to fire until it has to stop and reload.
Mega Bot
Weapon Type: Plasma / Missiles
Armor Type: Metal Body
Speed: Slow Run
Classification: Mobile Artillery
Standing around ten feet tall, the Mega Bot is a powerful foe. Acting as both a mobile artillery platform and arsenal, the Mega Bot packs several weapons that make it a serious and instant threat.
-Plasma Cannons: On each arm is a rapid-fire plasma cannon, though admittedly the Mega Bot does not have the best aim.
-Missile Pack: Standing still, the Mega Bot can launch a salvo of missiles from it's back into the air, before coming down in a deadly shower. They can either do so in a slow barrage or a very fast string of missiles (depending on how damaged the Mega Bot is and how desperate it is to win the fight).
Defense: Large and imposing, the Mega Bot is made of metal, and is durable enough to withstand a bit of punishment (though it could be staggered by an explosion).
Additional Info:
-The Mega Bot cannot fire both weapons as the same time.
-The Mega Bot must remain still to fire it's missiles, leaving itself open to attack.
-Despite it's size and apparent strength, the Mega Bot doesn't seem to have any CQC protocols.
-The Mega Bot is skilled enough in it's missile pack that it can be used inside a building or large ship.
Hyper-Sonic Brainwave Scrambler
Weapon Type: Sound
Armor Type: Metal
Speed: 20-ish miles (flight)
Classification: Semi-Controllable boombox of destruction
First created to torture Zoni, the HSBS would later be used to hunk down Clank inside the Great Clock, causing massive destruction in it's wake. While powerful, the weapon is loathed by Lawrence, though Nefarious seems to be quite proud of it.
Armament: The Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler had two spherical openings at each side that released sonic waves. It also had a laser blaster with two pincer-like appendages which unfolded from underneath when activated. This fired beams of sonic energy.
The machine could also release several electrocuting sphere, create a shockwave, and manifest a forcefield that electrocuted everything that touched it (though it cannot hold it for very long).
Defense: The Scrambler is a very durable machine. It is immune to sound based attacks, was able to stand up a vicious melee beating, and is capable of creating a forcefield around itself. However, while extremely durable, it is not invulnerable, and if it takes to much damage, it will explode.
Additional Info:
-The Scrambler was used to torture creatures with a weakness for sonic weaponry.
-The Scrambler is apparently not a very stable machine, at least as far as controls go. It tends to cause massive collateral damage wherever it goes.
-When not needed for a mission, Nefarious tends to just let the Scrambler roam wherever, mindlessly crashing into and damaging whatever it comes across (as long as it doesn't belong to him).
Weapon Type: Lasers, Turrets, Tentacles
Armor Type: Super-Heavy Metal
Speed: Slow
Classification: City Destroyer
The VX-99 Hoverdrone is a massive machine the size of a skyscraper. When not in use, the machine was stationed on a tower like platform until activated, which it then destroyed it's tower platform so it could hover toward it's prey. The VX-99 had three major body sections, a cone like lower body, a saucer shaped upper body and a green glass dome which contained it's head. The lower body contained it's primary weapons which were three long robotic arms that carried massive laser cannons that could cut through an building in Axiom City.
Laser Arms: Each of the VX's robotic arms carry a massive laser cannon that can cut through a building. The VX is designed to be immune to its own weaponry, so it can target creatures crawling on it without hurting itself.
Dome: The Dome of the robot was outfitted with three generators that could create sweeping lasers.
Machine Gun: If the Dome is destroyed, the machine's head contains a turret to fire at opponents.
Self Destruct: If the head of the VX was somehow destroyed, it would self-destruct as a last resort in order to take out whatever damaged it.
Defense: The VX has armor which allows it to not be harmed by its own weapons, and even heavy energy weapons seem to only stun it.
Additional Info:
-Supports: The laser arms are held in place by special supports. If the supports are damaged, detached, etc, the arm will fall off.
-Generators: The Sweeping lasers are powered by three generators. If they are destroyed, the lasers get predominantly weaker until they shut off altogether.
-The Dome is immune to most firepower, but the destruction of the generators will weaken it to heavy fire.
-The head is the only 'weak' spot, in the sense that it's only section that can cause the VX-99 to explode. The head is armed with a turret, but is only used if it's dome is destroyed. The head looks eerily similar to its creator.
Ultra Rare: The VX is a very rare weapon. While Nefarious was in the process of constructing more, for now, he only has access to one. In future battles, the number may increase, depending on the planet he's on or the forces he's fighting.
Weapon Type: Transmogrifier Ray
Armor Type: Massively Dense Armor
Speed: Slow
Classification: Doomsday Weapon
This superweapon was Dr.Nefarious' pride and joy. As big around as a skyscraper is tall, the Biobliterator was feared because of it's power to turn large groups of people into robots. Targeting large organic populations, the Biobliterator unleashes it's fearsome power, leaving a new army of robots to turn on their once organic brethren.
-The Biobliterator has the power to, in one great mighty blast, turn every organic thing it's beam touches into a robotic slave to Dr.Nefarious. The transformed may retain some of their personality, but it is supplemented with a desire to destroy organic life and to serve Dr.Nefarious. The changed are moderately smarter (around 5-10%) and more durable, as flesh is replaced by steel.
It is possible to protect yourself from the beam. The beam doesn't pass well through solid, non-organic mass. The hero, Ratchet, is able to avoid being transformed by hiding behind a concrete wall when the beam passes over the city. Therefore it stands to reason that anyone who can hide behind a thick enough barrier (stone, steel, etc) would be able to avoid being turned. However, lighter materials (glass, water) would be changed. It's not clear what would happen if you tried to throw up an energy shield, but given the sheer size of the blast in question, I think the Biobliterator would overpower it and change whoever was on the other side. This also applies to persona armor, as I can't think of any armor thick enough that would save you from something like this. If it does exist, that something to debate about.
Defense: The Biobliterator's armor is stated to be immune to most weapons. In game, it is only destroyed by turning an Ion Cannon on it while it is recharging.
v2.0: A second version of the device was constructed after the destruction of the first. This one was a fraction of the size of the first (barely a hundred feet tall). Along with the transformation ray, it had the ability to shift into a robot mech. This mech was armed, in addition to the transformation ray, with thousands of missiles to shoot down enemies. It could move faster then the original, but didn't have nearly as impressive armor, as prolonged bombing was enough to destroy it.
Additional Info:
-Recharge: After an attack with the Biobliterator, the device is programed to return to base, where it MUST recharge for at least a solid 48 hours. During this time the device enters a 'sleep mode' at a secure location while it charges. During this time the device will be heavily guarded by Nefarious' troops, but it is admittedly when the machine will be at it's most vulnerable; either to a weapon massive enough to destroy it, or to the base in question being destroyed, in which case the Biobliterator would have nothing to give it precious energy, and would remain dormant.
-Only 2: Dr.Nefarious only has the two Biobliterators, and he will not be getting any more.
Tyhrranoid Attack Ships
Type of Aircraft: Tyhrranoid Vessel
Fighter or Bomber?: Fighter
Weapon Type: Machine Gun
Armor Type: Metal Plating
Classification: Attack Craft
Large ships piloted by Two-Eyed Tyhrranoids, the Attack ship is a rather rare vehicle. Hovering above the ground, they serve a similar role to some modern helicopter fighters, laying down heavy suppressive fire.
Armament: A small gun mounted to the front of the vehicle, the Ships could let out a constant stream of bullets.
Defense: The ships have some metal plating, and the pilot is protected by bulletproof glass. It's sturdy enough it can take a grenade with only minor shaking, but can't stand sustained fire.
Special: Sometimes larger versions of these ships will have One-Eyes in capsules on the wings to drop down onto the field.
Additional Factors:
-The Attack Ships may slowly strafe their bullets from side to side in a sweeping motion
-Ultra Rare: Apparently this isn't a popular Tyhrranoid vessel, because only 4 are ever encountered in game. Therefore, expect it to be make only rare appearances.
Tyhrranoid Saucer
Type of Aircraft: Saucer
Fighter or Bomber?: Fighter
Weapon Type: Plasma
Armor Type: Light Metal
Classification: Single Pilot Attack Craft
Piloted by a single 2-Eye, this small craft is only slightly bigger then the Tyhrranoid in question. Acting much like flying cavalry, the Saucer can also provide support against air targets.
Armament: Plasma Guns
-Attached to the front of the Saucer are two plasma guns which fire one after the other.
Defense: Light Metal
-The craft is small, and very light, as such it cannot take much damage. However, it can hover just as easily at ten feet as it can at several thousand, so it is either very durable to pressure, or Tyhrranoids are just that hardy.
-Nefarious has equipped these ships with teleporters, allowing them to make short range jumps on the battlefield. This is usually used for the purpose of an ambush, with squads of Saucers suddenly appearing around a group of enemies, or to close the distance on a foe before they have time to adequately prepare.
Additional Factors:
-Can not move and fire at the same time
-Very Long Range: The Saucers are able to shoot and hit targets over vast distances.
Nefarious Figthers
Type of Aircraft: Robot Saucers
Fighter or Bomber?: Fighters
Weapon Type: Laser
Armor Type: Metal
Classification: Patrol Ships
Baring a resemblance to the Nefarious Dropships, N.Fighters patrol Nefarious controlled space and engage hostile ships they encounter. They are often alerted to enemies by security satellites stationed in Nefarious controlled areas.
**In R&C, there aren't space ships and atmospheric ships, there are just SHIPS. Ships (even massive battleships) can regularly be (and often are) used in the atmosphere of a planet then move on and function exactly the same in space.
Armament: Lasers
-The Fighters can release a laser beam from the cannons on either side of their cockpit.
Defense: The Fighters are made of metal meant to survive in space, as well as dogfights with other ships, still, they have only armor and speed to keep them safe.
-v2: An upgraded version of the Fighters, the v2 was slightly faster, with a slightly more powerful cannon. In addition, they were equipped with defensive shields which turn on and off through dogfights.
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(I know, not the best picture, but this was the best I could do. At least it had a picture.) |
Type of Aircraft: Robotic
Fighter or Bomber?: Fighter
Weapon Type: Varied
Armor Type: Heavy Armor
Classification: Experimental War-Machine
A fighter that's heavily armed, packed with prototype technology, and extremely aggressive. Although not fully integrated into the Nefarious army, tests with the ship have been going well, leaving a lot of destruction in it's wake.
-Twin Lasers: The front of the ship had a pair of heat lasers that can sweep over the battlefield and leave a trail of fire.
-Missile: A seemingly unending supply of missiles that the Warship can use to bomb the ground, or destroy platforms and the environment.
-Heavy Armor: The Warship is fitted with heavy armor that doesn't seem to impact it's speed, and allows it to take devastating amounts of punishment. Missiles, assault fire, and energy weapons barely seem to phase it.
-Wormholes: The Warships possess the ability to create a wormhole through which it can warp from one place to another. This can allow it to escape from enemy fire, or sneak up and surprise a opponent. While warping, it seems to be undetectable by most sensors (in the R&C universe)
Additional Factors:
-While the Warship is indeed powerful, not enough have been manufactured to appear greatly in Nefarious' army. This means it will likely be a rare unit, if a powerful one.
-The Warship can use both weapons at the same time
Nefarious Space Mine Layer
Type of Aircraft: Saucer
Purpose of Aircraft: Area Denial
Classification: A mine layers
Similar to the Nefarious Dropships and Nefarious Fighters in design, the Mine Layer is a saucer craft, except larger then both and lay space mines.
Armament: None of it's own, but it does lay space mines.
Defense: Made of durable metal, the Mine Layer is also quick and meant to work quickly while leaving mines behind, as opposed to staying long enough to test the strength of it's armor.
Special/ Detailed Purpose: Laying Space Mines!
-Hover Mine: A large hovering explosive, the Hovering space mine is placed by the Space Layer, and remains in place until an enemy ship passes near enough that it engages the sensors and the mine will drift towards it and explode. They are used to deter enemy aircraft from entering an area, or else support Nefarious fighters by giving the enemy something else to worry about.
Additional Factors:
-Often protected by Nefarious Fighters
Nefarious Dropships
Type of Aircraft: Mechanical
Purpose of Aircraft: Troop Transport
Classification: Dropship
Big blue saucers acting as both dropships and gunships. Used to bring Nefarious Troopers to hot spots, it would beam them down. Then it would either retreat, put down covering fire, or stay and fight until it was destroyed.
Armament: When fighting, the Dropship uses two missile launchers on each side of the cockpit.
Defense: Metal Armor
-The Dropships are made of sturdy metal plating meant to keep the ships stable until it can at least deliver it's troops.
Special/ Detailed Purpose: Troop Transport
-The Dropship is meant to deliver batches of Nefarious Troops to hot zones.
Valkyrie Airship
Type of Aircraft: Air Vehicle
Purpose of Aircraft: Troop Transport
Classification: Dropship
An air vehicle designed to provide quick transportation to Valkyries in an atmosphere environment.
Special/ Detailed Purpose: Quickly getting Valkyries to the battle zone.
Armor Type: Fragile Metal
Type of Support: Scouts, Back-Up, Security
Classification: Cheap Labor
What Bonus do they give?: Varied
Perhaps one of the weakest and cheapest units available to Nefarious is the Scoutbot. Commonly used as a source of cheap labor, they have a variety of uses. They've been used as security, back up for stronger fighters, and as the name implies Scouts. Whatever the area these things can be deployed in large numbers because they are extremely easy to make, extremely cheap to build, and also really easy to kill.
Originally created by the Blarg to hunt down survivors of their bombing campaigns, the Scoutbots were one of the first to go rouge and rally to Nefarious for robot freedom.
Armament: Shock Pincers
-By moving close to enemies, the Scoutbot can release a small bolt of electricity from it's pincer hands. There is a long delay time however, and it's usually only effective if the Scoutbot attacks while the target is distorted, or else mobbed with so many Scoutbots that it can't kill them all before it gets shocked.
Defense: Fragile Body / Numbers
-While technically made of metal, the Scoutbot is so fragile that a single bullet or well simple melee attack often causes them to break. They try to compensate for this by traveling in groups.
Special/Detailed Purpose: Scoutbots were designed for scouting, but have also been used as cheap security, labor, combat support… basically anywhere their fellow robots need them to be.
Additional Factors:
-Scout Spawner: A trashcan like device made to hold hundreds of Scoutbots. Placed in an area where the Scoutbots patrol, the Spawner will continuously spit new Scouts out for each one destroyed. It can be destroyed, and is only slightly more durable then the Scouts.
Backup Dancers
Armor Type: Light Metal Chassis
Type of Support: Back Up Combat / Distraction
Classification: Robotic Dancers
What Bonus do they give?: Aid Courtney Gears
Courtney Gears, robotic superstar, has her own entourage of robotic dancers that follow her every command. Their job is to help their mistress in any way she sees fit, whether that means flanking an enemy, causing a distraction so she can slink away, or just providing backup at one of her concerts.
Armament: The Backup Dancers have no ranged weapons, but are capable of spinning like tops and slamming into opponents to knock them around.
Defense: The backup dancers are made of a fairly light metal. This makes them quick and light on their feet, but only able to withstand one or two attacks.
Special/Detailed Purpose: Teleportation
-The Backup Dancers can be summoned to Gears wherever she is on command.
Additional Factors:
-Travel in Packs: Usually around 8-10, but can get as high as 15
-Not very bright: Will use the same strategy over and over, no matter futile it seems.
-Fearless: Watching dozens of their fellow robots die doesn't seem to bother them in the least.
Type: Guard
Hoverbots are robotic soldiers created by Dr.Nefarious to protect his bases (most especially his underwater hideouts) and keep the Amoeboids in line (making sure they don't leave their designated area, and making sure they don't muck up any sensitive equipment). They have a set area to patrol, and will not peruse an enemy outside of it.
A Hoverbot is armed with a special flameblaster. It can either act as a standard flamethrower, or launch a fireball a considerable distance.
Sentinel Bot
Type: Robotic Security
Hovering security drones, these bots searched the ground with spotlights. When an intruder was found, they triggered an alarm, causing other sentinels to fire with high intensity towards the target.
Floranian Blood Flies
Type: Natural Guard
A large insect best suited to warmer clients, Nefarious has shown to occasionally allow colonies of these creatures breed outside his bases. Growing to the size of a large dog, these creatures act much like giant mosquitos, using their large pincers and stinger to get their prey to bleed excessively so they can drain them of blood. As Nefarious employs mostly robotic guards, his force suffers no casualties from the insects hunger. Sometimes robotic forces will be paired with the Flies. The flies can prove a lethal attraction while trying to also have a gunfight with some robots, as well as constantly weakening enemy forces. Meanwhile, any organic a robot kills can be feasted on by the Flies.
Type: Anti-Infantry
Before his robotic transformation, Dr.Nefarious was still a super-villain, only instead of robots he used biological monsters he created. The most well known is the Amoeboid. These gelatinous creatures can grow to tremendous size and will attack anything they see. Nefarious had these creatures guard the tunnels in his underwater base, but they can be placed in any damp or slimy area (doing especially well in towns with or near lots of water). The main threat of these creatures is that they are very hard to get rid of, and multiply quickly. meaning that infestations that aren't treated quickly can rapidly spiral out of control.
Amoeboids come in three basic shapes (the fourth, more rare, will be discussed afterwards).
The Large: Can grow to around 5-6 feet tall, and can swallow a man whole. If dealt a lethal blow, they will split into two…
Medium: Are around 3-4 feet tall, and also attack by biting. If struck with a powerful enough blow, they will split into two…
Small: Only around 1-2 feet tall, these creatures move quickly and bite hard. They are fearless, attacking much larger and deadlier creatures with glee. If struck, they will burst into a pool of foul slime.
It should be noted that while Amoeboids can hide out in sewer water indefinitely, being submerged in pure/clean water (fresh or saltwater) will cause them pain and death as though it was acid.
King Amoeboid
Type: Massive Guard
Sometimes, Amoeboids don't stop growing. Sometimes, they become massive, unstoppable blob monsters that consume all in their way, and that all the other little Amoeboids looks up to. This is a King Amoeboid. Standing 12 feet tall, they are slow moving, but their girth is able to soak up a lot of damage, taking rockets, assault rifle fire, and even energy beams without slowing.
If a target is far away, the King Amoeboid will belch a cannonball of slim at them, hitting the target with just as much force. Up close, their mouths are larger then most humans are tall, and their body is coated with solidified slime that takes the forms of spikes.
King Amoeboids, despite their size, are not always apparent. When stationary, they can take the war of a solid wall of impassable filth. It is only when prey approaches, or a significant force strikes the wall that the King awakens. Kings are often stationed as living barriers, with enemies unable to pass until they have gotten past the monster.
King Amoeboids do not burst into smaller ones upon death (though Large and Mediums often congregate around them), instead, they simple collapse into a massive pile of slim, leaving only a foul stench and some sewer crystals behind.
Security Satellites
Type: Enemy Detection
Satellites that scan the area for enemy ships, the Satellites will send an alert to all nearby Nefarious Fighters the moment a ship enters it's range, before throwing up a defensive energy field around itself. The shield will only go down if the Fighters register that the enemy has been destroyed, or if all the Fighters are destroyed.
Missile Turrets
Type: Anti-Air, Vehicle, & Infantry
These large turrets hide underground, only popping up when manually made to, or when their sensors pick up nearby enemies. They will prioritize air enemies, but will focus on ground troops if none are nearby. Once an enemy is picked up, the large turret pops out of the ground and releases a large missile at the target. Thanks to nanotechnology, seemingly endless amounts of missiles can be stored in a single turret. Missiles have limited auto-correction programming in them, allowing them to move to some degree should their target move, though they can't double back or drastically change their positioning.
Defense Turrets
Type: Anti-Vehicle
Large turrets with three gun barrels with rapid fire capabilities. About the size of a small car, the turrets are enveloped in a minor powered forcefield. While not as strong as some other fields, this does allow the Turrets some degree of protection, allowing them to soak up lots of enemy ammo before becoming serious damaged.
Anti-Aircraft Missiles
Type: Anti-Aircraft and Drop-Ins
Used to prevent air drops and bombardments, these missiles target parachuting soldiers, drop pods, and large aircrafts. They have tracking software embedded in them, allowing for some degree of correction mid flight, though obviously nothing to drastic.
Underwater Mine
Type: Area Denial
In order to make sure enemies didn't try and assail his underwater fortresses/lab, Dr.Nefarious seeded the water around them with Mines set to detonate if unfamiliar vessels moved near them. These mines were also placed in the larger pipe network of his base, just incase someone managed to get in.
Force fields
Type: Protection
Nefarious will often have important locations or buildings cloaked in a potent force field. These barriers are made up of rippling waves of energy block nearly all forms of weaponry. While they are up, neither side can fire through them. However, the barriers are semipermeable, allowing Nefarious' troops to walk through them at will.
Ion Cannons
Type: Massive Cannons
Seen at one of Nefarious' most important bases (the recharge hub of the first Bioblitorator), the Ion Cannon is about the size of a small skyscraper turned on it's side. Controlled from a hub below the turret, the Ion Cannon is slow to turn, and takes between 10-15 seconds to power up. Once it does though, the energy blast is powerful enough to penetrate even the powerful energy shields and armor of the Bioblitorator, blowing it to bits in a single shot. Against anything else, the sheer power of each shot would turn most forces into not but ash and memory.
Base Locations
Type: Hard to reach HQ
Nefarious has often placed his important buildings in hard to reach or navigate places. These have included: The bottom of an ocean floor, deep underground, the core of an ice world, astroid fields, etc. etc. These make important locations like his headquarters, research facilities, and factories, hard to find and harder to get to. Once there, they are often full of troops armed to the teeth.
Should the bases be compromised, they are often rigged with traps to reward the invader with a painful demise. Two examples of this stand out: The aforementioned ice world base had tunnels that flooded with acid. And the other was a large flying base that, when the heroes reached the command center, allowed Dr.Nefarious to teleport away, while rigging the ship to explode less then a minute later.
Doctor Nefarious
Bio: Doctor Nefarious is a robotic scientist who hates all organic life, despite formerly being one himself. He began his career as a standard super-villain, creating a race of monsters known as the Amoeboids to ravage Blackwater City. This attack was foiled by Qwark, who tracked Nefarious back to his secret base. There, he caused the Doctor to plumped from a catwalk to what Qwark thought was the Doctor's death. In reality, all it had done was destroy Nefarious' body, causing him to upload his mind into a robot.
Years later, Nefarious would return to threaten the Solana Galaxy. He planned a robot revolution, to overthrow the organics and have the machines take over, with him as their leader. He planned to help this scheme along by using the Bioblitorator to turn all organisms into robots under his command. The universe quaked in fear at his name, and he nearly had his goal in hand… but was defeated at the last moment, though he still managed to survive.
His greatest, and perhaps most diabolical plan, involved taking over the Great Clock, a machine at the center of the universe that monitored and regulated the time stream. With it, he planned to alter the past, undoing all the defeats of every villain, and stopping the triumphs of every hero; the ultimate plan being to forge a universe were the good guys always loose!
Though this plan, too, was foiled, Nefarious escaped once more. Even now he continues to haunt the universe, his twisted mind constantly scheming grander and more fearsome plans…
Personality: Nefarious has a big personality. He's wild, over the top, and loud. He's a villain through and through, prone to making big speeches and cursing heroes when they foil his plans. He's incredibly brilliant, able to make amazing machines… but he's also completely out of his mind. He can swing violently from one emotion to the other, often with deadly consequences for those around him (this is only slightly offset by overheating). He has no regard for any life but his own (and maybe Lawrence), he views all organics with disgust, something to either be destroyed or used (then destroyed). While he knows what love is, he doesn't show it himself (not genuinely anyway) preferring to use the feelings of others to his advantage. Even when his plans threaten all of space and time, he's still willing to risk it for the chance to put himself on top.
Achievements: While Nefarious has yet to achieve his big dreams of universal conquest, he's still got an impressive list of accomplishments. He created a new species that ravaged a species, and continues to plague parts of the universe decades later. He (though slightly unwillingly) transformed his organic body into a cybernetic one. He designed and created an army of robots several times. He's manipulated whole races into serving him with little assurance he can deliver on his promises. He made a machine that could turn organics into his machine slaves in a second. He built machines meant to topple cities. He brought a galaxy to it's knees in fear of him and his forces. Finally, he nearly took control of a machine that would allow him to manipulate time to create a present where evil always wins, and heroes always loose, but was thwarted by the hero at the last moment.
--Style of Leadership: Authoritarian: While Nefarious is in charge of the whole operation, and makes all the big decisions, he does know how to delegate to his sub-commanders, and trusts them to take care of the basic battles.
--Adaptive creativity: 65
--Tactics: 50: Battlefield tactics rarely range far beyond: Swarm area with robots. If it doesn't work, add more robots.
--Strategy: 58: Nefarious does tend to work with a long term goal in mind, he just sometimes has trouble getting there.
--Intuition: 80: Surprisingly high, as he seems to know when he's most likely to be targeted by his enemies (ex: Once, when his ship needed to be refueled, the heroes waged an assault on the ship, fighting their way through waves of soldiers on board. When they got to the command deck, Nefarious told them he knew they'd be coming, then set the ship to self destruct and teleported away).
--Audacity: 90: Nefarious wants attention. He wants to win, and he wants everyone to see him winning. As such, when he makes a move, he likes it to be big and loud. Not to say he can't pull off stealth or subtly, he just has more fun the other way.
--Psychological warfare: 65: Mostly using fear as a weapon, he terrorized a few planets, and made the rest terrified he'd do the same to them, until the started acting like he'd already won.
--Intelligence: 89: A super genius of quite literally insane caliber. He designed a machine to turn organics into machines instantly. He's one of the few who seems to know how the Great Clock works (though not how dangerous it is). He's created organic life that still plagues parts of the Solana galaxy.
--Experience: Nefarious has been doing evil for YEARS. Even before he was a robot he was making monsters to attack cities and plotting to take over worlds. Granted, he's never had a lot of long lasting success, but he's been around a while, a learned a thing or two.
--Discipline: 60: Nefarious is often barely able to contain his emotions, be they glee or burning fury.
--Leadership: 60: Nefarious is not a great leader. His troops fear him more then respect him. He cares nothing for the lives of those that work with or under him, and has been known to kill troops himself when he gets in a mood.
--Corruption: 95: Nefarious looks to exterminate all organic life and rule an empire of robots. He wants to undo all good in the universe and throughout time, forming a present where the hero always looses. He's evil, and proud of it.
--Morale: 80 (95 Tyhhranoids): Nefarious' army is made of robots looking to either forward the robot revolution or else troops made to fear the repercussions of failing Nefarious. As such, they will usually fight to the last, even as their comrades are destroyed around them, only retreating if ordered or if the situation is grossly unwinnable. The Tyhhranoids, coming from a culture that glorifies war and death, likely won't retreat even then, choosing to die in glorious battle.
--Logistics: 80: Nefarious' army is predominantly robots, but Tyhhranoids have shown they're comfortable eating just about anything. Nefarious will even try to incorporate his bases into the natural geography, and use natural creatures (if there are any) into the defenses.
--Espionage: 65 (a few highly specialized units and infiltrators are what raise this score to what it is)
--Discipline: 80
--Army intimidation: 70: The entire Solana Galaxy feared Nefarious and his army. They feared his Biobliterator and the utter destruction of their lives. However, he didn't always cow people into submission, and sometimes his more… cartoony antics can reduce the fear he puts in people.
Reinforcement rate: Very High
-Nefarious seems to bring with him a virtually never ending army of robots eager to cut down the organic filth. The Tyhhranoids have a fairly high rate, coming from a culture that glorifies war there are no shortage of soldiers ready to die in battle. Of course, Nefarious can also give his ranks a quick booster by using the Biobliterator to turn whole swaths of organics to his cause in an instant.
-Nanotech: A staple of the R&C universe, Nanotech is one of the greatest aspects of nanotechnology. Incredibly tiny machines, Nanotech is capable of quickly and efficiently healing even terribly wounds. Usually packed in small boxes, when broken open, the Nanotechs hone in on the closet thing to them that they can identified as 'hurt/broken' and begin to knit up the damage (if not such injury is detected, they simply remain in a stasis like bubble until something injured gets close). The greater the injury, the more nanotech needed to heal. Nanotech works for both organics AND machines knitting flesh and blood as easily as it does steel and circuitry. However, the Nanotech has limits. It's never been observed bring back the dead, nor has it been shown to regrow a lost limb. Also, Nanotech cannot differentiate between friend and foe, so it is possible for an enemy to smash open a nanotech create and enjoy it's healing benefits.
-Revolution!: Nefarious presents himself as a revolutionary, fighting for the freedom of robots from oppressive organic tyranny. He believes that organic lifeforms have long taken advantage of their metal brethren, and that it is time for robots to take their rightful place ruling over the galaxy. This message does appeal to some of the semi-sentient beings that populate the Ratchet & Clank universe. In a different universe with different rules, it's questionable whether the Doctor could find many machines to rally to his cause willingly. It should also be noted that while Nefarious talks about robot equality, he still pictures a universe where he reigns supreme. All robots technically equal… and subservient to him.
-Nefarious will be wary of any heroes (either from the other army or natives) that might threaten his plan. Those that make themselves known to him will be targeted for destruction with extreme prejudice.
Motivation: To Rule the Universe!
-Yes, Dr.Nefarious has the most stereotypical of villainous desires. He wants to conquer the entire galaxy, having either converted or destroyed all organic life. In this, he believes that robots will be free from the oppressive filth that is organic life. Free to live as they desire… so long as that desire is him in charge.
As an aside, he also wants to see those that have humiliated or bested him in the past ground into a fine dust. He wants to be the winner, and better yet have everyone everywhere know it!
Past Opponents:
Galactic Rangers: The Galactic Rangers are the droids designed to protect the galaxy from roving threats such as space pirates or mercenaries. However, designed during a period of peace, they are largely ineffectual against the might Nefarious brought to bare on the galaxy. Droids who, while capable of basic emotions, will none-the-less throw themselves at the enemy, the ranges have given Nefarious experience against other robots (albeit less equipped ones).
Planetary Defenders: Nefarious' attacks on planets do not go uncontested. He has had to deal with planetary laser defense grids, turrets and troops. Nefarious hacked the grid, shut down the turrets and slaughtered the troops. A planet's natural defenses, be they organic or technological are not likely to slow him down.
Captain Qwark: Nefarious' first enemy, before and after his cybernetic transformation. Qwark is a bumbling idiot blessed with superhuman strength and durability, and just enough charisma to convince an entire galaxy he's a hero and not an amoral jerk who stumbled his way into fame. It is from Qwark that Nefarious derives his hatred of 'heroes' and a desire to publicly humiliate them.
The Q Force: Named after it's leader Captain Qwark, the Q Force was a supposedly elite team with galactic government backing meant to fight Nefarious. Given high tech training and equipment, as well as having a few truly skilled individuals, the Q Force barely registered to Nefarious except as something to be made an example of.
Ratchet & Clank: Perhaps Nefarious true enemy in recent years, and certainly a worthy set of foes then Captain Qwark. Ratchet has a mind for mechanics, and is always armed to the teeth with enough ridiculous weapons that he'd make small armies weep. Clank is a scientific genius, as well as possessing secret agent training (no really) of his own. Both possess years of experience fighting galactic dictators and psychotic armies.
The Tyhrranoids: Nefarious had to earn the respect / trick the Tyhrranoids into working for him. He has learned how to deal with stupid races with inexplicable access to space level technology.
The Valkyrie: Nefarious has also worked with the Valkyrie, which is especially odd given their hatred of males (it could be because he's had a fling with their leader). Nefarious now has knowledge of their technology and strategies, giving him some experience against a military race with somewhat antiquated ideals.
Space Pirates: A constant threat in the galaxy, Nefarious is no stranger to roving bands of pirates out for their own interests. They attack quickly and leave just as fast, so enemies that use similar tactics won't surprise him.
The Zoni: An ancient race of machines, the Zoni are somewhat naive, considering only their programing and nothing else. They did not see Nefarious for the threat he was, only the ways they could use him to fulfill their goals. He used this underestimation to infiltrate their temples, study them, then when they were no longer of use to him, he either destroyed them or ran them off. The Zoni had mystical powers to manipulate the local time flow to a degree.
-Dr.Nefarious will be able to bolster his ranks with third part natives and even former foes. Weak willed or easily controlled organics may be brought on to serve as fodder, but mostly he will work to convert every miserable organic lifeform he can into a member of his robotic army.
-Nefarious is not above stealing tech that is not his own in order to incorporate it into his schemes. As a scientist, he enjoys dissecting and reverse engineering impressive technology. Soldiers turned by the Bioblitorator will bring whatever weapons and armor they had with them to his side
-Biological: Yeah… this is obviously going to be very low, possibly none, given the Doctor's hatred for 'squishies'.
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