INTRO - The Land of a Thousand Gods
In the land of Ind, the Land of a Thousand Gods, the divine stalk the lands. All manner of deities, demi-gods and Devas meddle in the affair of mortals. The lands of Ind are rich and fertile, and ruled by aristocratic overlords from their gorgeous palaces. Yet the people are poor and superstitious, and revere a staggering array of gods and spirits, leaving offerings and saying prayers to them ceaselessly as they go about their day.
The armies of Ind are truly resplendent when they march to war. Thousands of soldiers marching under the banner of the Maharajahs are accompanied by the Devas themselves, as well as many of the mysterious beasts of the jungle.
Tantra: By concentrating on his gods, the primal forces controlling existence create an aura of energy around the Guru that stimulates the surrounding area. Affects a single unit up to 300 meters away, though it can affect multiple units with more effort. This spell increases the affected units speed greatly for a few minutes.
Creation of Brahmir: With the power of Brahmir, the Guru summons astral weapons into the hands of his faithful. This spell affects a single unit at 300 meters, or all friendly units at 100 meters. It grants the affected increased strength and gives their weapons a magical attribute (allowing them to attack specters and the like).
Ganeshan's Blessing of Fortune: Summoning the power of Ganeshan, the Guru blesses his followers. May be used to affects a single unit at 300 meters, or all friendly units at 100 meters. The unit becomes incredibly lucky for a few minutes.
Sacred Shield of Vaishna: Calling upon the power of Vaishna, the Guru protects his followers. May be used to affects a single unit at 300 meters, or all friendly units at 100 meters. Grants the affected unit a powerful magical forcefield.
Bolts of Cindra: Summoning the power of Cindra, the Guru calls down bolts of lightning to scorch his foes. This can call down up to 18 bolts of lightning anywhere from 300 meters to 1 kilometer of the Guru.
Curse of Kali-Ma: Drawing upon the power of the Goddess of Death, the Guru channels the pure essence of death. Has a range of 300 meters to 1 kilometer. Fire a bolt of pure death energy. If the target cannot somehow avoid it or block it, they die.
Invocation of Shaivi: The most powerful mudra symbolizing the pure force of Shaivi, this mudra allows the Guru to channel the raw destructive force of Shaivi as the Destroyer of worlds. Has a range of 300 meters, but this can be doubled with extra effort. The affected unit has all their attributes tripled, their weapons bypass armor and become magical, and they gain a minor resistance to magical attacks. While this only lasts for a few minutes, it does allow the unit to reap a bloody harvest.
The Kingdom of Ind will make use of spies and assassins. Peasants can be sent as cheap scouts, though members of the actual Warrior-Caste would be the ones most likely to come back with anything useful. They have plenty of money to grease diplomatic wheels, and they have magic and Deva Spirits to call upon for more information.
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Thrown Chakram
Preferred Range: Melee
The Rajputs are all purpose infantry and the backbone of most Indan armies. They have many duties in the realms, guarding provinces from marauding warbands of Ogres and Beastmen and keeping order in cities and villages. The infantry are the lowest rung of the army's hierarchy. Their hand weapons are large broad bladed swords, or longer two-handed swords. Some troops carry maces and axes, also wielded in two hands.
Offense: Broadsword, Maces, Axes (single and two handed) Punching Daggers, and Chakram (a sharp metal disk that can be hurled like a deadly frisbee).
Defense: Chainmail and Shield
Additional Factors:
-Warrior Caste
-The Call of Duty: Indan soldiers are born to a caste, as Indan society is rigidly structured into stratified groups. Soldiers are paid and owed hereditary duty to their Maharajah, and as such they are 'on-call' barracks soldiers. The commoners of Ind feel a high sense of duty towards their regal rulers, and as such any Maharajah can expect to instantly have an army the moment they wish as nothing can stop the soldiers from answering that request. Of course, armies are rarely that instantly required, allowing the people to train themselves more properly for battle.
Mahratha Archers
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: ^^
Men proficient in the use of the bow is common in Ind, as hunting the dangerous beasts roaming around the jungles is as important for food as it is for protecting the villages settled there. The Maratha Archers are the ranged soldiers of Ind, mostly recruited from the local hunters. They are drafted into the armies when needed, where they form up into regiments placed as support far away from the actual fighting. Able to bring down enemies from afar with their bows, these men are rightly feared foes in long-range warfare.
Offense: Bow & Arrow
Defense: Chainmail & Distance
Additional Factors:
-Warrior Caste
Urumi Swordsmen
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Originating in Ind, the urumi sword has become very popular by skilled fighters and is often mentioned in the ballads of heroes. In kalaripayat, an Indan form of martial arts, the urumi is always the last weapon taught because of the danger it poses to the wielder.
Agility and skill are more important to master the weapon rather than strength or aggression. Twirling and controlling the urumi is a difficult and dangerous art, and is therefore taught only to the best. Incorrect use can result in the flexible sword wounding its wielder, and great concentration is required during use, even by experts. These fighters are very skilled with the blade, able to perform great feats in combat. The urumi is most useful against multiple opponents; flailing the thin blade in wide arcs, these swordsmen can be devastating against lightly armored groups of troops.
Offense: See Description
Defense: Chainmail & Shield
Additional Factors:
-Warrior Caste
Peasant Levy
Mobility: 4
Training: 1-2
Max Range: Slings
Preferred Range: Melee
Most of the people of Ind are either peasants or outcasts, viewed as little more than vermin by the lords of Ind. The Peasant levy consists mainly of the farmers unfortunate to be drafted into service when needed, but is also seen as an opportunity to rise to a higher position within their caste. Among them are also beggars trying to make a living, or convicts attempting to make amends for their crimes. Whatever their profession or standing, the longevity of these troops is short. But to the Maharajah this matters not, for there are always more semi-able bodies to be found.
These unskilled troops are literally forced onto the battlefield in large numbers simply to wear the enemy down by attrition. In fact, they are so low down on the social pyramid that no-one even cares if this tactic fails. Aside from this, they can also be assigned the glorious duty of acting as vanguard for the rest of the army, sacrificing themselves for their betters by acting as meat shields in the literal sense, sometimes equipped with slings or javelins in a feeble attempt to kill of as many of the enemy as possible before meeting their untimely demise.
Offense: Spears, Javelins, Slings
Defense: None
Additional Factors:
-Lowborn Caste
Fakir & Snake Swarms
Mobility: 4 (3 for snakes)
Training: 4 (2 for snakes)
Max Range: Several Meters (Lunging for snakes)
Preferred Range: ^^ (Biting for snakes)
Snakes are very common in Ind, and some men known as Fakirs even make a profession in hypnotizing and controlling these animals on the street and in battle. While all snake swarms are dangerous, swarms made up of venomous snakes are typically the most lethal. Snake swarms of both types can generally be encountered in the same regions, dwelling in ruins or wilderness alike. Hissing menacingly, this mass of snakes resembles a pile of slithering tentacles. They slither and crawl over each other in a furious mass, their poison-dripping fangs glinting in the light.
Offense: Snakes are venomous, seeking any opening to strike and sink their fangs into flesh. Fakirs have a dagger, but are usually to occupied controlling the snakes to engage in combat themselves.
Defense: None
Additional Factors:
-Low Caste (Fakir only, Snakes don't have a caste. You try explaining the caste system to a mass of writhing poisonous snakes, see how well you do).
Mobility: 7
Training: 6
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Garudas are noble, birdlike creatures that inhabit rugged hills. While they remain detached from humanoid societies, they are impetuous and gallant, often serving as protectors of nearby communities. Known as the scourge of serpents, the Garuda are fierce and determined creatures, feared even by some of the Deities. These winged creatures have clawed hands and bird's talons. Large, glinting eyes and a serrated beak dominate their avian faces. Their feathers display shadings of rusty red and deep green. Their torso is a golden tan, and they wear loose robes accented by fine jewelry. With the body and limbs of a man, and the head, beak and talons of an eagle, the Garuda possesses great ferocity and a proud heritage.
When it calls for it, the Garuda often go to battle with the armies of Ind, flying over their banners, ready to tear at the flesh of their foes. Why they bother to do this, there are several theories. The peasantry believe them to do so out of goodness for their worshipers, while the more cunning generals are inclined to think it true due to the heaps of snake meat offered to the Garuda as thanks for their services.
Offense: Garuda have incredibly sharp talons on their hands and feet, combined with inhuman strength they can easily slice through most armors. Their serrated beak means they can literally peck you to death.
Defense: Flight, agility, robes and jewelry.
Additional Factors:
-Deva: Unlike the Gods of the rest of the world, the Deva of Ind tends to have a much more direct presence among their followers. They are able to project their beings into so-called Avatars, magical creatures that that walk the earth. These Avatars are the divine will of Deva in physical form, manifested to protect their followers from harm. As such, the unit has a powerful protection against magical attacks. All of the units attacks (be they ranged or melee) count as magical ones. Finally, any time the unit takes damage, they must fight to remain corporeal. Rather then 'dying' when they take to much damage, the unit simply fades away.
-Garudas are seen as a sign of good fortune to the people of Ind, and they hold a prominent place as protectors.
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I really want to laugh at his hat... but I'm pretty sure he could turn me into a bloody smear with his giant mace. So if you're gonna laugh, do it quietly! |
Mobility: 5
Training: 7
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Holy Warriors are fighters chosen by the gods. Always of the Kshatriya (Warrior) caste, these fighters are blessed with divine gifts and usually dedicate themselves to a specific warrior-god. These individuals will show extremely devout spiritual qualities from an early age. They will be likely chosen to receive special training from a Guru and will dedicate their lives in the service of the gods to fight evil.
They fight to prove themselves in the eyes of the Devas, wielding large two handed maces and heavy armor. Protected from magical harm with their holy signs and symbols, Holy Warriors are completely fearless, and smash apart their foes with ease; knowing they have the power of their gods behind every blow.
Offense: Giant Two-Handed Maces
Defense: Heavy Armor. They are also protected from all but god-level magic thanks to their various holy symbols and signs, mixed with blessings from their patron deity.
Additional Factors:
-Warrior Caste
-To become a member of the Holy Warriors, an Indan in good standing must prove himself and be baptized by one of the so called Five Pure Ones. These near-immortal warriors were themselves baptized by Guru Singh and are now said to be over four hundred years old. They are scattered across the land, and finding one of them is difficult at best.
-The Holy Warriors are grouped into brotherhoods, although these brotherhoods are not permanent in nature. A member may leave and join another brotherhood freely. Each brotherhood has a slight variation in the practices of their office. Some Holy Warriors have vowed to have a daily spiritual practice of reading five scriptures. Some have vowed to follow the basic tenants of the uniform, scripture, meditative recitation, or community service. All Khalsa also vow to refrain from any sexual relationships outside of marriage, and to refrain from taking meat, tobacco, alcohol, and all other intoxicants as part of their code of conduct.
-Holy Warriors follow the strict rules of the gods. If they should ever act against the gods, particularly their chosen god, by failing to perform proper rituals or purification, by eating spoiled food, drinking blood or eating raw meat, by using unholy magic, by fighting for personal gain, theft, lying, or unholy murder, or touching an untouchable, they will lose all of their spiritual powers until they have been granted penance and performed a purification ritual with the help of a Guru.
Royal Chariots
Mobility: 6
Training: 5
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
Ind used to be famous for its mighty chariots and effective usage of them in war. These chariots were second to none, but as the cavalry evolved the chariot has been gradually phased out of use in the army, but some still remain and serve in the armies of Ind to this day. The chariot remains especially popular with officers, as it gives them a fast transport that affirms their superiority over the common soldiery.
Royal Chariots are often ornate, and are occasionally armored along with the crew. The back of the cabs usually carry a personal standard for the noble riders. Bells are attached to add to the din, and the charioteers use conches to frighten the enemy. Umbrellas cover the cabs and are targets of great importance, as losing one's umbrella or standard is quite a disgrace.
When the Royal Chariots are brought to battle, only the Maharajah's finest warrior are allowed to ride them. Often these are nobles of lower ranks, like Avars, but sometimes a warrior who has proven himself in battle may be allowed to ride with them. Being allowed to fight from one of the Royal Chariots is a glorious honor indeed.
Offense: The horses can stampede over you, the wheels can crush you, the rider has a bow for range, and a spear for jabbing at closer targets.
Defense: Very ornate wood and metals.
Additional Factors:
-Noble Caste
-Some Maharajahs still keep whole squadrons of chariots, either due to a special interest or because they cannot afford or do not have access to elephants. Even though chariots are only useful on open terrain and solid fields are more than rare in Ind, the Chariot can be more than useful when such terrain is available. As chariots pulled by horses are faster than elephants and sometimes even more lethal on the charge, they can offer excellent combat support much cheaper than elephants.
Bengal Riders
Mobility: 5
Training: 6
Max Range: Lunging
Preferred Range: ^^
In the thick jungles of Ind lie ferocious predators - huge hunters that have been known to bring down men, orcs, ogres, and more. These predators are the Bengal Tigers, exceptionally strong and ferocious cats. To own one of these great beasts means that you gain both recognition in the land, and an incredible beast of war capable of breaking armies almost single-handedly, and for this reason Maharajahs desire these beasts.
Also living within the jungles of Ind are the famous Bengal Riders. These men live in the jungles themselves, revering the tiger like the animal of the Devas, and have nothing but the utmost respect for them. The Bengals themselves have learned that these people are of no danger to them, and so co-exist peacefully together, gladly accepting any offering of food they bring.
Bengal Riders are sometimes enlisted in the Indan armies as shock troops, easily able to tear a man limb from limb. While the rider is lightly armored, the beast itself is dangerous enough on its own and difficult to bring down due to its size. Stalking stealthily through the jungle canopy, the charge of the Bengal Riders can be absolutely devastating for an enemy, suddenly beset by teeth and claws.
Offense: The tiger has claws and teeth, and its charge can crush a man before he can even put up a fight. The Rider carries a curved sword or spear for melee, and javelins or bows for ranged.
Special: Variant: Dire Tiger: While the Bengal Tiger itself is a fearsome predator, its strength and ferocity pales in comparison to that of the larger dire tiger. This powerful feline predator moves with a deadly grace, its reddish-orange fur slashed with black stripes, grumbling as a warning as it crouches. They can grow to immense sizes, several times larger than that of normal tigers.
Additional Factors:
-Warrior Caste
-Both are at home in thick jungles, able to move through them easily.
-Bengal Tigers prefer terrain with plenty of cover and proximity to water as their hunting grounds.
Mobility: 7
Training: 7
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
The Kalaratri, or "The Black Ones", are the offspring of the Goddess of Annihilation, the fiercest of the Avatars and perhaps most feared of them all, those who brings death to all so that the cycle of life can continue. The Kalaratri guard the Cavern of the Skull, killing any creatures they see and offering them to Kali on blood-soaked altars. They are the worst of the lot: they guard the portals out, and no one can leave without first slaying a guardian. Dark whispers say that particularly brutal murders draw the attention of Kali herself, and that, if impressed, she makes the killer into a Kalaratri. When Kali senses a particularly brutal and bloody battle is soon to take place, the Kalaratri gather in droves, eager to slaughter and bathe in the blood of their enemies.
The Kalaratri are truly terrifying. They are divinity distilled in a half-naked, four-armed figure loosely circled by a belt interwoven with human hands and a necklace made of human skulls. A third red eye strengthens their fearsome stare. In many ways they are cremation personified - a burning, insatiable psyche raging from inside an emaciated and blackened body that consumes all in their path by swinging both sickles and swords in each of their arms.
Offense: A sword in each of their four hands
Defense: A strong magical resistance, and pure skill with the blade
Additional Factors:
-Deva: See Garudas
-While not a bad omen per say, the presence of Kalaratri near the battlefield is an ominous one, for it means the battle will be both bloody and violent enough to draw the attention of the Goddess of Annihilation herself...
Mobility: 3
Training: 8-9
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Juggernauts of onyx and golden armor, Maruts shake the ground when they walk, each thunderous step ringing a death knell for those they've come to take. Rarely seeming to hurry, a Marut's onslaught is deliberate, purposeful, and relentless. Its quarry may impede it or flee, running for decades or centuries, but from the initial meeting onward, the target must always look over its shoulder with the knowledge that, like death itself, the Marut is ever at its heels, slowly but surely approaching, bringing balance through inevitable oblivion.
Maruts primarily target those mortal souls who have artificially extended their lifespans beyond what is feasible for their race, such as liches and other powerful magic users. Extraordinary but natural means of cheating death are sometimes also punished, such as the magistrate who murders an entire starving town to save himself, or those who foresee their own deaths via divination magic and are therefore able to avoid them. Although they are capable of speaking eloquently in any language, and frequently gather vast amounts of information from those who are intimidated by their mere presence, Maruts rarely engage in conversation or strategic alliances with mortals. Even on the battlefield, the juggernauts prefer to remain silent, knowing that their targets are already aware of their own transgressions and that all mortals secretly harbor dreams of immortality.
Offense: Giant Mace
Defense: Golden Plate Armor and skin of Onyx, they are also resistant to magic
Additional Factors:
-Deva: See Garudas
-Maruts are creatures created-out of the wind. They serve as troops for the gods, particularly Vaishna and Durda, and are often led by one of the Devas of air when they enter battle. Maruts live in the clouds and help create weather for the gods.
Mobility: 3
Training: 8
Max Range: Several Meters
Preferred Range: Melee
Ganeshan, along with his avatars, are hearty and robust figures, survivors after many brushes with Daemons. These creatures stomp furiously in battle, bellowing through their trunks while smashing foes left and right with their many arms. As avatars of Ganeshan, they also possess his power of fortune, able to bless themselves and other with good luck to gain the upper hand when needed.
Offense: Ganeshans have four arms, and the strength of an elephant. They can carry four great weapons, massive axes or hammers, or hurl boulders about or crush enemies with their fists. Their footsteps shake the earth, and even their trunks can be used as weapons.
Defense: Magic Resistance, Thick Skin, and Luck Blessing. They can bless themselves with better luck to avoid damage (or get the drop on the enemy).
Additional Factors:
-Deva: See Garudas
-The elephant-headed son of Shaivi is the most popular of the Devas, for he brings luck and joy to the people who worship him. He blesses those who are faithful, making their aim true in the heat of battle, and gives them good fortune whenever they might need it. As the God of good luck and wisdom, his name is invoked before any major undertaking, even before the names of Vaishna, Brahmir or Shaivi. He must be appeased before any other god is approached, so he acts as an intermediary between worshipers and the pantheon. He is the god of doorways and portals, and also the god who removes all obstacles. He is the patron god of learning and study, prayed to by all students, and is likewise the god who protects all temples. Every human temple to any deity will also have a small shrine to Ganeshan.
-Ganeshan teaches that earthly delights, such as the indulgence in eating that his massive belly symbolizes, are not a hindrance to spiritual pursuits. He is consulted before trips or establishing new businesses, and he is invoked in other important ritual undertakings, particularly weddings and births. He is worshiped with offerings of fruits and vegetables to assuage his massive hunger.
-According to legend, Ganeshan received his elephant head shortly after birth, when a malevolent daemon cursed the young Ganeshan by wishing his head out of existence. Shaivi replaced the head with the nearest one available - that of an elephant's. Ganeshan is also known for his scholarship, at which he excels above all the Gods. From his studies, he is often sought after as a guru and an adviser, using his vast knowledge to aid others in overcoming any problems.
Sowar Horsemen
Mobility: 5
Training: 6
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
Horses are relatively rare in Ind, for they are used most commonly in traversing over open ground, something which the jungle-covered subcontinent has very little of. As such, they are reserved in their use to the Sowar alone. The Sowar Horsemen are lower nobles whom require the blessing of their ruler to gain their privileges. As such they can command people from the lower castes at will, but must still answer to the wiser rajahs and Maharajahs.
These men have been raised from childbirth to become great warriors. Unlike most elite warriors of similar status in other nations, Sowar Horsemen do not specialize in one kind of skill but try to excel in as many ways of warfare as possible. Often equipped with bows, they can soften up their foes before riding around the battle lines to deliver a fatal blow by attacking the flank. Though not as heavily armored as the knights in the Old World, their versatility makes up for this, allowing them to adept to almost any situation. When the call of war comes, these noble horsemen will answer, cutting down the foe from atop their swift steeds.
Offense: Bows for ranged, then lances and long swords once they get up close.
Defense: Chainmail and padded armor
Special: Mount: Warhorse
Additional Factors:
-Noble Caste
-Cavalry: Not that big a deal in Ind: One of the weakest arms of the lnd army is their cavalry. The horses are often kept overfed and sometimes are dosed with wine to dull their temper before battle. The cavalry's role is generally to extend the line and pursue fleeing enemies. The cavalry is rarely given tactically decisive roles; these are reserved for the elephants and chariots. Nevertheless, the Indans recognize the importance of cavalry as scouts, as their other arms are poorly suited to rough ground, woods, and poor weather. In battle, the cavalry move at a measured pace and in a straight course.
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Strangulation
Thugees, meaning strangler, are as much a group of highway men as they are a religious cult. These are Holy murderers, dedicated to the worship of the mother-goddess Kali in her aspect as the goddess of death. They delight on killing, and they do so in the name of Kali-ma herself. The Thugees are rightly feared, and can be identified by their red sashes, which they wear openly. Thugees attach themselves in small groups of three to seven to travelers, gaining their confidence, murdering them by strangulation, robbing them of their possessions, and finally burying them according to strict rituals.
They often act as mercenaries in the armies of Ind, where they form small skirmishing bands, taking the opportunity to plunder the enemy and find sacrifices for Kali-ma. They must then dedicate one third of all their earnings to the order.
Offense: Thugees attack in groups. They use a Ruhmal to strangle a person to death. They also carry a pickaxe, typically used to bury their victims, but could be used in battle.
Defense: Whatever they've stolen, though typically they wear robes over that.
Additional Factors:
-Lowborn Caste
-Rules of assassination: Thugees will only seek to assassinate in the service of Kali-ma, and will refuse any task that they see as contrary to the wishes of the goddess. The rules for an acceptable sacrifice are very strict. They cannot assassinate any target that the order's gurus have explicitly declared "forbidden to kill". They will never assassinate women or children, excepting women who have in some way committed blasphemy against Kali. Children are not killed, but they are taken and adopted by Thugees. Members of the Brahmin class are not harmed, nor may the blind or sick be sacrificed in her name.
-Don't break the rules. Seriously: If you break any of the order's rules, you will be buried alive.
-A… Family Business? : Thugees usually have another occupation besides that of ritual murderer, which helps keep their Thugee identity secret. The secret of their membership in this group devoted to Kali is revealed by the parent to his or her child at about age thirteen. The knowledge is passed down, with many Thugees coming from a line of ritual murderers stretching back hundreds of years. If a Thugee has no heirs, he will kidnap a young child from a party of travelers and raise her as his own, training her in the ways of Kali-ma.
Mobility: 5
Training: 4
Max Range: Blowpipe
Preferred Range: ^^
In the jungles of Ind, the Vanara resides; a race of clever, agile beastmen with a passion for battle to harness their skill. Vanaras are intelligent, simian humanoids who live in deep forests and jungles. They are both agile and clever, but saddled with boundless curiosity and a love of pranks that, while normally harmless, hinder ingratiation with those they encounter.
Able to scale the tree tops and other various obstacles with ease, the Vanaras make excellent scouts and infiltrators and often act as a vanguard for an Indan army. Equipped with quarterstaffs, blowpipes shooting darts covered in venom extracted from the animals of the jungles, the Vanaras move ahead of the army and ambush any unsuspecting enemies ignorant enough to move through the forests they inhabit. They are able warriors, so it is no wonder that princes past and present have brought them gifts of food in order to persuade them to fight for them in times of war.
Offense: Quarterstaffs and blowpipes, as seen in the description. They can also fight using a martial art that combines the use of hands and feet, making them a flurry of motion that shatters bones and leaves enemies unsure what happened.
Defense: Agility
Additional Factors:
-Despite frequent attacks on their civilization by ogres, Vanaras are open and friendly, curious about both their neighbors and strangers. They take family life quite seriously, and are fiercely protective of even remote relatives. These intense and elaborate family bonds lead to trouble when a distant relation makes an enemy who then becomes the enemy of the entire clan.
-They value learning, both experimental and academic, and most possess a burning curiosity about the world.
-They are able to move through the forests easily.
Mobility: 5
Training: 5
Max Range: Pouncing
Preferred Range: Melee
Many are the tales of wonder told by spice merchants returned from the lands to the east of the Old World, but few such yarns can be as bizarre as the accounts of the creatures said to reside in the verdant rain forests of central Ind. Spice merchants from Ind have spun tales of creatures with heads of the giant hunting cats they call tigers, which dwell in the dense jungles at the interior of their land. The Eye of the Tiger is a deep cave located high in the Shambani foothills of Ind. Said to contain the lost Stone of Simba, it has become the lair of the Rakshasa, a vicious tribe of tiger-headed Beastmen. Said to be a strange crossbreed of man and giant cat, they combine the worst traits of each.
At times, the Rakshasa emerge from their dwellings in the forest to seek battle. If given enough offerings, they are prone to side with the Indans, realizing sparing the humans would suit their best interest for future conflicts. After all, the Rakshasa care little whom or what they are fighting, as long as there is something to do battle against. While they do not join the battle line of the Indan armies, they stalk the underbrush, hidden away from sight until the opportunity presents itself for them to strike. When they do so, they attack with lighting speed, catching the soon-to-be doomed enemy unawares.
Offense: Rakshas posses razor sharp claws and teeth, are are capable of pouncing with enough force to crush a man. They can also wield weapons like large two-headed axes or massive swords.
Defense: None, save thick muscles and a will to live that has seen them take blow after blow without slowing.
Additional Factors:
-The Rakshasa society is, like the people of Ind, bound by rigid castes. Each Rakshasa is born into a particular role in life and cannot advance. Females are fit to be consorts, honored only by their faithfulness and the fighting ability of their children. The Rakshasa wage war constantly, not only to feed themselves but because they believe that battle is the only way to gain honor.
-The people of Ind regard these as noble but fickle beings, as likely to fight off attackers of an Indan village as raze it to the ground. Their motives are unfathomable, but offerings are left. These creatures are rarely seen, yet cautionary tales are told up and down the Kingdoms of Ind, and offerings of meat and rice are made to keep them at bay at roadside shrines wherever the path passes through, or near the shadowy forest in the hope of appeasing them.
War Elephants
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
Max Range: Bow & Arrow (Crew), Melee (Elephant)
Preferred Range: ^^
Cavalry is not unknown in Ind, and warriors on horseback are given a significant level of respect. However, the war elephants and their drivers, the mahouts, are the prized soldiers of the human kingdoms. These huge beasts roam the forests of Ind and are incredibly strong and mighty. These large land animals, majestically wandering the plains in tightly knit family herds, are symbols of wisdom and strength. These thick-skinned animals bear large ivory tusks flanking a long, prehensile snout. Massive herbivores of tropical lands, elephants are unpredictable creatures but nevertheless are sometimes used as mounts or beasts of burden. Many of these creatures are captured by the people of Ind who train them over many long years to carry a large howdah upon their backs and fight in battle.
Large amounts of money are spent in the training and equipping of war elephants, and their numbers dictates status for a ruler. Only the largest and brightest of elephants become weapons of war, while most are simply used as workers. Likewise, only the most skilled mahouts may become recognized drivers for battle, since losing control of such a beast can be disastrous for one's own army. All elephants are strong individuals who cannot be controlled by just anyone. Even the Mahouts guiding their mounts cannot do much if their mount decides not to listen to its orders.
On the field, War Elephants and their riders are feared warriors, the Mahouts shooting at their foe from atop the creatures back, before the elephant charges into battle with the speed and strength of a thousand cannonballs. Many are those who have been trampled by the elephants' enormous feet, more numerous still are those who have fled at the very sight of them.
Offense: The Crew use long pikes to stab at those who get close, and bows for those to far away. The Elephant has tusks, feet, basically its whole body is a weapon. When it charges it can knock down larger units or devastate enemy lines.
Defense: Elephants have thick skin, and are covered in cotton padding. The Howdah crew have chainmail.
Special: Variant: Royal Elephants: The very largest elephants of Ind are called Royal Elephants, who are severely larger than their smaller relatives. These colossal beasts are often the seat of royalty, and are much more rarely seen on the battlefield. Their combat ability is of course, all the greater as well. They are the preferred mounts of wealth Maharajahs, who ride these beasts both into battle and during ceremonial processes; to all the better display their wealth and importance to the common people that is their subjects.
Special: Upgrades:
-Mahout Expert: A specially trained rider and trainer control the elephant, keeping it under the control. The War Elephant is much less likely to stampede.
-Armored Plates: It is possible for the elephant's defense to be upgraded with bronze plates over its head, legs, and sides.
-Spike Chain: A crude chain with sharp spikes in every link drawn between the elephant's tusks, shredding anyone it charges.
-Spiked Tusks: Massive Iron spikes are attached to the elephant's tusks, making each swing all the more deadly.
-Giant Bow: A giant bow is attached to the elephant's back, allowing its riders to fire large bolts through the enemy ranks.
-Small Cannon: These small cannons are very rare in Ind, but are sometimes attached to the howdahs.
Additional Factors:
-Warrior Caste (unless Royal Elephants are used, then its Noble Caste)
-Elephants must be constantly guided, as injuries from battle can result in a potential stampede.
Mobility: 5
Training: 7 (Beastmaster)
Max Range: Line-of-Sight
Preferred Range: ^^
In the deepest, darkest parts of the jungles of Ind lives a great beast that strikes terror into the hearts of the people who reside there, and has the power to single-handedly destroy anything in its path. This is the Basilisk, a vicious gigantic snake monster that resides in the land. Known as the King of Serpents, the Basilisk can reach gigantic size of fifty feet in length, and live many hundreds of years. They are a living blight so inimical to life that they poison the very ground they walk upon, the venom that suffuses their body and spirit capable of swiftly reducing verdant land to ruined waste.
Occasionally, a Basilisk may be captured by a Beastmaster to be trained for use in war. This is not an easy process - the Basilisk must first be captured, which usually accounts for the life of several of its would-be captors. After that it must be trained by the skilled Beastmasters, who must be quick enough to avoid the beast's gaze and aura while keeping up with it on the field. Even after training, a Basilisk is still very unpredictable - there have been many cases where a Basilisk has lost its trainers in the heat of battle and has decided to get revenge for its captivity.
Offense: Their venom is among the most toxic in the world, but they are most well known for their Gaze: Renowned in folklore across the Old World for its lethal potency, the sickly pale eyes of the Basilisk can focus the essence of their poisonous soul, withering their prey until its skin and flesh slough away. Just having the Basilisk look at you can cause your skin to blister and burn, but if it looks into your eyes, it's all over. The moment eye-contact is established, the target drops dead.
Defense: Thick scaly skin that rivals a dragon's in terms of defensive power. They also have their Aura of Vitriol: The Basilisk's aura taints anything that draws near, destroying weapons and killing men, its deadly power increasing with exposure. Just getting near the Basilisk will cause minor injuries, as weapons crack and armor rusts. The longer you're near it the worse things get. This aura is magical in nature, and thus could be stopped by some sort of magical resistance or magic armor.
Additional Factors:
-Basilisks are cold blooded.
-Basilisks can grow up to 50 in length, making them large targets.
-If the Beastmaster dies, the Basilisk will go out of control, killing everyone around it.
Mobility: 4 (3 on Throne, 5 on Elephant)
Training: 6
Max Range: Army
Preferred Range: Varies
The regal and majestic Maharajahs are the lords of the many scattered kingdoms that lie on the subcontinent. Often it is not even clear whom each territory belongs to, and as such, it is not uncommon for nobles who are tired of waiting for their liege to expire or are not the first heir to the throne to declare the province under their command as their own kingdom and become the first Maharajah of their newly found territory. It is said that an unknown enemy is more trusted in Ind than a known ally. While few can or dare to challenge a true Maharajah within their full power, the mere Rajahs have significant power over the inhabitants of the land, and each control relative large territories.
Most of these fabled rulers have been spoken of as brave, skilled and filthy-rich kings who often lead their armies into battle to fight the many foes who assault the borders of their lands to earn fame and glory, but most of the time to protect their vast riches from them. The lords and nobles of Ind are truly majestic figures, and continually show off their wealth and might even on the battlefield. Their confidence (or arrogance) is completely unmatched throughout the Old World, and their soldiers flock beside them for their support.
Offense: Whatever weapon they desire. High chance of taking a magical one.
Defense: The best armor available, with a high chance of having magical armor. They are also heavily guarded by elite troops.
Special: Variant: Rajah: While there are subordinates ruling smaller provinces for the Maharajahs, many of them keep their territories so isolated from the rest of the kingdom that they are more or less kingdoms of their own. The Rajahs of Ind are not as mighty or as rich as the mighty Maharajahs, but still attempt to appear as majestic and powerful as possible. These warlords often do this by going into battle for wealth, recognition and glory.
Special: Throne Bearers: Some Maharajahs go into battle carried aloft by several warriors charged with protecting him with their lives.
Special: Mount: Elephant: A Maharajah or a Rajah may ride into battle on the back of an elephant.
Additional Factors:
-Noble Caste
-Unswerving Loyalty: Those under the command of the Maharajah or a Rajah are completely loyal.
-Many Maharajas just serve their gods, hunt tigers from atop their favorite elephants or just enjoy simple pleasures within their palace walls, only actually taking part of war when absolutely necessary. That does not mean that they are inadequate generals however, as every ruler still sitting on his throne must be well versed in the art of war, lest he be overthrown at the first opportunity a new young ruler is vying for his power. Those that still control their lands do so for a reason.
-The Maharajah's words are law within their provinces and few dare to argue with them.
Mobility: 4
Training: 7
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: ^^
In the Kingdoms of Ind, men with magical powers and great knowledge are given the title of Guru. While most of them are great healers, priests, oracles or advisers, some Gurus often take part of the Indan armies in times of need. Citizens treat these men as great heroes regardless their related skills and many of them actually have a whole retinue of people who wish to learn from their wisdom and skills. They are famous for their simple way of life but in truth, they rarely need to own anything as everything is brought to them without ever asking for it by the citizens.
Even though they are often of low birth, a Guru is treated as royalty by anyone they encounter, as no one would dare to draw upon them the wrath of the gods. As such, it is common to see them together with men of more noble class on the battlefield, even though they would normally never be in the same building during times of peace.
The Gurus of Ind are powerful magicians, able to unleash the very essence and fury of the gods at their will. Even the lowest orders of sorcerer are highly sought by many armies of Ind, for they are a rarity in the land. Many armies have found their plans foiled by these experts of the magical arts.
Offense: A Guru is a wizard who can use spells from ONE of the following Lores: Fire, Heavens, Light, Life, or Devas
Defense: Magical barriers, and they are often protected by others in the army, from Nobles to Peasants.
Special: Variant: Eldritch Guru: Gurus who have spent years teaching and learning, serving the gods and protecting the people, find their powers growing to miraculous proportions over time. The Eldritch Gurus are the most powerful mages in the entire land. True masters of the sacred arts of Creation, Preservation and Destruction, these great wizards have brought doom to many foes by unleashing the unstoppable power of their gods on the hated enemy. These units can know two or even three Lores.
Additional Factors:
-Spiritual Leader: Despite often being of low birth, a Guru's role means they are important to noble and peasant alike. A Guru does not follow the normal rules of Castes, but can join any unit he wishes.
-They will seek to combat evil and ignorance. Gurus perform a variety of rituals, from daily prayers and purification, to marriages, rites of passage, and Holy celebrations of the gods. They firmly believe that the path to enlightenment is to be found in proper performance of ritual.
-The guru may remain associated with a particular village or city, or she may wander throughout the land, acquiring knowledge and dispensing it to those who have need. A wise ruler will engage the services of a guru, who will then help make decisions for governing the people, based on the ancient teachings. Sometimes Gurus are sought out by outsiders to solve their direst troubles even if they are living in isolated villages where no visitor has foot during whole Guru's life. Some believe that the Gurus are sent by the gods and few can argue with them.
Mobility: 6
Training: 7
Max Range: Thrown Knives
Preferred Range: Behind a target
In the jungle temples of Ind, there dwell a mysterious warrior race of women known as Vishkanyas. While looking like any human from a distance, a closer look will reveal them to be something more.
Vishkanyas are known for their guile and affinity for poisons of all kinds. Possessed of an alien beauty, these graceful humanoids see the world through serpentine eyes of burnished gold. A Vishkanya's flesh is made up of fine scales that from a distance of even a few feet look just like particularly smooth skin. These scales are usually a single dark color, although some of them have complex patterns like stripes or even spirals.
These lithe women wear loose-fitting robes and wield cruel looking blades. They are expert assassins, often hired by the rulers of Ind to dispose of rivals in a discreet manner without openly going to war. While they can never truly be trusted, there is no doubt that their services can be most useful when utilized correctly. They are well-known for their amorality and willingness to work for coin regardless of the employer.
Offense: Curved swords and throwing knives. Their blood, spit, and other bodily fluids are extremely poisonous. Vishkanyas are skilled in using their own spittle or even their blood to envenom their weapons, and those who fight them should be wary of exposure to the Vishkanya's poison.
Defense: Robes, agility, stealth. They also have a minor resistance to magic.
Additional Factors:
-Nobody knows where the Vishkanyas came from, not even the Vishkanyas. All anybody knows is that they are an ancient race who's existence goes back thousands of years before Man was created. For the first few centuries that their kingdom existed the Vishkanyas were a powerful race and one of the most cunning. They were among the first to build cities of stone, some of which still stand, but their reign did not last long. At some point, long before the time of Sigmar, their race began to decline. The once mighty empire crumbled in a matter of decades. The cause of which is another unknown in the Vishkanya's mysterious history.
-Vishkanyas are typically used as assassins, but they can appear in open battlefields. Vishkanyas typically hide among other units until near a target, at which point they will strike with blinding and deadly efficiency.
Mobility: 4 (5 for Jungle Cats)
Training: 4 (3 for ^^)
Max Range: Melee (Pouncing)
Preferred Range: ^^
In the land of Ind, where animal and man live closely nearby, it is no wonder that there are those who set out to tame them to their will. These men are known as Beastmasters, often living in seclusion in the jungle with nothing but their animals by their side. These mysterious individuals have managed to tame every single beast there is, and can control them by simple gestures at their whim.
The most common of the animals the Beastmasters bring to battle are the Tiger and the Panther. The tiger is the largest and most feared of the great cats. Feared by men, tigers are hunted aggressively, and are seen are great prizes for anyone who can capture one. In the untamed wilderness, however, the tiger occupies the top predatory niche. By comparison, the panther is a graceful cat with a long body and relatively short legs. Covered in pitch black fur, these nocturnal creatures can often pose a threat to anyone they decide to stalk in the dark. Only the largest and most dangerous of these animals are brought to battle, and are then sent loose to hunt down their prey.
Offense: The jungle cats have claws and teeth, able to pounce on their prey with crushing force and them maul them. The Beastmaster typically has a spear or dagger.
Defense: None
Additional Factors:
-Lowborn Caste
Maiden Guard
Mobility: 5
Training: 7
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
The princes of Ind may be stubborn and arrogant, but they are not stupid. They know that, given the chance, someone among their court could potentially kill them and take their throne and riches. The Maharajahs have always jealously guarded their estates with the most powerful warriors. First among these is the Maiden Guard, women who have given up their free will in service to their lords. Since their founding, many treacherous nobles have found themselves on the end of one of these warrior's swords.
The prestigious role of Maiden Guard is only given to those warriors who have proved themselves by hunting down a full grown tiger in the jungles and returning with its pelt. After this they go through an indigenous ritual where they surrender all their worldly possessions and cut all bonds with their family in favor of a new life where protecting their liege is their only goal. While this might seem a high price to pay, it also means they will rise into the same rank as the nobles, and while it does not come with the privileges, it sets them high above the lower castes in the eyes of their gods.
Offense: Dual wield sabers, picks and axes.
Defense: Chainmail, with ornamental pieces of plate covering vitals.
Additional Factors:
-Noble Caste
-The Maiden Guard almost never panic or flee
-They are even said to carry the ashes of their slain enemies in their turbans at all times.
Mobility: 6
Training: 6
Max Range: Bow
Preferred Range: Melee
The Naga are among the strongest of the minor Avatars of Ind. Among the citizens of Ind, the Naga are among the most highly worshiped, seen as holy and beautiful creatures where a man of the Empire would be more likely to see a monster. Some even say they are the descendants of a once great underwater civilization, whom have risen to the surface to protect the weak and the pure followers of the Gods.
Human-like torsos atop the body of a snake, with four arms each carrying a weapon, these beings are incredibly dangerous and tough to bring down. They have glittering scales and grow to an adult length of ten to twenty feet. Their lidless eyes are bright and wide, almost luminescent, and their spines are armored with sharp triangular extensions that grow in a line from the napes of their necks to the tips of their tails. The Naga are emerald green to turquoise in reticulated patterns with chocolate brown and pale jade green or dark grey and olive, and their spines have red spikes that rise like hackles when they are angry.
While they are seemingly able to understand and often help the locals in times of need, it is said that they serve only their own rulers, whomever they may be, and it is always up to the Naga themselves whether or not they might turn up to battle.
Offense: They have four arms, each capable of holding a weapon, typically a longsword. However, sometimes they'll have two of their arms handle a Snakeskin bow. Both their blades and their arrows are coated with a deadly poison. A Naga can also bite with poisonous fangs, or constrict their bodies around smaller targets and crush them to death.
Defense: Thick, scaly skin, and a potent resistance to magic
Additional Factors:
-Deva: See Garudas
-Naga are able to swim better then any normal creature, able to move through rivers and underwater like a human moves across normal terrain.
-The Naga usually live solitary lives, hunting over smaller areas. They favor dwelling in a deep hole, but are sometimes found curled up in ruins, where they are often protectors of treasures or artifacts for centuries. Enigmatic creatures that live in the safe shadows of the many caves and tunnels of Ind, nagas steer clear of open spaces where they may encounter others - they reveal themselves only to those which they choose. These chosen few are privileged to lay their eyes upon such strange beauty - but for most, it is the last thing they see. Fiercely territorial when it comes to their lairs, water Nagas typically attack any that intrude upon their sanctuaries, only bothering to question interlopers once such creatures have been weakened by poison, if at all.
Brahmir the Creator & The Avatar
Mobility: 4
Training: 10
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: ^^
In Indan lore, Brahmir is the creator-god, the first god. He created himself as a boar, using his mighty tusks to pull the world up out of the vast, watery deep. He went on to create everything else. One of Brahmir's early creations was Ignorance, which he discarded. Legends say that Ignorance survived to become Night, who then spawned various creatures of darkness such as the bhuta and vetala. Brahmir then created the immortal gods before separating parts of his body from himself to form the Asuras. The earth was created from Brahmir's feet. Many storytellers in Ind say that their beloved land was formed from the creator god's great toe. Having created the world, Brahmir handed the reins over to Vaishna to preserve and sustain it and to Shaivi to destroy it in the fullness of time.
Brahma's power is that of creation, and thus he is worshiped in every kingdom and in all lands. Though he rarely plays a very active role in the world now, acting instead as the god-father to Vishnu - thus he is particularly revered in Vaishna temples, but has few temples or devotees exclusive to his own being. He is depicted as having four faces that represent the four Vedas, the holy books of creation. He has four arms, usually holding his bow Parivita, a lotus flower, a bowl of water and some holy texts.
Brahmir is part of the Trimurti, or trinity, with Brahmir the creator, Vaishna the preserver and Shaivi the destroyer. Together, every day consists of this cycle of birth, preservation, destruction and rebirth. The stories of Brahmir say that when he opened his eyes, the universe came into being and that when he closes them again, the universe will end. He bides his time until he is ready to sleep, thus ending the universe and starting the cycle of rebirth. All of eternity exists as a single day for Brahmir, and once the day is over, the physical and spiritual world will be destroyed by Shaivi, who will sit on the primeval waters until existence is created once more.
Despite his importance among the Devas, Brahmir is not a popular God among his followers. Many of the other Devas feel that Brahmir's work is complete; creation was formed and he can now rest easy. Brahmir spends his time withdrawn from the World, usually occupied in creating it again every day. Other times, Brahmir occupies his time with creating new Gods who spring forth from his mind. He is otherwise content to sit back and observe the pageantry of life and the adventures of the other gods, but does not intervene.
The other members of the pantheon pay little heed to Brahmir, and he, in turn, pays little heed to them. He resides in his paradise, Brahmirloka, with Parasvati, his principal wife, noting what goes on. When the world is in great turmoil, particularly in times when the demon forces are aggressive, the other gods consult him for advice, which he is pleased to dispense. The other gods acknowledge his supremacy, even though they may not always be demonstrative of it.
The Avatar of Brahmir brings life and heals that which was destroyed. He is seen a benevolent Deity who helps the people in need. Whoever falls in battle can be raised to fight again, and the most grievous of wounds can be healed in an instant thanks to his blessing.
Offense: The Avatar of Brahmir is a master in the Lore of Life. He does not miscast and his spells are much more powerful then any mortal could hope to achieve.
Defense: Magical Barriers, Incredible Durability
Additional Factors:
-Deva: See Garudas
-Creator: Every friendly unit within 200 meters of Brahmir will gain light regenerative powers.
-Giant Among Men: The Avatar of Brahmir is twenty feet tall.
-Brahmir rarely involves his avatar in the affairs of the world, but if a serious threat arises, particularly one caused by demons, he is more likely to attempt aid.
-While difficult, the Avatar of Brahmir can be killed. If this happens, Brahmir himself is not affected, and he can create a new Avatar to send into battle later.
Vaishna the Preserver & The Avatar
Mobility: 6
Training: 10
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Melee
The second of the holy Trimurti, Vaishna is known as the Protector or Preserver of Creation. While Brahmir is the originator and Shaivi the destroyer, Vaishna represents all the good and benevolent forces in the universe. He is commonly known as the Narayana, or ever-present and pervasive spirit of the World, and sits on a lotus on the primordial waters while maintaining the steady flow of its waters. For many, Vaishna is a God of paramount importance, the chief deity of the pantheon. Yet, he is also known as the humblest of Gods, often serving his role as protector without fanfare or notice. Vaishna is constantly devoted to his wife, Likshma, and is rarely seen without her. Bearing a dark blue complexion with four arms and a star shape on his breast, Vaishna has a regal presence about him.
The story of the Devas is the story of Vaishna. His charismatic leadership drew other gods to the land when, after creating it, he named it his especial abode. Since the land was so blessed, the people living in Ind at the dawn of time praised the name of Vaishna and constructed a temple somewhere in the heart of the sub-continent. The temple was called Devayatana, the dwelling of the god, constructed of crude sandstone and decorated with primitive carvings displaying the actions and life of Vaishna. Despite its primitive character, it fairly glowed with holiness - making it an irresistible target for demons. One daemon in particular took the form of the powerful King Kamsha, ruler of the region surrounding the temple, and hid the temple from sight in a labyrinth of mystical caverns. The followers of Vaishna tried in vain to defeat Kamsha, who wreaked havoc throughout the land. Hearing their cries, Vaishna incarnated himself as an Avatar and battled Kamsha. He succeeded in banishing the demon, but the temple itself was lost. Today, Vaishna periodically sends adventurers in search of the temple.
The most widely worshiped power in the pantheon, Vaishna is thought to be the one who prevents evil from triumphing over good, Odd thing is, Vaishna feels no particular enmity toward those of his pantheon who embrace evil, reserving his fury for humans and fiends who cross the planes and leave destruction in their wake. Stranger still, although he's called the Preserver, Vaishna is good friends with Shaivi - some even say that they're different aspects of the same greater power. It's said that Vaishna sends an avatar to the world whenever morals, order, or justice is in danger. That may have been true in his younger days, but now he allows mortals a little more latitude in solving their own problems. His realm in Mount Celestia is the Divine Lotus, a place where nothing crumbles before its time.
Vaishna is unique among Gods in that his visits to the World are well known among mortals. Throughout history, Vaishna has visited the World as one of his avatars in order to defend creation against some malevolent force, whether it is the demon king Bali or the forces of unbelief in the Gods. Legends state that Vaishna will make one more grand appearance to the world, riding a white horse; once this visit occurs, the world will be destroyed by Shaivi until the Age of Darkness ends. Many mortals take this to mean that Vaishna has not wandered the world for ages; this is not true.
Offense: Vaishna dual wields sabers, and he is also a master of the Lore of Light. He does not miscast and his spells are much more powerful then any mortal could hope to achieve.
Defense: Magical Barriers, Incredible Durability
Additional Factors:
-Deva: See Garudas
-Giant Among Men: See Brahmir
-Preserver: Every friendly unit within 200 meters of Vaishna gains a powerful magical barrier.
-While difficult, the Avatar of Vaishna can be killed. If this happens, Vaishna himself is not affected, and he can create a new Avatar to send into battle later.
Shaivi the Destroyer & The Avatar
Mobility: 6
Training: 10
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Melee
A part of the Trimuti of the Devas, Shaivi is known as the destroyer god, the final arbiter of destiny. While Brahmir is the creator and Vaishna is the protector, Shaivi is the destroyer, representing the uncertainty and dread that accompanies the unknown. A fearsome force, Shaivi is the god who will finally destroy the World and sit upon the remnants in the primordial waters until that time when it is formed again. Shaivi is also a contemplative God, known as much for his mystical nature as his destructive one. He, along with his son Ganeshan, is the chief God for yogic practices, an ascetic who goes for years without sustenance in order to better know the World through pain and suffering. When Shaivi is not enthralled in his asceticism, he is the Nataraja, the cosmic lord of the dance. Through his motions comes the order of the universe, and while his dancing is alternately beautiful and fearful, it captivates all audiences, mortal and divine alike.
Shaivi is a terrifying presence, unnaturally ugly and terrible in appearance. Horrible, evil creatures follow him while he is in the world, from goblins and ghosts to serpents and savage souls. With five heads and four arms, Shaivi is an intimidating force, his upper two arms usually holding his war drum and the on-going fire of the world, while his lower two arms are empty. Shaivi has a third eye in the middle of his forehead, which he formed to save creation from darkness. In his divine form, Shaivi always has the torana around him, an arch of flames engulfing his body.
Shaivi hears the prayers of the sincere worshiper, especially inclining his ear toward those who perform rituals dedicated to him in his sacred place, the cemetery or burning ground. He is seen as the god who destroys the cosmos, and his followers work toward helping him achieve that aim.
In his incarnation as Avatara, he defeated the great demonic armies of several Asura kings, conquered the Patala Underworld, and made the world safe for humanity to flourish. He retired to Mount Kailash, and later ascended to the realms of divinity. His most identifiable weapon is the Trident, which is also his symbol, along with the cobra.
Offense: Trident, Scimitars, and Axes. Shaivi is a master of the Lore of Fire. He never miscasts, and his spells are much more powerful then any mortal could hope to achieve.
Defense: Magical Barriers, Incredible Durability
Additional Factors:
-Deva: See Garudas
-Giant Among Men: See Brahmir
-Every friendly unit within 200 meters of Shaivi enters into a blood-crazed frenzy.
-While difficult, the Avatar of Shaivi can be killed. If this happens, Shaivi himself is not affected, and he can create a new Avatar to send into battle later.
Lord Darahma - God-Hero of Ind
Mobility: 7
Training: 9
Max Range: 200 Meters
Preferred Range: Bow & Arrow
Darahma was born in the Kosala Kingdom, and he and his family founded many of the great cities there. Dasharatha, the king of Ayodhya, had three wives and four sons. Darahma was the eldest, and thus in line to become the next king. While Darahma was all set for coronation, his step-mother, Dasharatha's second wife, Kaikeyi, wanted her son, Bharata, to become king. Before the aged king could hand over his crown to his eldest son Darahma, Dasaratha was destined to die. And instead of being crowned king of Ayodhya, Darahma was sent into exile in the forest for fourteen years by an intrigue in the palace and a quirk of fate. His wife, Sitra, accompanied him, unable to live without him.
After fourteen years away from his kingdom, a huge Asura army invaded and subjugated the island of Lanka and terrorized the kingdom of Kosala. The leader of this army, a terrifying Asura called Narava, kidnapped Sitra and took her back to his new daemonic empire. Enraged, Darahma summoned an army of Vanaras and called the Devas to war.
Gods and Vanaras fought against the daemons in a titanic battle on the outskirts of Lankra. Darahma, bolstered by the powers of the Devas, personally sought out Narava in the heat of battle and, after a titanic mental and physical duel, killed the Asura with his godly weapon Kodandam and the Brahmastra arrow. The Asura was vanquished and the daemonic army soon evaporated into the warp, but Darahma's injuries were so serious that he passed away moments after he heard new of his army's victory, cradled in the arms of his now-liberated wife.
Darahma is worshiped as the god of virtues, morality, civilization, and also the patron of archers, as the bow is his weapon. Darahma is worshiped throughout the Kingdoms of Ind, but especially in the Kosala lands where he once ruled.
Offense: Kodandam: Darahma was gifted this magnificent bow by Shaivi, to help him in quest. Sparkling in the sunlight and inscribed with multiple magical runes, any arrow that it shoots instantly catches fire upon hitting its target.
Defense: Incredible Durability, Distance, Agility. His blessings from the gods makes him highly resistant to magic.
Special: The Brahmastra Arrow: A gift from Brahmir, this arrow possesses the power to completely destroy any target, wiping it out completely from all of creation with no possibility of restoration. When this weapon is used in such a way, all the ground around the target area will become an infertile desert for thousands of years. The blast radius is 100 meters, and everything in that radius will be completely destroyed. Forever.
Additional Factors:
-Noble Caste
Karishna - The Champion of Vaishna
Mobility: 6
Training: 9
Max Range: 300 Meters
Preferred Range: ^^
The story of Karishna begins with the current ruler of Lakshana, Maharajah Djikah, who on the advice and with the support of the Kuryan Maharajah overthrew his own father to take the Panchalan throne. Thus Lakshana is currently a firm ally of the ambitious Kuryans. What is not known to almost anyone is that Djikah was not in fact the previous king's son; but rather the offspring of the previous queen in her congress with an Asura Daemon named Kalanemi. Thus Djikah is a profoundly powerful but also unholy king.
It was prophesied to Djikah that the god Vaishna would bring forth a Chosen One into the world who would kill him, and that this Champion would be born from the woman Devaki. Djikah slew the first six of Devaki's children, her seventh appeared to miscarried, though in fact she had secretly arranged to have it look that way and the son, Balarama, was spirited away so that he might survive. At this point, Djikah had Devaki imprisoned, but she became pregnant again by miraculous conception, and after this divine birth she managed to smuggle the child away from her prison to be raised by cowherds in the forest village of Vrindaban.
This child was named Karishna, and he is the one who is destined to slay Djikah, and to go on to become the greatest hero and spiritual teacher of this age. Even as a child living as a cowherd, he already showed great and miraculous feats of skill and enlightenment power, and slew various daemons sent by Djikah to destroy him. As a young man he has gone off to become a great hero earning himself great fame and fortune. Djikah has in turn become more and more paranoid, and has ruled with ever-greater oppression, terrified that soon Karishna will come back to Mathura to destroy him.
As the chosen of Vaishna, Karishna is immensely powerful, wielding the Sudarshana Chakram of Vaishna himself. He is determined to rid the world of the Asuras, and is gaining followers every day to help him succeed in his endeavor. With the oncoming storm, Karishna might be Ind's best and possibly only hope for survival against the daemons that seek to end the world, and everyone in it.
Offense: Karishna is a minor wizard who uses spells from the Lore of Light and Heavens.
Sudarshana Chakram: The Sudarshana Chakram is a spinning, disk-like super weapon with one hundred and eight serrated edges made by Lord Vaishna and gifted to Karishna. According to the Puranas, Sudarshana Chakram is used for the ultimate destruction of an enemy. It has a range of 300 meters, after which it will ricochet off the hit target to another and another until it makes its way back to Karishna. The attack is magical and pierces armor.
Defense: Incredible Durability, Plate Armor. His blessings from the Vaishna makes him highly resistant to magic.
Additional Factors:
-Noble Caste.
Urjana - Master of the Bow
Mobility: 5
Training: 7
Max Range: Sniper
Preferred Range: Bow & Arrow
Out of all Pandavas and Kauravas, Urjana had immense liking for the sport of bow and arrow. He practiced this art with great concentration and perseverance. Soon he became the best in this art.
During the Indan Civil War, Urjana's main target was the mighty Narak, who unknown to him, was his own half-brother. Urjana had many grudges against him and this was the time to take revenge on Narak. Both let out powerful weapons of great speed for a long, long time. Both warriors knew very well that only one among them would survive in the end.
A fierce duel took place between the two brothers. At one point, Urjana's arrow struck Narak's Chariot, hurling it several dozen feet away. Narak's arrow too struck Urjana's chariot but displaced it only by a short distance. They were both equal in skill, so much to the point where their arrows would collide in mid-air time and time again.
Seeing that Urjana could not be defeated by means of ordinary weapons, Narak used his Nagastra. A snake Aswasena, whose mother was killed by Urjana years ago, entered the weapon and made it infallible. But Narak did not want Urjana to be killed by anyone else's might except his own. Hence, he refused to use the Nagastra on Urjana. Urjana then shot a volley of arrows piercing right through his armor, cutting off his earrings, hitting all his vital organs. Narak fell to the ground, reeling in pain. Even so, Narak still continued to fight valiantly.
Urjana asked his charioteer to stop their chariot as well, so that he could fight Narak on equal ground, and took out a divine arrow. Narak descended from the chariot and asked Urjana to wait until he could free his chariot from the soil, as was the custom of battle. Urjana took back the Rudra weapon, but was reminded of all the cruel deeds Narak had done during the war, having taken great pleasure in slaughtering the young and defenseless. Hence, he told him that he did not deserve to receive righteous conduct.
In desperation, Narak drew a hidden dagger and stabbed Urjana, but was unable to kill him. Urjana regained his composure, looking at Narak with pity before walking away from him. Urjana then turned around and used his arrow, Anjalika, to behead Narak. Narak died on the spot and the battle of Kuryakshetra ended the very next day with Duryodhana's death.
Urjana was one of the eleven soldiers to survive the battle, and is considered one of the greatest heroes of Ind's history. After the war, he ruled together with his brothers, as peace finally set upon the land again.
Offense: Gandvia: A powerful celestial bow, originally used by Brahma but later passed down to other gods, until the water god Varuna gave it to the human prince Urjana. Gandvia is an ornate bow made of solid (but strangely flexible) oak. The bow is decorated with hundreds of gold bosses, and had radiant ends. It is longer than most bows, and its drawstring is fashioned from the thread of fate itself. Arrows fired from this bow strike with such force that they have torn the limbs off armored soldiers and tossed chariots aside like matchwood.
Defense: Plate Armor and Distance
Special: Kaustubha: Kaustubha is a divine jewel - the most valuable stone in the Kingdoms of Ind. It shines with a light so radiant, that anyone attempting to strike the wearer will find themselves completely blinded.
Additional Factors:
-Noble Caste
Mhogli the Beastmaster
Mobility: 5
Training: 7
Max Range: Spear
Preferred Range: Melee
The tale of Mhogli the Beastmaster is a strange and disturbing one. As a young hunter, Mhogli went into the jungles of Khuresh to earn a reputation and gain honor and prestige in the courts of his homeland of Singha. He did not return for twelve years.
When Mhogli finally made his way back into the land, the people were shocked. Mhogli had been warped and scarred by the mysterious forces and creatures that lurked in Khuresh. His arm had been transformed into the claw of a tiger, and faint stripes now outlined one side of his body. Most remarkable of all these changes, however, was his new-found affinity for beast-taming. Seeing that the beasts of his stables loved Mhogli, the Maharajah of Singha decided to hire him as his beast- trainer and hunter.
Mhogli still lives to this day, training the beasts of the Maharajah and venturing around the lands to slay the foul beasts that lurk there. Most recently, he has captured a monstrous tiger named Sher Khana, who was terrorizing the eastern villages and cities of Ind until Mhogli captured and trained it. In battle, Mhogli rides upon this titanic cat, and the combined force of hunter and beast is near-unstoppable.
Offense: Beast's Bane: This spear has been crafted out of the teeth of a vicious Khureshian cat-beast. Its barbed teeth can easily penetrate the skin of a man or a monster, and can do a great deal of damage when it is removed as it tears flesh from bone. This magical weapon can pierce any armor, and does just as much damage coming out as it does going in. Mhogli also has a tiger's arm and claws, allowing him to tear people apart in melee combat.
Defense: Helmet of the Dark Beast: This helmet has been created from the skull of one the strange and evil beasts Mhogli has hunted throughout his lifetime. By wearing this helmet, his appearance becomes ever more terrifying as the taint of mutation and blood still lingers upon it. Those who look upon him must fight back a supernatural panic and fear.
Special: Mount: Sher Khana: A Giant Tiger that Mhogli rides on
Additional Factors:
-Lowborn Caste
Parashuruma - The Holy Slayer
Mobility: 5
Training: 7
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Born in a small village, Parashuruma grew into a great warrior, and pleased Lord Shaivi after slaying a tribe of viscous Beastmen. As a blessing, he was granted the power of regeneration, able to swiftly recover from any injury and even reattach lost limbs, making him a fearless warrior. Along with this, he was given the Parashu of Shaivi, the axe which he is known for today, as well as.
Once, a king by the name of Kartavirya visited the village led by Jamadagni, Parashuruma's father, along with his army during the course of a hunting trip in the forest. Jamadagni arranged to feed his guest and his vast army with the help of his divine cow. Amazed at this, the king became greedy and wanted the cow to be given to him. Jamadagni refused, saying that the cow was required in the performance of religious rites. The king sent his soldiers and forcibly took the cow away to his city.
Returning home and hearing this, Parashuruma was infuriated and traveled to the royal palace. Brandishing his axe, he decimated its guards and killed the mighty King Kartavirya, retrieving the calf. When he returned home, his father was pleased, but seeing the blood stained axe of Parashuruma, also concerned. He cautioned his son he must be aware of wrath and pride. Parashuruma accepted the reprimand of his father, in penance, and went on a pilgrimage to holy places for one year in purification.
Meanwhile, the sons of Kartavirya discovered their dead father at the palace and knew that only Parashuruma could have killed him. In revenge, they traveled to the hermitage and murdered Jamadagni while he was in meditation, surrounding the rishi and shooting him to death with arrows like a stag. Afterwards, they decapitated his body and took his head with them.
When Parashuruma returned home, he found his mother next to the body of his father, crying hysterically as she beat her chest twenty-one times in a row. Furious, he hunted down the sons of Kartavirya at the palace. He killed them all and returned with the head of his father to conduct the cremation. Parashurama then vowed to enact genocide on the war-mongering Kshatriyas twenty-one times over, once for each time the hand of his mother hit her chest.
He has since traveled throughout the Indan subcontinent, killing all men of the Kshatriya caste, guilty or innocent. Known as "the Holy Slayer", Parashuruma is the bane and nightmare of corrupt rulers, haunting their dreams with visions of their impending doom. Every now and then, he might sate his thirst for blood for a while, joining the armies of Ind in defense of his homeland. Even so, any member of the Kshatriya caste better watch out, lest it be their head that is lopped off their shoulders.
Offense: Parashu of Shaivi: The axe used to find and eliminate corrupt rulers that were in control of nearby kingdoms. It can cut through the toughest of opponent with little opposition, and has a special tendency to go for their necks. It magically increases Parashuruma's strength.
Defense: Chainmail & Potent Regeneration
Additional Factors:
-Warrior Caste
-Hatred for anyone of the Kshatriya (Noble) caste. He will kill them if he gets the chance.
Morale: 75: When the people of Ind go to war, they go to war with their gods marching beside them. The people in charge are fairly sure of victory, and even if peasants and lower castes have misgivings, they can't say anything or disobey. It would take a lot to break the Ind spirit.
Logistics: 65: They're used to surviving in a harsh climate, where it can be difficult to transport supplies, so they know how to make things last. They also have potent magic and the Devas to make things a bit easier in terms of guidance and resource management. Also, given the wealth of some of their leaders, they can get a lot of supplies, or bring a lot to last a long time. Or both.
Espionage: 60: Some dedicated stealthy units, some spies, and magic make them reasonably good with this.
Discipline: 15 (Peasants), 65 (Warrior Caste), 80 (Devas)
Army Intimidation: 75: Giant Snakes, War Elephants, Half-Human Half-Animals, Literal Gods marching to war. Yeah, they do alright here I'd say.
Reinforcement Rate: High: It's easy to pull together a large army when you have a large dedicated Warrior Caste and the Peasant Caste can't refuse to fight for you.
-The Caste System: Caste is seen as a product of one's karma, or actions in a past life; thus it is extremely difficult, though not impossible, for a person to be elevated to a higher caste in their life time; it is also possible - but requires extreme violations of taboos - for a person to be demoted to a lower caste within their own lifetime; but the vast majority of humans in the Kingdoms of Ind are born into a caste and die in the same caste.
The highest caste is the Brahmins, the shamans of the Devas - the deities of Ind. The Brahmins, as representatives of the gods among humanity, hold a position of ultimate authority, but they are strictly barred from exercising that authority in worldly affairs such as politics. Tithes paid by members of the other castes make the Brahmins wealthy, but at least half of their wealth goes directly to their temples, making them unable to leverage their wealth for any kind of secular authority. Religious strictures prohibit the Brahmins from eating with or accepting food from members of the other castes, and they also demand high standards of purity and moral conduct from them.
Technically subordinate to the spiritual authority of the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas caste nevertheless exercises the highest temporal authority. The most powerful of the Kshatriyas are the Maharajahs, while others are lesser nobles and retainers within the kingdoms. The rulers of most Kingdoms are of the Kshatriya or Brahmin caste, and rule in concord with the priesthood, which are all by obligation members of the Brahmin caste. The Maharajahs have absolute authority but are bound by tradition, religious dictates, and ancient laws.
Below the Kshatriyas are the vaishyas, the large merchant class of Ind. Some vaishya merchants may rival the wealth of the Rajahs themselves, but their power is limited by their lower station; no vaishya can hope to rule or govern, no matter how great his wealth. However, a vaishya is also much freer to conduct his own affairs as he pleases, without the burden of excessive religious doctrine or debts of loyalty.
The lowest of the four castes is the shudra caste, which is made up of farmers, herders, and servants. These are much like the peasants and serfs of other kingdoms. Below even the shudras, and technically outside the caste system altogether, are the chandalas, or "untouchables". The chandalas perform the tasks that make them unclean; tasks such as cremating the dead or butchering meat. The chandalas are "untouchable" because a member of a higher caste must undergo ritual cleansing if she comes into physical contact with a member of this group.
-The Worship of Devas: It is said that there are over thousand gods in Ind, and almost all of these are relatively minor deities, essentially unknown to the majority of the inhabitants. Some say this is more of a metaphorical idea than a real count; suggesting that everyone has their own personal deity that represents their connection to the divine. Even so, there are dozens or hundreds of gods that are worshiped at different times and in different regions of Ind, and a long list of more significant gods that are worshiped regularly and in all the human lands. Indans generally do not limit themselves to the worship of a single deity. They certainly do not deny the existence of the multiplicity of gods. A few, however, are devotees of a specific god or goddess that they hold in higher esteem than all others, and turn to more often. For the average human of the Kingdoms of Ind, divine worship is a more pragmatic thing, offering prayers and ritual to gods based on their necessities of the moment and the specialties those gods are said to manage.
The chief goal of the pantheon is to protect Ind and its people from the incursions of the daemons of the universe. While the gods may disagree among themselves about the best way to carry out this protection, they are united in this goal. The worshipers of the Devas feel a kinship with other worshipers, no matter which god they have chosen. Few, if any, Indans worship the entire pantheon. Members of the same family may worship a diversity of gods, but feel that they are all united. Worship of the Deva is not an evangelical religion, and worshipers are comfortable with this diversity.
Among the Indans, the system known as dharma is important. Dharma is the duties and obligations, the actions that one does. These duties vary, depending on the god worshiped, but all actions taken are important, more important than the specific teachings of a particular god. The belief in dharma is the belief that correctly performing required rituals is a good in itself. The specific actions themselves are referred to as karma. The accumulation of these actions throughout one's life determines what ultimately happens to the soul. After death, the soul may be reincarnated, depending on the deeds done in life. The ultimate goal of the soul in this system is moksha, personal salvation or liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
The Kingdoms of Ind are willing to hire mercenaries, and some of the maharajahs are wealthy enough to afford large mercenary armies. They are likely to treat third parties well, so long as they prove trust-worthy. Slaves will be made of surviving enemies and those who cross the Rajahs. The land will be divided among the various rulers, as will all wealth.
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