I own nothing seen
below. Credit
goes to owners of Games Workshop and the equally awesome people
who did the rest of the pictures. I would also like to thank the makers
of the Estalia Army book, without which much of this would not be
possible. If
I forgot about someone
then credit goes to you.
INTRO - The Land of the Setting Sun
The Estalians are proud and haughty soldiers, who have always been able to claim victory from the jaws of defeat. Their soldiers are tirelessly drilled in the image of the Goddess Myrmidia, the patron of War and Wisdom whom they worship above all else. When the Estalians go to war they do so under her banner, marching tirelessly with unmatched discipline.
The Estalian armies are filled with well trained soldiers using some of the finest weapons made in the Old World. Estalian Steel is pure and strong, just as every good Estalian citizen should be. When soldiers march to war, it is under the watchful eye of the Inquisition, who eagerly hunt for any corruption, in and out of the ranks. Withe troops go the clergy of Myrmidia, the Missionaries, the Knights of the Blazing Sun and the Sisters of Fury, powerful warriors who have dedicated their lives to fighting as their patron War Goddess has.
So for the glory of their Goddess and the pride of their nation, Estalia readies for war. Let the armies of the world break themselves upon their pikes as they are mowed down by Estalian handgunners and crossbowmen. The Purity of Estalia shall burn away the corruption of the world, until only the truest believers remain!
If you're ready to see what Estalia has to offer, then read on, or be branded a heretic!
Her Will Be Done: The Inquisitor becomes the furious manifestation of Myrmidia's divine will, dispensing his justice with every blow and cowing all his enemies with his holy wrath. This is a spell the Inquisitor casts on himself, that doubles all the CQC damage he does for a short time.
Holocaust: The Inquisitor projects forth the fire in his soul in a searing ball of white flame, igniting the very air around him, incinerating any who come too close. This spell causes an inferno of holy fire to spring up around the Inquisitor, the size of which is determined by willpower and faith. For most, it only does standard fire damage. But against Undead, Daemons, or Magic Users, the damage doubles.
Sanctuary: Many Inquisitors can throw up a holy shield that protects them from malign influences, and the strongest in faith can even conjure temporary wards around their companions through which daemons cannot pass. This magical bubble has a standard diameter of 10 meters (32 feet), but experienced and powerful Inquisitors can extend that to 30 meters (96 feet). This barrier will stop Undead or Daemons in their tracks, burning and stinging them if they try to push through. It has no effect on other types of units.
Scourging: The Inquisitor channels his righteous wrath into crackling energy, the air itself splitting apart as bright arcs of soul-lightning ravage those in his path. Functions as a magic missile attack with a
range of 300 meters (984 feet), but with greater focus, prayer, and
magical strain, the range can be increased to 1 Kilometer (3280 feet).
At that point the spell could even burn larger monsters.
Divine Pronouncement: To the Inquisitor, all who stand against him are branded heretic, and the only fate deserved by such is an eternity of damnation. Invoking Myrmidia's power, the Inquisitor pronounces his judgement, before which few can stand defiant. Requires line-of-sight. When used, the Inquisitor pits his will against his foe's. If it is stronger, the enemy's mind breaks and they are reduced to a panicking wreck fleeing from the Inquisitor. If the enemy wins, the Inquisitor takes damage from the psychic backlash.
Hammerhand: Some Inquisitors can wield their powers as physical force, such that anything they touch suffers catastrophic damage. An Inquisitor using Hammerhand is capable of ripping apart steel plates with his bare hands. The spell basically doubles the Inquisitor's strength for a few minutes. The Inquisitor can't use any other weapons during this time, as his own strength would tear them apart accidentally.
Hammer of the Witches: For a man to wield the powers of Magic he must first have been tested and tried, and branded worthy to do so by the agents of the Inquisition. Any man who has not been so approved is an unclean witch and will be purged by the Inquisitor's own bestowed powers lest the beasts of the Chaos realm enslave his soul. With a range of 300 meters (984 feet), the Inquisitor sends out a shock-wave of faith that specifically targets magic users. Enemy magic users will have to focus their willpower to resist the power of Myrmidia. If they succeed, the wave will pass them by, no worse for wear. If they fail, they will be severely burned, and in some cases completely reduced to ash as the divine purity of Myrmidia consumes them.
Purge: The Inquisitor is a seasoned master in the ways of hunting the heretic. With his sinister gaze he is able to decimate the will of his enemy, filling his mind with the unbearable truth of his sins, until nothing more than a drooling, broken form remains. Requires Line-Of-Sight. Basically the Inquisitor pits his will against his enemy's, and if his will is stronger, their mind is
destroyed. If their will is stronger, the spell can backlash and injure
the Inquisitor.
Word of Myrmidia: Many Inquisitors have such force of belief that their canticles and liturgies can cause the unbeliever and the witch to shrink back in fear. Affects all who can hear the Inquisitor shouting. Believers will find themselves filled with bravery and conviction. Enemies of the Inquisitor, if they are of weak will, will be filled with dread, their morale will lower, and they will actively avoid targeting the Inquisitor.
For recon Caballeros and Genitors can act as scouts. Mountain Bandits can as well, while also performing sabotage, though they must be more careful about it, as not every Estalian general is willing to work with them. Inquisitors will torture anyone they suspect might even possibly know something, and they are well trained to extract it. Estalia also has several units that can spread the word of Myrmidia to non-believers and convert them to the faith and work with them. Estalia has fairly decent diplomats, and are not above trade and other forms of convincing people to ally with them if need be.
Tercio Pikemen
Mobility: 3
Training: 4
Max Range: Crossbow
Preferred Range: Pike
In the early days of the kingdom the Estalians were disadvantaged by having poor quality and quantity of cavalry. To even the balance the infantry adopted the "Tercio" a square of spears supported by swordsmen and missile troops. As the cavalry improved, these elite units became an attacking formation using special long spears, pikes, in a tight well drilled formation. This formation takes continuous training and high morale, but the end results are well worth it.
Pikes are the primary weapon of Estalian soldiers. Their extreme length makes them a tremendous hindrance both on and off the field of battle, but their effectiveness as a weapon more than compensates. Tercio Pikemen are well renowned, highly disciplined professional pike troops with a fierce reputation. These pikemen are decent fighters equipped with a pike and protected by light armor. Able to present a wall of deadly pikes at oncoming enemies, this unit will give any charging cavalry second thoughts.
Offense: Pikes, twice as long as a normal spear, and longer than a cavalryman's lance. The front line of Tercio's is an impenetrable wall of steel. Those Tercio near the front may also have shortswords if the enemy gets past the spears, while those near the back have either crossbows or handguns to weaken the opposition by hammering away at them.
Defense: Light Estalian Steel Armor
Additional Factors:
-Great as anti-Cavalry.
-Highly disciplined and well trained.
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Rodeleros are very valuable units and are at the fore of most battles. They are fierce and aggressive, recruited from among the numerous cut-throats, bandits and renegades that inhabit Estalia. It could be risky to hold such individuals in the field of battle, but fortunately, like any Estalians, the Rodeleros have a great sense of loyalty and honor unlike the cowards of other nations.
Offense: Razor sharp swords made of the finest steel.
Defense: Light armor and Buckler Shield. Bucklers are mall, round shields designed for parrying or deflecting blows. They are usually made of steel for they need to be tremendously durable to survive the brutal blows of hand-to-hand combat. Using a buckler requires great skill, but a nimble warrior can protect himself from attacks which would otherwise cripple him.
Additional Factors:
-Rodeleros are renowned for their swordsmanship.
-Are quite capable of breaking through pike formations and wreaking havoc on the less well armed and trained units on the other side.
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Crossbow
Preferred Range: Crossbow
The rich cities of Estalia are attractive targets for a range of enemies. To defend themselves the mayors and merchants raise forces and pay for their training and equipment. The Crossbowmen are excellent defensive troops; able to hit their target from far away with the crossbows, they can outshoot most other archers. Crossbowmen work as part-time soldiers and watchmen over the cities. Whenever there is a war to be fought though, they are recruited into the army as support for the pikemen, an important position to hold. The crossbow is a potent weapon ready to be used with minimal training unlike other archery weapons. It is slow to reload but makes up for it in power. Despite the Inquisitions dislike of crossbows being used by Estalians against Estalians, they are used throughout Estalia by peasants and nobles alike.
Offense: Crossbow
Defense: Light Steel Armor, and Distance from their enemies.
Additional Factors:
-Excellent support for pikemen
-Disliked by Inquisitors (see Specialist Support)
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Matchlock Musket
Preferred Range: ^^
Handguns are starting to become a more and more popular weapon in the lands of Estalia. Not as common as in the Empire there are now foundries that are making these weapons in Estalia, although a large number of them are imported legally and illegally from the Empire. Handgunners are often good shots and can be quite deadly, as long as their temperamental weapons do not act up. Easy to learn and operate, it is a rare sight to see an Estalian battlefield without Handgunners.
Offense: Handguns, which operate much like muskets.
Defense: Estalian Steel
Additional Factors:
Mobility: 4
Training: 2-3
Max Range: Javelin or Spear
Preferred Range: Melee
Though the Almogavars were originally just peasants from the mountains and hills rallied together to fight of the Arabian invasion, they have since then become much more of a real military force. They often take up arms as mercenaries when not fighting to protect their homes.
When the Estalian Kings march to war, several regiments of Almogavars are called up as required, and no one can foretell how many men will turn up to a muster. These troops receive no formal training or discipline, and are armed with their own equipment at their own expense. They wear their own clothes which may sometimes have a vaguely uniform appearance and are paid after battle from the spoils or the King's war chest, before they are disbanded.
Offense: Javelins and spears, hurled at the foe to weaken them, followed by swords for melee combat. Those that cannot afford swords (or haven't been able to steal one), will use pickaxes.
Defense: None. They wear their own clothes into battle.
Additional Factors:
-When the pickings are slim in their own country, many travel to Tilea to work their trade. Plenty of Almogavars have returned home to their villages, rich enough to feed their whole family for a year or more.
-Living simple lives consisting primarily of hunting and foraging, they mostly live outside the rest of society, and are cautiously looked upon by the rest of the people. Many nobles see them as savages clinging to old traditions, while the Cult of Myrmidia practically consider them heathens because of their disconnect from the temples and rites of the Goddess. The common folk on the other hand, view them a little bit more optimistically and curiously, trying to understand why anyone would choose to live so far away from civilization.
-They lack the discipline common among the rest of the Estalian Army.
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Melee
Used throughout the Great Western Ocean since ancient times, Marines have been the coastal guard in Estalia. The standard tactic for engaging is to disable the opposing ships' sails then ram and board it. Capable of undertaking and surviving long voyages in the open sea, Marines often travel to discover far off places.
Naval companies were created by the Kings of the seafaring cities of Estalia - primarily Bilbali and Magritta. Marines are ship-borne soldiers who can be found in the Imperial fleet and on board the larger private vessels. They protect their ships from pirates, Norse marauders, and other raiders. Unlike seamen, whose primary duty is sailing the ship, Marines are on board only to fight.
These marines are equally at home in the rocking waves battling the Dark Elf raiders of Naggaroth, or in a place of honor in the Estalian Army batting back any raiding forces.
Offense: Swords, Cutlasses, Clubs, and Pistols
Defense: Light padded jackets
Additional Factors:
-When in port, Marines frequently form press gangs to fill out the ship's crew. More than one unsuspecting citizen has awoken at sea after taking a belaying pin to the head from an overzealous press ganger. Due to these activities, and their own drunken brawling, Marines are resented in many seaside communities. When raiders attack, however, these same citizens are quick to accept the aid of battle-hardened Marines.
-It is a standard business in Estalia for the Royal fleet and other wealthy private merchants to pay lucrative bounties for captured enemy ships and cargoes. Since the value of an intact ship is considerably greater than that of a towed wreck, tactics had to be devised to allow the seizing of an enemy vessel without destroying it. Collectively these tactics are known as boarding actions. The boarding action is generally considered the most hazardous venture in any naval engagement.
There are two accepted ways of mounting a ship-to- ship boarding action and both are extremely dangerous. The first option is to steer the two ships close enough together for the boarding party to leap across to the enemy deck. The second and less attractive option is for the boarding party to actually row across to the enemy vessel and board it using grappling hooks and rope.
-The Marines often sail around the main army in order to get behind enemy lines, where they can show up unexpectedly and attack the enemy's rear flanks.
Knights of the Blazing Sun
Mobility: 5
Training: 6
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
The Knights of the Blazing Sun are a small elite order of Templars devoted to the study and mastery of the science and art of warfare. These fervent followers of Myrmidia value ability and accomplishment over all other factors, including noble birth. It is because of this that the order has grown in prosperity attracting the finest military minds to its banner. A Knight of the Blazing Sun's primary goal is to obtain perfection in the art of War, as such they travel the old world individually seeking battle both large and small. An army with a unit of Knights of the Blazing sun at its head is a potent force capable of dealing with opponents with a level of cunning that ensures victory before the battle is even joined.
Offense: Lances are their primary weapon, but they will carry a sword or mace as their secondary weapon. All of the highest quality and crafted from Estalian Steel.
Defense: Knights of the Blazing Sun wear highly ornate plate mail armor of burnished brass, decorated with polished black and gold etchings, their shields bear the device of the blazing sun.
Special: Blinding Light: The Order has developed a technique using their polished mirrored shields to focus sunlight onto the enemy's face as they charge. This disorientates and dazzles the poor fools just before they are charged down.
Additional Factors:
-While they are not the largest group dedicated to Myrmidia, they are the richest, most famous, and most well-respected.
Sisters of Fury
Mobility: 4
Training: 7
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
The Sisters of Fury are a secular order of warriors dedicated to martial excellence in the praise of their goddess and her shield-maiden, typically dwelling in large towers situated near temples to Myrmidia. For centuries the nobility of Estalia has sent its wayward and troublesome daughters to the Order of the Sisters of Fury to be initiated into the only order of priestesses dedicated to Estalia's patron Goddess.
The Sisters of Fury have traditionally traveled Estalia administering to the sick and poor, tending to the needs of orphans, curing the diseased and curing broken bodies. As well as the healing arts, which they practice with expert knowledge, their advice is frequently sought by those about to make an important decision, for the Sisters of Fury are famed for their ability to predict the fickle course of battle.
Offense: The traditional weapon of the Sisters is the Spear, as it is considered an instrument of Myrmidia, and her holy symbol. They are considered experts, easily able to wield the long spear as though it weighed nothing at all.
Defense: Heavy Estalian Steel Armor that covers them from head to toe.
Special: Variant: Sister Superior: The regiments of the Sisterhood are led by tough Superiors, each accompanied by a body of warrior priestesses. Each of the Sister Superiors is a long-serving priestess of the Cult of Myrmidia, well versed in the rituals of the temple and an example to the younger Sisters and novices. The Sister Superiors are entrusted with maintaining the faith and fervor of the order. Any peril or foe that may lurk in Estalia is as nothing compared to the wrath of a Sister Superior. The training and harsh discipline of the convent includes mastery of martial as well as ecclesiastical skills, for mastery of the body is but the first step towards mastery of the soul.
Additional Factors:
-Peasantry Need Not Apply: By tradition, the Sisters draw their recruits only from the most noble houses of Estalia, and families consider it a great honor to have their daughter accepted into the order. Only maidens of noble lineage can be relied upon to have the devotion to duty and innate sense of honor. This has resulted in the Sisters being a somewhat small force compared to others in Estalia, but they make up for it when it comes to skill and eagerness to prove themselves.
-Ever Sister is quite a skilled medic, capable of healing illnesses and broken bodies.
-The Founding of the Sisterhood: When mortal, Myrmidia drew many heroes to her side, but none are more famous than the shield-maiden Fury. Her tale is recorded in the Bellona Myrmidia, and is one full of horror, pain and betrayal. The events of the sad story result in a young girl renouncing her name and swearing to claim revenge for all the dark deeds of the world, a task she takes to with unparalleled passion and anger. Although it pained her, Myrmidia could not bring herself to stop the girl, for she intimately understood the source of Fury's rage. Instead, Myrmidia did what she had to: she used the girl on the battlefield. There, Fury slayed and slayed and slayed, until eventually, once all her enemies were gone, she collapsed, weeping. Fury's last stand was in the Abasko Mountains. There, her body was found by Myrmidia, surrounded by piles of dead Orcs and Goblins. The site is now protected by the order's high temple.
Black Watchmen
Mobility: 4
Training: 7
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
The Sacred Office has many shrines, monasteries, convents and public buildings to protect. It provides governors to many towns and its Inquisitors must travel the country to seek out and destroy evil. The sons of the lay members of the Sacred Office may choose to join the military arm of the Inquisition: the Black Order. The very best of these are selected for the elite inquisition unit, followed by an extremely arduous training lasting at least ten years, depending on the skill of the initiate. They are totally devoted to the Sacred Office from a young ago and by the time they join the regiment they are the best warriors in Estalia.
Offense: Halberds of the finest quality
Defense: Blackened Full Plate Armor made of the finest Estalian Steel.
Additional Factors:
-Experienced in rooting out cults of Chaos and Undead.
-The Black Watchmen possess a great hatred for all Undead (Both Basic and of the Tomb King variety) as well as Chaos (be they worshipers, Daemons, Beastmen, etc).
-Utterly Fearless: Used to fighting creatures of evil, the Black Watchmen are immune to fear, be it natural or magical/chemically induced.
-Lots of Experience Fighting in Sewers and Graveyards.
-Prefer to go down fighting rather then surrender or retreat.
Fire Bulls
Mobility: 5
Training: 1
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: AWAY FROM THE FIRE!
The landowners of Estalia are nothing if not creative. Usually outnumbered by their enemies they sometimes use unusual tactics. One of the most unique is the use of wild bulls with chains attached to their horns dragging logs soaked in tar and other flammable materials. They are led into battle by herders who light the logs on fire and goad the bulls towards the enemy. Terrified of the burning logs, the Fire Bulls charge with wild abandon, with no regard to anyone or anything around them. The effect of the panicking bulls rushing towards the enemy lines if often devastating for anyone unfortunate to stand in the way.
Offense: The bull's horns, being trampled by the bull, being set on fire by the log it's pulling, or being crushed by said log.
Defense: None
Additional Factors:
-Once the flame is lit, the bulls charge randomly. The herders have no control over where they go or who they gore in the process.
-The bull is so focused on get away from the fire that it will ignore all other attempts to affect its mind.
Mobility: 5
Training: 6
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Melee
Most Caballeros are part of the nobility of the different kingdoms, small freeholders that form the shock troops of the Estalian armies. However, despite the fact that they hold the rank of knight, far from many of them holds the privileges one would associate with being of noble birth. Many Caballeros can just but afford their horse, arms and armor. In order to work themselves up in the hierarchy, they can often be seen selling their services in the armies of Estalia.
Offense: Pistols for ranged combat, they also have lances or spears that they use in their charges. For CQC they have curved sabers that they can use from the saddle or on foot.
Defense: What they can afford. The lucky ones may be able to afford plate armor, but far more often you'll see chainmail or leather armor.
Additional Factors:
-Hot Blooded (Check it and See): Caballeros are impetuous and adventurous gentry, eager to see the world and fight. Despite being well trained these hot blooded nobles can act recklessly in battle, eager to outdo other units and each other.
-Active Scouts
-In times of peace Caballero often spend time hunting down bandits and wandering through the villages of Estalia acting as impromptu lawmen.
-Rely more heavily on speed and mobility rather than heavy armor.
-They are the backbone of the Estalian cavalry force.
Mobility: 5
Training: 4
Max Range: Javelin
Preferred Range: Javelin
Estalian warfare has a long tradition of light mobile troops, both mounted and foot, fighting with the javelin since ancient times. Genitors are fast cavalry popular on the Estalian plains. These were the response to the Arabian invasion, when fast cavalry became crucial.
The many noble houses of Estalia are supported by a large number of Genitors who guard their lands and manage the tough and wild cattle on the ranches. They are expert horsemen and are able to fend off wolves in the mountains and kill wild boar. In war they form up under their house banner and support the heavier cavalry. They excel in scouting and pursuing the enemy.
Offense: Javelins for range, and cavalry swords for melee fighting
Defense: Light Armor
Additional Factors:
-On the battlefield, the strengths of the Genitors are against massed stationary, disorganized or fleeing knights and infantry. Genitors can also ride down exposed enemy missile infantry. Finally, Genitors have the discipline, weapons and armor to screen their own friendly formations as well as challenge or drive off enemy screening light cavalry.
-Feigned retreats are often used to lure enemies out of organized mass formations.
-Genitor horses are much smaller and lighter then Empire or Bretonnian War Horses, and are able to move much faster.
Mobility: 5
Training: 5
Max Range: Musket
Preferred Range: Pistol
Estalian soldiers are very greedy people, eager for glory and honor, able to fight against the most fearsome enemies in exchange for a few gold coins and the possibility to brag about it in the bars and brothels in the country. There are some however, that go beyond simple recruitment and prefer to embark on real adventures to inhospitable regions the new continents of the world offers. Such obstinacy mean only two possible outcomes: die far away from his beloved Estalia or return with rich booty and deserved fame. Estalian adventurers who set off to conquer Lustria became known as Conquistadors. These men are an assortment of disposed sons of the nobility and soldiers of fortune looking for adventure and loot.
Although driven primarily by greed, the Conquistadors have exhibited exceptional bravery, cunning and resilience. The Conquistadors can be an absolutely devastating force against the indigenous warriors of Lustria and beyond.
Offense: Lighter handguns that can be fired from horseback. At closer ranges, these can pierce armor. They also use muskets when fighting on the ground. For melee they have sabers.
Defense: Estalian Steel Breastplate.
Additional Factors:
-Conquistadors are not above working as traditional mercenaries, so long as the person buying their services has something really enticing for them.
-The Conquistador's horses are trained to not start at the sound of their master's guns, and are used to operating the in thick jungles of Lustria.
-The Conquistadors are also, obviously, used to fighting in the thick jungles.
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Thrown Grenade
Preferred Range: Far away from said Grenade
There was a time when the Estalians only used to use this method to blow defensive walls to bits. One grenade will make one little hole, but fifty will turn a wall into a colander. At some point, a Grand Commander figured that what makes holes in buildings could also make holes in enemies. They sent down thousands of these new grenades to the battle lines, and picked some of the toughest soldiers to throw them.
But a grenadier is more than just a soldier. He's the man who has one goal, above everything else: chuck that bloody grenade as far away from him as he can before it blows. He doesn't think; he just focuses on that one objective - light the fuse, aim, throw, and get himself out of there!
Offense: These grenades are made from leaded clay and have a shorter fuse than the others. They also project loads of shrapnel when they explode, giving them the nickname "Gut-slashers" by the soldiers.
Defense: Light Estalian Steel armor. They want to be quick on their feet, and the commanders don't want to waste armor in the event the Grenadier gets blown to bits.
Additional Factors:
-Best used against massed enemies.
-When things are well planned, the cannons weaken the mob, the handguns stop the charging troops and the Grenadiers go in and scatter the enemy far and wide before sending in the foot soldiers to finish things off. At least in theory, as something usually goes wrong. In fact many Grenadiers better prepare for the loss of one of their limbs sooner or later, as grenades are fragile things, and not always reliable.
-Lovely severance package: While being a Grenadier is hardly considered glamorous, those who do their job well are at least handsomely paid; enough to hopefully be able to make it to an early retirement before losing too many limbs, and at the very least to have their funeral expenses paid for...
Mountain Bandits
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Bow and Arrow
Preferred Range: ^^
Estalia is a land of honor and gallantry, but not necessarily justice. The countryside of Estalia is a dangerous place which is rife with brigands, criminals and those living on the fringes of society. The kingdoms of Estalia have been full of crooks and thieves ever since the Estalians emptied their prisons in their fight against the Arabians. Since then roving bandit gangs have ever been a thorn in the side of the Estalian nobility, hiding in the mountains, preying upon travelers.
Mountain Bandits form small scouting parties that excel at hiding in forests and cliffs where they rain death upon the foe with their bows before quickly disappearing again. Skilled at reconnaissance and carrying out sabotage actions against artillery or enemy command structures, Mountain Bandits are a useful tool that most of Estalian armies gladly count among their ranks.
Offense: The primary weapon is the bow and arrow, but they will also use a knife if forced to engage in close combat.
Defense: Animal skins, and camouflage
Additional Factors:
-Mountain Bandits work best as guerrilla fighters.
-Mountain Bandits are excellent at recon work.
-Peasants and villagers actually like the Bandits, certainly more then the nobles do. Most of the goods stolen by the bandits ends up being shared with the villagers (sort of a Robin Hood thing going on). They also tend to be the first line of defense for villages, and Estalia as a whole, patrolling the borders and fending off Orcs, Goblins, and Skaven.
-If the Bandits are caught by a noble seeking to punish 'criminals', they are usually executed immediately. However, some nobles are lenient, and give the Bandits a chance to work off their crime (or hang from the gallows, it's the bandits choice). This usually involves being made into a militiaman.
-In times of need, Kings have been known to get Bandits to work for them in a variety of ways. The kinder ones offer payment or pardons for their crimes. The less pleasant kings threaten the bandits families or communities.
War Dogs
Mobility: 4
Training: 2
Max Range: Lunging
Preferred Range: Biting
Estalian War Dogs are a mixture of wolfhounds, deerhounds, and mastiffs, and can stand up to about two and half feet tall at the shoulder and weigh in at some ninety pounds, making them large intimidating opponents. These dogs are powerful, fast and fearless. Their value to the Estalians can be seen in the manner in which they protect their hounds. The dogs are often given quilted cotton armor or smaller armor plates as protection against enemy missile fire. As a defense against throttling by enemy warriors, War Dogs are commonly equipped with a spiked leather collar.
War dogs play a role in skirmishes and larger battlefield engagements, but it is rare for their handlers to set the dogs upon large, unbroken enemy formations. Their principal role is to guard positions, track enemies and bring down fleeing warriors.
Offense: Teeth.
Defense: See Description
Additional Factors:
-Dogs make excellent trackers.
-Estalians really like their dogs, and are reluctant to send them at monstrous enemies or unbroken enemy lines.
Mobility: 6
Training: 3 (Wild), 4 (Trained)
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Pegasi look like magnificent white draft horses with elegant feathered wings. Their coats sparkle under the sun in a manner reminiscent of light playing over new- fallen snow. It is cunning and intelligent beyond the measure of any ordinary steed.
They are wild beasts, capable of staving a soldier's head in with a well-placed blow from one of their hooves. While they seldom take to the ground, preferring the sky, when they do they are swift runners. Pegasi that haven't been battle trained are far more likely to fly away then fight, excepting when their foals are in danger.
Estalian hunters sometimes brave the dangers of the mountain passes to secure Pegasi foals which they can sell for a high price to nobles, for they are highly sought after due to their loyalty, and seem to be able to anticipate their master's every move.
Offense: Powerful legs that can crush a man's skull
Defense: None, save flight. If they are being used as a mount (typically by a Noble), they will have some Estalian armor on them.
Additional Factors:
Mobility: 6
Training: 3 (Wild), 4 (Trained)
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Griffons are fearsome beasts that have the heads of birds of prey combined with leonine bodies and massive feathered wings. Their beaks are hooked and can easily sever a man's limb. Their claws, which are reminiscent of a hawk's talons, they keep sharp by regular scoring against stone. Griffons swoop down on their prey, screaming war cries as they come. They continue to attack until no opponent is left moving. Survivors of Griffon attacks often have dreams of being hunted down and rent limb from limb for years afterward.
A rare few serve as mounts for the richest and most powerful Estalian nobles, who are willing to pay vast sums of gold for a single egg or chick. The people of Zaraguz, famed hunters and scouts, are particularly renowned for their skill at raising and training the Griffons that circle above the high mountains of their land. Griffons can be ranked among the most intelligent of beasts. If captured relatively young and subjected to suitable training, they make for incredible loyal mounts, and can even be taught to anticipate a wide range of commands.
Offense: Sharp claws and a beak that can take a man's arm off.
Defense: None, though they do have thick muscles. If they are serving as a mount, they may have some Estalian armor.
Additional Factors:
-Griffons prefer their meat raw and screaming, though they'll scavenge if no other prey presents itself. This is fairly rare, though, as their hunting grounds tend to range for hundreds of miles around their chosen mountain aerie.
-Eyesight is incredibly sharp, as you might expect. They can see motion from miles away.
-Griffon mounts must be forcibly restrained from hunting down fleeing opponents, as it is in their nature to rend all foes that flee from them.
Mobility: 2
Training: 4 (Troops operating it)
Max Range: Artillery
Preferred Range: Artillery
Cannons are especially difficult and expensive to produce and so it is the King's job to make sure his Kingdom has enough artillery. Individual provinces can produce cannons if they like, but none are made to the caliber of the Gunnery School of Magritta. The school thus creates the best cannons and distributes them to the Dukes as the Kings sees fit to protect the cities and towns of Estalia. Of course, the Dukes sometimes ends up using their weapons against each other, but technically at least they remain the property of the Kings and can be removed or replaced at any time. When a Duke is called upon to bring his armies to war he also brings any artillery that has been loaned to him.
Estalia's skills in cannon foundries are derived from communities of ostracized Dwarves who were forced to flee the intolerance of Bretonnia. Thanks to the centralized wealth of the royals and nobility of Estalia, the kingdom has become the home of good solid, practical and pragmatic blackpowder weapons, popular with mercenary band throughout the Old World.
Offense: Cannonballs
Defense: Quality steel for the cannon, wood for the stand and wheels, typically guarded by infantry level troops.
Additional Factors:
Mountain Gun
Mobility: 4
Training: 4 (Troops operating it)
Max Range: Artillery
Preferred Range: Artillery
While reopening the road to Tobaro the army of the King had continual problems with attacks by large monsters and bands of goblins taking shots at them from hiding places in the rocks. Attempts to take the large cannons of the army into the mountains for support were hampered by the steep and narrow roads. The first step was to develop a lighter gun which could be handled by troops rather than drawn by horses. This helped with fighting the large monsters but not the goblin snipers.
It is not recorded when, but in a fierce engagement with a goblin archer band, a mountain gun crew ran out of cannonballs and in desperation scooped up handfuls of large stones lying by the road. When fired the result was spectacular with the stones ricocheting through the rocks cutting down dozens of goblins. Since that time mountain guns carry metal canisters of handgun ammunition to fire in their defense.
Offense: The Mountain Gun can fire two types of ammunition. The first is similar to a traditional cannonball, but is of a much smaller caliber. The second is a scatter shot, which is a metal canister that contains handgun bullets. When fired, the scattershot… well, scatters, hitting a wider area.
Defense: See Culverin
Additional Factors:
-Mountain Guns are typically taken and used to locations that it would be ineffective to use regular cannons.
-Mountain Guns are much lighter then normal cannons, and are easier to carry into battle.
Grand Commanders
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
Max Range: Varies
Preferred Range: Varies
Most armies are led by a noble of royal blood. This is not as restrictive as one might think as all of the great families of Estalia are considered "royal". As an example the house of Aragon, consists of over 60 families each of whom has a patriarch whose honorary title is "king" and who rules his lands as an absolute ruler, even if it is only a few hundred acres. The young sons of the house provide the knights for the royal regiments. This can be very confusing for foreigners as there seem to be hundreds of "kings" in Estalia, which of course, in a sense, there are!
The Kings and Queens of Estalia are not just figureheads; they formulate the foreign policy of the whole of Estalia, including the introduction of the Inquisition, and marshals Estalia's forces to war. The Kings and the Dukes can muster individual provincial and city-state armies. The Royal Estalian Army goes to war under the direct gaze of either a King or a Duke, who takes on the mantle of Grand Commander of all the forces of Estalia and her tributary states.
Offense: Whatever they want. They are kings and queens, so their weapons are of the highest quality imaginable, and may include more magical items and weapons.
Defense: Incredibly high quality armor and a cadre of guards.
Special: Variant: Captain: In smaller forces a Grand Commander may not be necessary. If an army is raised to put down a local peasant uprising, or a less threatening Chaos Cult, the Captains of the provinces assume the role of leaders and commanders in an Estalian battle force. Captains are also able leaders, generally nobles in their own right, landed gentry who have spent time at the world famous Military Academy and sometimes in the most prestigious Knightly Order in Estalia - the Knights of the Blazing Sun.
Additional Factors:
-The nobility lives a life of extreme privilege and find the lives of those beneath them as nothing short of a life of contempt.
-The nobles of the land are arrogant and quick to take umbrage to any slight, real or perceived.
-Most nobles are excellent fighters, owing to their lives of one intrigue after another. They will fight anyone, and lacking a common foe they will fight each other without a thought.
-Sometimes the different domains that make up Estalia gather together to make common decisions. One is the meeting of an army to fight a common threat, in which case one is elected from all representatives to act as the Grand Commander, whom has absolute control of the forces and is responsible for leading them to victory. Much of the expenses incurred by the army, runs to his office, and his reward often includes land in the different kingdoms, so these tend to accumulate more noble titles and properties than the kings themselves and provide a link among all the territories where they have possessions in almost all them. The Grand Commanders are among the best fighters of their time and always go to battle at the head of their troops.
Mobility: 4
Training: 7
Max Range: Battlefield and beyond
Preferred Range: With his blade in a heretic's heart.
The Inquisition is a secret brotherhood that exists within the Estalian kingdoms, set up to monitor and maintain the spiritual purity of all Estalians. Shrouded in secrecy, the organization is little known within Estalia. The organization works independently of all the temples, but has government backing from several kingdoms. The Inquisition is involved in the torture and elimination of those judged as serving the Ruinous Powers, be they witches, cultists or simple agitators. It claims to have been given official authority to question, investigate and judge all Estalian citizens, although in practice it works in secret so that matters of proof, jurisdiction and appeal never occur. Inquisitors usually work in small groups, often supported by a specialists trained as Templars or Witch and Vampire hunters. All Inquisitors are experts in the extraction of information from non-willing suspects.
The Inquisitors are much feared throughout Estalia, especially by their own people. Few would dare to go against the will of an Inquisitor, and those that do are never heard from again. Whenever the Inquisitors take to the field of battle, there is bound to be at least one witch burning afterwards, regardless of the outcome of the battle itself.
Offense: Whatever weapon they want, none would deny them it. Usually flails and whips figure heavily into their arsenal. They can also call upon the Inquisitorial Powers seen at the beginning of this Profile.
Defense: High Quality Plate armor, and the power of prayer.
Special: The Hammer of Sacrifice: A weapon only taken up in times of great need, an Inquisitor may take up this hammer to help him vanquish the enemies of Estalia. This weapon quadruples his strength and speed, but puts such a massive strain on his body that using it for to long can result in death.
Additional Factors:
-Members of the Inquisition have pledged their every waking hour to the discovering and scourging of Chaos wherever it may be found. An Inquisitor has at his disposal every citizen in Estalia in the worship of Myrmidia, and will not hesitate to requisition local troops at a moment's notice.
-Above all, the Inquisition is a tool for the various Kings of Estalia to better control their subjects by uniting them against a common foe, minimizing the risks up rebellions and political opponents overthrowing them. One word from a higher-up means the immediate involvement of the Inquisitors, which in nearly all cases means death for the accused.
-Burn the Heretic! The Inquisitor's passionate prayers fill his fellows with righteous fury. The Inquisitor and those around him are filled with a powerful hatred when fighting wizards, undead, Chaos, or Skaven.
Battle Magi
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Battlefield
The arcane arts are not unknown in the lands of Estalia. Many of the wizards of the land of Estalia travel to the Empire and the capital city of Altdorf to receive their training in the arcane arts at the Colleges of Magic. Battle Magi are also taught in a variety of small independent schools that dot the Estalian countryside. Despite the risks imposed on by the Inquisition the practice of magic use is generally allowed unless there is evidence that the Magician has been corrupted by Chaos.
The Kings of Estalia allows the schools to operate for a very good reason - the support of their services in battle. In return for tolerance and patronage the Kings and the Dukes receive a steady stream of Mages for their armies. Every school can provide Mages to take their part in battle, and sometimes whole units of Mages go to war, using their combined enchanting power to cast powerful spells to rend the foe and win the day for Estalia. The presences of these magic users on the battlefield can easily change the outcome of a battle.
Offense: A Battle Magi will use spells from ONE of the following Lores: Fire, Metal, Life, Light, or Heavens. The Lore of Light has long been the most popular Lore of Battle Magi. They may also wield a staff in battle.
Defense: Magical barriers and robes, underneath which they may have an Estalian Breastplate.
Special: Variant: Eminent Magi: The Eminent Magi of Estalia are the most talented magic users in the kingdom. Often sought after to lead the numerous small magical schools, Eminent Magi must answer to the Inquisition for his students, should they be found to be corrupted by the dark arts. They are able to use the stronger spells of their particular lore with greater ease then Battle Magi.
Additional Factors:
-Restricted Practices: Due to the suspicious nature of the Inquisitors, the practitioners of magic are heavily supervised in Estalia. Because of this, an army will never contain more Battle Magi then Inquisitors.
-The Wizards being demanded by Estalian armies are those that dominate the Lore of Light. Due to their power of exorcism and ability to protect against the dark powers, followers of White Magic are respected even by the Temple of Myrmidia, which generally has always opposed the use of magic in Estalia.
-While Kings and Dukes may sponsor Battle Magi for their usefulness in battle, these beliefs are not shared by the common people. To them, Magi (and all magic users) are time-bombs just waiting to go off. These people sometimes take the law into their own hands, scolding, torturing, or even downright killing magic users (or those suspected of using magic… or rumored of using magic… or look like they might one day think about using - you get the idea). This happens in even the most cosmopolitan cities and regions, as the Estalians seeks to punish more harshly magicians within the law and through collective fear.
Priestess of Myrmidia
Mobility: 5
Training: 6
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Melee
The Priestesses of Myrmidia are the disciples to the goddess of war and attempt to praise their deity in all parts of their lives. The members of her order consider it a great honor and their sacred duty to fight alongside soldiers and to counsel commanders on matters both martial and spiritual. In Tilea and Estalia, the many orders of the Myrmidian Cult practice an array of different prayers, rituals, and rites that reflect the many aspects of the Goddess. In the Empire, where the Cult has less influence, prayers tied to Myrmidia's association with the art of war are most common.
The Order of the Eagle practices an assortment of prayers, with two primary camps found in Estalia. Some warrior priests perform tactical roles, leading units of men according to the dictates of their leaders, and learn prayers that aid them to do this. Others prefer to support the generals directly and memorize rites more appropriate for this role.
Offense: Spears, used as melee weapons, are the primary weapon. A short sword acts as a secondary weapon.
Defense: Large polished shields, usually depicted with an image of either Myrmidia or an Eagle. They also wear light Estalian armor under their robes. It's not as thick or heavy as a knights, but it is still of high quality.
Special: Divine Power: Priestesses can channel the Goddess' divine power to help dispel enemy spells. This relies on a combination of willpower and faith. The stronger those things are, the more powerful the magic they can dispel.
Special: Prayers of Myrmidia: All Priestesses known these three prayers:
-Command the Legion: The Priestess prays to Myrmidia to lend her strength to her words, and shout out her orders. The Priestess becomes an inspiring presence to those around her, as warriors listen to her orders and rally around her.
-Shield of Myrmidia: The Priestess blesses her allies with Myrmidia's protection. A divine barrier grants minor protection against non-magical attacks, and a medium strength barrier against magical attacks.
-Spear of Myrmidia: The Priestess' weapon becomes infused with the power of Myrmidia. This increases her physical strength, and grants her weapon armor piercing power, as well as making all future attacks magical.
Additional Factors:
-Blessing of Myrmidia: The Priestess has the keen insight of Myrmidia Herself (or so they claim). They are able to move much faster then normal people, allowing them to strike first in combat. They can confer this power to others for a few minutes via a prayer.
-Like many in Estalia, the Priestesses aren't all that fond of magic. However, they do have a good working relationship, and even respect, for Battle Magi that use the Lore of Light.
-The Priestesses spend much of their free time either praying or studying war and battle tactics.
Alter of Myrmidia
Mobility: 4
Training: 0
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Battlefield
An Altar of Myrmidia is a four-wheeled war altar, mounting a large standard and drawn by bulls. It is a rectangular platform on which the standard of Myrmidia and an altar erected with her statue. The Priestesses hold services on the altar before the battle, and the trumpeters beside them encourages the fighters to the fray.
In battle the Altar of Myrmidia is often surrounded by the bravest warriors in the army as guards, and it serves both as a rallying-point and as the palladium of the army's honor. Its capture by the enemy is often regarded as an irretrievable defeat and humiliation.
Offense: None, though it is pulled by bulls and surrounded by warriors and Priestesses.
Defense: It is surrounded by the bravest warriors and Priestesses of Myrmidia. It also seems highly resistant to magic.
Additional Factors:
-Acts similarly to a battle standard. Those that fight with it will stubbornly guard it against all threats.
-The Priestesses driving the bulls will often take the Alter as close to battle as possible.
-While it doesn't seem to have any supernatural powers, it does heavily increase the Estalian morale to be near it. Soldiers fight harder, Priestesses' faith is boosted, etc. They are better able to ward off attempts to affect their mind, so overcome are they by their faith and what the Alter represents.
Mobility: 5
Training: 6-7
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Melee
One thing Estalians dearly love is swordplay. Its cities sport many fencing schools, each with its own style. Many of these styles are descended from the teachings of Master Figueroa, a legendary swordsman who applied the latest scientific theories to his swordplay with spectacular results. Followers of the Figueroa style, known as Diestro, fight and duel across Estalia. Some grow bored with their homeland and seek excitement elsewhere, favoring Tilea and Bretonnia.
True Diestro devote a part of their lives to studying at the great fencing academies in Estalia. There, students are exposed to the most sophisticated sword fighting techniques known in the Old World. Many of these fencers go on to study at several different schools, learning the strengths and weaknesses of various disciplines. Through this comprehensive regime, Estalian Diestros develop astonishing speed and precision. They employ every trick imaginable - and some that often take enemies by surprise!
Offense: The sword, obviously, and they are extremely good at using it, having studied for years in a variety of styles. While there are countless dueling techniques that would take all day to discuss, there are three common ones that the majority of Diestro know:
-Rapido: A technique that focuses on speed
-Defense: A technique that focuses on defense
-Perforacion: A technique where the Diestro waits for just the right moment… then strikes a single, lethal, blow.
A Diestro will also carry a pistol at his hip, though he rarely uses it. It is mostly used in honor duels or when his opponent is to much of a coward to approach his blade.
Defense: The fanciest clothes money can buy usually. Some may wear light armor, but most believe the only true armor they need is their skill with the blade, and that none will be able to injure them lethally, so armor is pointless!
Special: Retinue: An experienced and reputed Diestro may be attended to by his own small retinue. Formal Diestro may have attendant physicians, an official second who issues challenges on his behalf and, for the truly self absorbed Diestro, even a biographer that documents the Diestro's life and most famous bouts to immortalize him in print.
Additional Factors:
-Face Me, You Coward!: Diestro are highly competitive, and will often issue challenges, and always accept them. They strive to be the very best (like no one ever was!), and defeat is hard to take for them.
-Arrogant: Incredibly haughty and arrogant, Diestro often look down on everyone, even their own peers. They consider themselves to be unappreciated legends in their own lifetimes.
-Diestro love to insult people.
-Diestro are highly skilled at fitting their blade through the weak points in enemy armor.
Royal Guard
Mobility: 4
Training: 7
Max Range: Several hundred yards
Preferred Range: ^^
The elite guards of the Estalian kingdoms, the Royal Guard are among the best of the military, armed with some of the best equipment available, they are trained rigorously. As a sign of their position the Royal Guard are often equipped with Estalian made handguns which are relatively rare.
These elites usually make up the castle guard of the many Kings and Dukes of Estalia, and they are excellent shots, cutting down ranks of heavily armored knights with thunderous blasts of their treasured weapons. More than one General has thought twice about charging a massed regiment of Royal Guard, as many fine men have been cut down in their prime by a fusillade of hot lead.
Offense: Arquebus: An improvement on the handgun, the arquebus is longer, more accurate and fires a heavier shot. Like the handgun, it fires using a matchlock mechanism, a smoldering length of rope as a fuse that ignites the gunpowder in the pan. The noise, smoke and lethality of this weapon cause fear in its targets. Although primitive compared to the Dwarf handguns, the arquebus is able to inflict considerable damage and panic at range, and can penetrate almost any armor.
Should an enemy survive the initial volley of shot and get close enough, the Royal Guards are more then happy to reward their efforts with their swords, of which they are expertly trained.
Defense: Heavy Estalian Plate Armor
Additional Factors:
-Stoic: Royals Guards never panic.
-Marksmen: Royal Guards are expert shots, able to hit even fast moving targets with their beloved gun.
Isabella Giovanna Luccelli - La Aguila Ultima, Head of the Order of the Eagle
Mobility: 6 (Flight)
Training: 6
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Melee
Isabella was born the daughter of a famed Merchant Prince in Tilea, and brought up with a very pious mother. From early on, she was taught the teachings of Myrmidia, and drank every word of it. Wanting to be closer to her faith and unable to withstand the corruption among the nobles of Tilea, she emigrated to Estalia at the age of sixteen, where she sought to become an Initiative of Myrmidia's church in Magritta. Isabella quickly rose to prominence among the priesthood of Myrmidia, despite the snarky remarks from the other Initiatives due to her Tilean heritage and so called "funny accent".
As a Priestess of Myrmidia, Isabella was part of the vanguard in a great battle against the Skaven, and was thought to have been killed in the fighting. She fell, alongside every other Sister in her regiment, but despite her defeat, it was said that she accounted for the deaths of dozens of Skaven during the battle. As Isabelle's body was reclaimed by her Sisters from the main army and set among the honored dead, they saw that life still lingered within her, and the light of one touched by the divine will of Myrmidia glowed within her eyes. Cleansing her body of the blood and filth of battle, the Priestesses were astonished to find that her body lay flawless before them. Astonished, the Priestesses declared that she must truly be blessed by Myrmidia, a sign that the Last Eagle had returned.
Isabella was given the title Head of the Order of the Eagle, leader of Myrmidia's church, whose previous grand master dutifully stepped down in her favor. She has been immensely influential in Myrmidia's cult ever since, a living saint whose holiness is reflected in the very air she breathes. The fact that Isabella is from Tilea, but has sworn faith to the temple in Estalia, has caused no small amount of controversy. She is currently seeking to calm the constant fighting between the faithful in Tilea and Estalia over the birthplace of Myrmidia. When heresy looms, Isabella can be found in the battle line, leading her devoted followers against the non-believers. With her magically enchanted eagle wings fluttering in the wind, some say she is Myrmidia herself reborn.
Offense: Sacred Sword of Vengeance: This sword was allegedly carried by Myrmidia herself until her death, and has been carried by the Head of the Order of the Eagle ever since. When wielded in combat, it gives off a blinding white light that makes the enemy unable to find their mark. This magically sword bypasses all earthly armors, and can wound immaterial beings. When used against the Undead or creatures of Chaos, it does twice as much damage.
Isabella can also use any power from the Inquisitorial Powers section at the beginning of this profile.
Defense: Blessed Cuirass of Myrmidia: Said to have been blessed by Myrmidia long ago, her symbol of the eagle can be found engraved on this magnificent shining armor with gold trimmed edges, protecting the wearer against harm. It is a heavy armor, but its enchantments make it so that Isabella is not overly hampered by it. The magical field of the armor deflects the majority of mundane attacks, and grants minor resistance to magic.
She can also fly.
Special: Light of Myrmidia: The Amulet of Myrmidia is a pure crystal set in a golden amulet, which is kept in a black velvet bag until needed. Exposed to sunlight, it gives off a blinding flash of white light.
Special: Divine Power: See Priestesses of Myrmidia
Special: Prayers to Myrmidia: See Priestesses of Myrmidia, however Isabella's are much stronger, have a wider range, and are much less likely to fail.
Additional Factors:
-A Living Saint: She is an icon to the people, a rallying point, and a beacon of faith. With her, Estalian troops will fight on no matter what, immune to all attempts to sway them psychologically.
-Blessing of Myrmidia: See Priestesses of Myrmidia.
Juan Federico - El Lider Glorioso, Grand Master of the Order of the Righteous Spear
Mobility: 4
Training: 8
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Never in all the years of the history of the Righteous Spear have there been a Grand Master as bloodthirsty and heartless as Juan Federico. He was born to a highly ranked noble family in Magritta's southern district. A heavyset boy, he was a scrapper from an early age, and while studying Warfare and Military tactics at university garnered quite a reputation as a pugilist of no small renown, before enlisting in the army where he soon rose to the rank of Captain.
History will likely remember Federico for his ruthless approach to command, but it was not always so. As a young man he was kind and charitable, famous for his rousing speeches. But the death of his wife during childbirth destroyed that man, and what remains is a shell of the vibrant young officer. After the death of his beloved Sofiá, Federico's temper emerged, stormy and wild. He grew more and more reckless, defying the odds time and time again as if daring death to take him. Yet he did not die. Luck seemed to be on his side and a succession of miraculous escapes and impossible victories started the rumor that Juan was blessed. In a well-publicized battle, he took a pistol shot to the chest, only to see it halted, inches from his heart, by his family necklace depicting Myrmidia's eagle. Federico took this as a sign that Myrmidia had grand plans for him, and he decided to dedicate his life to eradicating her enemies.
When he joined the Order of the Righteous Spear, he was characterized by little camaraderie and companionship, and harshly criticized the system as liable to his superiors when the Myrmidians would not obey their strict code. Over time, he brought together a group of Knights with the same shared ethics and values, and thanks to this select group he was making his way to the highest position of the Righteous Spear intent to eradicate the base that corrupted the weak order. After many years, he became appointed Glorious Leader, becoming the feared commander he is today. Juan Federico is now Grand Master of the Righteous Spear, and the person most feared and respected in Estalia in his determination to rid the world of heretics and unbelievers, at any cost. He has a firm grip on the order and is thought to be eyeing Araby once more.
Offense: Sword of Retribution: "This sword was forged by the pupils and descendants of Tomas with genuine steel. It is considered the recreation of the inert carrier, the handle cold but with a burning blade, this sword is the weapon of Juan Federico."
The sword magically increases Juan's strength, allowing him to use this large sword with a single hand, and swing it fast enough to deal several blows before his enemies can swing once. The blade also ignites when it is unsheathed, coating the blade in a magical fire.
Defense: Armor of Virtue: This full plate armor was blessed by the first Grand Master and is made of the finest Tobaran steel. It also bolsters the courage of the wearer, inspiring them to greater deeds.
Special: Eagle of Myrmidia: The Eagle of Myrmidia consists of a gold and bronze pendant hanging from the original, ancient emblem of Myrmidia. While it has no obvious magical effects, it has saved Juan's life on several occasions from attacks that should have by all rights killed him.
Additional Factors:
-Grand Master: He is the Grand Master of the Righteous Spear. He is afforded a great deal of respect and prominence due to his position. Knights of his order and regular soldiers alike greatly respect him and look to him on the battlefield. When he shows no fear, they show no fear. And Juan is basically immune to psychological manipulations or other attempts to manipulate his mind, so when he's around, his men are disciplined and at the ready.
-Hatred: Juan has a strong hatred for non-believers and heretics. He will hunt those down and destroy them, whatever the cost!
-Stubborn: Juan has a set of beliefs that he stands by no matter what. He will argue or fight for those beliefs, even if it puts his life in danger.
Santiago de Vivar - Champion of Estalia, Scourge of Araby
Mobility: 4 (5 on horseback)
Training: 6
Max Range: Battlefield (Morale Booster)
Preferred Range: Melee
During the invasion of the Arabians under the Sultan Jaffar, the King of Almagora became a legendary figure of resistance. In a land starved for heroes he would truly become one of the greatest of all Estalian figures and burn as brightly as a shooting star. Santiago of the House of Diaz had only been King of Almagora for a short time when the invasion happened. What followed would become the stuff of legends. From battle to battle, victory followed under the leadership of Santiago de Vivar, called "The Champion of Estalia" by his people, giving hope to Estalians in the struggle everywhere and inspiring fear into the hearts of the invaders.
Despite their victories, it was not enough, as the armies of the Sultan were too many. Slowly the Estalians were pushed back to the city of Almagora. In the fighting retreat near the city a poisoned arrow mortally wounded Santiago, and the doctors and clerics were unable to heal him. It took several days during which he lingered in great pain but eventually he perished from his grievous wound, giving the Arabians great hope that they would capture the city and the Kingdom. In his dying wish, Santiago instructed his generals to strap his body to his horse and he would lead them to victory once more.
At the final battle during the siege of Almagora the Estalians propped up the dead body of their leader and strapped him to his horse. The Estalians swung open the gates and sallied forth. Upon seeing the feared leader whom they thought that they had killed the Arabians broke and fled from the seemingly invulnerable warrior returned from certain death. The Estalians charged forth and won the day.
The resistance put up by Santiago de Vivar was vital for the survival of Estalia during the Arabyan invasion, and when all hope seemed lost, there was one man to claim victory for them, even in his death. Santiago was later made a saint in the Temple of Myrmidia, and is today seen as a national hero by all Estalians.
But now his people need him again. Santiago has risen from his slumber can come to join the armies of Estalia in its next great campaign!
Offense: Tizona & Colada: Won in combat from the Count of Gualazar, these swords were presented to Santiago as his prize. Their power depends on the wielder and it frightens unworthy opponents.
Defense: This heavy armor is considered a holy relic, and is said to have appeared to Santiago on the eve of battle, a gift from Myrmidia herself. It has shown itself to be able to magically deflect half the attacks that actually hit Santiago.
Additional Factors:
-Santiago will serve his people, even in death.
-People of Araby are rightfully terrified of this guy.
Grand Inquisitor de Hojeda - Head of the Tribunal of the Inquisition
Mobility: 4
Training: 8
Max Range: Estalia
Preferred Range: Behind the Scenes
The Inquisition is currently under the direction of Grand Inquisitor de Hojeda, a stern man in his late fifties with dark hair and an imposing, angular face. A radical traditionalist, he is fundamentally committed to a pure and devout Estalia. No one knows the extent of his reach or influence, but he is known as el araña, the Spider, and he does little to check the rumors of his Political brilliance. His ability to emerge unscathed from a political tussle is legendary, and under his guidance the Inquisition has vastly expanded its power base. His brilliance is tempered by ruthlessness, for he will not hesitate to make the first move, should he detect events beginning to move against him.
He has friends and favors owed throughout Estalia, and has carefully groomed many fanatical Myrmidians over the years, using his influence to see them installed in positions of power throughout the state. If de Hojeda has a weakness it is perhaps his arrogance, and his belief that Estalia is capable of standing alone against the storm that approaches. Fiercely proud, he would see the salvation of his country at the hands of outsiders, pagans, as a shameful failure. While he would have no hesitations about using someone to achieve his goals, he is at heart an honest and loyal man. However, his loyalty to his god and his office transcends any earthly concerns, as many have discovered to their cost.
Offense: See Inquisitor
Defense: See Inquisitor & Sacred Armor: This armor has been worn by many heroes of the Inquisition and over time it has been imbued with the spirit and strength of the wearers. It grants a powerful magic resistance.
Special: The Book of Wisdom: Guarded by the Righteous Spear during the wars against Araby, and it is believed, written by Myrmidia herself, the Book of Wisdom is a compendium on the ancient gods and earthly way to eternity. A scholar may have access to knowledge never revealed to the unworthy. With this book, de Hojeda can cast from the Lore of Light, but with the power to rival even the strongest wizards of the College of Light.
Additional Factors:
-See Inquisitors
-Burn the Heretic!: de Hojeda seeks to keep Estalia's faith pure, and he is quick to destroy anyone he thinks might be a heretic.
Francisco Cortez - Conqueror of the New World
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Melee
From the Conquistadors of Lustria emerged an experienced mercenary captain, the son of a minor Estalian noble, whose greed and cruelty knew no bounds. His name was Francisco Cortez, traveling the world and known for his time as one of the big newcomer among the captains of history. The governor of Plascia, an island port city in Lustria, began to fear the temper of the Conquistador, whom even led soldiers from the small coastal stronghold to open battle against the reptilian inhabitants of the jungle. The governor tried to demote Cortez and his loyal men to prevent the slaughter of the Estalian empire in the New World.
The news that the end of his plunder and conquest was near, Cortez made haste to reach the desired glory extolled him for the rest of his days. Upstream, the Conquistador army took the city ruins of Pahuax, the ziggurats and temple buildings in the city still wearing gold, causing the eyes of the warriors to shine with light and above all rejoiced at the Cortez leadership. But just as they put one foot in the holy city, the visitors were greeted by a rain of deadly arrows and the roar of beasts as big as the elephants of Araby. After a tough battle, Cortez and his men were forced to row back to rebuild and develop a plan to conquer the city. During that night, many of the Conquistadors fell ill because of the poison darts of the Lizardmen and panic began to spread among the troops due to lack of motivation, so Cortez was forced to cut off the retreat of his army by setting fire to the boats and galleons without the least sense of compassion. There was only one way to go home, through victory.
The next day, the Conquistador army went to do battle again, this time without being caught by surprise. The thunder of gunpowder weapons was scurrying back to the chameleon-like creatures of the trees, while the guns got a good account of the huge creatures and ruined the walls of the city. Pikes continued to advance to bring death to the streets of the primitive Lizardmen, while the horsemen gave no quarter to those who were in retreat. Finally, the survivors of the war could plunder at will and fill entire wagons with burnished gold, weapons and lavish costumes, and ancient objects that were imbued with magical power was taken back to Estalia where they Cortez and his men were greeted as conquering heroes. Once home, the majority of the members of the looting of Pahuax could buy large tracts of land and titles while Cortez was granted the rank of marshal.
However, not content with only the treasures of Pahuax, Cortez is now mounting more expeditions of his own to Lustria, to uncover the remaining treasures hidden deep within the jungles, and he will not let anyone stand in his way to get his prize.
Offense: See Conquistadors
Rapier of Quietude: Used for generations by Conquistadors loyal to the King of Bilbali this weapon has found its way into a number of land battles as well. It is a magical weapon capable of cutting through any armor.
Defense: See Conquistador
Special: Amulet of Pahuax: Found in the ruins of Pahaux, this enchanted pendant offers considerable protection to the wearer. It has been worn around Cortez's neck ever since his raid on the city. It grants him moderate regenerative powers.
Additional Factors:
-Greedy Asshole: This guy won't let anyone stand in the way of him getting the treasure he desires. He will kill anyone, his own men included, to get what he wants. He has no compassion.
-Any Conquistador in the Estalian army will likely defer to Cortez due to his experience and skill.
Don Lomente - Insane Gentleman Knight
Mobility: 4
Training: 6
Max Range: Varies
Preferred Range: Melee
No one knows the true identity of this individual, whether he is a noble or a commoner. He rides the countryside of Estalia seeking glory and to right wrongs and evil to slay. Not that this would be that uncommon in the World, except for the fact that Don Lomente tends to see evil monster everywhere he goes, especially when it comes to windmills.
Don Lomente is just that. He suffers from mad delusions and is quite insane. He fancies himself as a great knight of Bretonnian decent, roaming the countryside seeking wrongs to right and monsters to slay in the proper chivalric tradition.
The Don Lomente's hold on reality is tenuous at best. He lives in a dream world of his own making, one where he is King of a mythic land and he slays giants, dragons other foul creatures. Since he is so far gone the real world holds no terror for him. He does observe normal routines of life but on the battlefield his mind is filled with strange notions, a goblin may appear as a giant, a horse as a dragon and so on - perhaps he sees Daemons from the Realm of Chaos! As such Don Lomente cannot truly distinguish a true threat from a non-threat. In fact he has spent entire battles attacking defenseless trees!
Don Lomente's attire can best be described as comical. He wears a miss-mash of rusted and beat up armor all taken from different suits that he has presumably scavenged from battles. His attire is so absurd that he even has his own coat of arms on his ratty tabard and lance pennon.
No one is quite sure how such a ridiculous individual has not been slain on the field of battle, it is as if some great fate is in store for him and he will not meet his doom until then.
Offense: A random selection of weapons you've seen throughout this profile. Some of the things aren't even weapons, such as a bit of tree fashioned into a lance, or a butcher's cleaver instead of a sword. However, while his weapons may be strange or mismatched and worn, he is an extremely skilled fighter.
Defense: A veritable hodgepodge of rusted and beat up pieces of armor all taken from various suits he has presumably scavenged from various battles. In his mind, a barrel lid or a wheel counts as a well polished shield.
A more potent defense then, seems to be his bizarre luck. Despite being utterly nutty, he has never once died on the battlefield. He has faced giants, ratmen and heretics alike, and yet none have managed to kill him. Bullets and arrows wiz passed, and knives and swords are always just off their mark. Whether some god is looking out for Don Lomente is uncertain, but if they aren't stacking the deck in his favor, then he is one of the luckiest SOBs on the planet.
Additional Factors:
-Insane: Don Lomente is a lunatic whose actions have been known to make a Troll look downright brainy. Because of this no one in their right mind would willingly follow him. Thus, Don Lomente always fights alone. While his madness manifests in an infinite number of ways, the five most common are listed below:
1) Befuddled with the images that he is seeing, Don Lomente moves about randomly.
2) Confused by the conflicting images in his head, the madman stops and putters around in a befuddled state. He is so confused that he will not attack, even if he himself is attacked.
3) Still confused but less so Don Lomente's grip on reality is somewhat better now. He will still not move, but may attack anyone who attacks him.
4) The most common one, Seized by delusions of heroic do-daring, Dom Lomente launches himself forward in a random direction, waving his weapon about and attacking the first thing he's in contact with be it an enemy… or a tree… or a windmill… He will defend himself if attacked by a third party though.
5) The Mad King has a sudden moment of clarity, and is able to make sound decisions for a brief few moments.
Alonso Diaz de Mirajo - Captain of Estalia, Diestro Extraordinario
Mobility: 4
Training: 7
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Melee
Captain Alonso was born to a poor family in a fishing village that overlooks the tranquil waters of the Bay of Quietude. Gripped by a quixotic wanderlust, he enlisted in the military at a young age to see the world. Decorated for valor with the Order of Myrmidia an unprecedented three times, Alonso was finally promoted to Captain and a swift ascent through the ranks followed as he proved his ability time and time again under pressure, and he soon found himself commanding part of Magritta's Rodeleros.
Alonso is a charismatic man, easy to like and easy to follow, inspiring a stoic loyalty in his men to whom his dedication is unwavering. He famously refused to carry out an assault on the sea Fortress of Vern Navien. His reputedly swore: "Tell that idiota Grand Commander to come down here and use his eyes instead of cowering behind a hill pouring over week old intelligence like a scullery maid. If he does so he will see that we cannot take the fortress with the men we have, and thus I will not make the attempt. If he disagrees, he may accept my sword and my retirement from me, in person." The Grand Commander never appeared.
Alonso commands the total loyalty of his troops. He is patriotic to a fault, but his first thoughts are for those under his command. Alonso is audacious and bold, swift to attack, and his plans are noted for their elegance, sound tactical understanding, and breathtaking aggression. There is no fencer in all the kingdoms of Estalia able to match Alonso's handling of the sword. His state of constant guard when fighting lets him easily surprises the enemy when he launches the attack.
Offense: See Diestro
Sword of the Duelist: Long and elegant this magical sword is a masterwork of light fencing swords. It has a beautifully crafted basket hilt and hand tooled leather scabbard. He may well be the greatest sword fighter in all of Estalia.
Defense: See Diestro
Additional Factors:
-Patriotic to a fault, but he cares about his men more then anything.
-Very Audacious.
-His men are just as loyal to him as he is to them.
Maria de Salvo - Sister Assassin of the Order of the Eagle
Mobility: 6
Training: 8
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Right behind her target
Not much is known of Maria's past life before she became a member of the Order of the Eagle, and she does not speak about it - or anything else for that matter - having taken a vow of silence which value she keeps above anything else.
Maria is an enigma for those whom have seen her and lived to tell the tale, and her motives are completely unknown to all save perhaps the Last Eagle, whom she answers to without question or hesitation. Maria's dedication to the order is beyond compare, and the number of heretics slain by her blades is beyond counting.
Maria is the blade of the Order, sent to take out the most dangerous and best protected heretics in Estalia, be they man or beast. She is the nightmare of the corrupted nobles, as they can never know if or when she will come to claim their lives.
When the armies of Estalia go to war, Maria is sometimes sent with them, hidden among their ranks, and ready to strike as soon as an opportune target shows itself. More than one enemy general or wizard has felt his life come to a halt upon the end of her daggers.
Offense: The Eradicators: These two daggers were made on the order of the Inquisition as the final tools of judgement for the gravest of heretics. Piercing and corroding, they strike with inhuman speed, making the wielder a whirlwind of pain and death.
This pair of weapons is the ultimate weapon against heretics. They are magical, able to harm even the ethereal. They can pierce any armor, and are coated in a poison that can kill even undead (even mighty vampires) in a matter of seconds.
Defense: Not being seen, and her skill with the blade. Other then those, simply a thin robe and veil.
Special: Seal of Myrmidia: This stamp is usually used by Inquisitors that have faced evil Wizards and Necromancers many times, protecting the wearer from hostile magic. This gives Maria a minor resistance to magical attacks.
Additional Factors:
-Maria often hides among friendly units until she is ready to strike.
-Maria never speaks.
-Marked for Death: Once an enemy has been chosen as her target, she will hunt them to the ends of the earth. There is nowhere they can hide. Nowhere they can run. They are already dead, they just don't know it yet.
Morale: 85: They have the power of their goddess on their side, and they are fighting heretics! They will not back down!
Logistics: 75: A highly advanced empire, they can cultivate the land, ration supplies accordingly and last through long campaigns (they did in the past during the crusades with Araby).
Espionage: 20: They see the usefulness, but they lack the means. The best they've got are mountain bandits, but those aren't always reliable.
Discipline: 70: Well drilled and highly disciplined. To not be is to risk disgrace or annoying an Inquisitor.
Army Intimidation: 45: Humans who, despite being fanatically religious, are not all that intimidating next to most of the other armies around.
Reinforcement: Medium to High: For most, serving in the army is an honor, so there is rarely a shortage of troops. Some troops have lower numbers though, so it brings the average down.
-Social Classes: At the top of the social ladder are the Kings and Queens. They have any right they want. Below them are the Lords and Ladies. They have a fiefdom, and spend most of their time scheming and trying to further their influence. Next are the Hidalgos, the lowest of nobility (and often mocked by those above). They earned their title from some great deed. They don't start out with a fiefdom (though they can get one with scheming and assassination of rivals).
The priests of Estalia are not much different from those in the Empire or elsewhere in the Old World. They church of Myrmidia has the biggest influence and its main temple is in Magritta. Priests can often be found to work as advisers for the rulers. Some priests resemble more politicians and have lost touch with their cult a little bit. They can rarely be found in the churches, but are willing to use all of their influence to further the aims of their church, since they know that their power is just borrowed.
Below the priests stand the merchants and artisans. Some of these have as much influence as noblemen, but they are cautious to not overuse this influence for fearing to attract the attention of the higher classes. The peasantry is a social class that seems to be very similar throughout the Old World. They work hard and are poor.
Outsiders almost form a class of their own. Due to their exaggerated sense of origin, Estalians regard people from other parts of Estalia and especially from outside Estalia, to be untrustworthy, dishonorable and of bad character. They are looked down upon by almost any Estalia. It has happened more than once that a beggar who asked for a few coins scoffed his donator afterwards. On the other hand Estalians can prove to be friendly when they see any chances that they have get some advantages.
-Thieves & Criminals: Crime is not less a problem in Estalia, as it is elsewhere in the world. Some criminals form almost a parallel society, with their own jurisdiction, markets, taxes, temples etc. The most famous of these groups is "Orm's Court" in Magritta. The watch tries to ignore the problem at best and will only interfere when the criminals carry their problems out of their quarters. As long as they do not worry the nobility and influential merchants, they are tolerated.
Criminals have a strong sense of community. The worst crime in their eyes is treason and cooperation with the watch. This is because jurisdiction in Estalia in general is swift and harsh. Even misdemeanors are often punished by death or forced labor in the silver mines, which is nothing but an extended death sentence. Of course the nobility enjoys great privileges and is seldom prosecuted, left alone sentenced.
-Dueling: A complex legal system of formal duels was established throughout the Empire ages ago. Duelists are specialists in the lethal application of sword and pistol, hiring themselves out to safeguard the honor of others, though many of their kind come from the ranks of younger Nobles who duel for their own purposes. Duelists come in two varieties: happy-go-lucky devil- may-care swashbucklers who regard their exploits as a continuous adventure, and deadly serious fighters who wear their honor on their sleeves and are very quick to take offense at slights, imagined or otherwise.
Formal dueling has a very specific structure and complex set of rules governing its performance. Duelists must follow all these rules if they hope to avoid being branded common murderers, which means they must know the rules thoroughly. Because of this, the single most important organization for any duelist is a proper dueling school. All duelists belong to a dueling school, where they learn the rules and also practice their skills. Each dueling school has its own preferred fighting style and methods, and a good duelist can tell an opponent's school by watching him duel or even practice. Dueling schools also provide a place where nobles and merchants can go to hire duelists - the school takes a small commission for arranging the meeting and for guaranteeing the duelist is a professional and will behave accordingly.
They do not guarantee victory, of course. Many duelists also belong to dueling associations. These are less formal organizations, simply collections of duelists who share common interests and like to gather to compare stories, techniques, and tips. Most dueling associations only admit duelists from a single dueling school, and often rivalries spring up between different associations. The associations also provide opportunities to spar with other duelists, and some nobles prefer to hire through these organizations rather than going to the schools.
-The Cult of Myrmidia: The Cult of Myrmidia is easily the largest organized cult in the Old World. In Estalia and Tilea, nearly everything is influenced by her, for beloved Myrmidia is not only appealed to in times of war and injustice, but in all matters, especially those concerning revenge, honor, and art, three aspects of her mortal life that have many legends attached to them. This almost universal adoration of Myrmidia in the south is something that northern folk find very hard to understand.
Honor is central to the cult, as it is the guiding principle behind all Myrmidia's actions. In life, the Goddess followed a strict code that she called the "Rites of War," and she offered all her opponents the fair treatment that it afforded, even when they had proven to be treacherous in the past (which they often had). In kind, Myrmidians treat their opponents with respect, especially when they surrender, which is seen as one of the goals of a battle. The command structure is also central to her teachings, but there are several legends where the Goddess or her Shieldmaidens chose to do what was right, not what they were ordered to. Because of this, although most Myrmidians stick rigidly to orders, they readily ignore them if it will result in a betrayal of their honor.
Myrmidia also teaches her followers to master the art of war. As a woman, she was physically weaker than many of her opponents, so she learned how to best use her strengths, and cover her weaknesses. Unlike other war Gods, she focuses on avoiding unnecessary conflict through use of clever strategies. This is something that many soldiers favor, as few that have experienced the horror of war relish it; Myrmidians see it as prudent.
-The Inquisition: The Holy Inquisition is a special religious court, one focused on pursuing heretics, magicians, non-humans, Arabians - anyone can fall in one of these groups if it interests the Inquisition. It is a feared organization in all the places where it has jurisdiction. Nobody contraries it in public, although some nobles plot in the shadows against it. It is a dangerous game and more than once have a noble disappeared during the night. Even the Cult of Myrmidia fear to openly argue with it, instead giving a false public image of unity.
Although it is a powerful institution, it is far from achieving total control of the Estalian Kingdoms. The jurisdiction of the Holy Inquisition is limited to the more rural and poor kingdoms. Here their control on the people is amazing. They do not govern openly, but all the petty kings of the region rule with an inquisitor or have an adviser from the Holy Office. So they are largely puppet Kings with an obvious apathy towards the duties of government. The advisers and inquisitors usually allow the King to think that they are the actual ruler, until they deviate from the chosen path. In this case, the King will have to face the raw reality of the situation.
In the beginning the Holy Office could only judge followers of Myrmidia and only for witchcraft and religious matters. That is the official charter as it was stated by the cult of Myrmidia and the governors of those Kingdoms under its influence. When the Inquisition was founded it only had that jurisdiction, but its reach has grown since then. Nowadays the Inquisition can judge most citizens and for a variety of crimes. These extra crimes and sins primarily include bigamy, adultery, and reading books by non-human authors. Between them a large range of more appropriate crimes are judged by the Inquisition. These are sins like blasphemy, apostasy, heresy, witchcraft including unlicensed magicians or false believers and converts. These crimes are their main duty and the reason for the Inquisition's creation.
Another right of the Inquisition in some provinces, with the particular agreement and control of the Crown, is the moral and political censorship of ideas, books, pictures, music and all artistic expression. In these places, before a book is published or imported from foreign countries it has to be examined by an inquisitorial censor. This has the right to force changes in the writing, eliminate parts of the text and even forbid it completely, including it in the lists of banned books. Different kingdoms have very different lists. In some places these policies are applied retroactively and the censors have the power to examine private libraries. Despite the diligence of the censors their duties are made difficult by a lack of manpower, the ingenuity of the publishers and the use of the printing press. Writers and publishers use tricks to avoid censorship like printing in a neighboring kingdom or printing a first edition purged by themselves and then print the original text in the second edition. This last trick is one of the most successful because the censors usually only examine the first printing of a book.
The Process of the Inquisition itself starts with an accusation. Any citizen can make an accusation of heresy. Once made, the Inquisition will send people to verify the claims. If they find no evidence of guilt (a true rarity), the accuser must pay for the Inquisitions time with a fine. If (when) they find no evidence of innocence, the accused is arrested. They aren't told what exactly they're being accused of (save in the vaguest terms). Once arrested, all their assets (and their families assets) are seized. The accuser's name is kept secret to avoid the possibility of vengeance.
The accused has to demonstrate their innocence preparing a defense with the aid of a lawyer provided by the Inquisition itself. In the same way they can collect favorable testimonies but they have to wait until the inquisitors have finished their investigations, including an interrogation of themselves. This means that they usually have less time to prepare the defense, but at least the accused, after the interrogations, will have a better idea of what crimes and sins are imputed against them.
The most feared part of the process involves the extraction of evidence from the accused. If the accused deny their guilt during the first interrogation, they are tortured until they confess. The accused is given the chance to reject a confession obtained under torture three days after the confession. If the confession is denied, it is annulled - and the accused can be tortured again. Although torture is always applied in the presence of a physician, the accused is told that all the temporary and permanent damage and pain he'll suffer is his own responsibility. This is due to their refusal to confess and discharge their conscience. The frightened and half-alienated accused doesn't know the exact terms of the accusation; basically they have no idea of what charges they must confess. So they start a process of trial and error trying to get the charges right. Sometimes this is a short process, but with some of the more insidious accusations the accused can confess almost everything in order to put an end to the torture. All the "extra" self-accused crimes and sins are also judged in the same inquisitorial process. Once all the evidences from two sides are collected the process begins with the reading of the defense and accusation (in that order). After that the court deliberates in the named Faith Consultation and decides a verdict. Due to the confession being considered irrefutable evidence, those accused are rarely absolved.
There are four types of verdicts: Absolution (the rarest), Suspension (which is tantamount to exile), Defamation (the accused is found guilty, stripped of all their titles and worldly possessions, and doomed to a life of scorn by those around him), and Conviction (the most common, and almost always results in death. Those lucky enough to not be killed are sentenced to a life of hard labor in the silver mines).
In the privacy of their homes many Estalians recognize that the inquisitorial process is an excellent tool for eliminating rivals and enemies. The accused is arrested, humiliated by the crowd and his worldly goods confiscated just for starters. Even in the case that the accused is absolved he will always bear the stigma of having been investigated by the Inquisition. Watching from his anonymity the accuser smiles whenever he remembers that his well planned vengeance is completely free.
Estalians are leery of hiring foreigners to work for them, as they are usually heretics and not to be trusted. In desperate times they'll bite the bullet, but they usually break the relationship off once the crisis has passed. They will, however, try to convert as many people as possible to the Cult of Myrmidia.
Technology: High: Estalians will absolutely take technology to enhance their armies. The only exceptions would be those that are deemed heretical. What exactly constitutes heresy is hard to define, as each Inquisitor has his own ideas, but weapons that use a lot of magic, seem sacrilegious or evil or fulfill some other nebulous definition are likely to be excluded. That said, swords, cannons and other artillery, guns, explosives and the like don't meet that requirement, so they could take and modify those.
Wealth will be taken and given to the kings and the church, then trickle down to everyone else.
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