INTRO - The Hungry Horde
South-east of the Empire can be found the Moot, the land of the Halflings. Wishing nothing more than to eat, drink and be generally merry, the Halflings are a peaceful and pastoral people, but their bravery in defense of their homeland should not be doubted. When the time of need is great, every able Halfling muster to defend their homes against any would-be raiders trying to steal their pies!
Their armies are primarily made up of Halfling Militia, but they also bring their dangerous farm yard animals, friendly ogres, hot soup, murderous chefs, and angry wives with them, making them a small but dangerous foe to face! They may be small, but a Halfling at war can be a genuine threat, and those that don't take them seriously may not get a second chance…
The Halflings have several dedicated scouts, both on the ground and a flying one. They are experts at using their small size to sneak around their foes, spying on them. They are also very good at using the woods to their advantage. Thieves are especially good at sabotage. Enchanters can use magic to aid the Halflings in this category. Finally, Halflings are excellent diplomats, and can throw amazing parties with spectacular food, which is very helpful in winning friends with those that may not know them yet.
Mobility: 3
Training: 3
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: Bow & Arrow
Halflings are simple people. They live in balance with nature, working fields with adequate skill and using simple tools. Anything more complex than a water powered mill is unheard of. Though Halflings are an unwary lot, they are not immune to the darkness of war wrought by the enemies of Mankind, and so have formed a military militia of their own. Although they make for rather meager combat warriors, Halflings are excellent marksmen and wield a bow far superior compared to that of Men. It is due to this fearsome skill with the bow that Halflings are called upon by the Empire to provide troops for its army. But when threatened, the entire Moot can be quickly armed and very dangerous to know.
Offense: The best militia weapon is the bow and arrow. While certainly not elves, Halflings are still excellent shots, able to fire a rapid slew of well placed arrows into their foe. In place of a bow, a sling will also do in a pinch.
Of course, if the enemy gets up close, the Halfling can also use a sword, scythe, hand axe, or hoe (really, anything close to hand, typically items located around the farms).
Defense: Originally the Militia had to make due with just their every day clothes. Someone may be lucky to get leather. However, since being recognized by the Empire at large, refitted plate armor is now more readily available.
Special: The Wheatshield: "This shield is nothing more than a sheaf of wheat wrapped around some spare fencing wire, however it has become a symbol of all that is held dear in The Moot. The Wheatshield also features in the Imperial Heraldry of The Moot (although this in itself is nothing to be proud of). Imbued with the hope of its people, The Wheatshield is only wielded at the height of the harvest, when its year-old sheaf is replaced with the finest cut of the new harvest."
Despite seeming to have no magical properties, as a symbol, it is very meaningful to the Halfling who wields it. This Halfling will fight harder, and survive more deadly blows then those without it. It should be noted that not all Halflings have this shield, and those that do will cherish it.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: Due to their small stature and high agility, the Halflings can easily avoid incoming blows by dodging to the side or beneath the legs of their attacker.
-Unquenchable Appetite: Halflings enjoy nothing more than to eat. On an ordinary day a Halfling eats six meals a day, and once one meal is finished they immediately look forward to the next. The Halfling Militia has no less of an appetite than the civilian folk, and in order to fight effectively, Halfling regiments need, at least, a quick snack before they get stuck in a fight.
-Bravery: Halflings may not be the best around, but they can be brave to the point of insanity when it comes to defending their homeland. They often keep fighting against all odds, even when troops from other larger breeds have already been withdrawn from combat.
-Halflings are quite intelligent fighters (though most other races call them sneaky).
-Halflings can move about in the woods unhindered.
Vigilante Guards
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Within the Halfling communities, as in any human community, there must be individuals who ensure the safety of the citizens. These Halflings hold the rank of Vigilante Guard, and are highly regarded by the rest of their peers. A Vigilante Guard is the closest thing to a full-time-warrior among the Halflings. The Vigilante Guard watches the many gates and roads leading into the Moot, and collect tolls on caravans passing through. They are also there to deal with any highwaymen that are spotted by the Rangers
Offense: Swords and Hammers
Defense: As they are bigger than most Halflings, they can wear heavier armor. If the VG is acting as a lawman of a village though, he'll simply wear a stylish uniform of office.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Unlike other Halflings, the Vigilante Guards conduct themselves with military like discipline at all times.
-When not fighting, the Guards act as the Lawmen of Halfling villages.
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NO! Not the BEES! No, not the bees, Nooo! |
Beekeepers & Bee Swarms
Mobility: 3 (Beekeeper), 6 (Bees)
Training: 3 (Beekeeper), 1 (Bees)
Max Range: Thrown (Beekeepers), Stinger (Bees)
Preferred Range: ^^
Honey is a treasured resource in the Moot, as it is used to make everything from ale to pie. Over time the Halflings have learned to extract honey from wild hives without disturbing the bees and always leaving enough of the honey so that they can survive. But they have also learned to make their own beehives, which is especially useful to those Halflings engaged in honey trade.
At some point, a beekeeper noticed that bees could have potential used in battle. Since then, many of these beekeepers trap swarms of these insects in bags the night before the battle when the hive is asleep. The bees are then released at the foe where they swarm and sting them something horrible. Though weak individually, a whole swarm of angry bees can cause considerable damage.
Offense: Beekeepers have a sack of bees, and a small dagger. They aren't meant to be in combat for long; just long enough to throw their sack of bees and run. The bees, of course, have stingers. These small and angry swarms will crawl all over whoever gets in their way, creeping in through cracks in armor to get at the flesh inside, and sting it!
Defense: None, for the bees. The Beekeeper will have a beekeeper suit, but for the most part they'll throw their payload and run. That's their defense.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-If Bee Swarms are to be used, the Beekeepers will move ahead of the main force (to minimize the chance that their side will be attacked by bees).
-Bees are somewhat unpredictable, especially when mad. Once the bees are released, there's no telling what direction they'll go.
Lords of the Harvest
Mobility: 4
Training: 2-3
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
As ridiculous as it may sound, there are Halflings who are naturally brave (although they are rare indeed). These are the Lords of the Harvest, antisocial and immature young Halflings who are ever willing to charge headfirst into the fray, these young bucks whip their comrades into a frenzy, often resulting in total chaos amongst the friendly ranks. Despite the potential drawbacks, many Halfling armies tolerate these troublemakers because of the potentially beneficial effect they have upon their brothers-in-arms. Regardless of their social and military standing, all Halflings are willing to fight to defend hearth and home.
The Lords of the Harvest, as they call themselves, are gang members, often the sons of farm laborers. They are practiced swordsmen, who fight piggyback with one of them atop the other's shoulders. This not only enables them to bring more attacks to bear against the foe, but also means that there are more flailing little arms to defend against.
Offense: Swords, Axes, and Hammers. Since LotH fight piggyback style, this usually means there will be at least two weapons coming at the opponent, one high and one low.
Defense: Leather, A wooden Shield held by the one on top, or chainmail.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-LotH can whip friendly Halflings into a frenzy.
-LotH will fight dirty, and often go for the enemies weak spot in a fight.
-These Halflings are bizarrely brave, and will do anything to be like their childhood heroes and legends. Even missing meals!
Reaper & Shearer
Mobility: 5
Training: 3
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
One of the most common professions within The Moot is farming. The nigh unlimited demand for food means that this profession is stable and profitable. Although the Halflings are often seen as lazy by ignorant foreigners, they are both stubborn and determined. These Halfling farmers are notoriously stubborn, willing to fight off the most terrifying of foes to defend their pastures.
On the battlefield, it is easy to recognize the farmers, as they will be armed with all manner of outlandish farming tools and pitchforks, and they will stink of livestock even more than other Halflings. When the farmers go to war, they invariably bring the battle plow with them. These contraptions are as deadly as they are bizarre, drawn by a pair of bulls and dragging behind a huge bladed plow. For the most part they are designed for cutting wheat, but they are equally at home cutting off heads!
Offense: Aside from the battle-plow (which can slice through or crush those unlucky enough to be caught in their path), there are also the bulls' horns to worry about. Farmers will have pitchforks, scythes, axes, hoes, garden shears, and any other random weapon at hand.
Defense: None. The Battle-Plow are made of metal and wood, and the Farmer wears his work clothes.
Special: Sheep Dog: The loyal sheep dog often accompanies his master into battle. At his masters command he will protect the farmer, or savage his enemies. They will never run to far from their master.
Special: The Reaper Scythe: This fearsome implement of slaughter glows with baleful energies. Where once it was a mere tool of the harvest, it was this scythe that found the neck of the Orc Warboss Grubgutz and saved many Moot dwellers from the terror's of the Orc's invasion. Since that day, the scythe has passed from wielder to wielder, unerringly seeking the throats of enemy generals and warlords.
Additional Factors:
-Farmers don't like to be away from their fields for to long (unless a strike is going on), so for them to participate will require a battle to be important.
-Farmers are hard working and diligent, no matter what they are doing. They are highly disciplined for Halflings, even on the battlefield.
-Farmers are naturally very good at cultivating land. If the Halflings get there hand on some fields, they can have farmers start growing food.
Moot Ogres
Mobility: 3
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Nobody knows why, but Ogres and Halflings seem to gravitate towards each other. Perhaps it's their shared love of good food, perhaps it's something else, but whatever the reason, the two races just get on. The Moot has a sizable population of Ogres, and most village elders have one or two Ogre bodyguards. Although they me seem like a bit of an odd pairing, Ogres are often lured from the hills by the opportunity to sample the local delicacies of the Moot. If Elders ever need protection then the Ogres are the ones to call upon to provide that extra bit of brute force and muscle!
When the Halflings march to war they will often bribe the local Ogres with food and promise of a good scrap to come along. They will form up with Ogres from other villages and generally have a good time eating and smashing things all the while keeping an eye on the army's Chefs. Ogres may be a little slow witted, but they are smart enough to know who makes the best food.
Offense: Large claymores, Massive Warhammers, or Clubs with spikes in them. Because they often protect important people in Moot, they get the highest quality weapons. Even when serving in war, they have good weapons, as they provide much of the muscle for the Halflings.
Defense: High Quality and Decorative Plate armor. Reasons why above.
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Sling
Preferred Range: Sling
To outsiders, the Moot looks like a safe and happy land. The extent to which that's true is due to the Fieldwardens. These Halflings patrol the borders of the Moot, keeping away threats and unwanted outsiders. They are skilled skirmishers who use their intimate knowledge of the Moot to maximum advantage. They prefer to attack from ambush, using their superior skill with missile weapons to neutralize the size advantage of their foes. Since the Moot shares a border with Sylvania, the Fieldwardens have particular expertise in dealing with the living dead. More than one horde of zombies has been brought down by a fusillade of sling stones from determined Fieldwardens. Even during times of peace these Halflings patrol their lands, slings forever ready as they stroll through field and copse.
Offense: The primary weapon of the Fieldwarden is the sling. They are highly trained with this weapon, able to hit moving targets with unerring accuracy. They can take down a zombie with a single stone! Should an enemy get to close though, they have a sword for CQC.
Defense: Chainmail when they expect trouble, leather all other times.
Special: The Wheatshield: See Vigilante
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Experienced against the undead.
-When not attached to a border patrol, a Fieldwarden's primary responsibility is to simply walk about the community and present a friendly and visible presence. Other times, the Fieldwarden is called upon to fill just about any job imaginable, from mending fences to helping at harvest time.
Mobility: 5
Training: 3
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
When tilling their fields, Halflings use rams as draft animals for their plows, and when it comes to carts use small donkeys, which is a more manageable animal. However, some of the wealthier Halflings can afford to buy a pony, and within these Halflings are a few who use them as mounts; either as a way to flaunt their wealth, or because one of the delusions of the Halfling is to become a brave knight who will come to the aid of damsels in distress and fight terrifying monsters, always in the defense of the poor and destitute. Luckily for them, not many Halflings have these ideas. These individuals are often inducted into the ranks of the Hobilars, or else are employed by Imperial tax collectors. In times of need these cadres ride out alongside their footslogging countrymen; bows in hand and a hearty breakfast in their guts!
Offense: Bow & Arrow, though it is very difficult to shoot from pony-back. Some use short swords, or spears to use in a charge.
Defense: Hobliars trust in speed to avoid most danger. However, those with delusions of knighthood (and those that can afford it) will cover themselves is refitted plate armor. Those who can't will cover themselves in pots and pans, haphazardly attempting to copy their idols.
Additional Factors:
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Messengers: With great distances separating the important cities and castles of the Empire, Hobilars are an indispensable means of communication. Nobles, Merchants, and military commanders all make extensive use of Hobilars as messengers.
-Charge…? : The physique of the Halflings would advise them to not sit on anything that moves more than a rocker. Unfortunately ponies are animals that, due to their short legs, do not maintain a very steady trot. That is why the Halflings have the horseback riding style of a sack of potatoes. Although they have learned to be secured and maintain a balance on their mounts, the back of a pony is not a place where a creature with plump belly and short legs will stay on for very long. Indeed, it has been witness on a few occasions where a Hobliar lost his balance, and was forced to chase after his own mount.
Hound Riders
Mobility: 5
Training: 4
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: Bow & Arrow
Henrick Tuffle was a proficient pony rider when his neighbor started breeding a larger guard dog called Hounds. Henrick help in the raising of the Hounds and they inherently trusted him. When an Orc raiding party entered the Moot he was not near his trusty pony, but was tending the Hounds. He knew he was needed to combat the threat so he grabbed a bow and quiver, mounted the largest Hound and traveled in the direction of need. Henrick arrived quickly and practically flew to the back side of the oncoming units and let loose a hail of bow fire. The enemy was stunned that they were being attacked in the rear, but as soon as they turned to see who was there, Henrick and the Hound had already moved and was shooting them from their flanks. The Orcs were so spooked by this "sorcery" that their line broken and ran. The Halflings that saw Henrick were all mighty impressed and wanted to see this new breed of dog. His neighbor was happy too, because it opened a new use for his Hounds.
Offense: The rider has a bow and arrow that they are experts in use. The hound has teeth and will bite enemies that get near.
Defense: Neither dog nor rider wear armor, as they can't risk weighing themselves down. They must rely on speed to avoid harm. The dog will protect its rider if enemies get close.
Additional Factors:
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Often act as scouts.
-Hounds are incredibly loyal to their riders, staying with them even when doing so may cost them their life.
Swan Riders
Mobility: 6 (Flight)
Training: 4
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: Bow & Arrow
Even since the dawn of their creation, there have always been those Halflings who've dreamt of flying. While most sensible Halflings would rather keep their feet on their ground at all times, this did not stop the odd eccentric from attempting to brave the skies. Naturally, the first of many attempts would be less than successful, as Halflings have tried everything from "gravitational brews" to simply flapping their arms really fast. It would take the mind of Hamwise Cornwood to come up with the idea of actually using the birds they were trying to mimic as mounts, a safer (although not by much!) and above all, possible means.
Even so, finding the right bird to carry the weight of a Halfling, small as they might be, wasn't all that easy. Hamwise eventually settled for the majestic swans living in the Moot's many ponds. Though this was easier said than done, for swans are fickle creatures, and possess quite the nasty temper to go with it. It took many weeks and many bites until he finally succeeded in his endeavor and managed to tame (relatively speaking) a swan that would allow him to ride it without biting his nose off.
His successs quickly spread across the Moot, and soon others were copying his methods. In time, Swam Riders became a, while not common by any means, visible presence in the Moot's forces.
Offense: The riders will have a bow and arrow. The Swam is unarmed, but is so ornery it may attack anyway. It's wingbeats are strong enough to break unarmored bones, and it bites.
Defense: None, as neither can risk the weight.
Additional Factors:
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Swans are easily angered, and will viciously attack whatever has earned their ire.
Ram Riders
Mobility: 5
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Merradoc grew up in the Empire and always admired the way the Knights were respected by the citizenry. He tried several times to join one of the Knightly Orders, only to be rejected. While traveling around with his cooking supplies with his trusty old goat Matilda, he came across the place of an Orc ambush. At first unsure what to do, seeing an Orc steal the armor off a fallen knight he steeled his resolve, and charged forward on Matilda, swinging his heavy iron skillet. The Orc, so shocked to see this Halfling charging at him, simply was not ready for the smash of the skillet onto his head. The Orc fell dead on the spot, and Merradoc, filled with courage (and quite a bit of ale), charged the two closest Orcs, killing them while they were still stunned from the sight of him.
The few remaining Orcs ran and started telling of a small daemon that attacked them with no mercy. Upon returning to the Moot he was laughed at by some but the rumors of his courage had already began to spread. Merradoc used his new-found notoriety to gather fellow glory seeking Halflings to his side, and they soon founded the Order of the Ram, in honor of his goat Matilda.
Offense: Heavy Skillets are the most common, with large meat tenderizers coming in second. A minority will use spears, lances, or swords, attempting to copy the Empire and Bretonnian Knights. These are in a minority.
The Ram itself has a set of horns and a powerful charge.
Defense: Plate Armor, if they can afford it. Most rework pots and pans to fit their frame and use those. This also applies to the ram.
Additional Factors:
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-The Ram Riders act as the heavy cavalry for the Halflings.
-Despite Halflings tendency for rudeness, the Order of the Ram try to replicate the chivalrous nature of Empire and Bretonnian Knights.
Best I could find, there are no illustrations of this weapon that I could find |
Hot Pot
Mobility: 2
Training: 3
Max Range: Catapult
Preferred Range: Catapult
The Hot Pot catapult is a bizarre piece of artillery, with a history at least as peculiar. Suffice it to say, it involves a Halfling cook under Goblinoid attack, some leftovers and a rudimentary knowledge of ballistics.
Originally a desperate innovation, the Halfling Hot Pot has now become something of an institution amongst Halflings. The Hot Pot is exactly that, a pot of boiling liquid hurled at the enemy's ranks, burning, scalding and even dissolving the foe. The ingredients which make up the special stew are a closely kept secret and vary from chef to chef, although it is known that the most important and abundant ingredient is pepper. At a push boiling oil on its own will do the job, but a typical mixture has corrosive properties and is sticky so that it adheres to exposed flesh.
These contraptions are a common sight among Halfling armies. They are welcomed by the Halflings and doubly hated by their foes, and for good reason!
Whilst any normal Halfling would disagree with such a waste of good soup, it is undeniable that the results are worth it to bolster a needy battle effort.
Offense: See Description
Defense: Minimal: The base is a wooden catapult like structure. The pot itself is iron. It is guarded by Halfling warriors.
-Slow to fire
-The contents of the Hot Pot are often sticky, adhering to flesh and armor, so those exposed will have a hard time getting the burning, melting contents off of them.
Elders & Sheriffs
Mobility: 3
Training: 4
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: Bow & Arrow
Halfling communities tend to be small villages, nominally headed by an Elder. A Halfling Elder is the bravest, toughest and obviously fattest Halfling in the army. Girth is as greatly respected by the Halfling people, as is skill with the bow, their principle weapon. There may be more than one Elder present at any given time, but only one will actually hold the position of "Elder", which is the general of the army. The holder of the title is the one who commands and coordinates the defense of the Moot and the guards. The small army will be usually be commanded by the leader of a village, a Mayor, or a Halfling popular with their neighbors. When the whole Moot should mobilize to repel an invasion, the Elders themselves can lead the troops.
Offense: The Bow. The prized weapon of the Halflings. While they may not be elves, a Halfling can often show up his human counterparts with this weapon. Elders are especially deadly with the weapon.
Defense: Elders will be at the back of the battlefield, away from harm. They will have chainmail armor, and a retinue of guards (usually Moot Ogres).
Special: Variant: Sheriffs: The Sheriffs are local leaders within the Moot, often former toll guardsmen or forest rangers. Their responsibilities range from mayoral duties to policing disputes and crimes. Other Sheriffs spend most of their time in the Empire training with the men. When they return to the Moot, they function as unit commanders beneath the general, and they will elect from their close knit group his replacement when one is needed. In times of crisis the local Sheriff is responsible for organizing the local defense and insuring the evacuation of the women and children. Most of their time however, is likely spent sleeping or drinking ale near the local inn.
Special: This weapon changes hands quite often (whether through inheritance, loosing it in a bet, or flat out stealing it), but is most commonly found among Halfling Elders. The Bow of Apple Oak: This much renowned weapon is reputed to have belonged to Daergal Corngold; a notoriously foul tempered and territorial farmer with great crafting skill and a habit of opening fire upon anyone who so much as set foot in one of his fields. This ancient bow is said to have been constructed from the boughs of a great Apple Oak Tree plucked from a legendary apple orchard said to be infused with raw magic! Arrows fired from this bow are enhanced magically, allowing them to pierce armor and harm specters.
Special: The Wheatshield: See Vigilante
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-While they may be the commanders of armies, they tend to have less experience then the commanders of other Empire armies. They are, however, experts at using the Moot's terrain to their troops' advantage.
-Commanders are not above reaching into their coffers to buy assistance from foreigners if it means saving their people and homeland.
-Commanders are well known for their rousing speeches, inspiring their troops to fight even in hard conditions.
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Battlefield
Halflings are very resistant to magic and it is difficult for them to progress in the arcane arts. Nevertheless, and contrary to the Dwarves, Halflings are fascinated by everything that surrounds the wizarding world. Though their resistance makes it difficult to control magic, those that do can go on to do great things.
The Grand Enchanters are the most powerful magic users in the Moot. By adapting some of the common spell learned at the Collages of Magic in Altdorf these magic users can be experts in the making of fireworks displays, dealing with sick livestock and animals to performing illusions for anyone who can afford their services. Although skilled in the Winds of Magic they rarely become as talented or well versed in its uses as the great mages of the other races. Enchanters are lower ranking magic users who lack the knowledge and skill of the Grand Enchanters.
Offense: A Grand Enchanter can use the mid-level spells of a lore with little difficulty, but would struggle with the higher level spells. An Enchanter can use the minor spells of a lore with little difficulty, but struggle with mid-level spells, and couldn't perform high level spells at all.
Whether they be Grand or Plain Enchanter, they will know the spells to ONE of the following Lores: Fire, Beasts, Heavens, Light, Life, or Shadow.
They will also have a sword at their hip, and possibly a bow & arrow.
Defense: Thick Robes, beneath which they'll wear leather armor. Some can conjure magical shields to protect them.
Because of their resistance to magic, they are much less likely to be harmed by enemy spellfire. While they still can be, it takes more to hurt them.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Because of their innate resistance to magic, it is harder for Grand Enchanters and Enchanters to cast spells. However, it is easier for them to dispel the spells cast by others.
-A Wizard can often earn himself a free meal and a night at an inn if he agrees to put on a show for the mesmerized Halflings.
-Halflings try to avoid becoming dependent on magic. As such, Enchanters & Grand Enchanters will carry weapons to battle, and fight like normal soldiers if they think that would serve better then magic.
-A Halfling using magic to win at contests (especially growing or baking contest) is likely to be chased out of Moot as a despicable evil and a cheat.
Master Chefs
Mobility: 4
Training: 3 (in terms of combat. If it comes to training with food, easily twice as much, if not higher)
Max Range: Thrown Weaponry
Preferred Range: With their food
In times of war, the cooks act as "morale officers", for every Halfling knows that whilst his cook lives, he will feast well after the battle. For this reason, cooks will often accompany the Halfling armies to battle, cheering on the efforts of their comrades and keeping the armies well stocked with trail rations and Halfling ale.
No Halfling army is complete without its own cook to supply it with hearty meals, interesting stories, and unparalleled war machine support. Always on the search for the best Oxtail soup recipe, the Chef will often join his brethren in battle, as that is yet another chance to try and create a culinary masterpiece. Any wise Halfling Elder will persuade a Master Chef into joining the army. The more food the Chef cooks, the better the Halflings fight!
Offense: A large cleaver or meat tenderizer. Occasionally a large rolling pin. Several knives (cutting, steak, bread), may also be thrown with deadly accuracy. In CQC they are able to use their blades with unsurpassed speed.
Defense: None, though a Chef will be protected by the Halflings around him. No Halfling would be able to live with himself if they allowed the Chef to die! They may also be protected by Moot Ogres, who love a good meal almost as much a the Halflings.
Special: Stew Pot: No self respecting chef would turn up to battle without a pot of stew! With the stew they bring the most exclusive spices there are. The result of the aroma they can conjure up inspires their fellow Halfling to stronger, if not great, deeds. Interestingly enough, different spices seem to affect Halflings in different ways. Chili-pepper makes them faster, Rosemary makes them more stubborn, Coriander improves their reflexes, and Cumin makes them tougher. Of course, there are unlimited combinations of spices a chef may utilize in battle… so long as it doesn't ruin the taste of the stew, of course.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Bow & Arrow
Preferred Range: Bow & Arrow
Not so brave Halflings may seek to avoid the brutalities of close combat by becoming bowmen, and such is their dedication to saving their own skins that many such individuals become highly skilled, and dare it be said, dangerous soldiers. Halflings are experts of the forests and have an extraordinary ability to move quickly and without making any noise in the interior of any forest. This gives them a tremendous advantage over their enemies to fight in forests, despite their small stature. Some of the people of the Moot become even more gifted with the bow than their fellows, and so become Rangers.
Offense: The Hunting Bow, of which they are incredibly deadly. A dagger, for CQC engagements, though most rangers seek to avoid such a scenario.
Defense: Normal clothes, colored to match their surroundings. Rangers' best defense is staying far away from the enemy, or blending in with their background completely.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Will act as scouts, and harassing enemies.
-Expert foragers.
-Highly skilled trackers
-Masters of camouflage.
Mobility: 4
Training: 2
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Halfling women folk are not to be messed with. They are uncannily strong, they unerringly hit the mark when there is a punch to be thrown and, due to years of child rearing and housework, are incredibly tough. Equipped with rolling pins, ladles, frying pans and other various kitchen equipment, Housewives pack quite a punch and are not the kind of people to be trifled with. Wherever there's a home and a family to protect, you can count on finding a strong housewife to defend it. The sight of one of their men folk being killed is enough to drive them into a frenzied bloodlust, so beware a woman's wrath!
Offense: See Description
Defense: None
Special: Washing Line: A Pair of housewives can hold each end of a washing line and run through a battlefield, knocking people over and getting them tangled up in the lines.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Seeing their husbands, children and friends getting injured is enough to fill these women with a bloody fury. In combat, they are often more vicious then the menfolk.
Mobility: 5
Training: 5
Max Range: Right Up Close, with their hand in your pocket
Preferred Range: ^^
Halflings are well known for their nimble feet and even nimbler fingers. While many follow their fathers and turn their dextrous skills to works of craft many also find themselves drawn towards the danger and excitement of stealing. They also find themselves very popular with certain organizations, such as the Thieves Guild and the local Watch patrol.
As can be expected, the speed and agility of Halfling Thieves has been noted by many of those who seek their fortune delving into abandoned Dwarf Holds and performing mighty deeds in dungeons. Halflings make excellent bait for monster traps and are usually quick and lucky enough to escape once the monster has fallen for the trap. Their diminutive size allows them to be pushed through sewers, under badly fitting gates and into rat infested nooks and crannies.
Offense: Knives, but a Thief isn't meant for prolonged combat. They'll only fight if they get caught in the act… and most are skilled enough that that's not an issue.
Defense: None, as it wouldn't do to weigh a thief down with armor. Their true defense is not getting caught.
Special: Variant: Cat Burglar: Cat Burglars see themselves as a cut above the common thieves and footpads. The Cat Burglar's art requires observation, planning, and impeccable timing. A well-executed theft may not even be detected for months, by which time the Rogue is far away. Most Cat Burglars are members of a Thieves' Guild, though some defy the odds and go it alone. Such lone wolves must elude both the law and the guild; a dangerous game to be sure.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-While it's rare to see a Thief willingly enter a combat scenario (they prefer to work outside the battlefield), those that due will cause much havoc for the enemy. Their small size, speed, and deft fingers allow them to pick the pockets of everyone they pass. Enemies find themselves missing their knives, their arrows, their enchanted amulets, etc. Of course, those that catch the Thief in the act rarely see any humor in the Thief's actions, and they'll have to leg it or be killed for their attempt.
Master Thieves
Mobility: 5
Training: 5
Max Range: Varied
Preferred Range: With their hand inside your pockets
For some Halflings, the relaxed and easy-going lifestyle that is commonplace in The Moot is not enough. These Halflings more often than not band together and go out into the world together as mercenaries. For some of these rogues, however, the life of a mercenary contains too many perils for a young Halfling, and so they become thieves and vagabonds within The Moot. Those Halflings who become skilled at this line of work are known as Master Thieves due to their ability to lift the wallet from a target apparently without so much as a touch. If one of these Halflings bumps into you in a tavern, check your pockets!
The elite of the Thieves Guilds the Old World over, Master Thieves are the undisputed masters of breaking and entering. When war threatens the Moot many rouges have been known to be overcome by patriotism; briefly letting valuables sit safe as they rush back to defend their villages. Although officially criminals, these burglars often find support amongst the Mootfolk, especially when good fighters are needed to defend the lands. In times of war, Master Thieves often go to battle hidden within the ranks of other Halfling units, waiting for the opportunity to rid the opponent of any magic items they may be carrying. Whilst the price of recruiting such individuals can be higher than expected, it is usually worth the trouble for the effect it has upon the enemy.
Offense: Whatever weapon the squad they are hiding in would use. Personally they may have a small dagger.
Defense: Whatever defense the squad they are hiding in would use. Personally, Master Thieves best defense is never being caught. By the time someone knows that something was stolen, they tend to be long gone.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Master Thieves will make it a point to 'liberate' as many magical items as they can from the enemy. The more important a unit looks, the more likely they are to have the Master Thieves going through their pockets when they aren't looking.
Pantry Guards & Chuck Wagons
Mobility: 3 (Wagon), 4 (Pantry Guard)
Training: 5 (Pantry Guard)
Max Range: Battlefield (Chuck Wagon), Melee (Pantry Guard)
Preferred Range: ^^
Halflings value their food more than anything. As a way to motivate the troops, and reward them on the spot for bravery, it is not unusual for a rations wagon to be brought forward. The smell of fine food and smoking weed radiates from the wagon, pushing all nearby Halflings to 'get it over with' so they can sit down to one of their fine meals afterwards.
Not surprisingly, the Chuck Wagon is one of the biggest attractions of the whole army. In many cases, the presence of the cart is more inspirational than the general himself. As the Halflings are aware of this, if a village should be prepared for a battle, the Mayor of that village prepares a Chuck Wagon with the best food available. It is also quite common for a Master Chef to be in charge of the cart, and for the town's inn to offer to provide all food (in order to increase their fine establishment's reputation, more than anything). The greater the Cook, the greater the effect the food has on the Halfling troops.
The Panty Guard protect the Chuck Wagon with their lives, for they take great pride in their work as chefs. And besides, should the army's supply get lost, then what is a Halfling to do after the battle? That thought alone is enough to make any Halfling fight harder than he has ever fought in his life!
Offense: The Pantry Guard are armed with cleavers and hammers, and are strong enough to cut through lighter armor, or smash a head like a melon with a single swing. The Wagon itself is pulled by a Auroch, a large wild cattle. It's long horns can be used to gore people. The Wagon can also charge into battle, rolling over and crushing people.
Defense: The Wagon is made of wood. The Aurochs have no armor. The Pantry Guard will wear some plate armor. The Wagon will be protected by the Pantry Guard foremost, and all other Halflings second, and Moot Ogres third.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-The Sight of the Wagon is highly inspirational to a Halfling. The smell of the food it contains gives them a will like iron. They will hold their ground against impossible odds, and withstand any foe to protect the wagon. To see the Wagon Destroyed will fill the Halflings with incredible hatred to whoever did the deed, and that unit is not likely to leave the battlefield alive.
'Kathleen' Half Tank
Mobility: 1
Training: 4
Max Range: Artillery
Preferred Range: Artillery
A gift to the Halflings from the Elector Count of Averland the year 2502, in return for the Halfling's "services" during the battle against the Feastmaster tribe. The Kathleen is a war engine based upon the designs for the steam tanks that have served the empire well in recent years. The Kathleen was originally a steam tank prototype, but due to a careless (and catastrophic) miscalculation, the vehicle was constructed on the wrong scale to be of any use to any man alive, and as such any illusions of true generosity the Halflings may hold are more myth than reality. Tasked with the eventual disposal of the Kathleen, the agitated count gave it to the Halflings, his dictation to his emissary being; "Tell those half-formed, good-for-nothing runts that this is a parting gift, and to get packing or lost somewhere out of my sight".
Fortunately, the emissary in question was possessed of somewhat more of a skill with words, and after employing a little tact, the eventual message that reached The Moot was; "A gift from the most grateful Elector Count, in repayment for your assistance in those most dark of times".
Unbeknownst to that faithful emissary, he had almost certainly saved the Empire from another year of strikes and refusal of taxes…
Since that day the Kathleen has been proudly tended to by The Moot's eternally grateful inhabitants. Several useful 'additions' have been made to make it slightly more homely, including the introduction of a soup cannon in place of the original armament. The peoples of The Empire are happy to allow the Halflings to continue their illusions of heroism. After all, it is better to tolerate a bit of nativity than to suffer province-wide strikes.
Offense: The Soup Cannon: Kathleen comes equipped with a Hot Pot artillery cannon.
Defense: Heavy Steel Plates
Additional Factors:
-Nearly Irresistible Force: Kathleen is incredibly slow to get going, even by comparison to other Steam Tanks. However, once Kathleen gets going, builds up steam, it's a practically unstoppable force. It can plow through entire regiments, smashing aside heavy units, and knocking down walls.
-Kathleen is a rallying point for the Halflings, a reminder of their contributions to the Empire. When Kathleen is in sight, Halflings will fight harder.
Hisme Stoutheart - Elector Count / Elder of the Moot
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Curiously, even the Elder of the Mootland, the leader of the Halflings, has earned the right to vote in the election, due to the Halflings` contribution to Imperial cuisine! He is the sole non-human Elector and spokesperson for the Moot (and by extension, all Halflings in the Empire). However, the current Elder of the Mootland, Hisme Stoutheart, is more interested in the timing of his next meal than political intrigues.
A properly fat Halfling of eleventy-one years, Hisme is the prime Elder of the Mootland in his role as mayor of Eicheschatten, the capital of Mootland. Even at this very prestigious position, he has a very relaxed opinion towards governing, instead preferring to let things sort themselves out if possible, and only intervening when absolutely necessary. And even then, situations more serious than who ate whose pie or loud neighbors are a rare sight. However, he has in the past been one of the driving forces for bettering the conditions of Halflings within the Empire. For instance, Halfling students are now admitted to Universities on sufferance, due to an obscure piece of Imperial Ordinance demanded by the Hisme many years ago. He might not be popular among the other Electors, but that doesn't stop him from voicing his demands!
When the Moot is in danger, Hisme isn't slow to act. While he may be of considerable age, he is as spry as he ever was, and nobody better dare to argue with him on that! Cladding himself in the uniform of his office, he draws his magic blade and shield, ready to protect his people from harm when needed - preferably before lunch time.
Offense: Foe Slayer: A weapon from ancient battles against the goblins, Foe Slayer is perfectly suited to slaughter hordes of enemies. The magical blades increases his physical strength, and as a magic sword it can injure ethereal foes.
Defense: Buckler of the Red Rooster: A worn buckler, passed down through family to family, its origin lost in the ages. It depicts a red rooster spreading its wings in front of the sun. This magical shield forms a barrier around Stoutheart that negates most melee attacks.
Special: Broach of Stoutheart: The courageous Hisme Stoutheart proudly displays his family heirloom by securing his cloak with this leaf-shaped broach. According to the good Elder, he has escaped many fatal attacks due to the heirloom's lucky aura.
The power of this broach makes Hisme incredibly lucky, and attempts to hit him are very likely to fail.
-Hisme's Book of Sage Advice: " The book enables its bearer to give some sound advice to his army." This enchanted book increases Hisme's intellect and wisdom while he's holding it.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
Adaptive Creativity: NA
Tactics: NA; as we don't know what sort of battles he's engaged in, or how he did.
Strategy: NA; as we don't know what sort of battles he's engaged in, or how he did.
Intuition: 65/75: Years of experience in the political ring have given Hisme the ability to get a good read on people and situations. This increases when he uses his magical book to increase his intellect and wisdom, allowing him to better predict what will happen, and give orders for a more favorable outcome.
Audacity: 25/80: When it comes to warfare as a whole, Hisme isn't exactly chomping at the bit to put himself (or other Halflings) in danger. However, when it comes to the defense of the Halflings, and Moot in particular, Hisme can be downright courageous.
Psychological Warfare: 45: Hisme is an excellent politician, despite having little interest in political intrigue as a whole. He can use people's assumptions about him and his race against them, and is good at getting what he wants. On the battlefield... we don't know.
Experience: 40: A very experienced politician, and a leader to the Halfling peoples, but he rarely has had to lead them in a war effort.
Discipline: 30
Inspiration: 50: Hisme is a beloved Elder, held in high esteem by his people (though not by Elector Counts of other races). Words from him are taken more seriously, and commands from him are more readily followed.
Corruption: 20: Hisme is a very good natured person. While he can't always have his Halflings avoid the unpleasantness of war, he isn't going to be sanctioning the sort of things you'd see from Dark Elves, Skaven, or Chaos. He'd just rather get the fighting over and done with, so that everyone can go home to a good meal.
Nicholas Warfoot - Defender of the Moot
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Every male member in the long line of the Warfoot family has served in defense of the Moot. Hence their name: Warfoot. Currently Nicholas Warfoot is the current overall commander of the military forces within the Moot. Since the oncoming Storm of Chaos, the Empire has not been able to place forces in proximity of the Moot, which has forced the Halflings to take a greater role in the defense of their homeland.
Warfoot has recently organized a small yet politically important force sent to aid to forces of the Emperor in the war to come, yet the majority of forces are kept at home in case of a break through by the forces of Chaos to the east. In these dark times, Nicholas has mobilized the people of the Moot like never before in defense of their homeland.
Offense: Warfoot's Blade: This sword has been passed down through the Warfoot family's long history of warfare. The actual origin of the blade is a long winded story which Nicholas is only too happy to tell. In it, Nicholas' Great, Great, Great Grandfather was a freelancer who ends up joining with a party of humans who quested into the tombs of in south. After a ferocious battle with some undead legions in which Nicholas' relative slew the evil liche that commanded the the host, the blade was removed from the tomb's treasure, and it has been wielded by a Warfoot ever since.
The Sword is Magical in nature, increasing Nicholas' strength, and can ignore armor.
Defense: Plate Armor (fitted for a man his size)
The Warfoot's Crest: The Warfoot's Crest is a magical shield that was taken from an Orc warlord who was slain during a smaller Waaagh! that was stopped in the Moot. Its origin before the death of this warlord is unknown, but onto the shield was painted the Warfoot's family crest and it is now passed down from father to son. It is incredibly durable, with a slight magical resistance.
Special: Aladora's Necklace: "During Nicholas' rise through the ranks he was head of a Forester Patrol which happened to stumble across a Wood Elf maiden who was under attack by a band of vile Beastmen. After driving the Beastmen off with a volley of arrow fire, the maiden gave Nicholas her necklace in thanks for her rescue. It is rumored that Nicholas and the maiden still meet in the woods on the anniversary of this day."
A defensive talisman, when an enemy attempts to attack Nicholas in close range, the necklace will emit a blinding flash of light. This will hopefully keep Nicholas safe. After the flash, it will take a long time for the necklace to recharge.
-Potion of War: The brewing of the Potion of War is a family secret that has been passed down through Warfoot Family for generations. The potion is said to give the drinker the strength of an ox and the toughness of a bear.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-He is incredibly stubborn, and he passes this stubbornness to his men in battle.
Clegg the Indomitable - Master Thief
Mobility: 4
Training: 4
Max Range: Battlefield
Preferred Range: Far away from danger
Halflings feel put upon by those lanky Human gits. What with their wrongly sized tables and chairs, and it's really annoying to have to climb over door steps when you're trying to impress your next customer before you meet them at the inn!
Then one day, a well-known Halfling called Clegg decided that he had enough, as well as seeing a nice tidy profit margin, and started his band of the roughest, toughest (and about as hard as a kick in the bum with a pair of those fluffy animal slippers) Halflings in the Old World. They started out as a bunch of thieves and cut throats, but soon changed their outlook on life after they had a good scrap with a rival band of thieves and found that it gave them such a great appetite it turned into a good excuse to eat as much as possible. Clegg brought the band together, so there is no possibility the band will let him stay out of a fight. If it were up to him, he would just sit back in safety while he pockets the cash.
Offense: A dagger is the most common weapon, or perhaps a small sword.
Defense: Thick Leather armor, but Clegg would prefer not to be in a fight at all.
Special: The Magic 'Swag Bag': "Though the origin of the 'Swag' Bag is unknown, one can safely assume it wasn't through any legal means. In any case, the 'Swag' Bag, as Clegg calls it, is a very potent item that is able to magically pull out the most powerful magic artifacts from it. Clegg has never found out where these items actually come from, but neither has he bothered too much."
When Clegg reaches into his magic bag, one random magical item belonging to the enemy will appear in his hand. Unless the item is charmed to only work for that specific person, then Clegg can use it as his own. This lasts until the moment the object leaves his hand (whether by dropping it, letting it go because he got bored, whatever), the item disappears and returns to wherever it came from. The bag will never take the same item twice.
Dimminu's Lockpick: An enchanted item once belonging to what is widely believed to be the best Halfling Thief to ever grace the guild. When placed against a lock, be it physical or magical, it will automatically open (eat your heart out keyblade).
The Glove of Sneaky Pinching: "This item was the product of a deranged Enchanter and a torn up Arabyan flying carpet. Not wanting to waste the material from such an ex-magical specialty, the Halfling in question used the fabric to make this glove, which still retains a memory of flight. Many an enemy champion has issued a challenge against this item's owner only to reach for their weapons and find them gone."
When faced with an opponent, Clegg can magically make one of their weapons disappear, and reappear in his gloved hand. The enemy must be within line-of-sight of Clegg, and the weapon will return to them the moment he lets go of it.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Clegg would rather not fight in battles, preferring to steal from people without being seen.
-Clegg is a very charming Halfling and an excellent public speaker. He has riled up rowdy bar patrons to his service, and talked his way out of jail multiple times.
Gabbo Flugbend - Halfling Adventurer
Mobility: 4 (6 on Greywing)
Training: 5
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Gabbo Flugbend is the wild and adventurous son of the similarly tempered hunter, Hogbo Flugbend. Gabbo's love for hunting goes beyond any normal love and he is very rarely seen doing anything else! Being one of the so called "adventure loving weirdos" that inhabit the Moot, Gabbo longed for adventure. Being fed up chasing nothing but deer and wild rabbits, he set out on a journey to travel and seek out something more dangerous and exciting to hunt, while seeing the world as he did so.
And so Gabbo left the Moot, equipped with only a bow, his hunting spear, and his animal traps, and went into the wide world beyond. Gabbo since traveled through the Dark Forest of the Empire, visited the Dwarf Holds of the World's Edge Mountains, and even to the Wood Elf realm of Athel Loren, where he made many friends; and even more enemies in the form of Beastmen, Orcs and other, fouler beasts. Yet, through skill and cunning - and probably a bit of luck - Gabbo outwitted them all, and slew many beasts.
He fought against Trolls and Goblins at the side of Josef Bugman in the mountains, where he earned his magical Gromril Shirt for his bravery in battle, and became a personal drinking friend of the Dwarfs.
In Athel Loren, he fought with the Glade Guard against Beastmen warbands, and was gifted a magical cloak by Ariel, the Queen of the woods, herself - and, according to Gabbo, a kiss on the forehead as well.
However, it was in the Grey Mountains that his greatest adventure would lie. In Gristle Valley, he encountered a small tribe of Ogres. Having only been accosted to the friendly Ogres of the Moot, Gabbo was quite surprised to find that these Ogres appeared to have the intention of eating him! However, using his wit once more, he challenged them to a game of riddles regarding his allowed continuation to live. The Ogres, puzzled, agreed. Not being the brightest of thinkers, the Ogres gathered together trying to solve Gabbo's, to him, very simple riddles, allowing him to untie his bonds and escape upon the back of a Pegasus that has also been captured by the Ogres. Too late, they discovered that the Halfling had gotten loose, and they angrily cursed Gabbo as he flew off on his new-found mount, which he decided to call Greywing. After this incident, Gabbo figured he had had enough adventuring, and returned to the Moot. From that day on, his stories have been the highlight of many an evening at the local inn.
Gabbo is an expert at beast hunting and will often show his competency by bringing in monsters far larger than himself or his Pegasus, Greywing, to the battlefield.
Offense: The Hunting Spear: A Spear Gabbo had long before he went on his adventures, he later had it enchanted. It has been the death of many beasts, piercing their hides with ease. The magic on it allows it to penetrate any hide or armor.
Mesh Net: A net used for trapping small to medium sized animals can be used against battlefield opponents. While it won't work on giant sized enemies, smaller ones can be tangled up in the net.
Defense: Gromril Shirt: This lightweight chainmail shirt made of gromril was originally forged by a dwarf warrior, though eventually found its way to the Moot through Gabbo. Gromril is an incredibly potent magical armor. Very lightweight, it is extremely difficult to penetrate, and resistant to magic.
Special: Animal Traps: Typically used when fighting war beasts, monstrous infantry, or monstrous beasts, Gabbo will use these bear-traps to clamp down on their legs and slow them down.
Elven Way Cloak: According to Halfling folklore, Ariel, the Elven Queen of the Wood, gave this cloak to Gabbo when his journeys took him through the forest of Athel Loren. Whether this is true or not is debatable, but what isn't is that this cloak has saved his life on more then one occasion. This cloak allows Gabbo to blend into the background when he stands still, and blurs his form when he moves. Enemies trying to hit the Halfling will have a rather difficult time of it.
Special: Mount: Greywing: A Pegasus Gabbo rescued from Ogres, Greywing is very loyal to Gabbo, and will defend him to the bitter end. The two of them working together have spelled the end for many deadly monsters.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Gabbo is a highly skilled hunter and tracker.
-Gabbo is skilled at leading large monsters onto a battlefield, and directing their fury at his opponents.
-Gabbo is exceptionally brave, and is not likely to fall for any mind altering tricks that try to instill fear in him.
Ogglethorpe Bulnhelm - Traveling Chef
Mobility: 3
Training: 3
Max Range: Battlefield (As a Chef, he is a morale booster), in actual combat, melee
Preferred Range: With his food.
For ages, the Bulnhelm family line has been feeding the Moot the best cuisine in the Old World. The "Kings of the Kitchen" as they call themselves, they have been the personal chefs of the elder of the Moot for many years, and even the Emperor himself. Whenever Imperial dignitaries have been on diplomatic visits, you can be sure that there have been a Bulnhelm behind the cuisine during the dinner!
Ogglethorpe Bulnhelm, the newest addition to the family, travels around with his company of cooks providing an excellent meal to whoever can pay for it. He was working as a mercenary in Tilea for a time, providing the food for both great generals, as well as the Merchant Princes of the cities.
Ogglethorpe traveled all over the Old World when he was younger and so has many exotic and tasty recipes to share. He has seen the rice fields of Cathay, the jungles of Ind and the deserts of Araby, always gathering the best and most interesting recipes and ingredients he could find to add to his legendary cook book.
His mastery of the palate is extraordinary, to say the least, and leads to him being asked by almost every Halfling lord within smelling distance to join their force. He will gladly share his wonderful skills, and food, with the lord and the lord's troops for a cooking fee...
Offense: See Master Chefs
Champion Chef's Cleaver: Every year a competition is held to find the best Chef in all the Moot. This is taken very seriously by the Halflings and some train for many years before entering. The victor gains the title of Champion Chef and an extremely sharp cleaver.
Defense: See Master Chefs
Special: Exotic Spices: From Araby to Cathay to Norsca, Ogglethorpe has collected spices from around the world. He can add these spices to a Hot Pot (see Shock and Awe), to increase the potency of the brew within.
Fireroot Pepper: As any smart chef should do, Ogglethorpe never leaves his kitchen without a pepper. He prefers the Fireroot variety, chosen for their intense heat. Sometimes, in the heat of battle, he will attempt to jam this murderously spicy pepper down his enemies throat. The poor sap that swallows one of these peppers will soon find themselves in agony, blinded by tears, sniffling, and curled up on the ground as the pepper destroys their digestive system.
Magic Drumstick: A plump and wonderful smelling piece of meat, cooked in a variety of spices, more then one of which were enchanted by a Halfling wizard. When Ogglethorpe eats this drumstick, his strength, speed, and dexterity are all enhanced.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-As the greatest of Master Chefs, others of that unit type will defer to him when it comes to food prep, and what should be done on the battlefield.
-As the greatest Halfling Chef, his presence on the battlefield is an extreme moral booster.
Jolly Bolbottom - Innkeeper of the Sow's Ear
Mobility: 3
Training: 3
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Pistol
In the small Mootland town of Leedleton, there lies the quaint and well-kept inn, The Sow's Ear. Jolly treats his guests as kings, and serves Lector's Tipple, annual winner at the Beer Fair. Even dwarfs grudgingly acknowledge the Sow's Ear as a passable place to drink, and each year a pilgrimage of Halflings arrives to taste his succulent pies.
However, it is not only the quality of his establishment that secured Jolly's fame. Ten years ago, during one of the Moot's worst winters, a giant stomped down from the mountains through blinding snow. It sniffed out the aroma of the Sow's Ear, and the few trappers and traders holed up in the inn fled into the storm. However, Jolly stood between his tavern and the giant, handgun loaded. The giant ignored the innkeeper's warnings to turn back, and so Jolly fired. Unfortunately, snow had dampened the gun's black powder, and it misfired. The giant grabbed him and swallowed him whole. Amazingly, the innkeeper survived the descent into the pitch black of the monster's gut. And more amazingly, he managed to retain retain his wits about him.
Fumbling for his tinderbox, Jolly struck a light to search for a way out. The sparks ignited gastric gas, and in the resultant explosion, Jolly was hurled to safety in a shower of gore to land in a snowdrift. The giant, clutching its spilled intestines, toppled and died. Its skull now adorns the front entrance, a trophy attracting many visitors who wish to hear the tale from the great man himself.
Jolly Bolbottom is a kind-hearted fellow with a friendly smile and a pleasant personality. But when he or his inn are in danger, he quickly becomes grim faced. He swears by the old, antique handgun that he keeps under the bar counter in case any ruffians come- a-knockin', as it has saved his life on many too numerous occasions. Being an innkeeper in a bad part of the Moot leads you to having a pretty fast hand when it comes to drawing out your gun and shooting. Jolly is no exception, and his skills are honed to the point so that he can get off several shots in a short period of time.
Offense: Antique Handgun: This beautifully crafted handgun fires and reloads with precision and ease, unlike most of its kind at this time. Its craftsmanship is second to none, as the gun can also be easily loaded on the move due to its ingenious frame.
Jolly is a crack shot, able to fire quickly and accurately, getting several shots off before his enemies get one. He is used to firing while on the move, and doing so does not deter his aim. The only problem with this gun is that if the black powder gets damp, it won't fire properly.
Defense: None
Special: Golden Gunpowder: This golden colored gunpowder is actually not made from gold, but from a highly combustible mix of sulfur and other fulminations. It increases the power and range of his Handgun's shots.
-Dram of Invigoration: Used by apothecaries in The Moot to cure everything from the common cold to broken bones, this dram of highly alcoholic beverage is a must-have for any Halfling battle effort. Jolly carries a small flask of it with him (only enough for one use before he must get a refill). When he drinks it, his body will start to heal any damage he has accrued at an accelerated rate. It only lasts for a few minutes, and won't save those near death, but it has gotten Jolly through more then a few scrapes in his time.
Additional Factors:
-Short & Nimble: See Militia
-Unquenchable Appetite: See Militia
-Incredibly Brave: Jolly has stood up to Giants, and even maintained his wits after being swallowed whole!
-Charming: Jolly treats everyone kindly, so long as they don't cause any trouble for his inn. Jolly is thus well beloved by Halflings that know of him and his reputation.
Morale: 20/40 (80): Halflings in war very rarely want to be there. In the face of a large invading army, they have been known to panic and run off. Halfling citizens conscripted to fight are especially likely to fall on the low end of that spectrum, while more trained warriors are slightly higher (40). However, in defense of the Moot, their people and their way of life, Halflings are filled with a bravery and stubbornness that would make dwarves proud, resisting attempts to panic them, suffering through truly nightmarish horrors, and still fighting to the bitter end.
Logistics: 40: While Halflings are excellent farmers, able to make delicious feasts out of table scraps, the fact is that they require such a large quantity of food that they can be hampered by it. The supply trains of foods for the Halflings must be almost perpetually flowing if Halfling morale is to stay high. Given enough time to till the land they can quickly grow food on their own, but it takes them awhile to build up to that.
Espionage: 67: Halflings are excellent scouts and spies, able to use their small size to sneak into places the big folks never could. Because people tend to ignore them, they also overhear more then most people think. Thieves are experts at breaking and entering, and can give the enemies of the Halflings some real headaches. Then the Enchanters are able to supplement this further with magic.
Discipline: 30: Halflings tend to be a rowdy lot off the battlefield, drinking or napping, generally making quartermasters pull their hair out. On the battlefield they are only slightly better, but still tend to get into mischief.
Army Intimidation: 20: They're Halflings. While they may show some bravery, and some may be downright vicious fighters... they're still Halflings. They're the size of children. Not very intimidating at all.
Reinforcement Rate: Low - Medium (Semi-High in emergencies): There aren't a whole lot of dedicated Halfling armies, but decent amount can be called upon when necessary. If the Moot itself is threatened, then every able bodied Halfling will do their part (and even those who aren't able bodied will pitch in where they can).
-Halflings are often underestimated. This generally works to their advantage when they attempt to be stealthy, and it is usually a mistake made by those who do not know their true character. While they have their faults, Halflings are actually far less susceptible to suggestion or the corrupting influence of Chaos than other mortals. This is less due to the strength of character than due to the fact that none of the Gods of Chaos supply things that Halflings really desire. They have no lust for power, are somewhat more resistant to disease than the normal human, have no love of war, and while they enjoy their fun, lack the human appetite for sexual deviance. While Chaos Cults seem to thrive under every flagstone in Imperial Cities, you'd be hard-pressed to find even one Halfling cult in the whole of Mootland
-Halfling Cuisine: Halflings love to eat! Indeed it is their favorite pastime. Their appetites are endless and their stomachs seemingly bottomless despite their rather diminutive size. Where Men have three meals a day, Halflings have six; these are large fruitful feasts consisting of such delicacies as cream biscuits, pepper cakes, sour tarts, spice pies and berry wines, to name a few. These meals are accompanied by stories and folk songs that all Haflings become eager to participate in. It is a well- known fact that, though a peaceful race, it is never a good idea to interrupt a Halfling during mealtime, as they might become rowdy and unpleasant! Even the Goblins of the Worlds Edge Mountains have learned not to raid the Moot during lunchtime!
Halflings are the best cooks out there and learn to cook from a young age. Think of the best food you can imagine and it will be nothing compared to what a Halfling can offer. An old Halfling saying is: "The taste is more important than the quantity". Their culinary expertise has been praised by all races who appreciate the fine art of cooking, and all recognize the Halflings as the best chefs in the world. Well, all except the Bretonnians who think theirs is the best cooking. But hey, we know how the Bretonnians are...
-Religion: Of all the races within the Empire, Halflings could be said to be the least obviously religious. Halflings prefer to celebrate the here and now rather than the heroes and deeds of the forgotten past, worshiping their Gods when circumstances require it, but not giving themselves over to piety. It is true that Halflings are a comparatively irreligious folk, their somewhat happy-go-lucky nature at odds with serious, organized religion. When practiced, the Halfling faiths are more often used as a thinly veiled excuse to feast (much as many Humans do, if truth be told Halflings are just more honest in their motivations). Most Empire folk - especially those in Stirland - would say that the only thing a Halfling worships is the drink in his flagon and the food in his belly. Their religion and folklore is based on their lifestyle, and their deities tend to be representatives of fertility and climate. Legendary heroes are usually Halflings who organized huge banquet or stopped famine, instead of great warriors and explorers.
They keep few holy days and seldom seem to pray. The Halflings worship the gods of the Empire, and Sigmar in particular is venerated as one of their great protectors, though there is no record of Sigmar ever mentioning Halflings, let alone saving them from something. They also have their own gods, but their worship is much more casual than the devotions of Humans, Dwarfs, or Elves to their deities. Their patron deity is Esmeralda, who is said to have given the Halflings the gift of hearth and the kitchen. As you may have guessed, she is very popular, and no Halfling home is complete without a statue of her (naturally situated in the kitchen, that she may make sure the food is always superb).
-Defenders of the Moot: Halflings are not especially warlike by nature and their troopers are for the most part country watchmen, game wardens and foresters. They may strive manfully to raise a militia in the face of some threat and may show considerable individual courage in defending their homes, but their size and unwarlike nature counts heavily against them. Even so, they are willing fighters and very capable bowmen. Their natural ability to infiltrate woods and move quickly through dense undergrowth means that they can accomplish tasks that would be impossible to Men.
There are only two occasions for a Halfling to march into war. The first occasion is when they are forced to defend their homeland, the Moot. The second occasion is when the Emperor calls them to provide troops for his army. It is due to their fearsome skill with the bow that Halflings are called upon by the Empire to provide troops for its army. But when threatened, the entire Moot can be quickly armed and very dangerous to know.
Halflings in the Moot and elsewhere have never been known as a martial people, and the idea of Halfling warriors is the butt of several jokes amongst Humans. The truth, however, is somewhat different. In defence of their homeland - or quarters within a Human town during a riot - the normally placid Halflings can be aggressive and brave. As part of the war effort, Elder Hisme sent a large contingent of Halflings to act as scouts and skirmishers for the Imperial Army. Several were mentioned in despatches by their commanders for bravery and resourcefulness, though these were often accompanied by complaints from the quartermasters. To the Halflings however, the war seems a long way away, and the opinion is that, like the Empire itself, it will pass by without noticing them.
Despite their peaceful outlook, the Halflings have proven that they are more than capable of defending their realm. The Halflings have not only suffered at the hands of the Orc war hosts, but the Moot shares a border with the blighted lands of Sylvania, and so they have fought the legions of the Undead in and beyond the years of the Vampire Wars.
-Perceptions by others: Halflings outside the Moot usually are seen by the small-minded as nothing more than cooks or thieves - or cooks and thieves though this is rather unfair, because it creates stereotypes out of two Halfling traits. The first is their indisputable ability to make a fine meal out of almost any ingredients. The second is their differing views on property, ownership, and theft. Most Halflings have grown up in what is effectively a large extended family of siblings, aunts, uncles, "cousins by way of marriage," and the like. The practice of taking what is needful, be it a pie, a few crowns or even a piece of jewellery, is deeply imbedded in the Halfling character. After all, if everyone is family, why should you ask permission? Of course they'll let you "borrow" it. These two traits have led to a perception outside the Mootland of Halflings as little more than domestic help you have to keep an eye on.
-Halfling Adventurers: Most Halflings are homebodies. The enjoy peace and quiet and want nothing more than to be left alone to enjoy good food and a good smoke. They live in closely-knit communities and they are rarely troubled by other races. Sitting comfortably under an evening sun, one would most often see a Halfling sitting reclined under a tree, munching, smoking and laughing. As they generally keep to themselves and avoid trouble, most Halflings live long, peaceful lives.
There are, however, a small number of Halflings who find the Moot intolerably boring. When the most exciting event of the day is finding out what kind of pie is for desert, some folks need a change. Some Halflings however cannot find peace in such a familiar atmosphere and they seek adventures like those in the stories they were told when they were young. These Halflings develop a taste for adventure and leave the Moot behind, often for roguish pursuits. Every so often a village Elder succumbs to this wanderlust, and when his unrest becomes unbearable he rounds up a group of other like-minded Halflings to head out and change the world. Since these Halflings are the ones most often encountered in the Empire, it is perhaps no coincidence that Halflings as a whole have gotten a reputation as light-fingered sneaks.
-Halflings have no problem hiring mercenaries, as it means less work or danger for them. With food and gold, they can convince many to work for them (so long as they aren't so serious that they take offense to the Halfling's nature).
-In terms of material goods, Halflings will have their share. Gold and jewels will be taken, but with Halfling's tendency to have sticky fingers, it's likely they'll take everything that isn't nailed down... and if they have the time, they'll take the nails and those things to.
-Food. Any food. All of it will be used to feed the Halflings (likely in a massive feast of celebration at their victory). While it obviously won't be as good as their own, food is still food, and Halflings aren't likely to waste it. Chefs will be on the look out for spices or ingredients that might become a staple of future dishes.
hi there. I am creating a warhammer 9th edition update of the Halfling rules. I have stumbled on your blog page above that I can see has been lifted and used for the current book for WAP. I'd like to ask permission to discuss using any of the materials above in the suggested rewrite of the rules and associated special characters. If you wanted to have a more active role in the development of the materials, that could also be accommodated. Many thanks Phil