* I own nothing seen below. Credit
goes to Games Workshop and the equally awesome people
who did the rest of the pictures. I would also like to thank the Warhammer 40K wiki, without which much of this would not be possible. If I forgot about someone
then credit goes to you.
"There is a terrible darkness descending upon the galaxy, and we shall not see it ended in our lifetimes."
The Necrons are a mysterious race of robotic skeletal warriors that have lain dormant in their stasis-tombs for more than 60 million Terran years and who are the soulless creations and former servants of the ancient C'tan, the terrible Star Gods of Eldar myth. The Necrons are ancient beyond reckoning, predating even the birth of the Eldar. At long last, however, they are beginning to awaken from their Tomb Worlds, for the galaxy is ripe for conquest and the restoration of the Necron Empire since the disappearance of the Old Ones more than 60 million standard years ago. The Necrons are a completely robotic humanoid species whose technological prowess is probably unmatched by any of the other intelligent species of the galaxy. Yet out of a desire for vengeance against the more fortunate long-lived ancient xenos race called the Old Ones, and the trickery of the godlike intelligences known as the C'tan, the Necrons shed their original organic forms and lost all forms of compassion and empathy, becoming ruthless, undying killing machines who are determined to exert their mastery over the galaxy once more.
Across the galaxy, an ancient and terrible race is stirring back to life. Entombed in stasis-crypts for millions of Terran years, they have slumbered through the aeons, waiting for the galaxy to heal from the wounds of a long and bloody war. Now, after sixty million years of dormancy, a great purpose begins. On desolate worlds thought long-bereft of all life, ancient machinery wake into grim purpose, commencing the slow process of revivification that will see those entombed within freed to stride across the stars once again. The unstoppable, undying Necron legions are rising. Let the galaxy beware.
All Necrons, from the lowliest of warriors to the most regal of lords, are driven by one ultimate goal, to restore their ancient ruling dynasties to glory and to bring the galaxy under their rule once more, as it was in ancient days. Such was the edict long ago encoded into the Necrons' minds, and it is a command so fundamental to their being that it cannot be denied. Yet it is no small task, for the Necrons are awakening from their Tomb Worlds to find the galaxy of the late 41st Millennium as recorded by the Imperial Calendar much changed. Many Tomb Worlds are no more, destroyed by cosmic disaster or alien invasion. Others are damaged, their entombed legions afflicted by slow madness or worn to dust by entropy's irresistible onset. Degenerate alien races squat amongst the ruins of those Necron Tomb Worlds that remain, little aware of the greatness they defile with their upstart presence. Yet there is no salvation to be found in such ignorance. The undying have come to reclaim their lands, and the living shall be swept aside.
Yet if billions of Necrons have been destroyed by the passage of eternity, countless billions more remain to see their dominion reborn. They are not creatures of flesh and blood, these Necrons, but android warriors whose immortal forms are forged from living metal. As such, they are almost impervious to destruction, and their mechanical bodies are swift to heal even the gravest wounds. Given time, severed limbs reattach, armor plating re-knits and shattered mechanical organs are rebuilt. The only way, then, to assure a Necron's destruction is to overwhelm its ability to self-repair, to inflict such massive damage that its ancient regenerative systems cannot keep pace. Even then, should irreparable damage occur, the Necron will often simply "phase out" -- an automated viridian teleportation beam returning it to the safety of the stasis-crypts, where it remains in storage until such time as repairs can be carried out.
The sciences by which such feats are achieved remain a mystery to outsiders, for the Necrons do not share their secrets with lesser races and have set contingencies to prevent their supreme technologies from falling into the wrong hands. Should a fallen Necron warrior fail to phase out, it self-destructs and is consumed in a blaze of emerald light. Outwardly, this appears little different to the glow of teleportation, leaving the foe to wonder whether the Necron has finally been destroyed or has merely retreated to its tomb. Victory over the Necrons is therefore always a tenuous thing, and a hard-won battle grants little surety of ultimate victory. For the Necrons, defeats are minor inconveniences -- the preludes to future triumphs, nothing more. Immortality has brought patience; the perils that the Necrons survived in ancient times carry the lesson their race can overcome any opposition, if they have but the will to try. And if the Necrons possess only a single trait, it is a will as unbending as adamantium.
Only one hope can now preserve the other intelligent races of the galaxy from the Necrons' advance, from the endless legions of silent and deathless warriors rising from long-forgotten tombs. If the Necrons can be prevented from waking to their full glory, if the scattered Tomb Worlds can be prevented from unifying, then there is a chance of survival. If not, then the great powers of the galaxy will surely fall, and the Necrons shall rule supreme for all eternity -- undying, cruel and utterly implacable.
Important Technology:
Necrodermis is the xenos material created over sixty million years ago by the Necrontyr species that is often described as "living metal." It was originally used by the Necrontyr to construct their massive sub-light starships that explored and settled the Milky Way Galaxy millions of years ago. It was later adapted to create the robotic bodies possessed by the C'tan and inhabited by the Necrontyr after they agreed to have their consciousnesses transferred from their short-lived organic forms. This process transformed the Necrontyr into the undying Necrons.
Necrodermis is a material of unknown origin and chemical or molecular structure that possesses the extraordinary ability to regenerate almost all damage instantaneously, "flowing" back together as if it were a liquid while closing bullet holes, mending gashes and tears, or even reattaching severed pieces with little delay. The material is also adaptive in some unknown fashion and can learn to repair itself given enough time from nearly any form of damage, even a blast powerful enough to reduce it to its constituent molecules or atoms. In addition to the bodies of the C'tan and the Necrons themselves, all Necron vehicles and starships are made from Necrodermis, including Monoliths and Gauss Pylons.
In practice this means that even the lowest ranking Necron warrior has the regenerative power of Marvel's Wolverine and can only be killed by excessive concentrated fire.
While most enemy races are viewed more as vermin to be exterminated rather then enemies to be fought as equals, the Necrons still employ some forms of Recon. Their ships will scout out enemy positions, weaving through enemy defenses and reporting back troop arrangements and defense formations. Scarabs and Spyders will move across and beneath the planet, searching for anything of note. Necron Warriors may be sent out as reconnaissance patrol. Natives or enemies might be abducted and taken back to the Necrons for experimentation or torture to find out more about them, their mind and body torn about atom by atom to learn all their secrets. Those that survive will be put back, but with mind control scarabs placed in their heads, allowing Necrons to manipulate their actions, either spying on their own or sowing fear and discord for their new masters. Necrons can also hack and listen in on enemy communications. Lastly, Necrons have access to time technology, and can use it to look into the past, present, or future, with one particular Necron, Orikan the Diviner being able to make extremely accurate predictions about what is to come.
Necron Warrior
Weapon Type: Gauss
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Mobility: 3-4
Training: 5
Max Range: Sniper
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Classification: Basic Foot Soldiers
Necron Warriors are the primary infantry troops of the soulless, undying mechanical monstrosities known as the Necrons. They were created from the majority of the ancient humanoid Necrontyr species who agreed to be bound to the will of their Star Gods, the terrible entities known as the C'tan. The Necrontyr's consciousnesses were transferred into robotic bodies made of the living metal called necrodermis. Over a long period of time, the new unliving bodies dulled the Necrontyr's minds and their abilities to feel emotion or pleasure. Over many millennia, the ultimate outcome of this process of gradual desensitization was that the Necron Warriors became little more than souless automatons, the warrior-slaves of the still-sentient Necron royalty and military elite who seek to rebuild their star-spanning empires across the portions of the galaxy now controlled by the "lesser races."
Ranged: Gauss Flayers
-Gauss Weapons are the most common of all weaponry carried by the Necron soldiery and vary in appearance. Unlike more conventional directed energy weapons, a Gauss projector does not deliver a cutting beam of coherent subatomic particles or bolt of electromagnetic force. Instead it emits a molecular disassembling beam, capable of reducing flesh, armor and bone to their constituent atoms.
Melee: Axe-Bayonet
-Underneath the muzzle of the Gauss Flayer is an axe-like bayonet that the Necrons can use to slice at those that managed to get in close to them. It is razor sharp, and looks like it is made of Necrodermis.
Defense: Necrodermis
Additional Information:
-Constant Supervision: With their limited mental capacities, Necron Warriors require constant instructions. Without the will of their commanders to provide guidance, a Necron Warrior will revert to a guard routine, repelling enemy attacks with precise volleys. Outside of simple instructions, a Necron Warrior's tactical awareness is almost nonexistent.
Highly Determined: Once issued an order, a Necron Warrior will not stop until it either is slain or carries that order through to completion. Their innate durability ensures that the task will be done, for the Necrons are implacable foes that will continue to fight through otherwise-lethal injuries, recovering from dismemberment and even decapitation in a matter of minutes.
Fearless vs. Self Preservation: While most of their natural emotions were purged during biotransference, self-preservation remained. This instinct, though, is not always ensured to activate: a Necron Warrior’s connection to reality is tenuous, and the true danger of the task before it might not register. If this is the case, then the Warrior will continue fighting, oblivious to peril, and marching through enemy gunfire or minefields that would see it destroyed.
Death Scream: One of the few ways to know when a Necron's death is permanent. When it dies, a Necron Warrior emits a high-pitched scream; an anomaly, for all other forms of verbal communication were intentionally removed during biotransference. It is unknown if this noise is the death-scream of a being realizing that it is about to descend into oblivion, or, more pragmatically, if it serves as a warning to nearby Necrons, alerting them to a danger.
Effects of Age: While a Necron is a terrifying combatant, closer inspection reveals the effects eons of age and battles have inflicted on it. Its reactions, though precise, are slow. Its limbs, though strong and sleek, are pitted and corroded, covered with an oily fluid seeping from aged joints. Its movements are jerky, and every so often it struggles as corroded and eons-old engrammic synapses misfire. In truth, the Necron Warrior would almost be pitiable were it not for the merciless gleam flickering in its eyes and the pervasive sense that it is less a sentient creature than it is one of the walking dead.
Notable Formation:
-Infinite Phalanx: No intelligent race of the galaxy can match the Necrons for the sheer relentlessness of their armies’ advance. When the Necrons go to war, hundreds upon hundreds of Necron Warriors will march in complete unison, every step echoed a thousandfold, the screech of misaligned metal or decayed servomotors reaching banshee pitch. Such a density of Necrons allows their reanimation Nanoscarabs to overlap their functions, abandoning unsalvageable forms in order to tip the balance elsewhere. The nature of this effect means that a Necron Warrior's natural regeneration is amplified greatly as the numbers of fellows around him grows, and can increase to such a point as to make them nigh indestructible. Thus the Warriors of an Infinite Phalanx can withstand an assault beyond reason, yet still return to the ranks within moments of their apparent destruction.
Necron Immortal
Weapon Type: Gauss
Armor Type: Necrodermis Armored Plating
Mobility: 4
Training: 6-7
Max Range: Sniper
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Classification: Veteran Commanders / Shock Troops
"With a dozen legions of Immortals at my command, I could humble the stars themselves. One will be more than sufficient to crush your pathetic world." — Imotekh the Stormlord, Phaeron of the Sautekh Dynasty, Regent of Mandragora
In the time before bioconversion, they were the soldiers of the Necrontyr civilization: battle-hardened veterans who were born anew into tireless, metal bodies. While their forms lack much in the way of the strength and complexity of their superiors, the Immortals were given bodies that were better-constructed and armored than their smaller, Necron Warrior brethren, and were equipped with superior weapons. They are veritable giants, towering over even a Space Marine and have retained much of their skill and expertise from their previous lives. If anything, bioconversion has allowed them to prosecute war with an even-greater amount of efficiency.
Ranged: Gauss Blasters, Tesla Carbines
-Gauss Blasters: A tougher, stronger version of the Warrior's Flyer. The Gauss Blaster does more damage and can rip through better armor with the same range, but also has a faster rate of fire as well as being able to fire on the move. This makes it a devastating weapon when used en-masse.
-Tesla Carbines: The Smallest type of Tesla weapon, this handheld gun releases arcs of living lightning that crackle from foe to foe after hitting their target, charring flesh and melting armor. Tesla bolts feed off the energy released by destruction, and the lightning becomes more furious with every fresh arc.
Melee: Axe-Bayonet
-See Necron Warrior, but only applicable for the Gauss Blaster
Defense: Heavy Armor in addition to Necrodermis. It's described as allowing an Immortal to wade through storms of heavy bolter or assault cannon fire with nothing to show for it but fresh carbon scoring on their metallic forms. Furthermore, an Immortal’s self-repair systems are slightly superior to a Warrior’s, allowing them to present a still-more persistent threat to the enemy.
Additional Information:
-Greater Autonomy: Unlike the Necron Warrior, who will fall back on defensive protocols should it be without orders, an Immortal will strive for victory using every tactic and strategy at its disposal, if left to its own devices.
-Can Speak: Immortals have retained the ability to talk, albeit in a flat, emotionless tone: all the better to issue orders to Warriors, and relay reports to their superiors. They rarely speak in other situations, remaining silent when faced with concepts beyond their understanding. However, there has been at least one documented case of an Immortal verbally sparring with an opponent on the battlefield. Immortals are, at best, limited conversationalists, often falling prey to recursive loops of logic and procedure in place of conveying any truly relevant information. If presented with an enquiry or concept beyond its ancient understanding, an Immortal simply does not respond. This trait only serves to encourage the more arrogant Necron Overlords in their rambling and rhetorical soliloquies.
-An Immortal is incapable of learning or adapting to new modes of warfare, but war has, even with technological advancements, remained the same across the eons, and an Immortal is seldom baffled in this manner. Still, tactically speaking, they tend to be a bit inflexible. On the rare occasions when Immortals are presented with a battlefield situation that cannot be conquered by ancient tactics, they will apply the counterstrategy they consider the closest match, regardless of its ultimate suitability.
Notable Formation:
-Resurrection War Cell: Necron tombs seldom waken of their own accord. They would lie dormant forever if not for the interfering delving of other intelligent races, tectonic disturbances or the actions of Resurrection War Cells and the mysterious Necron Lords designated "Harbingers of Awakening." Once arisen from slumber, a Harbinger of Awakening has but one goal -- to journey the stars in search of Tomb Worlds not yet risen and return them to life. Buried within the Harbinger’s artificial cortex are all the encryptions and algorithms needed to make contact with a slumbering stasis tomb and bring it to ghastly life once again. Within hours of a Resurrection War Cell’s arrival on the planet, maintenance Canoptek Scarabs and Canoptek Spyders spur into ghastly activity, nursing the somnolent tomb into new wakefulness. Often a Tomb World will have become infested by other intelligent races; colonized, or perhaps warred over, by living creatures that remain ignorant of the millions of Necrons slumbering beneath their feet. The arrival of a Harbinger of Awakening and his Immortal bodyguard spells nothing less than disaster for such a world. Faced with an alien incursion, a Harbinger directs every Spyder and Scarab within the tomb to drive the living from the area, so that the great awakening may begin in earnest and unopposed.
Necron Pariah
Weapon Type: Warscythe
Armor Type: Necrodermis Shell
Mobility: 4
Training: 5
Max Range: Assault Rifle
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Classification: Necron Human Hybrid
A Necron Pariah is an experimental cybernetic warrior crafted from a terrible symbiosis of Necron technology and human evolution. They are created from human victims that are abducted by the Necrons, and bear the "Pariah" Gene that severs the bearer completely from the Warp; effectively making them both soulless and immune to the effects of all psychic abilities.
Loadout: Warscythe
Ranged: Gauss Blaster
-Pariahs have a Gauss Blaster built into their Warscythe
Melee: Warscythe Blade
-Made from the living metal Necrodermis, the blade of a warsythe can easily carve through most types of armor, including energy fields.
Defense: Necrodermis Shell
-It should be noted that the Pariahs are not as durable as other Necron units.
Special: Anti-Psyker Aura
-Pariahs continuously radiate an unnatural aura as a result of their soullessness that has a terribly unnerving effect upon their enemies, but especially for psykers who can become incapacitated by their sheer presence. No psychic abilities will have any effect upon a Necron Pariah.
Additional Information:
-Pariah's lack the regenerative abilities of true Necrons, due to their human roots.
-Pariahs can only be made from humans with the 'Pariah Gene', a truly minute portion of the population (perhaps one per planet per generation have this gene); as such, they will be the rarest unit in the Necron army.
-Due to their soullessness, the Pariah is completely fearless.
Weapon Type: Disintegrators
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Mobility: 6 (due to being able to move into pocket dimensions)
Training: 8
Max Range: ????
Preferred Range: Sniper
Classification: Sniper/Assassin
A Deathmark is one of the highly-skilled snipers and assassins of the Necron forces, appearing from apparently nowhere and striking with terrible precision. The name is fitting: once given the "hunter's mark", a Deathmark's targets are almost certain to meet their deaths scant moments later. Like most Necrons, the Deathmarks' technology lies far beyond the realm of human comprehension and they can effectively phase in and out of normal space-time at will. Their victims will assume that they have been ambushed and that the Deathmarks teleported onto the battlefield. The reality is that they were already there, waiting out of phase for just the right moment to slaughter their victims. Few enemy commanders encounter Deathmarks and live to tell the tale.
Ranged: Synaptic Disintegrator:
-These cruel long-barreled rifles fire compressed leptonic beams which destroy synaptic tissue, and are capable of sustaining a rate of fire at long range -- even when the wielder is on the move -- that few other sniper weapons can match. Those killed by the first shot from a Synaptic Disintegrator are the fortunate ones, for a hit from the weapon that is less than fatal almost invariably leaves the victim an echo of his former self; his neural tissue utterly destroyed and his mind torn apart.
Melee: Enhanced strength
-While they are strong enough to tear a man's jaw off with a single skeletal hand, a Deathmark poses little threat to a Power-Armored Space Marine up close. In fact, there only weakness may be their deiced lack of any real close combat ability.
Defense: Necrodermis
-Dimensional Oubliette: Deathmarks are able to open up a portal to a pocket dimension within 10 meters of themselves, and use this extradimensional space to ambush and hide from their targets. Whilst other creatures can pass through the portal, the dimension beyond is not designed to support life and creatures that enter quickly suffocate due to the vacuum conditions within. Any who withstand this will also have to deal with extreme debilitation to their sensory perception.
It should be noted that, while in this pocket dimension, Deathmarks can neither attack nor be attacked.
Additional Information:
-Endlessly patient: Deathmarks can set up and hold an ambush site for ages, waiting for the perfect time to strike.
-Deathmarks can apparently tap into enemy communications, track teleport beams, orbital descents and even the vital signs of their intended targets with childish ease.
-Very Traditional: Due to their nature as agents of assassination and ambush, the ancient codes dictate that Deathmarks cannot be deployed against nobility or other "honorable" races. This matters little however, as Necrons consider most alien foes to be not worthy, unless they prove otherwise on the battlefield. Since almost no one has lived to tell the tale of a Deathmark attack however, this gives all save the more traditional Nemesors free reign to deploy them against any alien they wish.
-The Mark: Once a target has been identified, a Deathmark will exit it's pocket dimension, and place a mark in the shape of a green halo over the head of their target, which allows them to track it no matter where it runs - hence their name. The mark allows them to track and perceive a victim so-marked through any sort of terrain whether it be at long range, through darkness, fog or even through solid walls. It is said that the mark will glow brightly in five dimensions as it plays about the victims' heads. The technology behind this signal further augments the Deathmark’s deadly skills, ensuring that a marked target rarely survives for long.
-Master marksmen, capable of accurate, long range fire at a rate no human sniper could hope to match.
-Deathmarks are rarely found with the rest of the Necron army unless ordered there by a commander. Usually the commander allows the Deathmarks to use their own judgment.
-Deathmarks will usually employ all their skills and tools to avoid a melee fight. If they are forced into one however, they will often retreat into their pocket dimension.
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Mobility: 5
Training: 9
Max Range: Melee
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Elite Bodyguards
Extremely loyal, it is said that Lychguards remain incorruptible and highly dedicated to their cause; before, this saying was legendary, but careful manipulation of their engrams during the process of biotransferrence saw to it that the legend has become fact. While most Necrons wear a basic suit of living metal, the Lychguard wear huge suits of ancient armor, the likes of which are normally reserved for the nobility - all the better to enable them to protect their charges, who will need strong, hardy defenders in the heart of a battle. Furthermore, it allows them to keep much of their original personality. This allows a Lychguard to serve not just as a warrior, but as a lieutenant or an emissary for a Lord or Overlord when the danger is too great for him to appear in person
Melee: A Lychguard will carry into battle, at the influence of their master, one of these weapons:
-Warscythe: Made from the living metal Necrodermis, the blade of a warsythe can easily carve through most types of armor, including energy fields.
Due to the weight of the Warscythe, a Lychguard will generally need both hands to use it effectively. This means that a Lychguard with a Warscythe will not have a Dispersion Shield.
-Hyperphase Sword: Hyperphase Swords are energy blades utilized by the Necrons which vibrate across dimensions, allowing it to easily slice through armor and flesh to sever vital organs within.
Defense: Necrodermis, Armor, Dispersion Shield
-Lychguards are fitted with huge suits of ancient armor, the likes of which are normally reserved for nobility.
-Dispersion Shield: The force barrier projected by a Dispersion Shield can be used to fend off close combat attacks or repel incoming enemy fire, similarly to the Imperium's Storm Shield. However, unlike the brutish Storm Shield, the much more refined Necrontyr Dispersion Shield allows the Lychguard to actually deflect incoming fire upon an enemy nearby, turning his opponents' firepower against them.
Additional Information:
-Unbreakable loyalty: They are no longer capable of straying from their master's edicts - careful engram manipulation during biotransference saw to that each Lychguard is programmed with unswerving loyalty to a particular noble, or sometimes to a whole dynasty.
-Pride: They are perfectionists, seeking to slay their enemies with the most efficient attacks, standing still as the battle rages around them, waiting for the exact, right moment to strike. Anything less than an immaculate strike is a cause for shame to the Lychguards, some of whom will go so far as to seek out their sovereign and ask for their forgiveness.
-Lychguards are always located in the thickest part of the fighting.
-Like all Necrons, Lychguards have an unerring recollection of the most effective combat tactics ever devised. Unlike lesser Necrons, however, Lychguards are perfectly capable of deviating from these tactics and stratagems when necessary, adapting more quickly and effectively to new situations.
Triarch Praetorians
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Mobility: 6 (due to hover-packs)
Training: 8-9
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Heavy Shock Troops
The Triarch Praetorians are a specialized caste of Necrons who serve as the judges and enforcers of ancient Necrontyr law. They are tasked with ensuring that every Necron dynasty upholds the terms of the ancient codes of law of the Necrontyr Empire to ensure that they are never forgotten nor ignored. From their initial creation in the eons before the War in Heaven to the end of the 41st Millennium, their task has remained unchanged, and they strive endlessly to see the Necrontyr Dynasties of old restored.
Loadout: Rod of Covenant OR Voidblade & Particle Caster
-A Rod of Covenant is a staff-like device which serves as a Praetorian mark of office, and doubles as a potent weapon: It can cut through armor better than the most potent of Power Weapons in close quarters, and also deliver short-range energy attacks that can pierce through even Terminator Armor with contemptuous ease.
-Some Triarch Praetorians favor the combination of a Voidblade and a Particle Caster over their Rod of Covenant, sacrificing the larger weapon's potent firepower for additional combat aptitude at close quarters. Particle Casters are a form of particle pistol weapon which emits streams of minuscule anti-matter particles that detonate on contact with matter. They are incredibly reliable, needing only enough energy to maintain the containment field that prevents the anti-matter from detonating within the weapon's mechanisms. Void Blades possess a gleaming black edge which flickers in and out of existence. They can cause molecular bonds to disintegrate in any foe unfortunate enough to be struck by them.
Defense: Necrodermis Body
-Gravity Displacement Pack: A Gravity Displacement Pack is a piece of ancient Necrontyr technology which allows a Praetorian to swiftly hover over a battlefield.
Additional Information:
-Ancient Code of Conduct: Triarch Praetorians carry the responsibility of ensuring that war and politics are conducted in accordance to the ancient codes. They were outside the political structure, and could force their will upon anyone if their behavior went against the edicts of old, even a Phaeron. Not even a Phaeron would deny this intrusion of the Praetorians, for even should he object to their influence, he would value their battlefield capabilities: sixty million years has done little to dull their effectiveness.
-Praetorians rarely join a battle immediately, rather specializing in hovering over the battlefield before hurling themselves into the heart of the enemy army.
-While above the fray, they will watch not only for the opportune moment to strike, but for a sign that it was long-ago touched by their influence. Should they discover such a race, they will deem that it has the right to be fought as an honorable foe according to the old codes of battle. A Necron army's commander may find this a frustrating setback, impeding the progress of battle, but only the boldest Nemesor or commander would dare to blatantly challenge the Praetorians' edict
-Praetorians only gather en masse to awaken a Tomb world. For conditions such as the PC, it is likely they will have a much smaller presence.
Notable Formation:
-Lawbringer Phalanx: When the vermin of the lesser races run wild, a thorough scouring is required – often on a planetary scale. In such times, the High Judicators who guide the Triarch Praetorians in their work will breach their ancient vaults and retrieve an Apotheosis Orb. An Apotheosis Orb is similar in function to a Resurrection Orb, but vastly superior in form and function. Whilst the orb functions, nearby Praetorians can use its energy to infuse themselves and their weapons with fresh strength and resilience. Triarch Praetorians are implacable warriors under normal circumstances; the presence of an Apotheosis Orb transforms them into a nigh-unstoppable crusade. Only by shattering their leading Triarch Stalker, in whose control panel the Apotheosis Orb is nestled, can the foe have any hope of victor. A Lawbringer Phalanx formation typically consists of a single Triarch Stalker leading two or more squads of Triarch Praetorians.
Flayed Ones
Weapon Type: Blades
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Mobility: 6
Training: 5
Max Range: Lunging
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Insane Shock Troops
"Through technology we thought to defeat the natural order. But the onset of eternity cannot be denied forever: the universe will see us humbled for our presumption. Yet its methods of attack are limited. We long ago removed our bodies from mortality's grasp and bartered away our souls for technological baubles and the trappings of power. Our minds, then, are all that remains for us to lose, and it is here that the next stroke against us will fall. Though our individual afflictions may take different forms, sooner or later we will all be lost to madness." — Szarekh, Last of the Silent Kings
Flayed Ones are Necrons who have succumbed to the Flayer Virus of the C'tan Llandu'gor, a process which drives them insane with hunger for blood and gore. They wear the skin and body parts of their opponents, spreading mass terror across enemy lines.
-Flayer Claws: These razor sharp blades extend from a Flayed Ones fingers, allowing them to skin a man alive in a matter of seconds. Very rarely they may use a Necron Disruption Field, which allows them to rip through even armored vehicles.
Defense: Necrodermis
-Though the living metal has warped to suit their new twisted master, it is no less durable.
-Flayed Ones seems able to traverse dimensions with ease. At any moment during a battle they will appear from a portal from some twisted realm to ravage the living. Then, once the battle is done, they will return to that nightmarish place with all that they can carry.
Additional Information:
-Flayed Ones are loathed by other Necrons, fearing their virus. Due to this, any Necron infected will be exiled or destroyed, although some of them will always escape into another dimension to join their degenerate kind.
-A Necron General won't rely on Flayed Ones, nor change his tactics to accommodate their presence, as they are far from predictable and refuse to take orders. When a battle is over, the commander usually orders the destruction of the Flayed Ones, but just like before, some of them always escape back to their dimension, waiting to once again materialize onto the battlefield to slake their eternal thirst and hunger for blood and flesh.
-Frightening: Morale often takes a hit when they catch sight of a Flayed One wearing the still wet skin of a former comrade.
-Flayed Ones are more likely to congregate around Destroyers, who tolerate their presence more than other Necrons.
Notable Formations:
-Court of the Flayer King: Long ago, the destruction of the C'tan Llandu’gor the Flayer saw thousands of Necrons afflicted with a terrible curse. It is now impossible to say how many Flayed Ones there are in existence, dreaming their mad dreams of gore and donning their remnants of flensed skin. As debased creatures of feral instinct, Flayed Ones gravitate to the mightiest of their kind. These Flayer Kings have suffered less from the ravages of their curse, with their personalities largely intact. Sahtah the Enfleshed is one such fiend, his fortunes tied to the Royal Courts of Damnos. In his wake, blood-mad Flayed Ones sweep from the shadows, claws gleaming wetly as their sheer proximity to one another sees their gore-hungry madness reach new heights.
Triarch Stalker
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Mobility: 6
Training: 5
Max Range: Sniper Rifle
Preferred Range: Assault Rifle
Classification: Giant Mechanical Spider
These massive mechanical spiders are often at the front of a Necron wave. Piloted by high ranking Traiarch Praetorians, they are most commonly employed as dedicated tank-hunter vehicles, outflanking enemy vehicles then opening fire from the rear.
Loadout: Triarch Stalkers are primarily armed with a main weapon located under its main hull. This weapon can be any one of the following:
-Heat Ray: The most common weapon a Stalker is equipped with. It can either be fired in a focused beam, devastating armor with fusion-based Melta energy, or in a dispersed beam which acts like a Flamer, and can burn enemy troops out of cover.
-Particle Shredder: A Particle Shredder functions by emitting a stream of anti-matter particles that detonate explosively on contact with matter. Particle Weapons are incredibly reliable, needing only enough energy to maintain the containment field that prevents the anti-matter from detonating within the weapon’s mechanism, which is composed of normal matter. Blasts from a Particle Shredder can cover a wide area, and are effective against both infantry and light vehicles.
-Twin Linked Heavy Gauss Cannons: Devastating weapons best used to penetrate heavy armor. They are much larger versions of the standard Gauss Weaponry.
Melee: Slicing Legs
-A Stalker's legs are razor sharp, making it deadly to those that try to get close to avoid it's beam attacks. Also, the sheer size of the Stalker means it can often kill a foe by stepping on them.
Defense: Necrodermis / Quantum Shielding
-Necroderis: The armor of Triarch Stalkers is made up of the same living metal Necrodermis that makes up all Necron bodies and vehicles. Its remarkable regenerative properties allow it to automatically repair damage to itself; whether this is the regeneration of parts of its hull, the re-knitting of metal plates, and the reconnection of circuits and other delicate systems to bring its weapons online again. Many a foe has celebrated prematurely after landing a solid hit on an Triach Stalker only for it return its lethal firepower after a few moments of repair.
-Quantum Shielding: Triarch Stalkers are protected by a layer of Quantum Shielding which exists only at the moment of deflection. It can deflect the first shot that would otherwise penetrate the Triarch Stalkers armor, after which it cannot be used again for some time.
-Targeting Relay: Triarch Stalkers are equipped with advanced targeting relay systems to transmit targeting data and enhance the accuracy of other Necron units shooting at the same target as the stalker.
Additional Information:
-Despite it's size and gait, the Traiarch moves with surprising speed, and can cover just about any terrain better then those Walkers of less advanced races.
Notable Formations:
-Lawbringer Phalanx: When the vermin of the lesser races run wild, a thorough scouring is required – often on a planetary scale. In such times, the High Judicators who guide the Triarch Praetorians in their work will breach their ancient vaults and retrieve an Apotheosis Orb. An Apotheosis Orb is similar in function to a Resurrection Orb, but vastly superior in form and function. Whilst the orb functions, nearby Praetorians can use its energy to infuse themselves and their weapons with fresh strength and resilience. Triarch Praetorians are implacable warriors under normal circumstances; the presence of an Apotheosis Orb transforms them into a nigh-unstoppable crusade. Only by shattering their leading Triarch Stalker, in whose control panel the Apotheosis Orb is nestled, can the foe have any hope of victor. A Lawbringer Phalanx formation typically consists of a single Triarch Stalker leading two or more squads of Triarch Praetorians.
Necron Lord
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Mobility: 4
Training: 6-7 (depending on the Lord)
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Necron Commanders
A Necron Lord is the most sophisticated of the ancient race of soulless xenos known as the Necrons. A Necron Lord serves as the commander and energy supply for the much larger Necron armies composed of the standard Necron Warriors. When the Necrontyr gave up their organic bodies to serve the C'tan, they transferred their consciousnesses into bodies made of the living metal "necrodermis". However, they soon discovered that over an extended period of time, their new robotic bodies dulled their minds and their ability to feel any type of emotion or pleasure. Over many millennia, the ultimate outcome of this process of gradual desensitization was that the Necrons became the soulless warrior-slaves of the C'tan, harvesting intelligent life from across the galaxy to feed these souls to their insatiable masters. Only the most powerful and strong-willed of the Necron nobility, referred to as Necron Lords, managed to gain access to necrodermis bodies following biotransference that were sophisticated enough to allow them to maintain their full sentience in the face of the growing dullness of their minds. A Necron Lord is a high-ranking member of a Necron dynasty's noble hierarchy and is usually placed by the dynasty's Phaeron or his own Overlord in control of an entire Tomb World. Clad in crumbling vestments and wielding ancient, arcane staff weapons, the Necron Lord is a chilling sight to behold on the battlefield as they direct their Necron Warriors in unnatural silence. Their ancient metallic bodies are marred by the patina of age and they wear the accumulated power of millennia like a robe. With every silent gesture, glittering arcs of viridian energy surround them as their empty eye sockets burn with soulless fire.
Loadout: A Necron Lord will equip himself with ONE of the following:
-Hyperphase Sword: A Hyperphase Sword's energy blade vibrates across dimensional states, and can easily slice through armor and flesh to sever vital organs. It can be considered to be a form of Power Weapon.
-Gauntlet of Fire: A Gauntlet of Fire takes the form of an armored glove and vambrace, whose length crackles and flows with green flame. The gauntlet's mechanisms are controlled by a series of submechadermal filaments, allowing the wielder a level of control over the gauntlet as if it were his own hand.
-Voidblade: A Voidblade's gleaming black edge flickers in and out of existence, and can cause molecular bonds to be disintegrated in any foe unfortunate enough to be struck by it.
-Staff of Light: The Staff of Light is a device of arcane Necron technology that serves as both a symbol of rank and a weapon for Necron Lords. As well as projecting devastating blasts of viridian energy, a Staff of Light can also be used in close combat as a Power Weapon.
-Warscythe: A Warscythe is an incredibly heavy and cumbersome energy-bladed battle-stave. In the hands of a lesser creature, it would be of little threat; but when wielded by the tireless musculature of a Necron Lord, it is a most formidable close combat weapon.
Defense: Necrodermis
Special: A Necron Lord can equip himself with any of the following:
-Chronometron: The Necrons are the masters of space and time. A Necron Lord with a Chronometron is capable of acting out of phase with the normal flow of space-time, advancing normally while their opponents seem to move in slow motion.
-Phase Shifter: A Necron Lord with a Phase Shifter can make their metallic body appear hazy and indistinct as it goes out of phase with the rest of space-time using an unknown technology, as though he was not completely corporeal. Shots and blows pass through the Necron Lord's mechanical body and even the most powerful weapons cannot harm him when in this state.
-Gaze of Flame: Flickering green witch-fires blaze with eldritch energy from the metal death mask of a Necron Lord equipped with a Gaze of Flame, chilling the very heart of those who look upon it, stealing away their strength and crushing their courage, leading many foes to lose their morale and flee the field.
-Lightning Field: Lightning Field technology allows Necron Lords to send bolts of viridian energy arcing to nearby Necrons, energizing and charging their necrodermis carapaces, making them more durable in the face of enemy attacks.
-Nightmare Shroud: A Necron Lord can summon the worst fears from the pits of nightmare and thrust them into the minds of all those in close proximity if he is armed with a Nightmare Shroud. Palpable waves of horror radiate outwards from the metal-skinned monster, and all who look upon it will find their courage tested to the very limit.
-Phylactery: A Phylactery is an inconspicuous charm but a powerful self-repair device, filled with tiny, spider-like robotic creatures that swarm all over a wounded Necron Lord, re-knitting his necrodermis body so that he may continue the fight.
-Resurrection Orb: A Resurrection Orb is an arcane device that enables a Necron Lord to augment the self-repair systems of a fallen Necron Warrior. With a gesture, the scattered remains of destroyed warriors crawl together before standing to do battle once more.
-Mindshackle Scarabs: Mindshackle Scarabs are one of the Necrons' chief methods of controlling intelligent alien races. At the lord's command, tiny mechanical Scarabs bury into the victim's mind and bypass cerebral functions, transforming the victim into little more than a puppet under the control of the Scarabs' master.
-Solar Pulse: A Solar Pulse allows the Necron Lord's Staff of Light to release a blinding flash of energy, blinding his enemies and illuminating the battlefield to allow his Necron Warriors to target the foe more effectively.
-Sempiternal Weave: Many a Necron Lord's exoskeleton is threaded with a Sempiternal Weave consisting of filaments of phase-hardened amaranthite and adamantium, vastly increasing his armored hardiness and the structural integrity of his necrodermis shell.
-Tesseract Labyrinth: A Tesseract Labyrinth is the physical manifestation of a pocket-dimensional prison gateway. Once caught within its folds, there can be no escape.
-Veil of Darkness: A Necron Lord can use this arcane technology to summon a Veil of Darkness which twists about it like a ghostly cloak blown by an ethereal breeze. When the darkness ebbs, the Lord and those nearby will have disappeared, only to reappear mysteriously some distance away moments later, providing an unmatched tactical advantage.
-Harbinger of Awakening: The Necron Lords designated as the "Harbingers of Awakening" have but one overriding purpose -- to journey the stars in search of Necron Tomb Worlds that still lie dormant and return them to life. The encryptions and algorithms necessary to make contact with a slumbering Necron Tomb and to resurrect it to ghastly life once again are contained within the Harbinger's cortex. The arrival of a Harbinger of Awakening and its personal bodyguard composed of Necron Immortals (known as a Resurrection War Cell) spells the inevitable doom of a world that remains ignorant of the Necrons slumbering beneath their feet.
-The Harbinger of the Storm: The Necron Lords designated as "Harbingers of the Storm" herald a Necron assault by unnatural and violent storms that cast an impenetrable pall of darkness and disrupt communications on a target world for many leagues. At the heart of this unnatural tempest is a Harbinger of the Storm, who wields the eldritch power of the Necron to control the howling winds and lightning. The arrival of a Harbinger of the Storm and its bodyguards of Necron Wraiths (known as a Stormcaller War Cell) spread discord and panic on a world about to be invaded by a massive army of uncounted Necron Warriors. Where this vile Necron Lord strides, communications networks fail, locater beacons fall silent, teleport homers cease to function and orders fail to arrive. With a mere gesture, a Harbinger of the Storm can summon deadly arcs of viridian lightning to shatter war engines and slaughter enemy infantry with malign precision. Dozens of Wraiths prowl the billowing storm, defending the Harbinger of the Storm from those foolhardy enough to stray too close to the Necron Lord.
Necron Overlord
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Mobility: 4
Training: 7-8 (Depending on the Overlord)
Max Range: Pistol
Preferred Range: Melee
Classification: Head Commanders
A Necron Overlord is the greatest and most powerful of the Necron race, and the ruler of many Tomb Worlds. More powerful then even a Necron Lord, at a Necron Overlord's command are uncountable legions of Necron Warriors, terrifying war machines, and a vast array of devastating weaponry. Normally equipped with a Staff of Light, Necron Overlords are brilliant strategists, capable of calculating every possible outcome in the ensuing conflict and formulating strategies to ensure that everything goes to plan. Only the most unlikely of tactical or strategic situations can baffle a Necron Overlord and only the most potent foes have any chance of beating one in combat. Masterful generals and warriors, bedecked in ancient and powerful battle gear of such potency it might seem the product of magic rather than science, an Overlord's robotic body is the finest construct of its kind; armored enough to withstand anti-tank weaponry and strong enough to crush the life from his foe with remorseless efficiency. The most powerful Necron Overlords are those that rise to the rank of Phaeron, ruling over an entire Sector of the galaxy.
Loadout: A Necron Overlord can usually be found armed with one of the following:
-Staff of Light: The Staff of Light is both a weapon and a symbol of Necron authority wielded by Necron Overlords and Lords. Its haft is actually a disguised Power Generator Rod and the crest is a finely tuned focussing device which allows the wielder to unleash searing green bolts of Gauss energy at his foes.
-Hyperphase Sword: A Hyperphase Sword's energy blade vibrates across different dimensions. This allows it to cut through armor and flesh and easily sever vital organs.
-Gauntlet of Fire: A Gauntlet of Fire consists of a glove and vambrance whose length crackles and flows with green flame. The mechanisms are controlled with a series of submechanical filaments which allows the Overlord to wield control over the gauntlet as if it were his own hand.
-Voidblade: The blade of a Voidblade phases in and out of existence. This allows it to easily slice through molecular bonds and disintegrate foes where they stand.
-Warscythe: A Warscythe is an energy-bladed battle stave that has been the favored weapon of Necron nobility and their bodyguards for millions of Terran years. To lesser creatures, they are heavy and cumbersome, but can be wielded to great efficiency by the mechanical hands of a Necron.
Defense: Necrodermis
Special: A Necron Overlord can also be found carrying any of these pieces of Necron Warger in addition to their primary armament:
-Phase Shifter: A Phase Shifter can cause the bearer to flicker in and out of a phased state. If attacks are not timed properly, they will simply pass through empty air instead of striking the bearer of the Phase Shifter.
-Phylactery: A Phylactery is an inconspicuous charm that serves as a potent self-repair device containing tiny mechanical spider-like creatures that swarm over the bearer's body and repair his wounds.
-Mindshackle Scarabs: Mindshackle Scarabs are one of the Necrons' primary means for controlling alien species. At the bearer's command, tiny mechanical scarabs bury into the victim's mind and bypass his cerebral functions, turning the victim into little more than a puppet under the mental control of the scarabs' Necron master.
-Resurrection Orb: A Resurrection Orb is a glowing sphere that focuses energy into Necron repair circuits. This allows them to regenerate at a rate faster than normal.
-Sempiternal Weave: The Sempiternal Weave is an enhancement of a Necron Overlord's exoskeleton in which filaments of phase-hardened Amaranthine and Adamantium are threaded throughout the Necrodermis, strengthening it.
-Tachyon Arrow: A Tachyon Arrow is an intricately crafted wrist-mounted energy caster consisting of a sliver of inert metal. When activated, the metal transmutes into an unstoppable thunderbolt of pure green energy that can pierce the heart of a mountain.
Additional Information:
=======HEROES======== *Note: While there are certainly other important Necrons out there in the void of space, these are simply some of the most well known, with the most documentation.
Imotekh the Stormlord
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Age: Ancient
Type of Hero Bonus: Master Strategiest
Classification: Leader
"Order. Unity. Obedience. We taught the galaxy these things long ago, and we will do so again."
The head of the Necron Army, Imotekh is a unifying figure of the Necron forces, quashing the squabbles of the lesser Necron nobility. A master strategist and deadly warrior, Imotekh hates the lesser, non-Necron races, and will do all in his power to rebuild the once great Necron empire. Renowned for his supreme strategic genius and pride, he has led successful campaigns across entire sectors to expand his growing realm against the lesser sentient races of the galaxy. At current count, his stellar empire is composed of 80 Tomb Worlds, and is growing with each successful campaign.
-Staff of Destroyer: The Staff of the Destroyer is an ancient and ornamental staff weapon similar to a Warscythe, and is not only a symbol of his august rank for Imotekh, but also an unbelievably powerful weapon. Upon the battlefield, it can unleash a searing beam of pan-dimensional energy that can make a mockery of even the most heavily armored foes. However, there is a small consolation for Imotekh's enemies, as the staff takes a significant amount of time to recharge its power for another blast.
-Gauntlet of Fire: A Gauntlet of Fire takes the form of an armored glove and vambrace, whose length crackles and flows with green flame. The gauntlet’s mechanisms are controlled by a series of sub-mechadermal filaments, allowing the wielder a level of control over the gauntlet as fine as that over his own hand. A Gauntlet of Fire is capable of firing a great column of viridian flame, with similar effects to an Imperial Flamer, or can be used on close combat for fiery attacks that are more likely to hit and harm the foe; as well as set them alight for a time.
Defense: Necrodermis
-Phase Shifter: Using a form of unknown inter-dimensional science, a Phase Shifter is a Necron defensive device that renders its bearer's form hazy and indistinct, as though they were not completely corporeal. Shots and blows can then pass through his mechanical body, meaning that even the most powerful weapons cannot harm him. This is because a Phase Shifter flickers the very fabric of its bearer into and out of a phased state as they move in between dimensions. If improperly timed, even the most powerful blows and shots aimed at the bearer of a Phase Shifter instead pass through empty air.
-Sempiternal Wave: A Sempiternal Weave is an advanced form of Necron technology used to augment the Necrodermis bodies of members of Necron royalty. A Sempiternal Weave threads a Necron’s exoskeleton with filaments of phase-hardened amaranthite and adamantium, vastly increasing the body’s hardiness to a level that rivals Astartes Terminator Armour.
-Bloodswarm Nanoscarab: Bloodswarm Nanoscarabs are a type of miniaturized Canoptek Scarab that are only used by Imotekh the Stormlord. When released, the chittering tide of a Bloodswarm swirls about the enemy, probing their armor for flaws and then begins to feed, breaking down the victim's armor plating and leaving it vulnerable. A single chink is more than enough for the mechanical scarabs as they burrow into the warm flesh underneath. However, these Bloodswarm Nanoscarabs have an additional purpose. The blood of the victims they spill in excess proves more than enough to attract packs of Flayed Ones, who quickly finish off whatever resistance is left.
-Phylactery: Often taking on the appearance of a small scarab-sized cylinder, a Phylactery is an inconspicuous charm that is actually a powerful Necron self-repair device. A Phylactery is filled with tiny, spider-like nanoscarabs that will swarm over the Necron bearer’s body and wounds at a command, or if he is severely damaged or destroyed. The nanoscarabs then proceed to reknit tears in his ravaged Necrodermis body; bolstering his own self-repair abilities so that he may continue to fight on again.
Additional Factors:
-Power through Fear: Imotekh long ago realized the power that can be wrought through fear, and believes it to be one of the most powerful weapons he can wield against the lesser races. His armies advance under the cover of storm-blackened skies, emerald lightning bolts arcing out from heavy clouds to wreak carnage against the foe. Enemy armies that advance into the shadow of the storm are simply swallowed up, cut off from all contact whilst the battle lasts. Any warriors that escape from the maelstrom’s clutches do so only to sow panic, fear and dismay amongst their comrades.
-If the Stormlord has one weakness, it is a prideful need to display his superiority over those enemy commanders foolish enough to stand against him. High ranking enemies are often set free upon their defeat so that they will have to live with the knowledge of their inadequacy. This is a lesson invariably reinforced by physical mutilation -- a severed limb normally being the favored method. Yet with every battle, these surviving foes learn a little more of the Stormlord’s methods and the best of them only become more determined to see his campaigns ended once and for all.
-That said, he is more then capable of taking advantage of other people's emotions. Ex: The Siege of Somonor was a military campaign fought by the Eldar of Craftworld Alaitoc in 798.M41 against the Necrons of the newly emergent Sautekh Dynasty on the Tomb World of Somonor. The Sautekh Phaeron, Imotekh the Stormlord, played on the overconfidence of the Eldar Farseer Eldorath Starbane to lead the Eldar war host he commanded into a trap deep within the Necron stasis-tomb on Somonor that saw the entire Eldar force exterminated. As a reminder of the humiliating defeat, Imotekh amputated Starbane's right hand, but allowed the Farseer to live so that he could take the news of his defeat back to Alaitoc. The Seer Council of Alaitoc promptly began planning for a major assault on the heart of the Sautekh Dynasty in response.
-Personal Confrontation: Imotekh believes that he should be involved in wars just as much as his troops. However, he has no interest in fighting the rank in file of an enemies army. Rather, he would prefer to fight the leaders and heroes. He will seek out and battle whomever he presumes to be of most importance and/or of highest command. Those that fight the Necrons should be prepared to have their Heroes & Leader face the Stormlord. That said, those that prove themselves to him to be above average will be spared death. Rather, he may simply chop off a part of their body and leave them to wallow in their defeat.
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Age: Ancient
Type of Hero Bonus: Leadership
Classification: General
"See, Obyron, the separatists come – attempting to outflank me just as they did at the Fourth Battle of Vyndakh. How they calculate that daubing themselves green and roaring like savages will produce a different outcome, I cannot fathom; but it is of no account. Ready my legions – another glorious victory shall soon be ours." —Nemesor Zahndrekh to Vargard Obyron, prior to the crushing defeat of WAAAGH! Bludtoof
Zahndrekh is a Necron Overlord and Nemesor of the Sautekh Dynasty who was once counted amongst the greatest generals of the lost Necron empire. It was through his campaigns of conquest that his Tomb World of Gidrim rose from a small and insignificant planet on the fringes of the galaxy to become the iron-handed ruler of a dozen star systems. Even now, though Gidrim has been subsumed as a crownworld of the larger Sautekh Dynasty, Zahndrekh is numbered amongst the mightiest of its heroes. It is a reputation well deserved, for Gidrim is one of the more expansionist of the recently awoken crownworlds of Sautekh, and Zahndrekh’s undying armies are an ever-present peril of the Milky Way Galaxy’s Eastern Fringe.
Whilst possessing a grand and calculating military genius, Zahndrekh does not see reality as it truly is. His mind suffered damage during the Necrons’ Great Sleep, and as a consequence he is trapped deep in the past, in the Wars of Secession that wracked his corner of the Necron empire. In his mind, he still fights these campaigns as a creature of flesh and blood, crushing rebellious kings and bringing their domains back into the fold. He does not see armies of Orks, Eldar or Men, but hosts of rebellious kinsmen battling to sunder his beloved dynasties. As such, Zahndrekh is one of the few Necron Overlords to employ the full protocols of honorable Necron warfare against all encroachers –- where others see aliens, he sees only Necrontyr. He disdains the use of Deathmarks, assassin Canoptek Wraiths and other strategies forbidden by the Necron codes of battle –- not that his subordinates have any such compunction. Wherever possible, Zahndrekh ensures that enemy commanders are captured, not killed, and thereafter treated as honored prisoners -– much to the outraged consternation of Zahndrekh’s Royal Court.
"It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war." —Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty, Necron Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Ranged: Staff of Light: A Staff of Light is both a weapon and a symbol of Necron authority. Its haft is actually a disguised Power Generator Rod and the crest is a finely tuned focussing device which allows the wielder to unleash searing green bolts of Gauss energy at his foes.
-Necrodermis: Like all Necrons, Zahndrekh's body is built from the self-repairing living metal known as Necrodermis. As befits one of his lofty rank, Zahndrekh's body is of superior craftsmanship and richly adorned, clearly announcing his status and allowing him to repair even the most grievous of wounds in a matter of moments.
-Phase Shifter: Using a form of unknown inter-dimensional science, a Phase Shifter is a Necron defensive device that renders its bearer's form hazy and indistinct, as though they were not completely corporeal. Shots and blows can then pass through his mechanical body, meaning that even the most powerful weapons cannot harm him. This is because a Phase Shifter flickers the very fabric of its bearer into and out of a phased state as they move in between dimensions. If improperly timed, even the most powerful blows and shots aimed at the bearer of a Phase Shifter instead pass through empty air.
-Sempiternal Weave: A Sempiternal Weave is an advanced form of Necron technology used to augment the Necrodermis bodies of members of the Necron royalty. A Sempiternal Weave threads a Necron’s exoskeleton with filaments of phase-hardened amaranthite and adamantium, vastly increasing the body’s hardiness to a level that rivals Astartes Terminator Armor.
Special: Resurrection Orb: A Resurrection Orb is a glowing sphere that focuses energy into the repair circuits of Necrons around the bearer. This allows them to regenerate at a rate faster than normal upon the battlefield
Additional Factors:
-Code of Honor: Because he believes he is fighting members of his own race, not inferior xenon species, Zahndrekh will always employ the ancient code of conduct and honor. He will never use Deathmarks or assassination via Canoptek Wratihs, or any other strategy forbidden by the Necron codes of battle.
-Wherever possible, Zahndrekh ensures that enemy commanders are captured, not killed, and thereafter treated as honored prisoners
-Disliked by others: Zahndrekh is greatly dislike by other Necron lords, who would dearly love to see the old general removed from power, for they judge his adrift perceptions to greatly outweigh his feats of battle
-Such is Zahndrekh’s crystal-perfect reading of the flow of battle that even the enemy’s experienced veterans often seem like raw and fumbling recruits as their every tactic is anticipated and their every skill countered. Under his gaze, the Necron armies of Gidrim react almost instantaneously to counter enemy strategies, shifting between aggressive and defensive postures at a moment’s notice. With a few carefully chosen words of command, outflanking foes are isolated and crushed, enemy assault waves dispersed, and fire support positions obliterated.
-Warriors who show exceptional talent, bravery and tenacity in battle against the Necrons may be rewarded for their efforts by Zahndrekh. Those that manage to thoroughly impress him are rewarded with freedom and life.
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Obyron is in the foreground, Zahndrekh in the background |
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Age: Ancient
Type of Hero Bonus: Protection & Assault
Classification: Bodyguard
"Only the deathless can truly comprehend the burden of unfailing loyalty." —Vargard Obyron
Obyron is a Necron who serves as the Vargard, or primary protector and bodyguard, of Nemesor Zahndrekh, the Necron Overlord of the crownworld of Gidrim of the Sautekh Dynasty. Having served with Zahndrekh since his first campaigns when they were still Necrontyr, Obyron is devoted to the execution of his duties, and is the primary reason why Zahndrekh is still alive to this day. Unlike his master, whose perceptions were damaged during the long period in stasis in such a way that he believes he is reliving the glories of the Necrontyr past before biotransference, Obyron is very much aware of the changes wrought upon their existence by the Great Sleep. However, the Vargard has long since abandoned any attempt to awaken Zahndrekh to reality -- whatever the fault in his master’s mind, the damage lies too deep.
Melee: Warscythe: The traditional weapon of Necrontyr nobility and their bodyguards for eons, a Warscythe is an energy-bladed battle-staff. The energy field that encompasses the Warscythe allows it to cleave through almost anything with ease. Heavy and ungainly, these weapons are only effective in the hands of an untiring Necron combatant.
-Necrodermis: Like all Necrons, Obyron's body is built from the self-repairing living metal known as Necrodermis. Like all Lychguards, his body is especially robust, sturdy and equipped with the most advanced self-repairing protocols, in order to ensure that whatever he faces, he can fulfill his primary function of bodyguard to his master.
-Sempiternal Weave: A Sempiternal Weave is an enhancement of a Necron's exoskeleton in which filaments of phase-hardened Amaranthine and Adamantium are threaded throughout the Necrodermis, strengthening it to the point where the protection offered by it is akin to that of Terminator Armor.
Special: Ghostwalk Mantle: The Ghostwalk Mantle is a unique and specialized Veil of Darkness used only by Vargard Obryon. Originally commissioned to aid him in his role as the bodyguard of Nemesor Zahndrekh, it was designed by the foremost Cryptek Psychomancer of the Tomb World of Gidrim, the Dagon of the Shadowed Matrix. The Ghostwalk Mantle differs from a standard Veil of Darkness in that it allows Obyron to spirit himself away from the grasps of the enemy even when in combat, thus giving him the ability to redeploy himself and his unit with unparalleled ease, and stand at Zahndrekh's side immediately whenever he is needed to protect his charge.
Additional Factors:
-On many other worlds, Necron or otherwise, Obyron would be considered the true power behind the throne, yet his loyalty is total and completely without guile. He seeks no reward beyond continued service, and has never displayed an iota of desire to rule through his master.
-Like any dedicated servant, Obyron attends to all the loose ends created by Zahndrekh’s eccentricities, chief of which are seeing to it that "honored" prisoners of war are "killed whilst trying to escape", and that upstart Necron Lords of Zahndrekh’s Royal Court are either silenced or disposed of.
Illuminor Szeras
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Age: Ancient
Type of Hero Bonus: Science
Classification: Master Cryptek
The enigmatic Necron Cryptek Plasmancer known as Illuminor Szeras is one of the most reviled beings in the whole galaxy. Both hated and envied by the other Necrontyr, it was Szeras' twisted genius that ultimately made the process of biotranference a reality, and condemned the whole Necrontyr civilization to an eternal undeath. Uncaring, the megalomaniac Szeras only saw the sacrifice of his people as the first step of his own ascension to C'tan-like godhood. In the 41st Millennium, Szeras still labors toward that goal, seeking to unravel the last mysteries of life that escape him. Despite being distrusted and reviled by the majority of his peers and Necron royalty, Szeras' knowledge is so vast, and the help he can grant so potent, that few refuse his assistance nor its price when offered.
Luckily for other living beings, Illuminor Szeras sees battle at best as a waste of time and resources that is only warranted in order to harvest the necessary specimens for his studies. The crazed Cryptek Plasmancer only takes the field in order to make sure the Phaeron he has attached himself to does not renege on his part of the bargain. On the field of battle, Szeras sometimes leads a harvesting squad toward a promising specimen personally. A scientist to the core, Szeras is not the most fearsome of opponents, although he can certainly stand on his own thanks to the unholy resilience of his Necrodermis body, and his Plasmancer wargear. However, Szeras' most dangerous contribution to a battle is his intimate knowledge of organic anatomical structure, allowing him to drastically augment the performance of the present Necron Warriors and Immortals.
-Eldritch Lance: Szeras carries the signature weapon of his Cryptek Plasmancer heritage, a staff-like weapon known as an Eldritch Lance which produces a beam of energy capable of piercing almost any armor or cover at medium range
-Gaze of Flame: Another typical piece of wargear of the Plasmancer Crypteks, Szeras' sole optic lens emits gouts of eldritch flame toward any foolish enough to approach him, making assailants falter in their assault.
Defense: Necrodermis: Szeras is highly unusual in appearance, having replaced his humanoid legs with a set of four arachnoid limbs and having installed an extra pair of smaller prehensile appendages onto his torso for finer manipulation. His distinct appearance contrasts wildly with any surrounding Necrontyr forces. However, like all other Necrons, Szeras' Necrodermis body can withstand and recover in a matter of seconds from incredible amounts of punishment.
Special: Mechanical Augmentation: As compensation for his seizing of specimens, Szeras will upgrade the performances of the rank-and-file Necron soldiery of the army he joins. His vast knowledge allows him to tremendously boost either the strength, accuracy or resilience of Necron Warriors and Immortals.
Additional Factors:
-Szeras is convinced of his superiority and destined godhood that he views all around him, even his fellow Necron, with disdain. It is only due to his high skills that they put up with his megalomania
-Not a front line fighter: Szeras rarely ventures anywhere near the front line, preferring to stay with his lab and test subjects, or else improving Necron soldiers far from the action. He will usually only take to the battlefield if forced, or in order to claim a particularly noteworthy test subject.
Orikan the Diviner
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Age: Ancient
Type of Hero Bonus: Intelligence
Classification: Time Traveling Diviner
"Time is a weapon like any other. If nothing else, I can simply wait for my foes to rot!"
Orikan, also known as Orikan the Diviner, is one of the most powerful of the Necron Crypteks, and is a potent Chronomancer. Millennia ago, he was the astromancer of the Necrontyr empire's ruling Triarch, and one of the Silent King Szarekh's most trusted counsellors. Orikan was the only one to then oppose the proposal of the C'tan Mephet'ran the Deceiver to grant the Necrontyr immortality through the process of biotransference, as he foresaw it would end in disaster, but his lone voice of dissent was ignored by the Triarch. Driven by loyalty to his race, Orikan submitted to the process and became one of the undying Necrons, forever undying and soulless in an android body of living metal.
Despite the loss of his soul, the biotransference procedure had an unexpected bonus for Orikan, as his already considerable powers have only expanded after he was freed from the limitations of fallible flesh. In the late 41st Millennium, Orikan's mastery over the flow of time is such that he can actually "walk back" into the past in a limited manner, just enough to ensure his predictions never go awry.
Ranged: Transdimensional Beamer: Orikan always carries a Transdimensional Beamer as a sidearm. This Necron weapon was originally designed as a convenient method of banishing unwanted debris, machinery and failed experiments from Tomb Worlds and battlefields into a pocket dimension outside of the normal space-time continuum. However, a Transdimensional Beamer can be used just as easily to exile and banish foes to a long and horrifying death from starvation in the same extra-dimensional space.
Melee: Staff of Tomorrow: This unique example of advanced Necron time manipulation technology exists a fraction of a second ahead of any given moment in the normal space-time continuum. This property allows Orikan to strike at his target an instant before the foe even moves to do so. The Staff of Tomorrow can also penetrate all known forms of infantry armor, in a similar way to a Power Weapon, further enhancing its devastating effect in melee.
Defense: Necrodermis
-Phase Shifter: Orikan always carries a defensive Phase Shifter. This device uses a form of unknown inter-dimensional science, rendering its bearer's form as hazy and indistinct, as though they were not completely corporeal. Shots and blows can then pass through the user's mechanical Necrodermis body, meaning that even the most powerful weapons cannot harm him. This is because a Phase Shifter flickers the very fabric of its bearer into and out of a phased state as they move between dimensions. If improperly timed, even the most powerful blows and shots aimed at the bearer of a Phase Shifter instead pass through empty air.
Special: Prophecy: Orikan is a consummate astromancer, able to calculate the events of the future from the patterns of the stars. Thus did he know of the Fall of the Eldar, the Rise of Man, the Horus Heresy and the coming of the Tyranids many thousands of Terran years before they came to pass. Through careful study and scrutiny, Orikan can even divine lesser occurrences: the movement of fleets, the destinies of individuals, even the strategies undertaken by campaigning armies -- events not important enough to reshape the galaxy, but the foreknowledge of which can dramatically change the fortunes of the beholder.
Time Travel: Skilled astromancer though he is, Orikan's predictions are not flawless. Unforeseen events can queer his calculations, wiping out and replacing his prophesied timeline. Warp travel is a consistent aggravation, as its eddies and anarchies seem to delight in defying his predictions. Under such circumstances, to preserve his plans and reputation, Orikan is forced to employ a closely guarded set of chronomantic abilities. Travelling backwards down his own timeline, he emerges in the past at a point at which he can set his prophesied version of the future back on track, normally by having the interfering factor destroyed in some manner.
-Temporal Snares: A Temporal Snare is a Necron device that warps the fabric of space-time itself, creating a bubble of altered space-time where time flows more slowly for anyone or anything trapped within it. They are only carried by the Cryptek Orikan. Each Temporal Snare is a technologically-advanced temporal trap that can severely impede enemy movement once it is activated, whether those trapped within its field are vehicles or infantry. Thus, even when traversing the smoothest of terrains, once a snare is activated, enemy units can still find themselves moving at a snail's pace from the subjective perception of those observers outside the device's range of effect.
-"The Stars Are Right": Wherever he goes, whenever he fights, there is always a chance that the stars will come into alignment and restore to Orikan a portion of ancient power. Whenever this happens, the body of Orikan coruscates with pent-up energy, and his prowess on the battlefield increases tenfold. However, such correct celestial alignments are often fleeting, and Orikan eventually powers down, sometimes mere minutes after he first received his initial empowerment.
Additional Factors:
-Prideful: Orikan greatly enjoys his reputation as one of the most skilled and powerful Crypteks, and will do whatever he can to protect that reputation. Whether this means silencing a dissenter (permanently) or using time travel to make sure his predications always come true, Orikan will do whatever it takes to make sure his reputation among the other Necrons remains untarnished.
-Time Travel Forbidden in PC: Due to certain rules and regulations set down in Planetary Conquest, Time Travel is not allowed, depriving Orikan of his ability to make sure his prophecies come true. Whether or not this limitation is held up in other uses of the Necrons is to be determined at a later date. If so, Orikan will have to work extra hard to make sure his predications are accurate, as he will be robbed of his ability to make it so.
-Disliked & Disrespectful: Though they make use of his laborious studies, few amongst Orikan's peers truly trust him. The unease that Orikan provokes is due chiefly to the mocking scorn with which he treats the nobility of every rank, and to the knowing gleam in his eye that implies he is party to a joke that no other can perceive.
-Meddling has consequences: Orikan must be very careful in in the prophecies he gives or the time manipulations he puts in place, for they can often have drastic and unforeseen consequences.
-A plan of his own? : A thousand millennia of planning and preparation are about to come to fruition, for once the stars are in the proper alignment, Orikon will finally embrace his true destiny...
Anrakyr the Traveler
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Age: Ancient
Type of Hero Bonus: Morale
Classification: Avenger / Awakener
"I am not capricious, nor am I given to cruel acts for their own sakes. It is simply a fact that you and your kind have trespassed, and thus invited extermination. Curse you for putting me to this inconvenience." —Anrakyr the Traveller to the Tau Ethereal Aun’taniel prior to the Harvest of Ka’mais
Anrakyr, also called Anrakyr the Traveller, is a nomadic Necron Overlord who wanders from Tomb World to Tomb World across the galaxy, aiding the Necron cause wherever and however he can. Few Necrons awaken from stasis-sleep with a fully functioning consciousness. Most arise addled by the long slumber, their wits and reason slow to come fully online. Not so for Anrakyr -- he rose from dormancy during the Necrons' Great Sleep with his mind intact and a great purpose foremost in his mind to reunite the Necron dynasties. Embracing this as his destiny, Anrakyr the Traveller, as he came to be known amongst others of his kind, abdicated all responsibilities to his own Tomb World of Pyrrhia before leading an undying army into the stars to fulfill the self-appointed mission of rebuilding a united Necron realm that continues to this day.
Ranged: Tachyon Arrow: A Tachyon Arrow is an intricate wrist-mounted energy weapon that, when activated, transmutes a sliver of inert metal into an unstoppable thunderbolt capable of piercing the heart of a mountain. Such a weapon has near-infinite range, and is able to penetrate almost any form of armor, including that of Titans. However, it can only be used once before the guardians of a Necron tomb must tend to its technologies and prepare it for another use.
Melee: Warscythe: The traditional weapon of Necrontyr nobility and their bodyguards for eons, a Warscythe is an energy-bladed battle-staff. The energy field that encompasses the Warscythe allows it to cleave through almost anything with ease. Heavy and ungainly, these weapons are only effective in the hands of an untiring Necron combatant.
Defense: Necrodermis: Like all Necrons, Anrakyr’s body is built from the self-repairing living metal known as Necrodermis. As befits one of his lofty rank, Anrakyr’s body is of superior craftsmanship and richly adorned, clearly announcing his status and allowing him to repair even the most grievous of wounds in a matter of moments.
-Machine Control: The same force of will that enables Anrakyr to maintain command over his forces can be refocussed temporarily to deceive enemy targeting systems, granting him control of the foe’s weaponry for brief periods of time. So it is that any foe who takes to the field against Anrakyr would be well-served to pay equal attention to the guns at their rear in addition to those at their front…
Additional Factors:
-Dedicated Patriot: Anrakyr is fully committed to his mission, not for personal gain, but for the hope of a fully united Necron realm.
-Not a warmonger: Anrakyr has little desire to start war for its own sake -- his forces are too meagre for wanton hostility -- but to arrive on a slumbering Tomb World to discover its catacombs collapsed and its resources plundered is enough to drive him into an abiding rage that bodes ill for the perpetrators.
-Conscripted Service: From each Tomb World awoken or freed from invaders, Anrakyr requests a tithe of warriors and weaponry to be given over to his cause. If the supplication is refused, he seizes his prize through force or artifice instead. A newly awakened Tomb World is inevitably a confused and disordered place, and such acquisitions are easily engineered. This goes some way to explain Anrakyr's muddled repute amongst the Tomb Worlds he has encountered. To many Necron nobles he is considered the highest avatar of nobility, a warrior who has yielded all ties of personal rank and status for the benefit of his people. To others, notably those who do not willingly contribute to his forces, Anrakyr is the worst kind of masterless brigand, almost as severe a threat to the slumbering Tomb Worlds as any of the galaxy’s other perils. For his part, Anrakyr would prefer to be supported willingly, yet need overrides all. His forces, worn down and ravaged by past campaigns, are always on the brink of complete collapse, and without reinforcements his great cause would come swiftly to an end.
-Pyrrhian Eternals: On the battlefield, Anrakyr is invariably accompanied by a cadre of Pyrrhian Eternals -- the remnant of the vast Immortal legion with which he began his great work. The ageless veterans are unswervingly loyal to their master and murderously efficient in furthering his goals.
Trazyn the Infinite
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Age: Ancient
Type of Hero Bonus: Assault
Classification: Enthusiastic Collector
"Dear Lady, let me express my fulsome appreciation for your most generous gift. It is so very rare to discover another of my own kind that appreciates my work, therefore to find understanding amongst a member of another race is nothing short of a revelation. I realize that you briefly trod my galleries, but the fact that you spotted in so short a time that my Acabrius War collection was lacking three regiments of Catachan warriors reveals that you truly have a collector's eye for detail. And to send five regiments! Such generosity will allow me to weed out and replace a few of the more substandard pieces in my collection. If I might level a minor criticism, the instructions issued to your gift were manifestly not as clear as you thought, as most of them had to be forcibly restrained -- sadly it seems that the lower orders will always behave like an army of invasion, whether that be their purpose or not. However, this is a minor complaint and seems almost churlish under the circumstances, so please allow me to repay your gift with one of my own. Accompanying this message is the Hyperstone Maze, one of a series of Tesseract Labyrinths constructed at the height of the Charnovokh Dynasty. It is a trinket really, only of interest to scholars such as you and I, but I trust you will find it amusing -- assuming you have the wit to escape its clutches, of course."
—Hyperscroll message from Trazyn the Infinite, addressed to Inquisitor Valeria, c. 805.M41
Trazyn, also known as Trazyn the Infinite, is a Necron Lord and the self-proclaimed Archaeovist of the Solemnace Galleries on the Necron Tomb World of Solemnace. Trazyn is a preserver of histories, artifacts and events, and often "liberates" what he wants from other alien races or even his fellow Necrons so that the treasures may be preserved in his galleries. Often performing his work through mindshackled cat’s paws and surrogate body hosts, recent times have forced him to take a more active role in acquiring additions to his galleries lest the historical treasures be lost in the flames of war forever.
Trazyn only wages war in order to maintain and expand his collection, often disregarding strategic and tactical considerations in order to do so. However, his actions tend to coincidentally accomplish military goals, and Trazyn's underlings and allies are quick to capitalize on this while the oblivious Phaeron claims his prize.
Melee: Emphatic Obliterator: The Empathic Obliterator is a unique Necron staff carried by Trazyn the Infinite everywhere he goes. This terrible weapon is rightly feared by his enemies, and there is a dark rumor that the staff contains technology derived from that of the long extinct Old Ones. When an enemy is slain by the staff, a psionic shockwave bursts forth from his body, potentially killing nearby creatures of a similar mind and purpose. Hence, an entire squad can be wiped out with a single blow of this horrific weapon. The Empathic Obliterator suits the personal combat style of Trazyn, as he disdains physical combat with "inferior" beings of flesh and blood and prefers to cleave them apart with as little fuss as possible.
Defense: Necrodermis
Special: Mindshackle Scarabs: A Mindshackle Scarab is a specialized Canoptek Scarab variant that is one of the Necrons’ chief methods for controlling sentient alien races. At the bearer’s command, a swarm of these tiny robotic scarabs bury into the victim’s head and bypass his or her cerebral functions, turning the victim into little more than a puppet under the control of the scarabs’ master. When released during combat, they can be used to force a person to attack his own forces for at least a short time before he can wrest back control of his mind.
Surrogate Hosts: Trazyn has many enemies, both amongst and outside the Necrons, and hence has accordingly devised a system allowing him to outlast any assassination attempt. He has implanted within his underling Lychguards, Lords, Overlords and even Crypteks an arcane device allowing him to pour his own mnemonic engrams into their bodies whenever necessary. When he does this, the personality of the one he transfers his consciousness into becomes dormant, and its Necrodermis body adapts to become a copy of Trazyn's own body. Whenever his host becomes damaged or his presence is required elsewhere, Trazyn merely wills himself into another body. This has led to his nickname of "the Infinite", for many of his opponents have fled in dismay after smiting Trazyn down repeatedly only to see him rise again and again.
Additional Factors:
-Collection above all else: Trazyn cares only for his collection, and often acts only to acquire a new addition to his galleries, often acting without any regard for what his fellow Necrons have planned. It is only because his movements tend to benefit his allies more often then hinder him that he has not been dealt with.
-In his mind, other Necrons are no more trustworthy than aliens when it comes to guardianship of the artifacts he craves. Thus Trazyn makes little distinction between artifacts held on alien worlds and those possessed by his own kind. The resulting indiscrete "liberations" have rendered him persona non grata on several Tomb Worlds. He is forbidden entirely from the catacombs of Mandragora under pain of death, following a long-ago attempt to spirit away the Staff of the Destroyer, and welcomed on Moebius on the strict understanding that his arrival will in some way improve the standing of the ruling Nekthyst Dynasty.
-Acts through agents & aliases: With all the enemies he has made over the long years, Trazyn is incredibly paranoid. Thus, he often acts under mindshackled agents, surrogates, or aliases (usually taken from obscure Necon literature).
-Desperation is overriding caution: Yet these days of caution and plotting are fast passing by. The raucous din of war grows louder in every corner of the galaxy, consuming temples, cities, worlds and even entire races long before Trazyn has had the opportunity to catalogue and "rescue" all that is worth saving. Thus, for the first time in millions of years, Trazyn is mobilizing the full might of Solemnace's legions -- the better to secure entire planets from the onset of ignorant barbarians whilst a proper and detailed cultural survey is undertaken. Already a score of the Imperium’s worlds are under occupation by Trazyn's forces, the inhabitants subjugated by his implacable minions, but the undying legions of Solemnace show no signs of stopping.
Notable Formation:
-Acquisition Formation: For Trazyn the Infinite, ruler of the desolate Tomb World of Solemnace, war is nothing more than an opportunity to add new items to his archives. The larger the war, the more impressive the curiosities that can be "liberated". To Trazyn, many treasures are priceless, such as a fragment of a Baneblade’s armor, provided that the Baneblade is of a storied renown and glorious endeavor. Such prizes are more than enough to lure the master of Solemnace and his personal guard into the din of battle, in a formation known as an Acquisition Phalanx that sets out specifically to capture such artifacts. An Acquisition Phalanx consists of Trazyn himself and five squads of his personal Lychguard bodyguards who have a ceaseless loyalty to their master. These Lychguard are most often armed with Hyperphase Swords and Dispersion Shields, as arcane technologies allow the interlocking shields to form a Dispersion Barrier around the formation, protecting everyone within the force field, even if they are not holding aloft their own Dispersion Shield.
Kutlakh World Killer
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Age: Ancient
Type of Hero Bonus: Mass Destruction
Classification: Champion KIller
During the ancient wars and conquests of the War in Heaven, Kutlakh was regarded as the cruelest and most brutal of all the Nemesors in his dynasty. He was a killer who took particular pleasure in the humiliation of enemy champions and generals in personal combat, be they lords of rival dynasties of warriors or the warriors and servants of the Old Ones. A warrior first and foremost, Kutlakh cared little for the intrigues of the dynasty’s Royal Court, openly disdaining his high office, caring only that he was afforded the respect and glory that his conquests were due. It was so that while the reins of political power were held by others within the Maynarkh Dynasty, the overall battlefield command of its legions was Kutlakh’s alone. But in truth this insularity masked a darker secret, for since the final days of destruction of the C'tan, some terrible force has haunted Kutlakh. It has marked and tainted him, turned his triumphs into empty ashes and threatened the mask of sanity he wore as both general and commander. Over time, the cloying, hungering shadows that hung about him darkened and began to impress itself even on the soulless machine-minds of those Necrons around him, making him a pariah even to his own kind.
If the ancient legends are to be believed, it was by the hand of Kutlakh that the C'tan known as Llandu’gor the Flayer was betrayed to its demise, although the Maynarkh Dynasty has long scorned and refuted this claim of perfidy. Regardless, some strange and nightmarish taint or curse hangs around Kutlakh and his kin. Those unfortunate enough to draw close can feel a terrible malignancy and splinter of madness radiating from Kutlakh’s machine body, which claws at their minds and threatens to overwhelm them with insanity.
When Kutlakh awoke from the Great Sleep, he was both more and less than he had been, though his eye lenses now blaze with an unhallowed cold light -- a gaze that even his fellow Necron Lords cannot easily meet. In battle he is a terrifying figure whose gilded android shell is blackened as if by fire and bedecked in the skulls and bones of his victims. The once proud aristocrat and glory-hungry general has now become a nightmarish and near-silent monster, the corroded engrams of his mind driven only by a burning desire to destroy the living and re-establish the rightful supremacy of his dynasty.
-Obsidax: The Obsidax is a unique Necron weapon currently in the hands of Kutlakh the World Killer. Since before the time of the Necrons' revolt against their C'tan masters, this specially-crafted midnight-black Hyperphase Blade has been carried by the greatest war leaders of the Maynarkh Dynasty, and has ended lives without number across the ages, and its edge is bathed in a dark, unknown radiation that has proved deadly to all living matter.
-Staff of Light: A Staff of Light is both a weapon and a symbol of Necron authority. Its haft is actually a disguised Power Generator Rod and the crest is a finely tuned focussing device which allows the wielder to unleash searing green bolts of Gauss energy at his foes.
Defense: Necrodermis
-Phase Shifter: Using a form of unknown inter-dimensional science, a Phase Shifter is a Necron defensive device that renders its bearer's form hazy and indistinct, as though they were not completely corporeal. Shots and blows can then pass through his mechanical body, meaning that even the most powerful weapons cannot harm him. This is because a Phase Shifter flickers the very fabric of its bearer into and out of a phased state as they move in between dimensions. If improperly timed, even the most powerful blows and shots aimed at the bearer of a Phase Shifter instead pass through empty air.
-Sempiternal Weave: A Sempiternal Weave is an advanced form of Necron technology used to augment the Necrodermis bodies of members of Necron royalty. A Sempiternal Weave threads a Necron’s exoskeleton with filaments of phase-hardened amaranthite and adamantium, vastly increasing the body’s hardiness to a level that rivals Astartes Terminator Armour.
Special: Phylactery: Often taking on the appearance of a small scarab-sized cylinder, a Phylactery is an inconspicuous charm that is actually a powerful Necron self-repair device. A Phylactery is filled with tiny, spider-like nanoscarabs that will swarm over the Necron bearer’s body and wounds at a command, or if he is severely damaged or destroyed. The nanoscarabs then proceed to reknit tears in his ravaged Necrodermis body; bolstering his own self-repair abilities so that he may continue to fight on again.
Additional Factors:
-Destroyer of Life: Kutlakh care little for the political games of his fellow Necrons, seeking only to destroy all life he comes across in pursuit of reestablishing his dynasty.
-Humiliator of Champions: When he was organic, Kutlakh took care joy in humiliation the heroes and champions of his enemies armies. It is possible that some part of this remains even in his corrupted Necron form, and the Heroes that stand against the Necrons will soon find themselves facing Kutlakh.
-Burning Eyes: Kutlakh's eyes burn with a terrifying light that makes even the emotionless Necrons uncomfortable.
-Aura of Fear: Some strange and nightmarish taint or curse hangs around Kutlakh and his kin. Those unfortunate enough to draw close can feel a terrible malignancy and splinter of madness radiating from Kutlakh’s machine body, which claws at their minds and threatens to overwhelm them with insanity.
Toholk the Blinded
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Age: Ancient
Type of Hero Bonus: Science & Weapon Design
Classification: Arch Cryptek
Toholk, also now known as Toholk the Blinded, is the Necron Arch-Cryptek of the Maynarkh Dynasty, and is a being of diabolical ingenuity whose particular genius lent itself to the creation of vast amounts of war machinery for his bellicose dynasty. Indeed, his designs and schematics were even distributed by the Triarch across the Necron dynasties in the past, in order to aid the Necron legions in their campaigns against the Old Ones during the War in Heaven. The Canoptek Tomb Sentinel is one such creation of his, and was one of the last he designed before the Necron race underwent the Great Sleep. Even before his transformation into a cold machine-existence, Toholk was without care for the lives his creations took, or indeed the use to which they were put -- only that each invention was a greater triumph of destruction than the last. This maxim was pushed to the extent of him testing new weapons and war machines first-hand on the battlefield as well as on captive subjects. Toholk’s hubris made him many enemies both amongst rival Crypteks and among the Necron Lords of the Maynarkh Royal Court, who were jealous of his fame and notoriety. Despite this, he has survived many plots and assassination attempts made against him and prefers to trap his would-be murderers in Hyperphase Prison Matrices for later disposal or use in further weapons testing.
Ranged: Transdimensional Beamer: Toholk always carries a Transdimensional Beamer as a sidearm. This Necron weapon was originally designed as a convenient method of banishing unwanted debris, machinery and failed experiments from Tomb Worlds and battlefields into a pocket dimension outside of the normal space-time continuum. However, a Transdimensional Beamer can be used just as easily to exile and banish foes to a long and horrifying death from starvation in the same extra-dimensional space.
Melee: Aeonstave: Utilized by Crypteks that are masters of Chronomancy, the crystalline sapphire head of an Aeonstave generates a kind of low-level stasis field that contains a massive chronal charge. With each blow from the Aeonstave, the energies unleashed will encapsulate and trap the Cryptek's enemy in a bubble of slow-time.
-The Smoking Mirror: A Temporal Prediction and Celestial Scanning Engine allows Toholk and his allies to look through time and space, something which has aided his masters well in many campaigns.
-Toholk is able to see the shifting strands of time, allowing him visions of the future, with which he can act accordingly.
Defense: Necrodermis & Timesplinter Cloak: The most accomplished of Chronomancers can weave together disparate strands of time, forming an unassailable shield against any attack that does not originate from the time stream corresponding to the precise moment of impact.
Additional Factors:
-After the fall of the Old Ones eons ago at the end of the War in Heaven, Toholk became even more disconnected from reality and shifted his research to the paths of Chronomancy, becoming obsessed with the intricacies of cause and effect, and dreamed insanely of the destruction of time himself. His masters, however, punished him for straying from the fulfillment of their desires and his "lack of foresight," and shackled and subjected him to the most grievous tortures imaginable, leaving his android form blinded and broken, and hardwiring control parameters into his mind forcing him to obey and preventing him from properly repairing his own body in punishment. The conflict between the Maynarkh mind-shackles and his own obsessive compulsions within his consciousness has further splintered the Chronomancer’s mind, but this has not stopped him from creating what he considers his greatest work -- a temporal prediction and celestial scanning engine he calls the Smoking Mirror, which has served the Maynarkh Dynasty well during their recent conquests in the Orpheus Sector during the Orphean War. Toholk’s process of continual refinement of this chronomantic device, however, has a far darker goal than even the cold machine intellects of the Necron Overlords of Maynarkh can guess at…
-Toholk now views the world through a shifting veil of temporal energy fields and the twisting skein of dimensional membranes, and can transmit his visions to the Necrons around him during battle to aid them in combat.
-As the Arch-Cryptek of the Maynarkh Dynasty, Toholk's skill and experience in fashioning and augmenting weapons and machineries of war is unequalled. Within those devices and eternal engines he particularly favors, he has implanted temporal regenerative systems -- works of arcane science that are capable of preternatural feats of repair, with time itself seeming to revers and restore near-wrecked war machines to a pristine state of function
Canoptek Wraith
Type of Armor: Necrodermis
Weapon Type: Phase Shifter
Speed: Very Fast
Calvary Purpose: Guards, Scout, Assassin
Classification: Maintenance Construct & Murderer
A Canoptek Wraith serves as the eyes and ears of the central operating systems of any Necron Tomb World, patrolling for intruders and inspecting the Necron sanctuary's ancient systems for signs of damage and decay. Its primary weapon is its Phase Shifter, a dimensional destabilization matrix. This is an advanced Necron technology that allows the Wraith to phase in and out of synch with the normal space-time continuum, which was originally designed to allow a Canoptek Wraith to reach into and repair solid machinery, though it is equally effective when used to deal with intruders who have breached the protections of a subterranean Necron stasis facility.
-Phase Shifter: A Phase Shifter is a dimensional destabilization matrix. This is an advanced Necron technology that allows the Canoptek Wraith to phase in and out of synchronization with the normal space-time continuum, originally designed to allow a Canoptek Wraith to reach into and repair solid machinery. However, it is equally effective when used to deal with intruders who have breached the protections of a subterranean Necron stasis facility or with foes on the battlefield when the Wraith is used as an advance scout or assassin. A Canoptek Wraith can phase its claws and tendrils inside an opponent, and re-solidify them to sever arteries, nerve clusters and other vital pathways without leaving an external mark of what caused the victim's death.
A Canoptek Wraith can also be upgraded to carry ONE of the following:
-Particle Caster: A Particle Caster is a pistol-sized and short-ranged Particle Weapon. These weapons emit a stream of minuscule anti-matter particles that detonate on contact with normal matter. They are incredibly reliable, and need only enough energy to maintain the electromagnetic containment field that prevents the anti-matter from detonating within the weapon's own mechanism.
-Whip Coil: Some Canoptek Wraiths are equipped with writhing mechanical tendrils that constrict around the foe, pinning them in place whilst other weapons do their devastating work.
-Transdimentional Beamer: A Transdimensional Beamer can be used as a convenient method of banishing unwanted debris, machinery and failed experiments from Tomb Worlds and battlefields into a pocket dimension outside of the normal space-time continuum. However, the Transdimensional Beamer can be used just as easily to banish foes to a long and horrifying death from starvation in the same extra dimensional space.
Defense: Necrodermis / Phase Shifter
-Aside from the highly durable Necrodermis that the Wraith is made up of, the Phase Shifter can allow it to phase in and out of space-time, making attacks just pass right through it. Whilst a completely phased-out existence can be sustained by the construct almost indefinitely, a half-phased state requires an enormous amount of energy to sustain. In fact, the Wraith's body is little more than a series of interlocking power generators and etherium lode conduits, and yet even with so much potential power available to it, the construct can exist in a dual phase state for only limited periods of time.
Additional Factors:
-Repair Unit: The Wraith was originally designed to use its phase shifter to repair broken Necron machinery. If not in battle, it can still serve in this capacity.
-Wraiths do not act on their own, rather they are under the command of Canotek Spyders. When given an order, they follow it with the unfaltering resolve of a machine; following it's instructions until the task is complete or it is destroyed.
-The Phase Shifter allows a Wraith to traverse all manner of terrain without pause and can also keep the construct hidden from enemy eyes and sensors when it is fully phased out of synchronization with the space-time continuum.
-Once the inevitable battle begins, the Canoptek Wraith is then tasked with sowing terror and disorder throughout the foe's ranks by striking at commanders, support troops and supply lines -- any target that a more conventional strike force would struggle to reach. At times, the Wraith will carry out invisible assassination attempts so that an enemy commander will never even make it to the battle -- because he was slain the night before in his warm bed by the cold claws of a Canoptek Wraith for whom doors, guards and force fields were no barrier.
Notable Formation:
-Stormcaller War Cell: A Necron assault is often heralded by unnatural and violent storms that cast an impenetrable pall of darkness and disrupt radio communications for many leagues. At the heart of each tempest is a Harbinger of the Storm, a Necron Lord whose ancient malice is the howling winds and eldritch lightning. Where the Harbinger of the Storm walks, comm-nets fall, Locator Beacons fall silent and Teleport Homers cease to function. Discord and panic spread throughout the enemy army as orders fail to arrive and reinforcements are delayed. At the slightest gesture from the Harbinger of the Storm, lightning arcs across the sky, shattering war engines and slaughtering infantry with malign precision. Only by destroying the Harbinger can the forces at his command be stilled, but to do so is no simple feat. Dozens of phase-shifting Canoptek Wraiths prowl the billowing storm, drinking in its energy and waiting for foolhardy mortal creatures to stray close.
Type of Armor: Necrodermis
Weapon Type:
Speed: Faster then most can run
Calvary Purpose: Break down matter
Classification: Servant Construct
"Take my advice, if you hear the chittering of Scarab wings, just run, and keep running ‘til the sound is gone. Don’t stop, and don’t look back. If one of your squad mates starts screaming, it’s because the Scarabs are on him, and you’ll die right alongside if you try to help. I’m not saying you’ll be able to outrun the devils mind. Even goin’ full pelt and with a head start, you’ll lose ground pretty quickly. Best you can hope for is that you can run faster than the rest of your squad: but then no one ever said life in the Imperial Guard was fair. " —Quartermaster Kross, Cadian 312th; executed for dishonorable combat 777.M41
A Canoptek Scarab is a small, silver, beetle-like Necron construct. These robotic Scarabs are the most numerous and diverse of the Necrons' Canoptek machine servants. They are designed to break down organic and non-organic matter into raw energy, which can then be woven into fresh construct forms at the direction of the Scarabs’ controller. The Scarabs are an all-devouring tide of skittering metal launched ahead of a Necron phalanx that can break down tanks and fortifications and force an enemy to expend its firepower in frantic efforts to halt the onslaughts.
Armament: Teeth: Scarabs are armed only with their teeth, yet that has never stopped them from devouring everything in their path.
Defense: Resistance: Whilst individually, Canoptek Scarabs pose little threat, given enough time, an unmolested Scarab could inflict great damage. However its rate of consumption is relatively slow, affording ample time for it to be destroyed. Scarabs’ machine nature gives them a degree of resistance to damage, but they lack the real armor or the self-repair Reanimation Protocols employed by the Necrons themselves. Nevertheless, Scarabs are almost never encountered alone, and the presence of a single Canoptek Scarab signals that dozens, if not hundreds more are close.
Special: Variants
-Nanoscarabs: Necron Nanoscarabs are tiny, spider-like Scarabs that specialize in repairing objects. Canoptek Spyders are able to produce Nanoscarabs from the Scarab hives within them before directing them towards appropriate duties. A Phylactery carried by a Necron Lord or Necron Overlord also is filled with Nanoscarabs that will swarm over the Necron bearer’s body and wounds at his command, or if he is severely damaged or destroyed. The Nanoscarabs will then proceed to reknit tears in his ravaged Necrodermis body, bolstering his own self-repair abilities so that he may continue to fight on.
-Flensing Scarab: Flensing Scarabs are swarms of specially purposed Canoptek Scarabs designed to swiftly and violently separate flesh from bone. Although they are no more than mere insects in size, Flensing Scarabs' attacks on living targets are nevertheless as deadly as they are horrific. No larger than the biting Terran insects they resemble, during the Orphean War Maynarkh Dynasty Crypteks assigned these murderous machines to larger bodies of the dynasty’s troops to assist them in bloodletting and the rendering down of organic bodies for prompt harvesting.
-Mindshackle Scarab: A Mindshackle Scarab is a specialized Canoptek Scarab variant that is one of the Necrons’ chief methods for controlling sentient alien races. At the bearer’s command, a swarm of these tiny robotic scarabs bury into the victim’s head and bypass his or her cerebral functions, turning the victim into little more than a puppet under the control of the scarabs’ master. When released during combat, they can be used to force a person to attack his own forces for at least a short time before he can wrest back control of his mind. Mindshackle Scarab hives are found exclusively as part of the armories of Necron royals, such as Necron Overlords, Necron Lords and Necron Destroyer Lords.
-Bloodswarm Nanoscarab: Bloodswarm Nanoscarabs are a type of miniaturized Canoptek Scarab that are only used by the Necron Overlord Imotekh the Stormlord. When released, the chittering tide of a Bloodswarm swirls about the enemy, probing their armor for flaws and then begins to feed, breaking down the victim's armor plating and leaving it vulnerable. A single chink is more than enough for the mechanical scarabs as they burrow into the warm flesh underneath. However, these Bloodswarm Nanoscarabs have an additional purpose. The blood of the victims they spill in excess proves more than enough to attract packs of Flayed Ones, who quickly finish off whatever resistance is left.
-Sepulchral Scarab: Sepulchral Scarabs are a specialized variant of Canoptek Scarab that some Canoptek Tomb Stalkers, Canoptek Tomb Sentinels and Necron Sentry Pylons carry into battle. If the construct is damaged, Sepulchral Scarabs will emerge from their hiding places on the construct's carapace to quickly repair the war machine, granting it immense regenerative properties.
-Charnel Scarab: Charnel Scarabs are Canoptek Scarabs that have been modified and reconfigured by Maynarkh Dynasty Crypteks since their awakening before the start of the Orphean War. Created to better strip flesh from their enemies with arrays of flensing blades and serrated maws, Charnel Scarabs are able to shred and mutilate scores of living targets into a quivering and unrecognizable mass of red detritus in mere seconds. The flesh and blood of the harvest is then used to adorn the bodies of the Flayed Ones that often accompany them, and appease their hunger. However, Charnel Scarabs lack a normal Canoptek Scarab’s ability to break down matter and use it in the construction of Necron technology and devices.
Additional Factors:
-No Hive Intelligence: A swarm of Scarabs has no more true intelligence than one Scarab alone -- which is to say none at all. All they are driven by are simple instructions and even simpler instincts.
-Consume any material: From the softest of flesh to the toughest of steel, Scarabs will consume anything they can get their mouth on.
-Fabrication: Scarabs will take the devoured masses they have consumed, and convert it into raw energy, which can then be woven into fresh constructs for use by their Necron creators.
-Controlled: The Scarabs move to the will of a Cryptek or are enslaved to the more complex artificial intelligence of a Canoptek Spyder.
-Flight & Burrow: Scarabs are capable of both flight, as well as being able to burrow under the ground; either descending from the skies or bursting from the dirt to devour a horrified enemy commander.
Notable Formation:
-Canoptek Swarm: Canoptek Scarabs can burrow through the bedrock of a world with a speed that far outstrips the most efficient Imperial drilling machines, creating passageways broad enough to allow the admission of Canoptek Spyders to oversee their work. Thus can the walls of impressive defensive bulwarks and fortresses be undermined, and their perimeters be outflanked. The only warning of an incoming Canoptek Swarm is a deep thrum of muffled chittering, easily lost in the roar of battle. When the swarm deems the time right, walls shatter and buildings collapse as the ground beneath them gives way. As the buzzing rises to an ear-splitting crescendo, great boreholes open up, spewing dense clouds of Scarabs and hulking Canoptek Spyders into the enemy’s midst. A Canoptek Swarm formation typically consists of three to six separate Canoptek Scarab swarms, accompanied by one to three Canoptek Spyders
Tomb Blade
Type of Armor: Necrodermis
Weapon Type: Energy
Speed: Very Fast
Calvary Purpose: Vanguard
Classification: Former Space Fighter
A Tomb Blade is an anti-gravitic Necron combination void fighter and Jetbike which operates using dimensional repulser units to operate in both the void and the atmosphere of a world and unleash powerful firepower upon enemy starships, vehicles and ground forces as they corkscrew wildly through the ether. Often deployed as part of a vanguard force, the Tomb Blade's deadly speed and unpredictable nature make it a dangerous foe.
Armament: Tomb Blades can be armed with any ONE of the following as their primary weapon
-Twin Linked Tesla Carbines: Tesla Carbines unleash bolts of living lightning that crackles from foe to foe after hitting its target, charring flesh and melting armor. Tesla bolts feed off the energy released by the destruction they cause, thus making their lightning become more furious with every fresh arc.
-Twin Linked Gauss Blasters: The same weapon as that wielded most commonly by Necron Immortals, Gauss Blasters make for a reliable weapon that is easily capable of laying waste to enemy infantry through the molecular disassembling beams they deliver; reducing flesh, armor and bone to their constituent atoms.
-Particle Beamers: Particle Beamers emit streams of minuscule anti-matter particles that detonate on contact with matter. They are incredibly reliable, needing only enough energy to maintain the containment field that prevents their anti-matter from detonating within the weapon’s mechanisms. Particle Beamers are capable of causing small high-strength blasts amongst their target that are capable of wounding all but the hardiest of infantry.
Defense: Necrodermis
Special: A Tomb Blade may also be equipped with any of the following
-Shadowloom: A Shadowloom is a scarab-sized generator which can project an aura of darkness around the Tomb Blade, providing mobile cover within which the craft can disguise its approach and throw off the aim of enemies.
-Nebuloscopes: Nebuloscopes are arcane devices which allow a Tomb Blade pilot to track his prey through seven different dimensions, allowing for far more accurate shots.
-Shield Vanes: Many Tomb Blades are equipped with additional armor panels called Shield Vanes, which increase their craft’s durability by a small amount.
Additional Factors:
-Attack in Swarms: Tomb Blades tend to act in swarms that are dozens or even hundreds strings.
-Bizarre Flight: The Tomb Blade has a curious motion for an aircraft of its design, eschewing the arrow-straight attack vectors of other Jetbikes and fighter craft. The Tomb Blade’s reaction-less dimensional repulser engines ensure that gravity, momentum and the other physical forces of normal space-time have little purchase upon its frame, allowing it to be propelled in a way that has no care for the confines of momentum or inertia. As a result, the craft often corkscrews across the battlefield rather than taking a more direct approach, and constantly changes vector and altitude in a manner fit to boggle the enemy’s aim. No flesh and blood pilot could ever hope to contend such an anarchic approach without succumbing to blackouts and nausea, but such hazards have no hold over undying machines.
-Programmed Pilots: Despite appearances to the contrary, the attack patterns performed by Tomb Blades are strictly controlled by a series of hyper-fractal equations. Indeed, they have to be for the hard-wired Necron Warrior alone would make for a truly dreadful pilot. To compensate for this, attack patterns are entirely pre-programmed and the pilot cannot alter them once in flight, though it can switch between different tactical packages in order to adapt to fresh objectives. The pre-programmed nature of a Tomb Blade’s flight means that it is therefore theoretically possible to predict the flight-path it will take, but only a genius-level intellect could divine that there was a pattern at all. Even if said genius could isolate and identify the particular set of equations in use, no conventional targeting computer could ever hope to process the data fast enough to be of any use. Thus, a Tomb Blade is just as difficult a quarry as the most accomplished of all mortal-piloted aircraft, even though its pilot’s actual skill is immensely inferior to the best pilots of the other starfaring races.
Notable Formations:
-Ghost Strider Phalanx: Ghost Strider Phalanxes are employed when the Necrons need to capture ground swiftly. They are most effective when fighting at full strength, where the overlapping layers of their Ghost Arks’ Quantum Shielding reinforce one another in a quantum zone. Should a powerful attack be detected, the Ghost Ark’s abnegation protocols seize control of one of its Tomb Blade escorts and hurl it spiraling into the path of the shot, preserving the valuable Ghost Ark from the enemy’s wrath. The formation is invariably guided by a ‘Walker in the Ether’ – a Ghost Ark helmsman who can see pocket dimensions as clearly as he can the physical world. With suitable preparation, the Walker can breach these pocket dimensions, allowing the forces under his command to bypass any foes that stand in their path and cross the battlefield to wherever they are needed. A Ghost Strider Phalanx typically consists of one to three Ghost Arks with embarked Necron Warriors squads, and one to three Tomb Blade units.
Necron Destroyers
Type of Armor: Necrodermis
Weapon Type: Gauss
Speed: Very Fast
Calvary Purpose: Vanguard
Classification: Insane Killers
"The Destroyers? They are weapons, nothing more, and should be expended as such. They are Necron in form only, having been reborn to a madness deeper than any other so which I have borne witness. Whilst I hold nothing but approval for their drive and efficiency, I can present no logic adequate to justify their ultimate goal. A warrior's proper function is to fight for a profound objective, to leave behind works or deeds greater than himself. Given free reign, the Destroyers would leave behind nothing; not life, nor art, nor glory. Only dust would remain. I am a soulless machine, yet even I feel pity for their victims." — Szarekh, Last of the Silent Kings
A Necron Destroyer is a deranged agent of annihilation whose sole reason for existence is centered around an unshakeable yearning to quench the flames of life. A Destroyer cares not for borders or dynasty allegiance, nor does he make any distinction between the innocent and the damned -- all life is his enemy, and all living creatures are his prey.
-Gauss Cannon: Gauss Weapons are the most common of all weaponry carried by the Necron soldiery and vary in appearance. Unlike more conventional directed energy weapons, a Gauss projector does not deliver a cutting beam of coherent subatomic particles or bolt of electromagnetic force. Instead it emits a molecular disassembling beam, capable of reducing flesh, armor and bone to their constituent atoms. Destroyers make use of the destructive force of the deadly Gauss Cannon.
Defense: Necrodermis
-Necron Heavy Destroyer: The Heavy Destroyer is a heavier fire support variant of the standard Necron Destroyer. Heavy Necron Destroyers mount the lethal Heavy Gauss Cannon, an even more devastating version of that powerful weapon. The power generating spine of the Heavy Destroyer is much more pronounced and generates more energy than its lighter counterpart, providing their Heavy Gauus Cannon with enormous power. Heavy Destroyers are also equipped with a specialized targeting array that enables them to home in on enemy armored vehicles, fixing them with their baleful multi-lensed optical sensors before raking them with devastating Heavy Gauss Cannon fire that can destroy almost all opposition.
Additional Factors:
-Destruction of all life: Regardless of the goals of those they follow, Necron Destroyers seek only to kill every living thing everywhere.
-On most campaigns, their brutal efficiency more than compensates for the almost habitual insubordination with which they treat other Necrons of all ranks. The canniest and most thorough Nemesors make a direct point of building campaigns around the actions of Destroyers, rather than making doomed attempts to enforce their own battle plan on these twisted warriors.
-Destroyers and Destroyer Lords are among the few who don't seem to have a problem working with Flayed Ones.
Notable Formation:
-Host of the Red Harvest: Whilst Destroyers are insane by any acceptable definition, their nihilistic madness does not compromise their prosecution of battle. Every burst of gauss fire is coordinated with the next Destroyer in line, each salvo merging into a torrent of energy pulses that sweeps over every ruin and rock, shredding any creatures pathetic enough to take cover in the shadows. Should circumstances dictate, the Destroyers can switch over to other prearranged fire patterns, creating lethal kill-boxes of gauss energy in a vast gauss torrent. If a group of Heavy Destroyers were to do the same, their reinforced beams will form a Gauss Obliterator shot that can punch clear through a Baneblade. Thus does the battle proceed until either the Destroyers are overwhelmed, or the foe have been slaughtered. The Destroyers give no thought to retreat – nothing can stay their steady advance save for oblivion itself. A Host of the Red Harvest formation typically consists of three or more squads of three Destroyers or Heavy Destroyers each, led by a single Destroyer Lord.
Necron Destroyer Lord
Type of Armor: Necrodermis
Weapon Type:
Calvary Purpose:
"I acknowledge no master, save for the almighty specter of death. In its name, I will reap all signs of life from this galaxy, leaving nothing but a barren monument to timeless inevitability. Call it what you will, but this is the pursuit of nothing less than perfection. Those who cannot understand its necessity are clearly flawed, but they should not despair -- I will ensure that they do not live to see the final stage of the work completed." —Executioner Ezandrakh of the Mephrit Dynasty, Herald of the Red Harvest
A Necron Destroyer Lord is a sentient member of the Necron elite, a former Necron Lord or Overlord, who has fallen prey to the madness of the Necron Destroyers. Even the Necron nobility are not safe from the madness that consumes the Destroyers. When a Necron Lord or Overlord succumbs, a great threat to all life is born. Ironically, the only reason the Imperium is not aware of the extent of this threat is precisely because these Destroyer Lords are so aptly named. No one has borne witness to the atrocities committed by these steel harbingers of apocalypse and lived, and so it can only be guessed at the threat stirring on barren worlds scattered across the galaxy.
Armament: Destroyer Lords tend to forgo ranged weaponry, preferring melee combat. As such, they can be found with one of the following…
Gauntlet of Fire: A Gauntlet of Fire consists of a glove and vambrance whose length crackles and flows with viridian flame. The mechanisms are controlled with a series of sub-mechanical filaments which allows the Destroyer Lord to wield control over the gauntlet as if it were his own hand.
Staff of Light: The Staff of Light is both a weapon and a symbol of Necron authority wielded by Necron Destroyer Lords. Its haft is actually a disguised Power Generator Rod and the crest is a finely tuned focussing device which allows the wielder to unleash searing green bolts of Gauss energy at his foes.
Voidblade: The blade of a Voidblade phases in and out of existence in normal space-time. This allows it to easily slice through molecular bonds and disintegrate foes where they stand.
Warscythe: A Warscythe is an energy-bladed battle stave that has been the favored weapon of Necron nobility and their bodyguards for millions of Terran years. To lesser creatures, they are heavy and cumbersome, but can be wielded to great efficiency by the mechanical hands of a Necron. The Warscythe is a particular favorite, as a Destroyer Lord hovering above the heads of his enemies can take full advantage of the reach afforded by these massive melee weapons.
Defense: Necrodermis
Special: Destroyer Lords may also be carrying any of these in addition to their primary weapon:
-Mindshackle Scarab: Mindshackle Scarabs are one of the Necrons' primary means for controlling alien species. At the bearer's command, tiny mechanical scarabs bury into the victim's mind and bypass cerebral functions, turning the victim into little more than a puppet under the mental control of the scarabs' master.
-Resurrection Orb: A Resurrection Orb is a glowing sphere that focuses energy into Necron repair circuits. This allows them to regenerate at a rate faster than normal.
-Sempiternal Weave: The Sempiternal Weave is an enhancement of a Necron Overlord's exoskeleton in which filaments of phase-hardened Amaranthine and Adamantium are threaded throughout the Necrodermis, strengthening it.
-Tachyon Arrow: A Tachyon Arrow is an intricately crafted wrist-mounted energy caster consisting of a sliver of inert metal. When activated, the metal transmutes into an unstoppable thunderbolt of pure green energy that can pierce the heart of a mountain.
Additional Factors:
-Curiously, Destroyer Lords forgo the decorative finery commonly worn by Necron royalty. Whether this is representative of their single-minded obsession, an intentional statement, or a simple matter of practicality, none can say, for the Destroyer Lords are avoided by their former peers as much as the other Destroyers, and are not keen to engage in conversation (except to learn the location of potential targets).
-Lords are far more intelligent (and more maniacal) then normal Destroyers.
-If a Destroyer Lord takes prisoners, it is not out of honor or pity, but simple efficiency. There are a thousand ways in which captives can be used as lures for other fleshlings, and Destroyer Lords are conversant with every last one.
-There is no artistry or grace to a Destroyer Lord's blows -- each swing of his blade is driven only by the desire for optimum efficiency. Oddly, this often means a Destroyer Lord's attacks are unintentionally spectacular. if he calculates that three enemies can be slain swifter with one blow that three individual strikes, then a single blow is all that will be made. A lesser creature would perhaps balk at the risk this entails, but for a Destroyer Lord, who has calculated success down to a degree impossible for an organic mind, there is no risk remaining -- only a certainty as pure as death itself.
Tomb Stalker
Type of Armor: Necrodermis
Weapon Type: Gauss
Speed: Extraordinary Fast
Calvary Purpose: Ambushes
Classification: Tomb Guardian & Living Weapon
During their epochs-long dormancy, the Necrons left their sepulchres guarded by silent, tireless machines patterned in the shape of ancient and alien beasts of prey. Of these great engines, the most fearsome is known to the unfortunate masses of mankind as the Canoptek Tomb Stalker sometimes just called the Tomb Stalker. A Tomb Stalker is an enormous mass of living-metal carapace teeming with flashing legs and possessed of a murderous will. Easily the size of a dozen men, this centipede-like construct makes use of arcane phase-generators, allowing it to stalk the Tomb Worlds of its slumbering lords; burrowing through solid ground. They are swift and relentless engines of murder that know neither pity nor remorse. Differing somewhat in scale and form, Tomb Stalkers and other similar constructs primarily serve in guarding their Necron masters during their sleep; eternally vigilant in their search for intruders that might disturb the dread tombs in which they slumber.
-Claws & Blades: A Tomb Stalker primarily attacks foes with its myriad of blades, limbs and claws, using its brute strength and fast movement to erupt ghost-like from solid earth before smashing into the enemy's lines, ripping to shreds anything that dares to flee in a storm of bladed limbs.
-Gauss Flayers: All Canoptek Stalkers have two Gauss Flayers mounted on their forelimbs, which allows them to slay the foe at range and strip a target down to nothing molecule by molecule, reducing it to its constituent atoms in a matter of seconds
Defense: Necrodermis
-Tomb Stalkers also possessing phasing technology that allows them to move through solid objects with ease, and if timed right can make blows pass right through them.
Special: Some Tomb Stalkers can be upgraded with the following:
-Sepulchral Scarabs: Sepulchral Scarabs are a specialized variant of Canoptek Scarabs that some Canoptek Tomb Stalkers carry into battle. If the Tomb Stalker is damaged, Sepulchral Scarabs will emerge from their hiding places on the Tomb Stalker's carapace to quickly repair the construct, granting the Tomb Stalker immense regenerative properties.
-Gloom Prison: A Gloom Prism can generate cloaking fields of an unknown energy type that shield the Tomb Stalker from the effects of Warp-spawned powers, such as those wielded by psykers.
Additional Factors:
-Tomb Stalkers can detect the pulse of life and sense the frenzied rhythm of a panicked heartbeat through hundreds of meters of solid rock, and they use this ability to home in unerringly on their victims.
-The powerful sensors of the Tomb Stalker can work in all conditions, from heavy rain to total darkness.
-The individual segments of the killing-machine seem drawn to one another and will reconstitute themselves to reform the whole should they come back into contact.
-Tomb Stalkers can burrow through the earth towards their victims.
Doomsday Ark
Weapon Type: Doomsday Cannon
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Speed: Kinda slow, with bursts of speed
Classification: Mobile Super Weapon
A Doomsday Ark is a Necron skimmer vehicle used as a massive, mobile weapons platform. A Doomsday Ark is no or more less than a mobile carriage for a Doomsday Cannon, perhaps the most powerful weapon in the Necrons’ formidable arsenal. Powerful enough to bring down an Adeptus Munitorum-standard M.39 “Scutum” prefabricated bunker in a single bombardment, a Doomsday Ark, when encountered, must be dealt with before it can move into firing position; for a single salvo can leave an entire army in ruins.
-Doomsday Cannon: The Doomsday Cannon is a wonder of super-technology, easily eclipsing the primitive directed energy weapons of the Imperium of Man. Even fired at low power the Doomsday Cannon is a fearsome weapon; when firing at full effect, its searing energy beams burn many times hotter than more conventional Plasma Weapons. Infantry squads caught in the Doomsday Cannon’s fury are obliterated instantly whilst armored vehicles are reduced to glowing slag. In the face of a shot from a Doomsday Cannon, nothing less than a Titan’s Void Shields can hope to offer anything more than a fool’s hope of protection. Because of the energy constraints that are inherent in the design of a Doomsday Ark, a Doomsday Cannon can only be fired at full power whilst the vehicle is not moving. If the vehicle does move, then the pilots must redistribute power to the dimensional repulser motive units that keep the Doomsday Ark aloft and thus forcing the Doomsday Cannon to receive less power and fire a weaker, though still powerful, blast.
-Two Gauss Flayer Arrays: Doomsday Arks are each armed with two separate arrays of five Gauss Flayers -- one located along each flank -- enabling it to "broadside" enemy units on its side. These two arrays enable the Doomsday Ark to repel any enemy assaulters who manage to flank it, as well as those approaching from the rear due to the Ark’s swift turning speeds.
Defense: Necrodermis
-Quantum Shielding: Doomsday Arks are also protected by a layer of Quantum Shielding which exists out of phase from the rest of the vehicle until the moment of deflection. It can deflect the first shot that would otherwise penetrate the Ark’s armor, after which it cannot be used again for some time.
Additional Information:
-A Doomsday Ark relies little on either evasion or resilience for survival. Rather, its pilot’s entire defensive strategy is one of pre-emptive strike -- after all, enemies are infinitely less threatening once reduced to an expanding cloud of superheated energy
-Though ponderous in advancing, a Doomsday Ark can be brought around to a new heading with surprising speed; emerald energy beams lancing out to slaughter its would-be attackers. Further, all Nemesors realize the potential of a Doomsday Cannon to turn the tide of battle, meaning that the weapon is almost invariably defended by Necron Warriors or even more potent Necron units.
Annihilation Barge
Weapon Type: Tesla
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Speed: Slow
Classification: Mobile Weapons Platform
Not so much a tank but a mobile weapons platform, a Necron Annihilation Barge is so-named for its extreme destructive potential. Whilst slow moving and ponderous, mobility is not its purpose. It excels instead in its aptly named role -- annihilation. Using its devastating Tesla lightning weapons, an Annihilation Barge can eradicate entire formations of enemy infantry in mere moments; its bolts of electricity incinerating target after target. An Annihilation Barge is crescent shaped in appearance, with is main payload mounted atop its keel. Its open form is kept aloft by a sophisticated anti-gravitic engine, which allows the Barge to hover over any intervening terrain that might otherwise hamper its movement.
-Twin Linked Tesla Destructors: An Annihilation Barge’s primary weapon is its Tesla Destructor, which is mainly an anti-personnel weapon though only the most heavily armed tanks can risk its wrath with utter impunity. The Tesla Destructor employs much the same lightning-arc technology as found in the smaller Tesla Cannons and Tesla Carbines. Its energy discharges of crackling lightning can wreak terrible harm on living targets; searing their flesh, melting their armor and boiling their blood. Furthermore, the Tesla bolts fired feed off energy released by the destruction they cause, often meaning that the lightning becomes more ferocious with each arc. So powerful are the blasts from a Tesla Destructor, and such is its shocking rapidity of fire, that the lightning fired is capable of leaping from target to target before they are finally grounded; leaving a trail of smoldering carnage across a broad swathe of the battlefield behind them.
-Tesla Cannon: Annihilation Barges commonly mount an underslung Tesla Cannon as a backup secondary weapon which, whilst less potent than the larger Tesla Destructor, is still capable of vaporizing significant amounts of infantry.
Defense: Necrodermis
-Quantum Shielding: Annihilation Barges are also protected by a layer of Quantum Shielding which exists out of phase from the rest of the vehicle until the moment of deflection. It can deflect the first shot that would otherwise penetrate the Barge’s armor, after which it cannot be used again for some tim
Additional Information:
-Due to their incredibly slow speed (even by Necron standards), the Annihilation Barges will often be deployed as defenses for strategic locations instead. From there, they can counter enemy scout elements without facing the risk of being swept aside by a concerted enemy attack. Not only does this deployment render valuable sectors of the battlefield immune to all but the most determined of enemy assaults, it also ensures that the Annihilation Barges themselves are guaranteed to find bloody purpose.
-Typically, the Barges will be guarded by a squad or Immortals and Necron Warriors.
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Speed: Slow
Classification: Massive Mobile Superweapon
A Monolith is a massive mobile fortress used by the Necrons as their primary planetary assault craft. A Monolith combines the properties of a transport craft, armored destroyer and icon of undying Necron power. Its ponderous form can float across a battlefield upon its anti-gravitic engines, whilst its crystal core pulses with sickly energy that can be manipulated into powerful beams of Gauss lightning which whip out from its weapon mounts. The frontal section of the Monolith is also capable of opening a dark portal and transporting Necrons to the battlefield to cause fresh havoc.
Armament: Particle Whip, Gauss Flux Arc, Gauss Flayers
-All Necron Monoliths are armed with a large power matrix crystal mounted atop its pyramidal form. This crystal can focus its alien energies to unleash devastating arcs of anti-matter lightning; in other words, the crystal serves as a massive Particle Whip. The explosions caused by this weapon will often affect large areas and can cause great damage to infantry and vehicles alike. Monoliths are also armed with four Gauss Flux Arc projectors positioned around its hull. Effectively batteries of three Gauss Flayers each, these weapons are often used to scour the immediate area around the Monolith clean of enemies.
Defense: Necrodermis
Special: Eternity Gate
-All Necron Monoliths feature a powerful wormhole portal known as an Eternity Gate which is built into their forward hull face. The Eternity Gate can act as both a dimensional portal to teleport Necrons through from other worlds or elsewhere on the battlefield, as well as significantly aiding their repair processes whilst they do so. It can also serve as another offensive weapon, a portal of exile which can suck in and banish enemies nearby into oblivion.
Variant: Megalith:
-A Megalith is an enormous Necron mobile fortress composed of living metal. The Megalith is fully capable of space travel as well as planetary landings, and is used to initiate full-scale planetary assaults against hardened targets, usually from planetary orbit. Similar in appearance to the Monolith, but far larger, Megaliths are capable of ferrying multiple Monoliths within its hull, and then releasing them like a swarm upon the battlefield once a planetary assault has begun. Beyond their awe-inspiring size and the ability to transport multiple Monoliths, the Megalith is equipped with an arsenal of devastating Gauss and directed energy weapons. A Megalith was first encountered by the forces of the Imperium of Man in the hands of Nemesor Zahndrekh, a Necron Overlord of the Sautekh Dynasty, during the Necrons' Conquest of Uttu Prime in the Vidar Sector in the late 41st Millennium. At Uttu Prime, Zahndrekh's Megalith and its related forces were responsible for eradicating 3 regiments of the Imperial Guard's elite Catachan Jungle Fighters and 3 full companies of Imperial Fists Space Marines. The defeat at Uttu Prime represented one of the worst defeats in both those units' histories, and made clear the scale of the threat that the Necrons posed to the servants of the Emperor of Mankind.
Additional Information:
-The Eternity Gate can be used to pull squads of Necrons from anywhere (be it on planet or distant Tomb Worlds) and deploy them directly to the battlefield.
-Necron Monoliths are primarily deployed to act as a central anchor for Necron battle lines, mainly due to their abilities to quickly affect repairs upon those Necrons which teleport through its eternity gate, their immense firepower and near-impenetrable armor. Monoliths themselves are often deployed onto a battlefield through teleportation methods, either from within a Necron tomb or from orbiting Necron fleets.
Notable Formation:
-Monolith Phalanx: Armed with technology perfected before Mankind ever rose from primordial soup, the Necrons utilize weapons and strategies incomprehensible to all other intelligent races. Though the Warp is anathema to the metallic legions of the former Necrontyr, there are many other dimensions they can use of which other races are wholly ignorant. Using their mastering of space-time manipulation, the Necrons were able to create worlds within worlds, stable null fields and all manner of other exotic battlefield conditions. This is most evident in the use of Monoliths in a formation the Ordo Xenos has dubbed the Monolith Phalanx. In this particular configuration, at certain pivotal places in the four-dimensional universe, the presence of three or more Monoliths within effective range of each other can emit a frequency waveform that distorts space-time and creates a powerful energy field known as a nodal grid. As witnessed during the Rincairn’s Flow Massacre, two or more Monoliths in a Monolith Phalanx near each other can create a Nightshroud barrier between them. Enemy shots which pass through this barrier lose energy and strength whilst the Nightshroud also obscures those Necrons behind it. A Nightshroud is also anathema to psykers and as such they cannot cast their psychic powers through it. However, if three or more Monoliths in a Monolith Phalanx are close enough, they can project a nodal grid, which bolsters Necrons within the grid itself by enhancing their already potent resistance to damage, making them all but impossible to destroy. A nodal grid also acts as a null field upon the battlefield, completely draining the energies of psykers within its range. All Necron Monoliths in a Monolith Phalanx formation will always teleport onto the battlefield, their unheralded arrival spelling doom to their enemies.
-Doomsday Phalanx: To date, there have been no confirmed records of Necrons fielding super-heavy vehicles comparable with the likes of the Imperial Baneblade and the Eldar Scorpion. Instead, the Necrons seem to favor the deployment of specialized Monolith formations whose combined might is greater than the sum of their parts. Such is the case with the Doomsday Phalanx. First sighted during the Damnos Incident, but since reported in many other conflicts, the Doomsday Phalanx holds at its core a heavily modified Monolith, named a Doomsday Monolith by the Imperium, that is protected by a phase shift energy generator of unknown design, and has been noted to be capable of focusing awesome destructive energies into devastating viridian beams which can be fired from its Gauss Obliterator. Worse still, a "Doomsday Monolith" is inevitably accompanied by several lesser constructions whose eldritch power it can siphon towards its own cataclysmic ends.
-Baleful Necropolis: A complex known as a Baleful Necropolis is the most potent of all a Tomb World’s defenses. These colossal hovering fortresses are more than mere battle stations, but the very buildings of a Necron Tomb, raised into the sky to rain destruction upon the luckless invaders. To hold so many massive structures aloft requires a power source beyond the ken of lesser races, yet a single Tesseract Vault is equal to the task. These multi-phasic prisons not only cage the most powerful C'tan Shards, but also leech and redirect their essence to fuel other arcane devices. Such is the sheer spectacle and destructive fury of a Baleful Necropolis’ cyclopean assault that the ranking Nemesor will also inevitably commandeer it to spear his own phalanxes. A Baleful Necropolis formation usually consists of a single Tesseract Vault that powers eight Monoliths around it. When operating in such a manner, the Tesseract Vault is able to harness a specialized Annihilator Beam weapon, and can draw power from nearby Monoliths to enhance the beam's range. The Tesseract Vault also projects a Supreme Shield Matrix around itself, protecting nearby Monoliths and itself with an energy field that only grows more powerful with every additional Monolith under its protection.
Doomsday Monoliths
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Speed: Very Slow
Classification: Super-Giant Mobile Superweapon
A Doomsday Monolith is a specialized, super-heavy variant of the mobile Necron fortress known as a Monolith. A Doomsday Monolith combines the properties of a transport craft, armored super-heavy assault weapon and icon of undying Necron power. Its ponderous form can float across a battlefield upon its anti-gravitic engines, whilst its crystal core pulses with sickly energy that can be manipulated into powerful beams of Gauss lightning which whip out from its weapon mounts. The frontal section of the Monolith is also capable of opening a dark portal and transporting Necrons to the battlefield to cause fresh havoc.
Armament: Gauss Obliterator / Gauss Flux Arc / Gauss Flayers
A Necron Doomsday Monolith is armed with a large power matrix crystal mounted atop its pyramidal form. This crystal can focus its alien energies to unleash devastating arcs of anti-matter lightning. However, unlike standard Monoliths which can project these energies in the form of a Particle Whip, a Doomsday Monolith can discharge its immense energies in the form of a Gauss Obliterator. The beams themselves are capable of outright destroying large swathes of infantry and vehicles alike. However, a Doomsday Monolith is inevitably accompanied by several other Monoliths, whose eldritch power it can siphon towards its own cataclysmic ends. This additional energy is drained from the power matrices of other Monoliths, and is discharged from the Gauss Obliterator in the form of additional blasts. This increases the weapon's rate of fire and all but ensures the doom of entire enemy armies. Doomsday Monoliths are also armed with four Gauss Flux Arc projectors positioned around its hull. Effectively batteries of three Gauss Flayers each, these weapons are often used to scour the immediate area around the Doomsday Monolith clean of enemies.
Defense: Necrodermis & A Phase Shift Generator
-A Doomsday Monolith is also equipped with a Phase Shift Generator, which functions differently to the Phase Shift Generator also used by a Gauss Pylon. This variant of the technology affords the Doomsday Monolith additional defensive protection by placing the mobile fortress slightly out of phase with the normal flow of space-time, increasing its survivability, though not that of other nearby Necron units.
Special: Eternity Gate
All Necron Monoliths feature a powerful wormhole portal known as an Eternity Gate which is built into their forward hull face. The Eternity Gate can act as both a dimensional portal to teleport Necrons through from other worlds or elsewhere on the battlefield, as well as significantly aiding their repair processes whilst they do so. It can also serve as another offensive weapon, a portal of exile which can suck in and banish enemies nearby into oblivion.
Additional Information:
-Necron Doomsday Monoliths are primarily deployed to act as a central anchor for Necron battle lines, mainly due to their abilities to quickly affect repairs upon those Necrons which teleport through its Eternity Gate, their potent firepower and near-impenetrable armor. Doomsday Monoliths themselves are often deployed onto a battlefield through teleportation methods, either from within a Necron tomb or from orbiting Necron fleets. However, Doomsday Monoliths can also descend safely from great heights using their sophisticated anti-gravitic engines.
-Like with Monoliths, Doomsday Monoliths can use their Eternity Gates to bring Necron reinforcements straight to the battlefield from virtually anywhere.
Notable Formation:
-Doomsday Phalanx: To date, there have been no confirmed records of Necrons fielding super-heavy vehicles comparable with the likes of the Imperial Baneblade and the Eldar Scorpion. Instead, the Necrons seem to favor the deployment of specialized Monolith formations whose combined might is greater than the sum of their parts. Such is the case with the Doomsday Phalanx. First sighted during the Damnos Incident, but since reported in many other conflicts, the Doomsday Phalanx holds at its core a heavily modified Monolith called a Doomsday Monolith by the Imperium that is protected by a phase shift energy generator of unknown design, and has been noted to be capable of focusing awesome destructive energies into devastating viridian beams which can be fired from its Gauss Obliterator. Worse still, a "Doomsday Monolith" is inevitably accompanied by several lesser constructions whose eldritch power it can siphon towards its own cataclysmic ends.
Tomb Sentinel
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Speed: Extraordinarily Fast
Classification: Modified Tomb Stalker
In the ancient Necron panoplies of war, a Canoptek Tomb Sentinel, also known simply as a Tomb Sentinel, is a truly unusual innovation. It is one of the last war machines designed by the Cryptek artificer Toholk the Blinded and was given over to the Triarch Praetorians before the Great Sleep for dissemination to the other Necron Dynasties at the Silent King’s demand. Designed as both a guardian and an aggressor, a Canoptek Tomb Sentinel is a heavily modified variant of the insectile Tomb Stalker which forgoes that war engine’s facility in close assault in order to mount a compact exile weapon able to render a battle tank into oblivion. Phasing phantom-like through the paltry defenses and fortifications of the less advanced races, it can deploy its Exile Cannon within the close confines of an enemy stronghold or even within a landed starship with devastating consequences.
-Exile Cannon: n Exile Cannon is a powerful and arcane Necron weapon that uses similar technologies to those employed by the smaller Transdimensional Beamer. An Exile Cannon can be used as a convenient method of banishing large amounts of unwanted debris, machinery and failed experiments from Tomb Worlds and battlefields into a pocket dimension outside of the normal space-time continuum. However, these arcane ray projectors can also just as easily unleash their energy beams to blast and banish foes, armored vehicles, and alien creatures to a long and horrifying death from starvation by casting them into other dimensional realms beyond the material universe.
-Blades & Claws: A Tomb Sentinel can attack its foes with its myriad of blades, limbs and claws, using its brute strength and fast movement to erupt ghost-like from solid earth before smashing into the enemy lines, ripping to shreds anything that dares to flee in a storm of bladed limbs.
Defense: Necrodermis & Phase Generator
-Like all the works of the undying Necrons, these insectoid creatures continue to thrash and fight with deadly ferocity despite damage or dismemberment. The individual segments of the killing-machine seem drawn to one another and will reconstitute themselves to reform the whole should they come back into contact. Indeed, only the massive use of force is capable of wounding a Tomb Sentinel in the first place.
-Sepulchral Scarabs: Sepulchral Scarabs are a specialized variant of Canoptek Scarabs that some Canoptek Tomb Sentinels carry into battle. If the Tomb Sentinel is damaged, Sepulchral Scarabs will emerge from their hiding places on the Tomb Sentinel's carapace to quickly repair the construct, granting the Tomb Sentinel immense regenerative properties.
-Gloom Prism: A Gloom Prism can generate cloaking fields of an unknown energy type that shield the Tomb Sentinel from the effects of Warp-spawned powers, such as those wielded by psykers.
Additional Information:
-The Tomb Sentinel can burrow through solid ground, or phase through it with its phase generators; allowing it to sneak up on its enemies.
-Tomb Sentinels can detect the pulse of life and sense the frenzied rhythm of a panicked heartbeat through hundreds of meters of solid rock, and they use this ability to home in unerringly on their victims. This is due to the powerful sensors built into their primary sensor cluster which can work in all conditions, including complete darkness.
Tesseract Ark
Weapon Type:
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Speed: Quick
Classification: Mobile Siege Weapon
A Tesseract Ark is an arcane Necron war machine first encountered by the Imperium of Man during the Orphean War of the late 41st Millennium. Imperial observation of this war machine classifies it as a mobile ordnance carrier/siege unit of potent firepower capacity, and Auspex and Cogitator analysis reveals the likelihood that the vehicle contains a force containment vessel whose operation is considered physically impossible by the writ of the Imperium and the Adeptus Mechanicus.
From this "Tesseract Singularity Chamber" the Tesseract Ark can siphon and unleash storm-winds of particle energy, the stolen fire of suns, and shatter the earth and crumble bastions alike with seismic tremors. A Tesseract Ark also exhibits extreme durability with maximal resistance to projectile and energy weapons fire. This protection is attributed to non-Euclidean function Necron material technology in combination with terradyne-magnitude controlled gravity distortions emanating from vehicle; and unbeknownst to the Imperium, this effect is also purposefully induced from the contained singularity to better protect the Ark from harm. Imperial tacticians have learned that when encountered, a Tesseract Ark is engaged at long-range with saturation ordnance/airstrikes or at medium range with super-heavy battlefield assets. If forced into close-range engagements, the fatality level of assaulting Imperial troops is likely to be extreme and victory is not guaranteed regardless of the attacker’s strategic advantage.
Armament: Tesseract Singularity Chamber: A Tesseract Ark is built around a shielded Tesseract containment device known as a Tesseract Singularity Chamber. This holds within itself a sliver of a dying star suspended within a stasis field. A Tesseract Ark is able to siphon off this singularity’s terribly destructive energies using the power of Necron scientific mastery, and is able to project its power through its forward projector array as a battlefield weapon. A Tesseract Singularity Chamber provides the vehicle with a number of potent effects, such as projecting a containment field around the Ark that is capable of deflecting even the heaviest of incoming weapons fire, and causing a gravitational flux in the nearby area which forces assaulting enemies into extreme and sometimes fatal gravitic fields as they try to catch their elusive prey. However, it is when the singularity’s energies are fired through the nose-mounted projector array that it is most devastating. When harnessed, it can be fired in three different modes: a solar fire which generates long-range blasts of scouring plasma with a high rate of fire; a close-range particle hurricane that tears into everything directly in front of the vehicle; or a seismic lash that causes powerful quakes and earth tremors in a line extending a significant distance away from the vehicle, often with deadly effects for any vehicles in the quake’s path. This mode also causes surviving enemy infantry to be slowed as they attempt to move across the quaking surface of the ground. Perhaps the only drawback of such a powerful weapon is that if the containment chamber is breached, it detonates in a cataclysmic explosion with devastating effects on everything and everyone nearby.
The secondary weapons systems of the Tesseract Ark can include ONE of the following:
-2Tesla Cannons: Tesla Cannons unleash bolts of living lightning that crackle from foe to foe after hitting their target, charring flesh and melting armor. Tesla bolts feed off the energy released by the destruction they cause, thus making their lightning become more furious with every fresh arc.
-2 Gauss Cannons: The same weapon as that often wielded by Necron Destroyers, Gauss Cannons make for a reliable weapon that is easily capable of laying waste to enemy infantry through the molecular disassembling beams they deliver, reducing flesh, armor and bone to their constituent atoms.
-2 Particle Beamers: Particle Beamers emit streams of minuscule anti-matter particles that detonate on contact with matter. They are incredibly reliable, needing only enough energy to maintain the containment field that prevents their anti-matter from detonating within the weapon’s mechanisms. Particle Beamers are capable of causing small high-strength blasts amongst their target that are capable of wounding all but the hardiest of infantry.
Defense: Necrodermis: The armor of a Tesseract Ark is made up of the same living metal Necrodermis that comprises the bodies of the Necrons themselves, as well as all of their artifacts and vehicles. Its remarkable regenerative properties allow it to automatically repair damage to itself. This means that the Ark can regenerate the parts of its hull, reknit its metal plates, and reconnect any circuits and other delicate systems required to bring its weapons online again.
-Quantum Shielding: Tesseract Arks are also protected by a layer of Quantum Shielding which exists out of phase from the rest of the vehicle until the moment of deflection. It can deflect the first shot that would otherwise penetrate the Ark’s armor, after which it cannot be used again for some time.
-The TSC can project a containment field around the Ark that is capable of deflecting even the heaviest of incoming weapons fire.
Additional Information:
-If the Ark's containment chamber is breached, it will violently explode
The Ark has a sensor-node mounted above the crewman’s seat allows it to better find its cowering foes.
-Hovers, and is not effected by terrain.
-Very rare
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This Shard is Mephet'ran the Deceiver |
C'tan Shard
Weapon Type: Reality Bending
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Speed: Slow
Classification: Imprisoned god-like Entities
The C'tan were the beings who convinced the Necrontyr to serve them, and invented the process that turned them into the Necron, then used the Necron to wage a war on Heaven. However, realizing that the C'tan had used them, and that their new immortality was more curse then blessing, the Necron turned on their masters. The Necrons focussed the unimaginable energies of the living universe into weapons too mighty for even the Star Gods to endure. Alas, the C'tan were immortal star-spawn, part of the fundamental fabric of reality and therefore nigh impossible to destroy. So was each C'tan instead sundered into thousands of smaller and less powerful fragments with a similar energy signature, yet this was sufficient to the Silent King's goals. Indeed, he had known the C'tan's ultimate destruction to be impossible and had drawn his plans accordingly; each C'tan Shard was bound within a multidimensional Tesseract Labyrinth, as trammeled and secured as a Terran djinn trapped in a bottle. Though the cost of victory was high -- millions of Necrons had been destroyed as a consequence of the rebellion, including all of the members of the Triarch save the Silent King himself -- the Necrons were once more in command of their own destiny.
Manifestations of Power: C'tan Shards are beings of reality-warping power. Their abilities are many and varied, often harking back to those their far more powerful parent-entities enjoyed. A C'tan Shard is always capable of unleashing TWO of the following abilities which have been recorded by Eldar scholars:
Entropic Touch: Metal decays on contact with the C'tan Shard's rotten grasp.
Gaze of Death: Eyes blazing with dark energy, the C'tan Shard drains the life from all in the vicinity.
Grand Illusion: The C'tan Shard weaves a glamour of deception, preventing the foe from seeing the true disposition of the Necron forces.
Lord of Fire: The C'tan Shard that wields this ability can become a creature of living flame, able to command the fires wielded by the enemy. This makes all Flamer weapons (as well as heat rays, Burnas, Skorchas, Inferno Cannons and any other weapon that uses flame or fire), as well as all Melta Weapons fired near the C'tan Shard may explode at the C'tan whim.
Moulder of Worlds: Tortured rock buckles and heaves, showering the C'tan Shard's foes with boulders.
Pyreshards: The C'tan Shard conjures specks of blazing black matter and directs them against its foes.
Sentient Singularity: The C'tan Shard's presence destabilizes all local gravitational forces, disrupting engines, teleport beams and Warp jumps.
Swarm of Spirit Dust: A cloud of swirling darkness conceals the C'tan Shard from the gaze of its foes.
Time's Arrow: Mutating the flow of causation and remolding the temporal stream of the space-time continuum, the C'tan Shard casts its foe back into the darkness from before time was time.
Transdimensional Thunderbolt: The C'tan Shard projects a bolt of crackling transdimensional energy from its outstretched palm.
Writhing Worldscape: The natural world revolts at the C'tan Shard's presence, the very ground writhing and shaking as the physical laws of reality are undone.
Defense: Necrodermis: This Necrodermis will be especially potent, as the Necrons will not want to risk the C'tan escaping. In addition, the C'tan Shard may make use of forcefields to further protect it. Nearby Necron units will also guard the Shard. Overall, it will be one of the most difficult Necron units to destroy.
Additional Information:
-A C'tan Shard's abilities are limited only by two things: its imagination -- which is immense -- and glimmering memories of the being from which it was severed. Whilst no individual C'tan Shard has full recall of the omnipotent beings it once was, each carries the personality and hubris of that vaster and more puissant being. Though a C'tan Shard has the power to reduce a tank to molten slag with but a gesture, it might simply not occur to it to do so, as its gestalt primogenitor would have tackled the situation through other means, such as by devolving the crew into primordial ooze, or deceiving them into attacking their own allies.
-The only hope of defeating a C'tan is to breach its Necrodermis shell -- the living metal form that cages its energetic essence. If the Necrodermis is compromised, the C'tan Shard explodes in a pulse of blinding energy, its being scattered to the galactic solar winds.
Tesseract Vault & Transcendant C'tan
Weapon Type: Reality
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Speed: Slow
Classification: Weapon of Mass Destruction
A Tesseract Vault is vast, monolithic, and near-indestructible Necron construct built specifically to contain a Transcendent C'tan, a mighty C'tan Shard of near-omnipotent power that was once one of the Necrons’ deadliest foes. These Transcendent C'tan, nothing less than the amalgamation of dozens or even hundreds of lesser C'tan Shards, are of such size and indomitable will that they are too powerful to be contained within the extra-dimensional intricacies of a Tesseract Labyrinth, and a Tesseract Vault serves as both a prison and a conduit for their power instead.
Transcendent C'tan Ascendant Powers: A Transcendent C'tan is a far more powerful entity than a standard C'tan Shard. As such, Transcendent C'tan are able to unleash these powers when the Necrons deign to release them upon the battlefield. Every Transcendent C'tan must possess one of the following powers, though they cannot be unleashed when the C'tan is fully shackled within the confines of the Tesseract Vault:
-Storm of Heavenly Fire: The Transcendent C'tan unleashes a rain of fire from the heavens which explodes with a cataclysmic blast upon the battlefield. This power is extremely effective at destroying enemy tanks and armored vehicles.
-Transliminal Stride: Using its ability to manipulate the space-time continuum and extra-dimensional realities, the Transcendent C'tan can move across the battlefield to a predetermined point, simply phasing through all obstacles or opponents in its path.
-Seismic Shockwave: When the Transcendent C'tan slams its Necrodermis-clad foot down, it unleashes a seismic shockwave that causes the very ground to shake, blasting armored vehicles and infantry alike into the air like unfortunate toys.
A Transcendent C'tan is able to manifest two of the following Ascendant Powers, and can utilize them to devastating effect on the battlefield. These two will always be available to the Necrons seeking to unleash the power of the Tesseract Vault as a weapon:
-Antimatter Meteor: The Transcendent C'tan is able to unleash a huge meteor composed of antimatter upon the battlefield, a furious assault from the sky that will annihilate all normal matter within range.
-Cosmic Fire: The Transcendent C'tan unleashes a wave of fire hotter than the interior of some suns upon the battlefield, incinerating everything in its path.
-Seismic Assault: The Transcendent C'tan causes rumbling earthquakes with a flick of its hand, crushing enemy units to pulp.
-Sky of Falling Stars: A rain of blazing meteorites falls from the sky to impact the foe at the whim of the Transcendent C'tan.
-Transdimensional Maelstrom: The Transcendent C'tan uses its command of transdimensional energies to unleash a swirling extra dimensional vortex upon the battlefield that can banish all it touches to an alternate reality.
-Wave of Withering: The Transcendent C'tan can cause metal and flesh alike to wither at its command.
Defense: Necrodermis
-The Tesseract Vault has some of the strongest defenses of any Necron unit. It is constantly being repaired by Scarabs, and the Canoptek Sentinel that guards the C'tan uses some of the Star God's own energy to form a forcefield to further protect the mighty machine.
Additional Information:
-The construct is exceedingly well-armored and protected for good reason; should the prison and its force field systems ever fail and the trapped C’tan be released, doom is all but assured for everyone and everything nearby as the Tesseract Vault detonates in a catastrophic explosion of energy.
Notable Formation:
-Baleful Necropolis: A complex known as a Baleful Necropolis is the most potent of all a Tomb World’s defenses. These colossal hovering fortresses are more than mere battle stations, but the very buildings of a Necron Tomb, raised into the sky to rain destruction upon the luckless invaders. To hold so many massive structures aloft requires a power source beyond the ken of lesser races, yet a single Tesseract Vault is equal to the task. These multi-phasic prisons not only cage the most powerful C'tan Shards, but also leech and redirect their essence to fuel other arcane devices. Such is the sheer spectacle and destructive fury of a Baleful Necropolis’ cyclopean assault that the ranking Nemesor will also inevitably commandeer it to spear his own phalanxes. A Baleful Necropolis formation usually consists of a single Tesseract Vault that powers eight Monoliths around it. When operating in such a manner, the Tesseract Vault is able to harness a specialized Annihilator Beam weapon, and can draw power from nearby Monoliths to enhance the beam's range. The Tesseract Vault also projects a Supreme Shield Matrix around itself, protecting nearby Monoliths and itself with an energy field that only grows more powerful with every additional Monolith under its protection.
Canoptek Acanthrites
Type of Aircraft: Insect Construct
Fighter or Bomber:
Weapon Type:
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Classification: Vanguards
A Canoptek Acanthrite is an autonomous Necron war construct which resembles a monstrous, artificial insect enfolded in shadowed wings of tenebrous force that propel it through the skies. Canoptek Acanthrites are often encountered in the vanguard of Necron assault spearheads and extermination campaigns. When deployed, their numbers vary from a mere handful to vast hosts of these abhorrent machine-locusts, capable of stripping a city down to rubble and slaughtering its inhabitants in a merciless tide of destruction.
-Cutting Beam: he Cutting Beam mounted within an Acanthrite’s thorax is capable of firing a short range, highly-concentrated shaft of thermic energy that can slice apart the toughest of materials. It can dissect steel, stone and flesh with equal ease and with the precision of a surgeon’s scalpel blade. These lances of burning heat are similar to the blasts of an Imperial Meltagun, except far more focused and prolonged.
-Voidblade: A Canoptek Acanthrite carries a tail-mounted Voidblade, which phases in and out of existence. This allows it to easily slice through molecular bonds and disintegrate foes where they stand.
Defense: Necrodermis
Additional Factors:
-Often move stealthily through the air before launching aerial attacks that slice apart armored vehicles with their cutting beams. They then descend to the ground to smash and hack apart any survivors with their bladed limbs and energy-wreathed stingers.
Doom Scythe
Type of Aircraft: Supersonic Fighter
Fighter or Bomber: Fighter
Weapon Type: Energy
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Classification: Interceptor
Doom Scythes are heralds of terror and dismay, supersonic fighter craft that range far ahead of a Necron invasion. A Doom Scythe is a Necron aircraft and Attack Craft capable of combat operations in both the void and within a planet's atmosphere. The Doom Scythe serves the Necron forces in the interceptor, starship assault and fighter-bomber roles. It is designed to range independently of the main Necron military force whilst visiting terror and destruction upon its enemies. Capable of destroying both infantry and vehicles alike from the air with impunity, a Doom Scythe is a dangerous foe that can often cause significant destruction to an enemy army on its own.
-Death Ray: The Death Ray is a Doom Scythe’s primary weapon, and is capable of vaporizing whole battle lines with a single shot. Equipped as part of an underslung turret, a Death Ray fires a narrow beam of intense energy capable of passing through many enemy units and vehicles before the energy is dissipated, often leaving nothing but a line of ruin in its wake.
-Twin Linked Tesla Destroyer: A Doom Scythe’s secondary weapon is its twin-linked Tesla Destructor which is also mounted upon the same underslung ventral turret as the Death Ray. A Tesla Destructor is mainly an anti-personnel weapon, though only the most heavily armed tanks can risk its wrath with utter impunity. The Tesla Destructor employs much the same lightning-arc technology as found in the smaller Tesla Cannons and Tesla Carbines. Its energy discharges of crackling lightning can wreak terrible harm on living targets; searing their flesh, melting their armour and boiling their blood. Furthermore, the Tesla bolts fired feed off energy released by the destruction they cause, often meaning that the lightning becomes more ferocious with each arc. So powerful are the blasts from a Tesla Destructor, and such is its shocking rapidity of fire, that the lightning emitted is capable of leaping from target to target before it is finally grounded; leaving a trail of smoldering carnage across a broad swathe of the battlefield behind it.
Defense: Necrodermis
Special: Engine Noise
-A Doom Scythe's primary propulsion systems is a scaled up and augmented version of the dimensional repulser drive employed by Tomb Blades. On these smaller craft, the whine of the drive is piercing and discomforting. On a Doom Scythe, the scale and amplitude of the sound is many hundreds times greater; it resonates deep within the primitive core of living brains, playing havoc with memory, perception and sanity. Victims can collapse into a catatonia, slump into slack-jawed vacuity and suffer hallucinations of their dead comrades returned to worm-eaten life. Little wonder is it then that entire armies of battle-tested veterans have been known to throw down their weapons and flee at a Doom Scythe’s onset, or else gouge out their own eyes in futile attempts to stop the images scratching at their senses.
Additional Factors:
-Operate in a highly independent manner.
-Much of the aircraft’s super-structure houses data stacks that are in turn heavily laden with strike plans, stratagems and tactical variants. When faced with a situation outside of known parameters, the pilot can sift through and retrieve the correct response from this data stack. Thanks to the ruthless precision of his android brain, the pilot can simulate billions of possible strategies in the span of a few nanoseconds.
-Because of the pilots robotic nature, the pilot need not worry about mortal frailties, and is able to steer the craft to higher speeds and perform more extreme maneuvers than pilots of flesh and blood. The Doom Scythe is even able to operate in space, as such things as oxygen and pressure are of little consequence to a Necron.
Notable Formation:
-Deathbringer Flight: Few soldiers who stand their ground against a Deathbringer Flight live to tell of the experience, and those that do recount tales of energy beams as thick as a man’s head that cleave through armor with unspeakable ease. With proper programming, a Doom Scythe’s Death Ray projectors can be set to fire in a pattern coordinated with others of its kind, creating a three-sided cage of searing energy. Where the beams overlap, the energy signatures of the Death Rays resonate with one another, exponentially increasing their fury. A Deathbringer Flight formation typically consists of three to five Doom Scythes.
Night Shroud
Type of Aircraft: Highly advanced Bomber
Fighter or Bomber: Bomber
Weapon Type: Explosive
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Classification: Dedicated Bomber
A Night Shroud is a dedicated Necron strategic bomber whose origins date back many millions of Terran years to the lost battles of the War in Heaven. It is a potent relic of that ancient and apocalyptic conflict that the Night Shroud was originally designed and built to carry -- the Death Sphere, a self-enclosed containment vessel carrying an anti-matter warhead capable of wiping from existence anything it encounters. The Night Shroud is larger and more robustly constructed than the far more numerous Night Scythe and Doom Scythe fighter and attack aircraft alongside which it operates. Night Shrouds were used extensively by the nobility of the Necron Maynarkh Dynasty during the Orphean War fought in the Orpheus Sector of the Segmentum Tempestus, flying with their Doom Scythe and Night Scythe escorts whilst they rained destruction down upon the Imperial defenders.
-5 Death Spheres: Unlike the conventional bombing munitions of the younger races of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Death Spheres carried by a Night Shroud and its larger brethren are force field containment vessels that electromagnetically imprison the merest fragment of anti-matter. They are kept out of phase with the rest of the material universe until the sphere detonates, unleashing a wide annihilating energy blast of pure gamma radiation that is capable of destroying virtually anything within its radius. Anything lucky enough to survive the initial detonation is often left blinded and pinned; easy prey for advancing Necron forces that are soon to follow in the bomber’s wake. The true marvel of Necron science is not merely the caging of such destructive forces, however, but their precise control and the safety of their use, for should a Death Sphere be broken by hostile action, its energy harmlessly dissipates out of phase with reality instead of detonating in a likely cataclysmic wave of force upon contacting any form of normal matter.
-Twin Linked Tesla Destroyers: A Night Shroud’s secondary weapon is its twin-linked Tesla Destructors which are also mounted upon an underslung ventral turret. A Tesla Destructor is mainly an anti-personnel weapon, though only the most heavily armed tanks can risk its wrath with utter impunity. The Tesla Destructor employs much the same lightning-arc technology as found in the smaller Tesla Cannons and Tesla Carbines. Its energy discharges of crackling lightning can wreak terrible harm on living targets, searing their flesh, melting their armor and boiling their blood. Furthermore, the Tesla bolts fired feed off energy released by the destruction they cause, so that the lightning released becomes more ferocious with each arc. So powerful are the blasts from a Tesla Destructor, and such is its shocking rapidity of fire, that the lightning emitted is capable of leaping from target to target before it is finally grounded, leaving a trail of smoldering carnage across a broad swathe of the battlefield behind it.
Defense: Necrodermis
Additional Factors:
-Because of the pilots robotic nature, the pilot need not worry about mortal frailties, and is able to steer the craft to higher speeds and perform more extreme maneuvers than pilots of flesh and blood. The Doom Scythe is even able to operate in space, as such things as oxygen and pressure are of little consequence to a Necron.
Catacomb Command Barge
Type of Aircraft: Drone Crafts
Purpose of Aircraft: Troop Transport
Classification: Mobile Command Center
A Catacomb Command Barge, whilst similar in appearance and structure to an Annihilation Barge, serves a very different purpose for Necron forces; whereas Annihilation Barges bring ruination upon the living from a distance, Catacomb Command Barges close on the foe as quickly as possible so that the embarked Necron Overlord can strike at his enemies with sword and scythe. Catacomb Command Barges serve solely as conveyors for Necron nobility, particularly those with a propensity for melee combat. Catacomb Command Barges are far swifter than Annihilation Barges, so that the barge’s master might be conducted to wherever he is most needed, and to ensure that no foes escape their intended fate. It is a near-universal truth that the nobility of every thinking race seek to showcase their status, and the Necrons are no exception.
-Tesla Cannon: Tesla Cannons unleash bolts of living lightning that crackles from foe to foe after hitting its target, charring flesh and melting armor. Tesla bolts feed off the energy released by the destruction they cause, thus making their lightning become more furious with every fresh arc.
-Gauss Cannon: The same weapon as that wielded most commonly by Necron Destroyers, Gauss Cannons make for a reliable weapon that is easily capable of laying waste to enemy infantry through the molecular disassembling beams they deliver; reducing flesh, armor and bone to their constituent atoms.
Defense: Necrodermis
-Quantum Shielding: Catacomb Command Barges are also protected by a layer of Quantum Shielding which exists out of phase from the rest of the vehicle until the moment of deflection. It can deflect the first shot that would otherwise penetrate the Barge’s armor, after which it cannot be used again for some time.
Special/ Detailed Purpose:
-The Command Barge not only allows Necon Lords to survey the battlefield from above, directing troops without fear of being shot at, but it is also capable of deploying troops directly to the field.
-A Catacomb Command Barge is nothing less than a giant carrier wave generator, equipped with sophisticated sub-frequency broadcasting equipment, omnivoxes, and hyperspace transmitters, that allows an Overlord to instantaneously issue commands to nearby troops, Necron forces in the local vicinity and even in orbit, regardless of conditions or interference.
Additional Factors:
-Catacomb Command Barges are first and foremost a way to show how (literally) far above their servants and enemies a Necron Lord or Overlord is.
-Even in the present age, when inspiration has little to do with visibility, an Overlord will often seek a raised vantage point from the battle’s start, so he might better define the enemy’s intended strategy before it unfolds.
Ghost Ark
Type of Aircraft: Transport Barge
Purpose of Aircraft: Heal Downed Troops
Classification: Medic Ship
More so even than other Necron skimmer vehicles, a Ghost Ark bears a resemblance to their architects both in skeletal appearance and in their slow, inevitable progress. Looking somewhat like a fleshless floating rib cage pointing skyward, a Ghost Ark lacks the overwhelming firepower sported by many Necron vehicles; however, the rows of linked Gauss Flayers along each flank are more than capable of defending against most attackers. As with many Necron vehicles, a Ghost Ark’s delicate appearance belies its robust manufacture, constructed as it is of living metal and protected by layers of Quantum Shielding. Ominously trawling the battlefield in the wake of a Necron advance, Ghost Arks provide yet further insurance that the legions continue their fight until the foe is utterly overwhelmed.
Armament: Two Flayer Arrays: Ghost Arks are each armed with two separate arrays of five Gauss Flayers -- one located along each flank -- enabling it to "broadside" enemy units across its sides. These two arrays enable the Ghost Ark to repel any enemy assaulters who manage to flank it, as well as those approaching from the rear due to the Ark’s swift turning speeds.
Defense: Necrodermis
-Quantum Shielding: Ghost Arks are also protected by a layer of Quantum Shielding which exists out of phase from the rest of the vehicle until the moment of deflection. It can deflect the first shot that would otherwise penetrate the Ark’s armor, after which it cannot be used again for some time.
Special/ Detailed Purpose: While these sinister vehicles can serve as ordinary troop carriers, the true potential of the Ghost Arks only becomes apparent once the battle is in full tilt. As it glides ponderously across the battlefield, a Ghost Ark stops for each downed Necron, a veritable tide of minuscule repair Scarabs swarming over the dismembered soldier and carrying its components aboard the Ghost Ark. As the Ghost Ark continues its mission of dark mercy, so the Scarabs continue their work with near-silent efficiency, rebuilding all but the most thoroughly demolished Necrons in short order, returning them to full function. Once its contingent of passengers is full and safely locked in stasis, the Ghost Ark will either return its salvaged cargo to their Tomb World, or travel to wherever reinforcements are most needed to disgorge its payload, much to the dismay of the Necrons’ foes.
Additional Factors:
-Ghost Arks are often pressed into service as conventional transport vehicles, conveying Necron reinforcements to some vital area of the battlefield, or allowing Necron forces to attack from an unexpected quarter.
Notable Formations:
-Ghost Strider Phalanx: Ghost Strider Phalanxes are employed when the Necrons need to capture ground swiftly. They are most effective when fighting at full strength, where the overlapping layers of their Ghost Arks’ Quantum Shielding reinforce one another in a quantum zone. Should a powerful attack be detected, the Ghost Ark’s abnegation protocols seize control of one of its Tomb Blade escorts and hurl it spiraling into the path of the shot, preserving the valuable Ghost Ark from the enemy’s wrath. The formation is invariably guided by a ‘Walker in the Ether’ – a Ghost Ark helmsman who can see pocket dimensions as clearly as he can the physical world. With suitable preparation, the Walker can breach these pocket dimensions, allowing the forces under his command to bypass any foes that stand in their path and cross the battlefield to wherever they are needed. A Ghost Strider Phalanx typically consists of one to three Ghost Arks with embarked Necron Warriors squads, and one to three Tomb Blade units.
Night Scythe
Type of Aircraft: High Tech Jet
Purpose of Aircraft: Troop Deployment
Classification: Repurposed Fighter
The Night Scythe is the Necrons’ favored tool of invasion, a variant of the Doom Scythe that replaces some of that fighter’s heaviest weaponry in favor of a troop transport capacity. This is not to say that a Night Scythe is in any way defenseless -- quite the opposite. Like its counterpart, it is capable of combat operations in both the void and within a planet's atmosphere and it serves the Necron forces in the interceptor, starship assault and fighter-bomber roles. With its turret-mounted Tesla Destructors and the nerve-shredding shriek of its engines, the Night Scythe is a formidable fighter craft in its own right. The Necron units that Night Scythes most commonly carry into battle include Necron Warriors, Immortals, Deathmarks and Lychguard.
Armament: Twin Linked Tesla Destructors: A Night Scythe’s primary weapon is its twin-linked Tesla Destructor, which is mainly an anti-personnel weapon though only the most heavily armed tanks can risk its wrath with utter impunity. The Tesla Destructor employs much the same lightning-arc technology as found in the smaller Tesla Cannons and Tesla Carbines. Its energy discharges of crackling lightning can wreak terrible harm on living targets; searing their flesh, melting their armour and boiling their blood. Furthermore, the Tesla bolts fired feed off energy released by the destruction they cause, often meaning that the lightning becomes more ferocious with each arc. So powerful are the blasts from a Tesla Destructor, and such is its shocking rapidity of fire, that the lightning emitted is capable of leaping from target to target before it is finally grounded; leaving a trail of smoldering carnage across a broad swathe of the battlefield behind it.
Defense: Necrodermis
Detailed Purpose: Should a Phaeron wish to reach out his hand and reclaim one of the planets sundered long ago from Necron rule, his first wave of attack inevitably includes a fleet of Night Scythes. Manoeuvrable enough to evade incoming for from orbital defense platforms and swift enough to outpace mustering defenders, Night Scythes can ghost through a defense perimeter to deploy invasion forces directly at the heart of key enemy installations and strategic locations. Once a foothold has been established, coordinates are relayed to the main army, enabling Monoliths and other Necron forces to teleport into position, and the invasion to begin.
-Wormhole Portal: All Night Scythes are fitted with a captive wormhole portal bound into their lower hull. This portal serves as a dimensional passageway through which Necrons can move from their Tomb World to the target destination once the Night Scythe has landed. Because of the transdimensional nature of this transport "compartment," the Necrons "within" do not suffer any ill effects if the Night Scythe is destroyed. This portal is also capable of allowing Necron jump infantry, such as Triarch Praetorians with Gravity Displacement Packs, and Jetbikes, such as Tomb Blades, to pass through, as their bulky nature is not restricted by a small "interior space" that is the norm in the transports of other star-faring races.
Additional Factors:
-Robotic Pilot; not inhibited by mortal frailties.
-Night Scythes are often employed as far-ranging scout ships, tasked with making contact with other Tomb Worlds or searching out lost Necron planets suitable for reclamation. On worlds where the interlopers are either few in number or primitive in nature, a Night Scythe spearheads a ruthless subjugation. On worlds where other life forms have taken strong root, the pilot of a Night Scythe clandestinely performs probes and biopsies of the inhabitants, preying on isolated settlements and convoys whilst it searches for clues that will identify the inhabiting race’s suitability for apotheosis. Such tests are long and exhaustive, and the pilot is often forced to dissect entire townships in order to harvest sufficient data. On a particularly promising planet, a Night Scythe’s pilot may go as far as to transport living samples back to its Tomb World for further inspection by its Crypteks. Most such subjects do not survive the scientific method that follows, but are instead stripped down molecule by molecule and neuron by neuron. A few abductees are returned to their homes, but even in these cases they are most likely implanted with Mindshackle Scarabs or other mental control mechanisms to enable them to function as unsuspecting Necron spies and saboteurs who will pave the for an imminent invasion.
Notable Formation:
-Translocator Flight: Working in concert, a flight of Night Scythes can combine their wormhole projectors, creating a temporary hyperspace tunnel. Such constructs are relatively short-ranged and are also dangerously unstable. Traversing a hyperspace tunnel is almost instantaneous, but not without risk, for physical laws break down inside such a construct. Necrons, however, survive such journeys far better than mortal beings, for their metallic forms are more suited to enduring the forces within. Thus, when Night Scythes prowl the skies, Necron attack waves might redeploy in an instant, or bypass the main battlefront entirely.
Tomb Spyder
Armor Type: Necrodermis
Type of Support: Maintenance
Classification: Servant Constructs
What Bonus do they give?: Repair & Defense
Canoptek Spyders are massive robotic Necron constructs, their immense weight effortlessly propelled by sophisticated anti-gravitic engines. Their bodies are large and rounded in the shape of a hooded carapace in order to accommodate the internal systems that construct Canoptek Scarabs as needed. This is combined with their multiple limbs and many compound visual sensors which stare out from a featureless, metallic block, give an arachnoid aspect that enhances the fearful appearance of these monstrous robots. The Fabricator Claw Arrays that allow Canoptek Spyders to effect repairs on nearly any of a Necron tomb’s systems also make for frighteningly destructive weapons. Canoptek Spyders also sometimes sport additional weaponry to better repel crypt intruders. When the Necrons do rise from their crypts, Canoptek Spyders often accompany them in battle, both for their combat abilities and their capability for repairing damage that is beyond even the abilities of their Necron masters’ advanced regenerative systems.
Armament: A Spyder can be found equipped with any of the following:
-Fabricator Claw Array: A Fabricator Claw Array is primarily used by Canoptek Spyders to effect repairs upon nearby Necron vehicles by repairing engine drives and weapons that have been disabled during battle, although they can perform greater tasks if given sufficient time. However, they also make powerful close combat weapons.
-Gloom Prison: A Gloom Prism can generate energy fields which create zones that are shrouded and shielded from Warp-spawned powers, such as that of psykers.
-Twin Linked Particle Beamer: Canoptek Scarabs focused on sentinel duties are often armed with twin-linked Particle Beamers upon their backs. Particle Beamers emit streams of minuscule anti-matter particles that detonate on contact with matter. They are incredibly reliable, needing only enough energy to maintain the containment field that prevents their anti-matter from detonating within the weapon’s mechanisms. Particle Beamers are capable of causing small high-strength blasts amongst their target that are capable of wounding all but the hardiest of infantry.
Defense: Necrodermis
Special/Detailed Purpose: Unlike their Necron masters, Canoptek Spyders never sleep, but wile away the aeons servicing the structures of their Tomb World, guarding their slumbering superiors and maintaining the complex stasis machines that house them. Even in their prime, these systems required constantly looped maintenance cycles lest they degraded beyond repair, and the withering centuries have only hastened this natural decay. It is a task both endless in scope and thankless in nature, but Canoptek Spyders are patient unto eternity. After the tomb’s primary sentinel computer, Canoptek Spyders are the chief coordinators of a Necron tomb’s guardians.
-Canoptek Spyders whose primary duties are oversight, rather than direct action, will craft slaved hosts of Canoptek Scarabs and Nanoscarabs within their abdomens, which are unleashed to effect repairs on nearby Necrons or consume enemies, weapons and armor. Canoptek Spyders also act as mobile Canoptek Scarab hives, and can expend energy to create a Canoptek Scarab swarm. However, there is a chance that the Spyder will drain excess energy in the production of a swarm and take some form of damage to its internal systems. Produced Scarabs will often be sent to affect repairs under the direction of their Spyder master, or to repel enemies that threaten their Necron masters.
-In essence, the Spyders are there to protect their Necron masters, whether it is from the slow decay of time by maintenancing them or their systems or from invaders by slicing them to bits, Spyders will do whatever it takes, even if it means sacrificing themselves.
Additional Factors:
-Spyders will have different weapons depending on their function.
-Spyders will willing sacrifice themselves if it means saving their Necron masters.
-Whilst Canoptek Spyders are not sentient by any strict definition, their complex and layered sub-routines are incredibly resilient and can adapt to most situations. If a triad of Canoptek Spyders are operating in concert, one takes overall command, harnessing the processing capacity of the others to create a gestalt super-mind far greater than the sum of its parts. This hyper-efficiency is passed onto all Canoptek Wraiths and Canoptek Scarabs in the immediate vicinity, allowing the Canoptek Spyders to affect an extremely well-coordinated and precise response to any threat, be it a failed stasis-matrix or an enemy incursion. So it is that any intruders to a Necron tomb are often slain before catching so much as a glimpse of a Necron, having already been overwhelmed by swarms of Canoptek Scarabs and Canoptek Wraiths silently directed by a looming Canoptek Spyder; thus ensuring the safety of their slumbering masters.
Notable Formations:
-Canoptek Swarm: Canoptek Scarabs can burrow through the bedrock of a world with a speed that far outstrips the most efficient Imperial drilling machines, creating passageways broad enough to allow the admission of Canoptek Spyders to oversee their work. Thus can the walls of impressive defensive bulwarks and fortresses be undermined, and their perimeters be outflanked. The only warning of an incoming Canoptek Swarm is a deep thrum of muffled chittering, easily lost in the roar of battle. When the swarm deems the time right, walls shatter and buildings collapse as the ground beneath them gives way. As the buzzing rises to an ear-splitting crescendo, great boreholes open up, spewing dense clouds of Scarabs and hulking Canoptek Spyders into the enemy’s midst. A Canoptek Swarm formation typically consists of three to six separate Canoptek Scarab swarms, accompanied by one to three Canoptek Spyders
Armor Type: Necrodermis / Varied
Type of Support: Varied
Classification: Technological Masters & Engineers
What Bonus do they give?: Varied
A Cryptek is one of the technologists and engineers of the Necron race, and they are responsible for studying and maintaining the technology of the Necron dynasties. A Cryptek's powers mirror that of the psykers found amongst the other intelligent species of the galaxy. However, while psykers channel the energies of the Warp to accomplish their seemingly supernatural feats, a Cryptek uses his highly advanced knowledge of science and technology to manipulate the universe's fundamental forces and produce many of the same seemingly magical effects. What a Cryptek often accomplishes with his technology is nothing short of magical to the eyes of the lesser intelligent races. With his knowledge of arcane sciences, a Cryptek can transmute a foe into liquid adamantium, turn him into a speck of dwarf star matter, set the air ablaze, call down eldritch bolts of lightning and other equally impressive feats of technological arcana.
Loadout: Most Crypteks will be armed with a type of staff that contains arcane technologies used to unleash his techno-sorcerous powers against the enemy. Weapons that are specific to a certain type of Cryptek discipline will be listed below, but the most generic weapon for a Cryptek is…
-The Staff of Light: The Staff of Light is both a weapon and a symbol of authority for those Crypteks who have no real specialization in the arts of techno-sorcery. Its haft is actually a disguised power generator rod, and the crest is a finely tuned focussing device, allowing the wielder to unleash searing bolts of energy at his foes.
Defense: Necrodermis: Like all Necrons, Crypteks are composed of the living metal called Necrodermis, which allows them to self-repair even catastrophic amounts of damage. Of course, individual disciplines will have additional defenses, listed below.
Cryptek Disciplines:
The Crypteks have developed countless disciplines of techno-sorcery, down through the aeons. Further, each individual Cryptek makes its own unique advancements in its chosen expertise. As such, it is unlikely for two Crypteks to ever wield quite the same abilities and weapons. Presented here are the five most common Cryptek techno-sorcery disciplines, but by no means are these the only ones, as there are literally hundreds of thousands of such disciplines in use by the different Cryptek Conclaves:
*Harbinger of Despair (Psychomancer)
Accomplished psychomancers are amongst the most keenly retained of all Crypteks. If their abilities are employed properly, the enemy's morale will be quickly shattered within moments of the battle's start.
-Nightmare Shroud: When this small, black cask is opened, the worst terrors of a thousand aeons are unleashed on the Cryptek's foes, assailing their enemies with phantasms of dread as potent as any mortal danger.
-Veil of Darkness: With a simple wave of its skeletal hand, the Cryptek can summon a billowing sheet of almost tangible shadow, enveloping it and nearby allies before disappearing along with the enshrouded Necrons. When the darkness ebbs, the Cryptek and his comrades have disappeared, only to rematerialise some distance away.
-Abyssal Staff: Crypteks that are accomplished Psychomancers utilize Abyssal Staves. As dark as onyx and decorated with symbols designed to prey on the subconscious fears of mortals, an Abyssal Staff blasts the sanity of a Psychomancer's foes. To succumb to the swirling ebon mists called by the Abyssal Staff is to be swallowed in impenetrable darkness.
*Harbinger of Destruction (Plasmancer)
Plasmancers are not subtle beings, for they choose to wield raw energy rather than go to the trouble of binding it into other forms. Thus are they known as Harbinigers of Destruction, as the spread of destruction is their gift to the galaxy.
-Gaze of Flame: Some Plasmancers choose to implant hidden weaponry within their own bodies. Many Necrons find this practice unsavory, at best. Few, however, would question a Harbinger of Destruction to his face, particularly when that face may conceal all manner of terrifying weaponry. When in battle, the eyes of a Cryptek who has granted himself the Gaze of Flame burn with an unnatural, ghostly fire.
-Solar Pulse: Often incorporated into an Eldritch Lance, the Solar Pulse unleashes a sizable portion of the Lance's energy, not as a coherent beam, but as a flash of light bright as a solar flare.
-Eldritch Lance: The Eldritch Lance is utilized by Crypteks who are also Plasmancers and are able to wield raw energy. This long stave is laced with arcane circuitry, its flared tip studded with focusing crystals. An Eldritch Lance emits a beam of annihilating energy, compared to which the Staff of Light seems but a toy. The passage of its blasts of furious energies can make even the air scream in agony. For those rare cases when the Cryptek's enemies survive long enough to engage him in close combat, the Eldritch Lance can be wielded in a manner akin to a spear.
*Harbinger of Eternity (Chronomancer)
Chronomancers are known as Harbingers of Eternity, as knowledge of the future flows through their every act. Few Harbingers of Eternity are trusted, as they always have a shrewd idea of how any event will unfold.
-Chronometron: The bearer of this arcane device exists slightly outside the flow of time, allowing him to glimpse possible futures and modify his recent actions accordingly. A Cryptek utilizing a Chronometron appears blurred, its movements sudden and spasmodic like a primitive pict-reel or degraded hololith.
-Timesplinter Cloak: The most accomplished of chronomancers can weave together disparate strands of time, forming an unassailable shield against any attack that does not originate from the time stream corresponding to the precise moment of impact.
-Aeonstave: Utilized by Crypteks that are masters of Chronomancy, the crystalline sapphire head of an Aeonstave generates a kind of low-level stasis field that contains a massive chronal charge. With each blow from the Aeonstave, the energies unleashed will encapsulate and trap the Cryptek's enemy in a bubble of slow-time.
*Harbinger of the Storm (Ethermancer)
Harbingers of the Storm are ethermancers, with the fury of the turbulent skies at their command. They can summon lightning, or set enraged winds upon the foe.
-Ether Crystal: An Ether Crystal can control the fundamental forces of nature, summoning storms from tranquillity and lightning from clear skies. In seconds, the chosen area is assaulted by gale-force winds from nowhere as black storm clouds gather to block out the sky.
-Lightning Field: A Cryptek equipped with a Lightning Field is surrounded by crackling, incandescent electricity that arcs across his body and any nearby Necrons. Bolts of emerald lightning arc between the Cryptek and his comrades, electrocuting any foe who comes near.
-Voltaic Staff: The Voltaic Staff is used by those Crypteks who are Ethermancers. Energy continuously crackles along the length of this heavy staff, arcing between exposed storage crystals. An ideal weapon for the Cryptek who wishes to demonstrate the superiority of Necron technology, the impossibly high voltages emitted by the staff are enough to fry even the most sophisticated Imperial technology. Just as the Ethermancer commands the Voltaic Staff, the Voltaic Staff commands lightning.
*Harbinger of Transmogrification (Alchemist)
Harbingers of Transmorgrification are adepts of geomancy and masters of the science once known to Mankind as alchemy. These Crypteks specialise in the transmutation of matter from one form to another and the instilling of animus within inanimate objects.
-Harp of Dissonance: any an enemy has underestimated the power of this strange, alchemical weapon, most often fatally. An irregularly shaped metallic casket, a Harp of Dissonance is laced with numerous strings of different materials, each perfectly calibrated to a precise level of tension. A correctly played note, when amplified and focused through the arcane technology housed within the Harp, can burst the molecular bonds of nearly any material, transmuting it to brittle porcelain.
-Seismic Crucible: A skilled geomancer with a Seismic Crucible may command the very earth beneath his feet and, more importantly, the feet of his enemies. The Harbinger of Transmogrification can precipitate a powerful, localized quake.
-Tremorstave: A Tremorstave is utilized by those Crypteks who are adepts of Geomancy and masters of the science once known as alchemy. A large staff enclosing numerous gyro-engines, grav-flux generators, and other sophisticated devices, a Tremorstave is as deadly a weapon as it is unconventional. When a Cryptek drives the tip of his Tremorstave into the ground, a wave of energy is released, traveling in a straight line directly towards his intended target, splitting the very ground open and sending shards of stone and sprays of dirt blasting out with deadly velocity; knocking any survivors sprawling.
Special/Detailed Purpose:
-Masters of technology that are able to bend the very forces of the universe to their will, the exact purpose of a Cryptek varies for each individual and the needs of the Necron army at the time. Crypteks can utterly destroy an enemy's moral, utterly destroy whole platoons of soldiers, warp the very environment to suit them or use their knowledge to predict/see the future. It all depends on what the Necron Overlord in charge needs at the time and what Crypteks he has on hand.
Type: Anti-Air
An Obelisk is a Necron air-defense construct and a near-indestructible war machine, similar in design to a Monolith but wholly different in function and purpose. These cyclopean mobile fortresses’ function is to watch and wait for that inevitable day when a lesser race chances its army against a Necron Tomb World. They are almost undetectable whilst dormant, and are able to be sustained in such a state for thousands -- if not millions -- of standard years on the merest trickle of power. An Obelisk awakens to full function only when it detects enemy aircraft in the skies above its Necron masters’ Tomb World, and the skies grow dark with the shadows of dogfighting flyers. By manipulating its home planet’s gravitic field, an Obelisk is able to rise into the air from beneath the Tomb World’s crust, its approach swift but silent. Should an enemy aircraft stray too close, the Obelisk is able to trigger a Gravity Pulse, an expanding sphere of earth-shaking force that blows enemy aircraft out of the sky and sends the intruder hurtling to a fiery death. As such, when an Obelisk activates, it rises to complete dominance above the war-torn surface of its home world. It will annihilate every enemy in the airspace around it and even obliterate ground-based targets with its eldritch Tesla Spheres.
-Gravity Pulse: When a Gravity Pulse is triggered by an Obelisk, the construct manipulates the natural gravitic fields of the planet it is located on to produce an expanding wall of earthshakingly powerful force. If an enemy aircraft is hit by this sphere of force, it inevitably is smashed aside and severely damaged, often being turned into a plummeting wreck as the pilot loses control of his aircraft.
-4 Tesla Spheres: A Tesla Sphere is a form of Necron Tesla Weapon. An Obelisk mounts four around its hull to provide it with a defense against anything that enters the airspace around the war machine. Tesla Spheres have an extremely high rate of fire, even more so than a Tesla Destructor, and unleash bolts of living lightning that crackle from foe to foe after hitting their target, charring flesh and melting armor. Tesla bolts feed off the energy released by the destruction they cause, thus making their lightning become more furious with every fresh arc.
Sentry Pylons
Type: Anti-Air / Anti-Armor
Smaller than the heavy defensive Gauss Pylon weapons previously encountered in defense of active Necron Tomb Worlds and major invasion forces, Sentry Pylons fill the role of tactical artillery support and localized air defense units. They are entirely autonomous, self-sustaining and capable of limited battlefield mobility and self-repair, making for a formidable weapon platform, while their firepower, as with many observed Necron war machines, vastly exceeds any equivalent Imperial design of similar size.
All Sentry Pylons are armed with ONE of the following:
-Gauss Exterminator: Designed to track and engage targets at great range, a Gauss Exterminator is a powerful weapon capable of atomizing enemy armor and aircraft in a blaze of baleful light long before they can reach the Necrons’ battle lines. The Exterminator's range is so great that that its victims' first hint of danger is the flash of searing viridian light that heralds their destruction. Larger and more potent examples of the hellish energy weapons carried by Necron soldiery, Gauss Exterminators can also be employed against ground targets with no loss of effectiveness, scouring vast areas clear of life and cutting buildings down to little more than smoking rubble and debris to secure an invasion zone.
--Heat Cannon: A Heat Cannon is a thermal energy weapon of extraordinary power and, although considerably shorter ranged than the Gauss Exterminator, it can reduce the most heavily armored tanks into piles of molten slag and burn its way through the most heavily protected fortifications at great distances. With every beam it fires, it is capable of vaporizing everything in an area with a small blast, and its effects on armored vehicles and bunkers are similar to those caused by Imperial Melta Weapons.
-Focussed Death Ray: he coruscating beams of force Focussed Death Rays emit are able to slice through the ranks of enemy soldiers and armored battle-tanks with contemptuous ease. Utilizing an advanced focussing array, a Sentry Pylon is able to project the crackling ray over far greater distances than previously encountered versions of the weapon, and with a destructive potential that is horrifyingly effective. When fired, a beam fired by a Focussed Death Ray will vaporize everything along its line of fire, and often passes through several enemy units before the energy finally dissipates.
Some Sentry Pylons have also been known to be equipped with the following:
-Teleportation Matrix: A Teleportation Matrix is an advanced piece of Necron technology that allows a Sentry Pylon to phase itself into position onto a battlefield, either transporting itself from a stasis-tomb underground, somewhere else on the planet, or even from another planet.
-Sepulchral Scarabs: Sepulchral Scarabs are a specialized variant of Canoptek Scarabs that some Sentry Pylons carry into battle. If the Sentry Pylon is damaged, Sepulchral Scarabs will emerge from their hiding places on the Pylon’s carapace to quickly repair the construct, granting the automated construct immense regenerative properties.
Notable Formation: Necron Pylon Network: The grandest of ancient Necrontyr Tomb Worlds are guarded by vast networks of living metal pylons. These unfeeling constructs rise from the desiccated sands whenever intruders dare to venture into the realms of their slumbering masters, obliterating the enemies of the Necrons while shrouded from retaliation by the energy of the vast underground generators that power them. A Necron Pylon Network is similar to a Gauss Pylon Network, except it consists of a linked multitude of both Gauss Pylons and smaller Sentry Pylons. In these formations, dark webs of crackling energy surround the network, obscuring it from the primitive sensor devices of younger races, and making the Pylons within it far harder to target.
Gauss Pylon
Type: Anti-Air / Anti-Armor
A Gauss Pylon is a mysterious static Necron defense turret armed with a potent Gauss Weapon known as a Gauss Annihilator. Gauss Pylons were first encountered and recorded by the Imperium on the uncharted Tomb World of WDY-272. Rising suddenly from the desert sands, the Gauss Pylons opened fire without warning and with devastating effect. Tanks and armored carriers burned as the crescent-shaped weapons tore through an unsuspecting Imperial Guard column whilst resisting all return fire. Necron attacks supported by Gauss Pylons often teleport to the surface of a planet, or suddenly rise from the ground after their long dormancy to engage any trespassers upon a Tomb World. A Gauss Pylon is incredibly well-armored for its static defense role, and is able to hold off, or destroy, whole armies alone whilst further Necron reinforcements teleport into combat all around it.
Armament: Gauss Annihilator: A Gauss Pylon draws energy from a main Necron power matrix, before discharging it through its hard-wired weapon systems. However, the most fearsome weapon of a Gauss Pylon is its Gauss Annihilator -- a tight beam version of a Particle Whip that is capable of engaging targets at extreme ranges. Sophisticated guidance and target-lock systems are combined with a rapid rate traverse to allow Gauss Pylons to engage ground units and incoming aircraft alike with unparalleled ease, thus also making a Gauss Pylon an extremely effective air-defense turret. Gauss Annihilators can also be fired as a flux arc similar to the Gauss Flux Arcs mounted on a Monolith. However, a Gauss Pylon's version of this weapon is stronger and can even destroy Space Marines with comparable ease in a larger radius as anti-matter beams lance out all around its emitter.
Defense: Necrodermis & Phase Shift Generators
Special: Teleportation: Gauss Pylons are capable of teleporting around the battlefield, allowing them to better target their enemies, or to move out of the way of powerful attacks.
Notable Formations:
Gauss Pylon Network: Utilizing the Necron’s unmatched mastery of space-time manipulation and inter-dimensional physics (laws of the universe that the Imperium is still wholly ignorant of); Gauss Pylons can be carefully positioned within four dimensional space-time and become interconnected through extra dimensional space, much like Monoliths in a Monolith Phalanx. Gauss Pylons in this network can then generate shimmering energies by emitting a specific frequency waveform that distorts space-time. Two or more Gauss Pylons in a Gauss Pylon Network can create a Nightshroud barrier between them. Enemy shots which pass through this barrier lose energy and strength whilst the Nightshroud also obscures those Necrons lying in wait behind it. The extra dimensional energies that pervade a Nightshroud barrier are also anathema to psykers and as such they cannot unleash their psychic powers through it. However, if three or more Gauss Pylons in a Gauss Pylon Network are close enough, they can project a nodal grid, which bolsters the Necrons within the grid itself by increasing their resistance to damage, making them all but impossible to destroy. A Gauss Pylon Network acts as a null field upon the battlefield, completely draining the energies of psykers trapped within it. As yet, this configuration has only been encountered once, during the infamous Artaxexes Incident. The existence of such potent alien technology is kept secret by the Ordo Xenos, lest awe at the power of the Necrons should spread heresy throughout the upper echelons of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Necron Pylon Network: The grandest of ancient Necrontyr Tomb Worlds are guarded by vast networks of living metal pylons. These unfeeling constructs rise from the desiccated sands whenever intruders dare to venture into the realms of their slumbering masters, obliterating the enemies of the Necrons while shrouded from retaliation by the energy of the vast underground generators that power them. A Necron Pylon Network is similar to a Gauss Pylon Network, except it consists of a linked multitude of both Gauss Pylons and smaller Sentry Pylons. In these formations, dark webs of crackling energy surround the network, obscuring it from the primitive sensor devices of younger races, and making the Pylons within it far harder to target.
Imotekh the Stormlord
"You have ruled this galaxy for ten thousand of your years, and yet have so little to account to show for your efforts. Such failure must be as depressing to bear as it is shameful to behold!"
Nemesor Imotekh awoke from the Great Sleep of 60 million standard years to find his Tomb World in disarray. Mandragora had survived the aeons mostly intact, only to fall foul of unrestrained ambition. The Sautekh crownworld’s ruling Phaeron had been one of the few to perish during hibernation and, once they had quashed immediate alien threats, the remaining Sautekh nobles had moved to seize the throne. A decade of internecine civil war followed, with no faction able to gain victory. During this time, the revivification of high-ranking nobles was suspended, as neither side wished to awaken further competitors. Had the situation continued, Imotekh would likely have slumbered until the civil war had torn Mandragora apart. As it was, one of the pretenders struck upon the idea of recruiting the famous general to his cause -- with such a supporter in thrall, victory could not fail to be his.
However, when Imotekh awoke, he was both enraged and appalled at the anarchy about him. Realizing that Mandragora’s only hope of restoration lay in the civil war ending as swiftly as possible, he refused to support either noble faction. Instead, Imotekh marshaled an army of his own, destroyed the chief antagonists, and claimed Mandragora’s throne for himself. The newly crowned Phaeron thereafter forbade any form of infighting within his realm, declaring such activities to be a waste of time, effort and resources. This law was ill-observed at first, but quickly became the norm after Imotekh had proven his willingness to make terminal examples of those who flouted his authority. Between this rule of iron and a swift string of military successes against nearby worlds, Imotekh’s position became unassailable, Indeed, to this day his only true rival within the Sautekh Dynasty is the famed Nemesor Zahndrekh of the crownworld of Gidrim, but the old general’s loyalty is as unquestionable as his wits are addled, so he is of little threat.
Imotekh is a grand strategist, perhaps the most accomplished the galaxy has ever known. His campaigns operate not only across worlds, but across entire star systems and sectors. When Imotekh launches an attack, it is impossible to discern if it is the main thrust of his strategy or simply a decoy raid, crated to bleed enemy reinforcements away from a battle yet to come. All such assaults are carefully weighted to overwhelm enemy forces already in place, requiring the foe to either sacrifice his troops or reinforce them -- and Imotekh’s plans are always many stages ahead, set to take advantage of either course. Indeed, the Stormlord’s battle plans are incredibly versatile, seeded with feint attacks, counter-strategies and other contingencies enacted automatically should certain circumstances be triggered or thresholds crossed. To the outside observers, there is something almost mystical to Imotekh’s methodology, for how else could he so flawlessly anticipate the unseen? Yet in truth there is nothing more at play here than the careful application of probabilities and logic, combined with a canny understanding of the foe’s mindset.
So impeccable are the logical patterns behind the Stormlord’s strategies that the only way a foe can truly gain meaningful advantage is to abandon all logic themselves -- something that most enemies find incredibly difficult to do. However, Orkish anarchy achieves this as naturally as breathing. Thus does the Stormlord hate Orks above all the lesser races of the galaxy for, no matter how hard he tries, he rarely wins a lasting victory over the rabble some Greenskins.
If the Stormlord has one weakness, it is a prideful need to display his superiority over those enemy commanders foolish enough to stand against him. High ranking enemies are often set free upon their defeat so that they will have to live with the knowledge of their inadequacy. This is a lesson invariably reinforced by physical mutilation -- a severed limb normally being the favored method. Yet with every battle, these surviving foes learn a little more of the Stormlord’s methods and the best of them only become more determined to see his campaigns ended once and for all. High Marshal Helbrecht of the Black Templars in particular, has run the Stormlord close on more than one occasion, though victory has thus far eluded his armored grasp.
The fact that Imotekh suffers from such a personal form of martial hubris stands in stark contrast to the analytical and emotionless detachment he displays when planning and conducting campaigns. It is possible that stasis-induced eccentricity is to blame, but for which trait? Is Imotekh a master strategist whose engrammic damage spurs him to seek personal glory, or a bellicose warrior granted strategic genius through an accident of fate? In the end, it does not matter. If Imotekh’s defeat comes, it is sure not to be at the hands of a superior strategist, but rather at the hands of a more accomplished warrior.
-Imotekh’s domain is growing at a rate unparalleled amongst the Necron dynasties. Four score Tomb Worlds lie under his regal command, and five times as many alien-held planets pay direct or indirect tribute -- the number of alien civilizations Imotekh has destroyed during his campaigns cannot easily be counted. Such a realm is nothing when compared to the galaxy-spanning Imperium or the Necron dynasties at the height of the glory during the War in Heaven, but it is nonetheless impressive for the work of a mere two hundred Terran years.
*Notable Campaigns:
-Hypnoth: Imotekh’s campaigns are halted briefly by the Imperium’s resolute defense of the Forge World Hypnoth. Imperial Guard and Space Marine reinforcements flood into the battle zone, and though they cannot achieve a lasting victory, they succeed in tying down the Necron assault for several months. Encouraged by the prophecies of the astromancer Orikan the Diviner, Imotekh finally breaks the stalemate by launching a series of attacks on Hypnoth’s supply worlds Praedis-Zeta and Nyx. The first two raids perform entirely as expected, with the worlds laid to waste and their vital supplies destroyed or claimed by the Sautekh forces. However, an unforeseen Tyranid infestation on Nyx wreaks havoc amongst the Necron forces and threatens to completely derail Imotekh’s entire campaign. Nevertheless, Imotekh rises to the challenge, weaving a strategy that manipulates the Tyranid swarm into venting its fury on the remaining Imperial defenders. With both sides thus distracted, Imotekh is able to extricate his remaining forces.
Some time later, Sautekh Crypteks succeed in introducing a mechanophage into the defense systems of the Forge World Hypnoth, reducing its formidably armed bastions to helpless ferrocrete shells. Despite a valorous defense by the Flesh Tearers and Iron Hands Space Marines, Hypnoth is conquered by the Necrons within days.
-The Battle of Schrödinger VII: In 930.M41, the forces of the infamous Necron Overlord Imotekh the Stormlord, Phaeron of the powerful Sautekh Dynasty, descended upon the frozen plains of the Imperial Ice World of Schrödinger VII. The Necrons drove the local defenders to the shelter of the labyrinthine cryonite mines, but were unable to prevent the planet's Astropathic Choir from dispatching a distress hymnal. A counterattack swiftly arrived in the form of a Black Templars strike force under the command of Marshal Helbrecht. Imotekh was not caught by surprise so easily, and had already shifted his undying Necron armies into a formidable defensive configuration. Helbrecht lead the assault, intended as a crippling alpha strike, but was instead blunted by a series of impeccably-planned Necron ambushes on the Space Marines' Drop Pod and Thunderhawk drop zones. As the frozen caverns echoed to the roar of explosions, scores of Black Templars and Necrons alike were hurled into rivers of molten cryonite. Eventually, Imotekh and Helbrecht met in single combat atop the stalactite-heavy span of an ice bridge. In the battle that followed, Helbrecht, driven by zeal and hatred of the xenos, dealt Imotekh a dozen ruinous blows, but each time the Phaeron's living Necrodermis was able to quickly repair in a matter of seconds. Despite being the better swordsman, Helbrecht failed to land a truly crippling blow on his opponent, and as the duel drew on, the Marshal finally collapsed under the assault of the Necron Overlord, blood flowing from a score of serious wounds. However, instead of finishing off his opponent, Imotekh brought his Warscythe down and merely severed Helbrecht's right hand to remind the Marshal of his "much-deserved defeat". Helbrecht roared in fury and pain as Imotekh pitched him off the ice bridge to the frigid cavern floor far below. The surviving Black Templars quickly rallied to their fallen Marshal's side and made a fighting retreat, leaving Schrödinger VII in the Stormlord's hands. Following this humiliating defeat, Helbrecht swore an Oath of Vengeance against the Necrons in general, and Imotekh in particular, vowing that the next time they met, only one would leave the battlefield alive.
--Style of Leadership: Direct: Imotekh tends to be a very hands on type of leader. Where his men go, he goes. He is capable of directing from the front lines, and will often fight with with his men, tending to target enemy commanders. While he can and will delegate, when it comes to open warfare, unless the situation is totally unwinnable (a very rare situation indeed) Imotekh will be their with the rest of the Necrons.
--Adaptive creativity: 70: Perhaps due to the power of the Necron units, adapting isn't something that happens very often. Usually, a goal can be accomplished through sheer force, something that a Necron warhost's ridiculous firepower can easily accomplish. As such, Imotekh hasn't really been documented being especially adaptive or shown any truly creative battle strategies. Now, due to his success against other Necrons it's likely he had a little bit of adaptability on his side; and it is documented that he was able to get a Tyranid swarm to hamper his enemies for him, so he does score well… just not as well some others.
--Tactics: 90: Imotekh is excellent had directing his troops on the battlefield, eons of experience being put to use.
--Strategy: 95: The Stormlord is perhaps one of the greatest and most accomplished strategists in the known galaxy. His campaigns operate not only across single planets, but across entire sectors of the galaxies and sectors of the cosmos!
--Intuition: 80*: Experience has taught Imotekh to read the flow of battle, and he has shown he can predict where an enemy will likely send their men and plan accordingly. He can also usually tell when a situation is unwinnable, and beat a hasty retreat. That said, he has shown no supernatural awareness
*(The use of Crypteks and The Diviner can boost this score up dramatically)
--Audacity: 90: Imotekhs campaigns tend to be very dramatic, with darkening skies, ominous noises and lights, etc. Given their difficulty with dying, the Necrons can afford to storm even heavily fortified positions with little fear. Occasionally, more stealthy methods are required, but few foes warrant this, thus the far more direct approach.
--Psychological warfare: 85: Imotekh knows the effect emotions have on the lesser races, and plans his movements accordingly. He works to instill fear in the hearts of his enemies, destroying their morale before they ever engage. He plays on the pride of enemy commanders, forcing them into making rookie mistakes.
--Intelligence: 85: Imotekh is certainly very intelligent (Necrons are more advanced them most races) and his experience has helped to enhanced his mind nearly as much as the biotransference. That said, some of his knowledge is likely out of date.
--Experience: 95: The Stormlord has had vastly more experience then many flesh and blood commanders put together. He has fought battles that have lasted hundreds of years and against a whole host of opponents.
--Discipline: 75
--Leadership: 99: There are none that would dare question the Stormlord's orders, and any that might keep their silence regardless. The robotic nature of the lower Necrons means they defer to him as Necron Overlord and follow unquestioningly. Those of similar rank or with personality intact recognize his skill and follow him on those merits.
--Corruption: 99: Imotekh seeks to totally annihilate all non-Necrons in the galaxy. It is his belief that 'only when the galaxy is washed clean with the blood of inferior beings will Necron dominance begin anew.'
--Morale: 100: Necrons are fully confident of their superiority to most races (and in most cases they are more or less right) and are not likely to be intimidated in the slightest. This is further helped by the fact that many of them are completely emotionless and can't feel fear to begin with; and these are lead by even stronger more durable, more arrogant machines.
--Logistics: 100: Necrons have no need of most of the supplies used by flesh and blood armies, and even most robotic armies, as they are able to use their superior technology to create whatever they need on a nano scale.
--Espionage: 85: Necrons, by and large, are not a subtle race. While they are capable of espionage, its often largely unnecessary due to their overwhelming power. However, powerful scanners, units that can move underground, in the air, or invisibly to act as scouts, saboteurs, or assassins raises them up. The fact that they can also hack enemy communications or even go so far as to use precognition to see the future of battles also raises them up.
--Discipline: 95: Most Necrons are soulless machines shackled to the will of their masters and thus incapable of anything less then perfect discipline. That said, some of the higher up Necrons have free wills and arrogant giant egos. While outright defiance is not likely, some of the higher ups may try to undermine each other in order to make themselves look better, which hurts them slightly.
--Army intimidation: 93: A seemingly endless tide of machines marching towards you with unholy light glowing in their eyes, massive machines using almost magical science to achieve astounding and terrible effects, and the fact that no matter what you do its almost impossible to keep these guys down puts them pretty high. They also have a few tricks to lower enemy morale, raising even more. That said, they aren't exactly monstrous looking, and it has been noted that at times the weight of eons is visible on them, causing them to look rather rusty or clunky, which may lower the intimidation factor slightly, though not much.
Reinforcement rate: Upper-Medium to High: This is actually rather hard to figure out, as many Necrons can be rebuilt even if destroyed, allowing them to continue to use the same set of Necrons over and over again. More Necrons can be brought in, either from massive Tomb Ships or from using teleportation technology to open portals between the battle ground world and a Tomb World where many more Necrons are on standby. That said, many Tomb Worlds are still in stasis, and other Necrons are engaged in battles of their own across the stars, so the Necrons won't be able to bring their full weight to bare… though come to think of it, many Necron Overlords would likely find the idea of needing so many troops for what they view as inferior foes absurd. So while Necrons can likely call on more troops then say UNSC, Citadel, or even fellow Warhammer faction Eldar, don't expect Chaos or Swarm Faction levels or troops.
-As though it weren't hard enough to kill a Necron, even doing sufficient damage to them is not always enough. When a Necron is critically damaged to the point where it cannot repair itself on its own, it may teleport back to its Tomb World (or another pre-assigned location) where more extensive repairs can be done, allowing it to continue to fight on at a later date.
-Necron Combat Doctrine: Hibernating deep within the hearts of their Tomb Worlds, the Necrons have been dormant for more than 60 million Terran years. Scattered Necron raiding parties heralded the undying race's awakening to full activity once more in the late 41st Millennium, but now as their thirsty Star Gods, the C'tan, rise to a hungry wakefulness for life energy, the dreaded Necrontyr have returned to claim the galaxy for their own.
Every Necron Tomb World has been constructed to accord to a complex template that was devised by the Necrontyr at the height of their civilization. Utilizing physical principles and technology that have not been rediscovered by any other intelligent species since they began their long sleep, the Necrons created immense subterranean warehouses to store their race for the millions of years they would spend inactive. Using their mastery of advanced inter-dimensional geometry, the Necrons built massive chambers that could house tens of thousands of their kind in a space seemingly larger on the inside than without (IT'S BIGGER ON THE INSIDE!!!!). Deep beneath these pyramidal structures, the Necrons stored their horrific weaponry and erected powerful temporal stabilizers that would shield these warriors and their savage weapons from the ravages of time much like a stasis field.
Each Tomb World, once it has been reactivated, awakens its sleepers in a rigid and predictable algorithmic sequence that is as inevitable as the dying of the stars. First, the Tomb World releases swarms of robotic Canoptek Scarab and Canoptek Spyder constructs to attend to the rudimentary needs of the stasis tombs. Soon after the Necron Warriors are reawakened and begin reconnaissance patrols of the region of the world surrounding their tombs. Using the information gained by these Necron Warriors' scouting missions, the Tomb World's automated systems assess the current circumstances that dominate its environment. According to ancient, pre-determined algorithms, the stasis tombs then bring on-line other Necron machineries and weapons as the circumstances warrant. The Necron Lord or Lords present on the Tomb World are encoded with this information and the data necessary to form artificial personalities so that when they awaken they can embody the singular purpose of the Tomb World and make independent decisions.
A large population centre of one of the galaxy's younger races, usually Mankind, may have been settled unwittingly on what is actually a Necron Tomb World. When this situation is encountered, the Tomb World's encoded programming reacts extremely aggressively to defend its hibernating charges. These Tomb Worlds are the ones that have activated the most rapidly during the current awakening of the Necrons and are now hives of activity for the undying race. As their automated systems delve ever deeper into their existing archives of data and storehouses of units and weapons, the Tomb Worlds whose areas of influence have been "invaded" by the younger races are gearing up to begin what will eventually become a full-scale retaliatory action against the Imperium of Man and any other organized force that stands in the Necrons' way. This is a programmed behavior pattern that Imperial savants have dubbed "the Harvest." When it comes to pass, it will be a genocidal-level event on a par with the War in Heaven against the Old Ones millions of years ago.
-Nodal Command: Necron Tomb Worlds appear to have no permanent organization or command structure, nor is the interaction of the various forces altogether clear to the savants of the Imperium. The Necrons' form of warfare could best be described as a continuous process of causality, as each battle, campaign and Harvest produces preordained responses from the controlling program of the Tomb World. This evolving structure is made possible by a system similar to that used in the most complex assemblies of the Adeptus Mechanicus, which is known as Nodal Command. Nodal Command organization allocates a strict hierarchy to all of the elements within it. This system grants greater operational and decision-making capacity to certain "nodes" whilst slaving the rest of the system to these nodes' autonomous command decisions. Necron Lords form the nodes of the command structure, allowing each Lord an allocated hierarchical value at any given time. Though the Adeptus Mechanicus can only guess at how this Nodal Command system truly operates, they have determined that there are at least four levels of hierarchy within the Nodal Command, which the Tech-priests have designated Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels, in ascending order of command priority. The Nodal Command system is also a communications structure and forms the basis for how intelligence information is gathered and orders issued to the necessary Necron units. The system is often likened to the ancient flow charts once used to design Cogitator algorithms during the Dark Age of Technology.
The decisions taken by a higher-level Necron Lord (such as a Gold-level), give a single, quick response. All relevant data and orders are then automatically disseminated to any subservient Lords -- the Silver-and Bronze-level Lords slaved to the Gold-level commander. In situations where speed is less important than processing all of the relevant information, decision-making defers across several Bronze or Silver-level Lords, and can even devolve down to the individual Necron Warriors at specific times during combat. This system allows for a great deal of coordination when required, but also still leaves room for independent action by distant combat groups should the need arise.
-Escalation: After multiple encounters with the Necrons, it has become obvious to Imperial savants that as a conflict worsens, a Tomb World will temporarily withdraw its existing forces from combat before releasing a new, more potent army led by an extended Nodal Command. Essentially, the more a foe escalates its response to Necron forces, the more devastating will become the Necron offensive. In most situations, only a few Necron Warriors and specialist support units like Destroyers or Wraiths are deployed to defeat an emerging threat. But as resistance grows, so does the strength of the forces that will be released by the Tomb World's autonomic systems to the Nodal Command structure for use by the commanding Necron Lord or Lords.
Combat escalation with the Necrons of a specific Tomb World will grow in this exponential fashion until the forces that are capable of being deployed by the Necrons represent a level of destructive power that can surpass that of any other enemy Mankind has ever faced, including the Tyranids and the Forces of Chaos. Seemingly endless ranks of Necron Warriors will be transported into combat by armadas of newly-awakened Monoliths, while Immortals and Destroyers by the hundreds will be released in relentless waves against enemy troops. Scores of horrific Flayed Ones and Wraiths will terrorize civilian populations and destroy morale behind the front lines. It is believed by many Imperial savants that some Tomb Worlds still maintain a wide variety of units more powerful and destructive than the massed phalanxes of Necron Warriors and Monoliths that have been encountered by the defenders of the Imperium to date. All that is required for these unseen units to be committed to the fight is for the combat to escalate to a level that has not yet been attained. The mind reels from imagining what kinds of horrific machines the Necrons may yet unleash upon an unsuspecting galaxy when this unknown line is finally crossed in the not-too-distant future. The Dead Worlds that have been found close to many present Tomb Worlds scoured of all life are perhaps testaments to the true fate of those who oppose the undying Necrons.
-Null Field Matrices: As creatures long without any kind of spiritual essence, the Necrons cannot project their minds into the Warp or harness its power to any degree. They are unable to use the Warp to journey across the galaxy and are thoroughly bereft of any native psykers. In many ways, this is a boon, for the Empyrean is always a fickle servant, given to wreaking havoc on those who seek to claim its power. Yet this absence of psychic ability enforces its own limitations, particularly when combating creatures to whom sorcery is as much a part of war as conventional munitions, as there is no surer defense against a psyker than another, more powerful, psyker.
To compensate, many Necron Tomb Worlds are shielded from psychic disturbance by vast Null Field Matrices. Developed during the War in Heaven, these networks of anti-psychic field emitters generate an unknown energy field that destabilizes a psyker's connection to the Warp, rendering him unable to utilize his full power. Similarly, daemons in the presence of Null Field Matrices have a tendency to flicker in and out of existence, as if unable to maintain a solid foothold in reality. In the later years of the 41st Millennium, the Null Field Matrix has also proven to have a deleterious effect upon the Tyranids. The vassals of the Hive Mind are not immune to the unsettling soullessness of the Necrons, and the Null Field Matrix only serves to exacerbate this effect on the normally inviolate Hive Mind. Alas for the Necrons, such defenses are far from complete. A Null Field Matrix requires incredible amounts of power to function properly and is a fragile device that must be hidden away at a Tomb World's very heart to prevent its destruction. Nonetheless, they stand as testaments to the Necrons' ability to create a technological defense against any form of attack, no matter its genesis. Additionally, it was a further extension of this same technology that led to the Necrons' uncompleted Great Work, the creation of the network of anti-psychic pylons erected on Cadia and many other worlds across the galaxy that were intended to cut off access to the Warp by all inhabitants of real space forever. Luckily for the psykers of the galaxy, the Necrons entered the Great Sleep before this project could be completed, though it is possible that the Phaerons of the more active dynasties might like to see it completed...
Tomb World Nodal Command Stages:
1. Primary Awakeners - The first elements activated by a Tomb World's autonomic systems once the outside environment has been judged to be receptive to the hibernating Necrons' awakening are the Tomb Spyders. These robotic custodians begin the initial tasks of opening and performing basic maintenance to the Necron stasis tombs. Imbued with the powers of Necron resurrection, the Tomb Spyders activate the Tomb World's initial reconnaissance forces, known as Raiders. Meanwhile, the second group of Primary Awakeners, the smaller robotic constructs called Scarabs, secure the interior of the stasis tombs. In massive swarms numbering in the thousands, Scarabs seek out intruders and carry out any remaining essential maintenance on the stasis tombs' defense systems.
2. Raider Force - Made up of a small number of Necron Warriors and Scarabs, the Raider forces emerge into the outside environment with complete autonomy to carry out their mission as they see fit within the limits of their programming. The Raiders' purpose is to scout the surface of the Tomb World and any nearby star systems, seeking data on the location and status of the galaxy's other intelligent races. The destruction of a Raider force will produce one of two outcomes: the Tomb World may despatch a second Raider force to determine what happened to the first or the Tomb World may proceed immediately to the second stage of activation if a threat has been identified.
3. Reserve Command - After the initial data gathered by the Raiders has been received by the Tomb World, the command of all Raider forces is subsumed under the Nodal Command of a Necron Lord, usually one tasked with a Silver-level of priority. When required, the Reserve Command will enter combat led by this Necron Lord, who also serves as a reserve commander who can take control of any already-deployed Necron forces should their primary Necron Lord be destroyed or incapacitated.
4. Necron Line Formations - The majority of the units that make up a Necron field army are placed under this extension of the Nodal Command. Led by up to 4 Bronze-level Necron Lords, the Line Formations are made up of a wide variety of Necron fighting units. Ground forces are organized into units called phalanxes, which are made up of a core of Necron Warriors transported by Monoliths and supported by secondary fire support units like Destroyers, Immortals and so on. These phalanxes are often accompanied by units comprised of more specialized Necron troop types known as cohorts. The Necron Lords of the Line Formations serve as a battlefield command circuit that is able to pass data between themselves, upload data to the Platinum-level Necron Overlord or call upon the Reserve Command for reinforcements or a more in-depth analysis of tactical information. Each Tomb World may have dozens of full Line Formations, which are activated as needed by Tomb Spyders and inserted into or removed from the Nodal Command as the flow of combat dictates.
5. Priority Command - Three Gold-level Necron Lords form the highest Necron command structure yet encountered by the forces of the Imperium on the battlefield. These Necron Lords are responsible for all strategic decision-making and can override the command and communications of Bronze or Silver-level Necron Lords. They are also capable of committing and commanding the most powerful Necron units known to exist to combat, including the Pariahs, larger war machines like Tomb Stalkers, aerial forces and starships.
6. Platinum-level Commander - No Platinum-level Necron Lord, known as a Necron Overlord, has yet been encountered by the Imperium and their existence has only so far been hypothesized from observing the actions of the Gold-level Necron Lords. It is still speculation amongst the few Imperial savants who have been trusted with data about the Necrons whether the Platinum-level Nodal Command is still hidden on a Tomb World or might perhaps even be the Tomb World itself. The Adeptus Mechanicus' Tech-priests, however, are quite confident that the Platinum-level Necron Overlord is not the C'tan, who do not interact with the Nodal Command structure in any obvious way, and who are, in fact, now the unwilling servants of their former slave race in the form of the C'tan Shards.
Motivation: Long ago the Necron ruled a vast empire that spanned the known universe. Today, as the rise from their Tomb Worlds they find that empire in shambles, and the galaxy plugged by lesser races. Now the Necrons take up arms, ready to rebuilt their dynasties anew. If the blood of uncountable lesser races need be spilled for that to happen, then so be it.
Virtually nothing. Necrons have some of the most advanced technology in existence, and thus have no need to take from others. As machines, they do not need supplies required by most armies. And as they view other races as little better then vermin, they tend to kill just about everyone and thing they meet, so they won't be making any allies. Even slaves are usually put down soon after they've outlived their usefulness. Necrons are out to reclaim their Tomb Worlds from the races that currently inhabit them, and rebuild their lost empire. So while they may claim the world itself, everything else is likely gonna burn.
No listing past opponents?